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The Governess' Training: An Erotic Victorian BDSM Tale (A Victorian BDSM Erotic Romance Book 3)

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by Tamsin Taite

  The Governess' Training:

  An Erotic Victorian BDSM Tale

  Tamsin Taite

  Tab A Slot B Press

  All rights reserved. Except in cases of fair use, no part of this book may be reproduced, transmitted, stored, or distributed without permission of the author or publisher.

  Copyright ©2015 Tamsin Taite

  Published by Tab A Slot B Press

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  All characters are consenting adults eighteen years of age or over. This book is not intended for readers under the age of eighteen or for those offended by strong language and sexual content.

  Virginia's Awakening

  The Governess' Examination

  The Governess' Inspection

  The Governess' Training

  The Governess' Position

  …and coming soon, the final chapter, The Governess, Replaced.

  Inside this book

  “Stand up and meet your new friend,” Mr. Hayes said.

  Virginia stood as gracefully as she could and looked down at the table top. There was a small, dark object seated in the middle. At first she thought it was a little statuette but it seemed too plain. It had the shape of a slightly elongated egg with a flat base that flared out to stabilize it. Because of its dark coloring she couldn't make out if it was stone or a very fine-grained wood.

  She looked up at Mr. Hayes, wondering why he called it her friend. He was watching her closely, his avid stare sending a chill down her spine.

  “You will get to know him, and his friends, very well in the coming weeks. Bend down and give him a kiss.”

  Her brow wrinkled but she didn't question her employer. She placed her hands flat on the desk and bent forward until her mouth lightly brushed the top of the object.

  “Good. Now take him into your mouth, slowly and gently as you did for me in Dr. Talbot's offices.”

  Virginia flushed at the reminder of the time she had suckled his manhood to completion, but her blush was from excitement more than embarrassment. She took a small step back so she could better reach and then parted her lips to take the tip of the object in. It was not very tall, only a few inches, and so at first she concentrated on taking her time to reach the bottom, careful to only move her lips and tongue down a fraction of an inch at a time.

  Mr. Hayes grasped her nipples softly, surprising Virginia and drawing her eyes upwards. He was across the desk from her, reaching his hands out to stroke her breasts. He appeared to be kneeling down, so that his eyes were at the level of the desk and her head.

  “Yesss,” he whispered as she worked her way down. Seeing the way he looked at her, combined with the extra stimulation on her nipples, increased Virginia's arousal greatly. She put even more energy into making this a show for him, imagining it was his member she was servicing.

  After a time he told her to bring her head all the way down, so that her lips touched the desk. Although the statuette wasn't tall, the wideness of its base made this an extremely difficult maneuver. Each time she did this she could feel bits of drool escape the sides of her mouth, allowing saliva to pool around the object.

  This continued on for a long while, until Virginia's jaw began to ache and she grew quite uncomfortable. Mr. Hayes' twisting and pulling at her nipples began to feel almost tortuous. She was aroused enough to crave further stimulation but unable to ask for it, even if she could somehow summon the courage to do so.

  She was finally given a reprieve when Mr. Hayes instructed her to stop and lift it up with her mouth. Virginia tightened her lips around the narrow part just above the base, lifting her head up but not daring to fully stand without explicit orders.

  “Perfect,” he murmured, releasing her nipples and circling the desk to come stand behind her. He reached around her and plucked the object from her mouth. When he had removed it, his other hand pressed her head downwards, turning it sideways so that her cheek was pushed against the pool of spittle that had formed on the desk's top.

  Virginia grimaced as her face slid against the wet desk, tears springing to her eyes at such contemptuous treatment. She could not explain why this bothered her more than Mr. Hayes smacking her with a ruler or making her crawl across the floor, but after all the effort she had just put forth she had been hoping for some praise or a kind word. But she soon found herself with fresh cares, as Mr. Hayes brought the tip of the hard object to the entrance of her back passage.

  The Governess' Training

  Although the preceding week at her aunt's house had felt interminable, Virginia couldn't believe how rapidly everything seemed to move when she had finally presented herself at the Hayes household. The first day had been a blur of polished wood, staircases, and introductions that neatly blended with the rest of her full and exciting week.

  As an avid reader, especially of any novel involving governesses, she had been half expecting any number of common calamities: being shoved away in some distant, leaky attic, treated shabbily by the rest of the staff, being faced with disruptive, spoilt children. Instead she found herself in a large, modern, well-run household, with a generous room that had a very pleasant, sunny aspect. It was far from the servants' wing, but not too tucked away from the family's quarters or the principal rooms of the house.

  Everyone she had encountered so far appeared civil, some even welcoming, especially the nurserymaid and the housekeeper. Her first meeting with Mrs. Hayes and the children had gone quite well. Virginia had found the lady of the house to be an exceedingly pretty woman, whose manner seemed so tranquil it was hard to believe that she suffered such nervous ailments as Virginia had heard. However frequent references to their mutual friend, Dr. Talbot, assured Virginia that Mrs. Hayes talked of herself as an invalid more than enough to make up for anyone else's doubts.

  The children might have been spoilt if their mother weren't so indolent, but happily she hadn't the energy or health to do so. As it was, the household revolved around Mrs. Hayes' nerves and her need for peace and quiet, and so the children had been well trained to mind themselves. They reveled in the praise they received from their mother for good behavior and from their father for locating Portugal on a map or reciting a line of scripture, and seemed to seek nothing more than further opportunities for showing themselves studious and good.

  All in all it was an auspicious beginning of Virginia's employment and her first letter home to her aunt was full of high hopes and cheerful praise. Her happiness was only augmented when one night, as she retired from dinner, Mr. Hayes offhandedly mentioned he'd like to see her in his study whenever she found herself at leisure that evening.

  Entering Mr. Hayes' study, Virginia felt her pulse quicken. She couldn't deny that her wishes fell more on the side of welcoming a solo audience with him, but she had recently become very aware that her education in what a man requires of of a woman was sorely lacking, and so she worried about her lack of preparation. She quietly closed the heavy panelled door behind her and nervously approached his desk.

  Mr. Hayes had looked a little tired when she'd first peeked in through the door, but on seeing her his eyes woke up.

  “Are you settling in well, Miss Ashby?” he asked.

  “Yes Mr. Hayes, quite well,” she said.

  “And your rooms are comfortable?”
  They went on in this manner for a few minutes, covering all aspects of her first week with them as she gradually relaxed. Finally he reached an end to his questions and stood. Smiling gently at her, he said, “Mrs. Hayes is delighted with you, and if you continue on in this way I trust I will be as well.”

  “Thank you, sir,” Virginia answered, starting to rise as well, thinking this was the end to their interview. But when he came to her side of the desk he put his hand on her shoulder familiarly, and said, “There is one item I should like to address before you retire—your uniform.”

  Wrinkling her brow as she looked down, Virginia bit her lip, unsure what he found lacking. Her aunt had ordered two new outfits for her, demure and fitting to her station, but perhaps she or the dressmaker had misjudged their suitability. Seeing her confusion Mr. Hayes stroked her forehead with his other hand and reassured her there was nothing amiss in her dress. “I'm speaking of what's underneath.” Virginia's breath hitched. This was the moment she had been waiting for, and she hoped that she could undress herself without trembling too much. With one final caress he let her go and walked over to the room's side door. Opening it, she saw him gesture to someone and then one of the upper parlor maids entered, carrying a basin and some towels.

  Her eyes wide, Virginia looked to Mr. Hayes, who said, “This is Emma, she will aid you in undressing and then tend to you.”

  Virginia blushed and could hardly meet Emma's eyes. The maid's manner, however, was entirely composed. She could look straight at Virginia with no embarrassment or confusion, which only heightened Virginia's disquiet. As Virginia waited stiffly for Emma to begin removing her clothing she felt a familiar twinge between her legs, knowing she was about to be stripped in front of others.

  Emma took her time peeling off Virginia's layers, carrying each garment across the room and carefully folding it before placing it into a growing pile. Mr. Hayes leant against the front of his desk, filling his pipe as he watched the two young girls. The most difficult moments occurred when Emma was carrying away Virginia's chemise, and then later her drawers and stockings. Virginia could not help but fidget and subtly hunch over, not daring to outright cover herself but too uneasy to keep still.

  When Virginia was entirely naked, waiting as Emma took the long trip across the room back to her, Mr. Hayes finally made his displeasure known. He slowly circled the trembling Virginia, clicking his tongue in irritation as she twisted her hands and stooped her shoulders. Stopping back in front of his desk he shook his head and said, “Emma, show Miss Ashby how to display herself properly.”

  “Yes sir,” she answered, hurrying back to Virginia's side. “Place your hands on the back of your neck, Miss, and stretch your elbows out as far as they will go.”

  Virginia adopted the unfamiliar pose, but Emma still found it necessary to take her arms and push them further out. She adjusted Virginia's chin upwards, so that even with her eyes cast down Virginia had a far better view of the room than she wished. Then she felt a soft hand on her thigh and Emma instructed her to spread her legs apart as well.

  Virginia flicked her eyes up to Mr. Hayes when Emma touched her there, but he was busy lighting his pipe, unconcerned by the specifics of what Emma did. Her face burned hotly as she allowed the maid to direct her into what felt like an obscene display of her nakedness. Her chest was thrust forward, as if she meant to draw attention to her pale breasts, and she suspected that with her legs spread like this Emma and Mr. Hayes would be be able to easily see the wetness gathering there. When she was arranged to Emma's satisfaction, Emma stepped back, clasping her hands behind her back and waiting for Mr. Hayes' judgement.

  Then it was his turn to circle Virginia again, finding himself much more content with Virginia's bearing. Arriving back at her front, he took his pipe from between his teeth and nodded. “If you cannot stand gracefully, then you shall display yourself just like this.”

  A long silence followed before Virginia realized he was waiting for her answer and whispered, “Yes, sir,” silently chiding herself for her lack of grace earlier. If only she'd possessed more self-control, she might not be so indecently opened to her audience.

  He nodded to Emma and moved back towards his desk. The maid retrieved a large towel from the items she had brought with her into the room, and spread it on the floor close to the fireplace.

  “If you'll lie down on your back please, Miss,” she said before moving back to fetch another towel. Virginia looked at Mr. Hayes, who nodded to her, and did as Emma had asked. She waited anxiously as she listened to Emma bustle twice through the room. Turning her head to the side she saw that the second towel had been opened to reveal soap, a razor, and a shaving brush. She looked away quickly, her eyes focusing on the ceiling. Surely they wouldn't shave her head?

  Meanwhile Mr. Hayes had knocked the remaining contents of his pipe into the fireplace and walked over to Virginia. Noticing him above her head, she watched as he knelt next to her.

  “You'll need to fold your legs up to your chest, Miss Ashby. Can you manage that?” he asked.

  She bent her legs, but when she began drawing them upwards she moved more slowly, keeping her legs carefully closed. She longed to know why she should curl up into such an absurd position but was too awed by Mr. Hayes to think of asking directly.

  When her knees were as far up as her breasts, Mr. Hayes reached down and grasped them, slipping his hands behind her knees and then pulling up. Virginia let out an exclamation of surprise but it was drowned out by Mr. Hayes' instructions to bring her hands to his. She delicately placed her hands over his, so they were both holding the backs of her knees almost level with her face.

  Her eyes stayed on Mr. Hayes until she felt her legs being drawn apart. She struggled to close her legs but the pressure to part them only increased, and she realized that it was Mr. Hayes' doing. A moment later there was a touch down near her cunny and Virginia blurted out a distressed, “Oh no!”

  Her hands flew down to cover herself but Mr. Hayes frowned down at her and said, “Bring them back, Miss Ashby.” When she didn't obey him directly he added, “Or I will be forced to tie you into position, and I do not know that I will be in humor to untie you again until breakfast tomorrow.”

  She gasped in fear and brought her hands back immediately, but raised her head to see what Emma was doing down there. The maid was sitting, holding a small pair of scissors and staring intently at Virginia's quim. The sight made Virginia feel queasy, and as her head dropped back she pleaded, “Please don't hurt me! Please stop her, sir.”

  “No one is going to hurt you, silly girl, Emma is only going to clean you up and give you the uniform I prefer,” Mr. Hayes reassured her. “Stop fighting and be a sensible good girl, as I know you desire to be.”

  Feeling rather faint, Virginia stopped pressing her legs together and let them rest drawn apart. She was far less worried about displaying herself now, more preoccupied with what he could mean. In a minute, Emma's hand returned, stroking her and then grasping a tuft of the dark blond curls down there. Virginia heard the snip of the scissors and then Emma's grasp was renewed elsewhere.

  Finally understanding that they were cutting her hair down there she blinked up at Mr. Hayes, asking, “Am I to be shaved as well?”

  “Of course.”

  After a time Emma finished snipping, and soon Virginia felt a cool, slippery sensation and the tickle of a shaving brush. She looked up at Mr. Hayes, letting his steady look calm her so that she held still as Emma worked the razor over her. She closed her eyes and imagined that it was Mr. Hayes touching her so intimately down there, and she felt herself grow wet even as she was being shaved.

  When Emma was finished she summoned Mr. Hayes over to inspect her handiwork, leaving Virginia to hold herself open and available to the both of them. Virginia concentrated on keeping her breathing steady and tried to fight down the intense arousal she felt displaying herself like this, but it was difficult when Emma kept moving a warm, wet cloth over her. Finally the
conference taking place just above her sex ended, and Emma gathered up her tools and left.

  Virginia lay on the floor and moved her hand experimentally over her womanhood. The skin there felt strange and soft, and her hand slid over the surface easily. Mr. Hayes watched her for a moment before moving down to the spot Emma had occupied between Virginia's legs.

  “Do you like it?” he asked.

  Virginia was unsure but she nodded anyway. Catching some of her uncertainty, he bent down and smiled up at her from between her thighs. “I'm told many women find the sensation pleasant,” he said. “And that it can heighten sensitivity.”

  “Oh?” she said, hoping he meant to demonstrate but too shy to ask. Happily she didn't need to as he reached forward and began caressing her nether lips. She sighed happily, and then gasped in surprise as he followed his hand with his lips, bringing them down and kissing her there.

  At first they were soft, chaste kisses along her newly shaved skin, but soon his tongue joined in and he pushed his head closer and lashed up her slit with his tongue. He worked upwards, slowly and deliberately, keeping a firm pressure against her cunny until the top. There he flicked lightly over her nub as Virginia moaned and writhed beneath him.

  These pleasures were new to her and she readily gave over all her self-control, not caring how much noise she made. His lips came down around her hardened pearl and Virginia let out a long breath as she dropped her head back. Her quim was on fire, a feeling that traveled down to the soles of her feet. She arched up to meet his mouth, her legs tensing in sympathy with the tightness gathering in her belly.

  Her orgasm sprang free from the knot of tension that had formed in her core. Virginia's nerves exploded with ecstasy as she screamed out her pleasure, feeling it race along her limbs in waves. Her womanhood clenched and spasmed until the feeling ebbed, and she relaxed against the carpet.


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