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Aaron's Patience

Page 25

by Tiffany Patterson

  “Y-you know why,” I answered just above a whisper this time. “Ouch!” I jumped when the first smack against my ass occurred.

  “Say it again!” he ordered.

  I shook my head. “No!”

  “Dammit!” I yelled when two more smacks landed across my ass. My backside stung from the palm of his hands but my pussy grew wetter and wetter, seeping down the tops of my inner thighs.

  “Say it again or you won’t sit for a fucking month!” he growled, causing my nipples to harden even more, painfully so. More than the anger, I heard the need in his voice. He needed the words just as badly as I needed him.

  “I love you,” I responded to his need. “Ahhhh!” I yelled when he sank inside of me, from the back all the way to the hilt.

  “Again!” he growled.

  “You say it!” I yelled back at the same time he surged into me again, the smacking of our bodies together reverberating around the room.

  “I love you,” he affirmed, no hesitation.

  I grew even wetter.

  Aaron pulled me from the wall, and pushed me to what I believed was the hardwood desk that sat at the opposite end of the wall in the suite. My eyes were still covered by the scarf when he pressed my head against the cool wood, one hand covering my hip, positioning me just how he wanted me. He thrust in deeply and I yelled so loudly my voice began going hoarse. He was so deep in this position I felt like he was in my throat. I moved my hand behind me, pressing against his belly.

  “Ow!” I yelled from smack I’d earned on my ass.

  He trapped my hand, holding it against my back, surging into me so deeply he nearly lifted both my feet off the floor. The desk he had me pressed against shook. I heard items falling to the floor, but Aaron was dogged, driving in and out of me, possessing me as if he needed to make clear, once again, who I belonged to. As if I’d ever forgotten. My pussy walls clamped around his erection, begging for more and for mercy at the same time.

  “Again!” He ordered, his hips digging into me again.

  I yelled my love for him over and over. Just like the first night I’d done it. And just like that first night, my orgasm nearly crushed me. But what differed this time around, was Aaron yelled his love for me, as we came together. His life-creating semen surging into my womb and my muscles flexing and spasming around him, milking him for everything he had to give.

  Our bodies were so spent after that orgasm, we nearly collapsed onto the floor. But Aaron caught us. Lifting me and carrying me over to the couch that sat a few feet away. He laid my body on top of his, untying the scarf. I blinked my eyes open before turning to see his gaze piercing me. My belly flip-flopped at the love that shone there. I moved up and pressed a kiss to his lips.

  “I love you,” I whispered, my throat strained from yelling.

  “I know.” His fingers lined my shoulder and collarbone, causing me to shiver. He continued to stare, watching me closely. “No one will be knocking on our door tomorrow morning. No surprises,” he assured.

  I smirked. “I know.” Lowering my head, I kissed the scar that ran diagonally across his chest. I kissed it all the way down to his breast bone—where the tattoo of my name sat—then stuck out my tongue, licking the intricate artwork that was my name on his body. I smiled when I felt a chill run through him. His cock came alive pushing against my thigh. I pressed more kisses to his scar and licked the tattoo some more before easing down his belly, feeling with my lips as I went. Moving so that I was on my knees between his legs, I took his semi-hard erection into my hands.

  I bent low, kissing the tip. Lifting my eyes, I met his hungry gaze. I ran my tongue along my lips of the come that gotten on them before swallowing it, and closing my eyes to savor it. When I opened them again his hazels were still trained on me.

  I bent lower, so my lips hovered just an inch above his cock. “Mine,” I growled.

  His dick jumped in my hand.

  I opened my mouth wide, letting my head sink onto his shaft.

  Aaron’s hand moved to the back of my head, tightening as I bobbed on his erection. Just moments prior I’d felt too exhausted to move, but hearing the moans from my husband’s mouth and feeling his dick swell in my mouth, energized me anew. I slurped and swallowed, hollowing my cheeks, then moved lower, taking his balls into my mouth before returning to his cock. Within minutes his semen was flooding my mouth.

  It took me a while to catch my breath as we both panted while I laid across his chest again. My eyes were heavy and I was in no position to move for the rest of the night. I believed Aaron felt the same, but not too long after, he was pulling me up, maneuvering my hips and body up his body, so that my pussy hovered over his face. Yet again, my voice was left hoarse and I shook as I called his name while he took me to paradise with his mouth.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  For the third day in a row, I woke up feeling queasy. I frowned at the horrible taste in my mouth. Thankfully, I was alone in our bedroom. It was just after seven a.m. I usually woke up earlier than that but lately it seemed as if the only thing I wanted to do was sleep. And my husband. Sleep and orgasms satisfied me the most.

  I climbed out of bed feeling a little guilty for not being up earlier to spend more time with the children before school. I had to pick the children up early from school since it was their last day before the Christmas break, anyway. I decided to take them to the movies or one of the local indoor parks to have fun. I grinned, thinking maybe I could convince Aaron to take off work early to spend some fun time with just the four of us as well.

  Unfortunately, those thoughts were cut off when a sudden need to vomit hit me in the middle of brushing my teeth. I rushed to the toilet, lifted the lid, and heaved but nothing came out. I don’t know how long I stood there, dry heaving, but afterwards, I felt exhausted as I sank to the floor. I willed myself to get up and finish brushing my teeth. After a few more close calls, I finally felt okay enough to make it down the stairs and to the kitchen to start breakfast. I also made a mental note to stop at a convenience store once the children were dropped off. I was so glad to have that day off.

  “Morning, Mommy!” Kennedy’s cheery voice greeted me as soon as I rounded the corner toward the kitchen.

  I smiled down at her, adoring the two little pigtail buns that sat at either side of her head. “Morning, sweetie.” I pressed a kiss to her forehead.

  Lifting my gaze, I saw Aaron standing at the stove, flipping what looked like a blueberry pancake.

  “You’re getting good at that,” I stated, stepping into the kitchen.

  He lifted an eyebrow, smirking. “Flipping pancakes? I’ve been doing it since I was a kid.”

  I shook my head. “Not the pancakes, though they do smell delicious.” I swiped one from the stack he’d set aside on a plate. My appetite had suddenly reared its head. “That,” I gestured toward Kennedy. “Kennedy’s hair looks adorable.”

  Aaron frowned. “I don’t do adorable.”

  Giggling, I pressed a kiss to his bare shoulder. “Yes, you do. But I promise I won’t tell anyone.”

  He gave me a heated look, but instead of saying anything he lowered his head, beckoning a kiss. Obliging, I rose on my tiptoes to meet his lips.

  “Go sit,” he jutted his head to the table, “the men are serving the ladies today. Right, Kyle?” He yelled the last part.

  I heard little, sneakered feet running down the hall before Kyle appeared at the entranceway of the kitchen. “Right!” he answered.

  I was sure he hadn’t even fully heard what his father just said, but Aaron could’ve said they were taking a trip to the moon and Kyle would’ve agreed. He was that hung up on Aaron’s every word.

  “If you say so,” I replied, smacking Aaron across his sweatpants-covered ass. I giggled when he growled in my direction, his eyes making promises his mouth wouldn’t utter in front of the little ones. I warded off a shiver by turning to Kennedy. “The men are serving us ladies today, Ken. We deserve it, right, bab
y girl?” I asked, holding out my hand.

  “Right,” she agreed, high-fiving me.

  Minutes later we were all sitting around the kitchen table, eating breakfast. The children were excited for their early release and Kyle was already talking about one of the books he’d asked Santa to bring him. My son was excited for books! I blinked rapidly, turning to the head of the table to the man who’d made that turnaround possible. Aaron’s eyes moved from Kyle’s to mine, pride shining in them. I hadn’t known I could feel anymore love for this man, but it grew exponentially every day. Since returning from our trip to San Francisco, two weeks prior, I’d told him every day that I loved him. The fear of those words was wearing off and despite how this marriage began, I knew this was where I belonged.

  I came back to the present moment, Aaron’s eyes on me again. I was certain he’d read everything that’d just passed through my mind. His hand squeezed around mine. I hadn’t even realized he’d clasped it.

  “Huh, Daddy?”

  Kennedy’s inquiry drew our attention back to her.

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart. What was your question?”

  God, my heart squeezed from how tender he was with her. It was the side most people would never get to see of Aaron, but we were blessed enough to.

  “I said,” Kennedy began, sounding exasperated, “will you come with us to buy Christmas decorations? We’re decorating tonight, right, Mommy?” She looked to me.

  I smiled. “Yes, sweetie.”

  “Yeah, Dad. Come, please!” Kyle interjected.

  Aaron looked over the two contemplatively. “I will do my best to join you, but if not, I will definitely be here tonight to decorate.”

  The children cheered. They understood their daddy had an important job and that sometimes he had to work long hours. But Aaron was diligent about keeping his promises to them whenever he made them. He hadn’t missed one parent-teacher conference or meeting. He read to the children whenever he was home to tuck them in bed, and aside from his birthday, he never missed a morning with Kyle to workout and work on his reading. I still couldn’t believe how far my son had come in such a short period of time. When I said as much to Aaron, he just gave me a cocky grin and retorted with, “Why not? He’s a Townsend.”

  Thirty minutes later, we were all making our way out of the door. Aaron gave the children each a kiss before pulling me into his arms. “Are you all right?”

  I frowned, a V dipping between my brows. “Yes, why?”

  “You’ve been sleeping in lately. Are you coming down with something?”

  I shook my head. “I’m fine.” I may have come down with something all right, but I wanted to wait until I had it confirmed before I said anything to him. Lifting on my toes, I pressed a kiss to his lips. “I’m fine. I’m picking the children up around one. I’ll give you a call then to see if you can come shopping with us.”

  He nodded and stepped back, holding the car door open for me. I climbed in with the children, who waved to their father as we pulled off.

  I would’ve loved for all four of us to have driven together, but Townsend Industries was on the other side of town as the children’s school. It would’ve doubled our trip and either the children or Aaron would’ve been late. But that morning I would’ve been okay with it. For some odd reason a sense of foreboding came over me as soon as we passed the sign at the edge of our gated Cedarwoods community.

  I shook it off, and instead focused on dropping the children off, who were giddy with excitement due to the holiday season. Christmas had always been a big deal for us. I made sure of it. Now, with their father and extended family it was even more of a big deal. The entire family was coming over to our home to help decorate and prepare for the next few days. Christmas Day would be spent at Townsend Manor.

  Once the children were at school, I had Daniel take me to a local convenience store to pick up the one thing I’d been waiting to get my hands on since I woke up that morning. I moved to the feminine aisle to where the pregnancy tests were. There were more tests available than the last time I done this over six years ago. I decided to purchase two different tests just to be on the safe side.

  After making my purchase, I made my way out of the store. As soon as my foot hit the concrete of the sidewalk a sensation of fear blanketed my entire body. Immediately, my head swung from left to right, taking in my surroundings. And as per usual, there was nothing out of the ordinary that I could identify. There were plenty of people out and about. I turned and saw Daniel waiting by the town car at the sidewalk, holding it open for me. Instantly feeling safer, I smiled. Aaron had finally broken down and told me that Daniel wasn’t just a driver but part of his specialized security team, which was why he’d been so insistent in my taking a driver everywhere.

  “Where to, Mrs. Townsend?” Daniel asked as I got in the vehicle.

  “Home.” I smiled. I had tests to take.


  This feeling was so different than the last time. I stood, my back leaning against the bathroom wall for support as I held the pregnancy tests in my hands. Both tests read the same results. I grinned as one hand moved down to my belly, holding it. I wondered how to play this out. Should I tell Aaron as soon as I saw him later that day? Or should I wait? Christmas was in a few days. I could wrap the tests up and give them as a gift. What better present for the man who had everything?

  My smile grew at the thought of waking him up on Christmas morning with a stocking that held the positive pregnancy tests. In that moment, I decided that’s what I’d do. I placed the tests on the porcelain sink as I went back into the bedroom. As soon as I made it over to the bed, my cell phone rang.

  I gave a perplexed look at the name of the caller. “Moira, hey,” I answered.

  “Patience, thank God you answered.” She sounded breathless.

  “What’s going on?”

  “I need you.”

  I frowned. Moira never sounded this dramatic.

  “We had to move the Secret Santa to today instead of tomorrow. The children from the school are on their way over and there are still gifts to be wrapped and the food isn’t set up. Can you–”

  “I’m on my way,” I assured her.

  “Thank you!” she exclaimed.

  “You’re welcome. I’ll be there in twenty minutes.”

  It was just after nine o’clock. I had plenty of time to make it to the library to help set up and stay for a little while before I needed to pick up the children. We had to stop home anyway so the children could change and drop off their belongings. I mentally recounted everything I needed to get done as I moved around the bedroom, pulling on a pair of skinny blue jeans and a grey sweater to head over to the library. It was my day off, so I didn’t think Moira would be too concerned with my choice of clothing.

  Once again, I was piling in the car, directing Daniel to the library. Unfortunately, as soon as we left the gates of the secured community we lived in, that eerie feeling settled over me. I shook it free, reminding myself that I was safe with Daniel. Nothing could get to me. I held my hand over my abdomen and inhaled deeply. I was sure my nerves were due to the confirmation of my pregnancy. Considering what I’d gone through my last pregnancy, I was probably reliving those events. I’ll be fine, I told myself.

  “Shit!” I cursed, realizing then that I’d left the two pregnancy tests sitting on our bathroom sink. I told myself it would be fine, I’d be home long before Aaron would be. I’d still be able to pull off my surprise.


  Two and a half hours later, I was spent. I forgot how tired pregnancy made me. Between wrapping gifts, setting up tables and chairs, and then celebrating the Secret Santa giveaway with the children from the local public school, I was beat. And I still had my own children to pick up in the next hour.

  “I really appreciate you coming in on such short notice, Patience,” Moira stated as the children sat around the tables, eating Christmas cookies and playing with their new toys.

  “You’re so welcome.
” I yawned. “Excuse me,” I stated, shaking my head.

  “Tired? I know how busy this time of year can get for moms.”

  I laughed. “A little, but it’s all worth it. I’m going to run to the bathroom and then head out.”

  Moira nodded. “That’s fine. We’re just about done here. Thanks so much. I’ll see you after the break.” She pulled me into a hug.

  “Enjoy your holidays. See you in next year,” I joked. The library was closing for the week between Christmas and New Year.

  Parting ways with Moira, I stepped out to tell Daniel I’d be right there, that I just needed to make a bathroom run. He nodded and waited by the car.

  I went back inside and saw that there was a line of children waiting for the main bathroom. Luckily, I knew there was a second bathroom, closer to the back office, that most employees used. I headed toward the back of the library, weaving between bookshelves as I went. The bathroom was at the far end of a long hallway that led to a rarely used back entrance of the library. I paused just before pushing the door of the bathroom open, looking around. The hallway was empty. I could still hear the laughter and talking from the festivities that were happening out front. Brushing my hesitation away, I entered the bathroom to do my business. I moved quickly, not understanding my nervousness but not questioning it either. After washing my hands once I was finished, I pulled the bathroom door open.

  My head swung in the direction of the back door for some reason; I didn’t see anything there. However, as soon as I turned my head in the opposite direction a dark figure towered over me. I opened my mouth to scream but it was covered with a hand holding a cloth. I felt the back of my head being gripped, pushing it into the hand at the front of my face. I struggled and fought, using my nails to scratch at the man’s face. Unfortunately, it was covered by a ski mask, but somehow I was able to break free from the man who obviously meant to do me harm. I gulped in air, but when I tried to run for the nearest exit, I was spun around by my shoulder and the next thing I saw was a large fist flying my way. The pain was blinding and I passed out almost immediately.


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