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Boxed Set: The Baker & the Billionaire

Page 4

by Nikki Steele

  I gasped as his our hips met and I felt him within. I was so filled. This… this was so much better than before. It was intimate, and electric, and urgent—I gripped his shoulders as he began to move in and out. It didn’t take long for me to buck against him, clenching him tight, once more.

  “Roll over. Hands and knees.”

  I did as he commanded eagerly, positioning myself to find him moments later sliding his hard shaft between my lips once more.

  The fire that he had set ablaze within me just wouldn’t go out. Not tonight. It was time to show him the tigress he had freed.

  I pushed myself until I was nearly in his lap, and I then I began to slam back and forth into him in urgent passion, my movements dictated not by me, but by an unleashed beast with my name.

  His hands roamed my body roughly, fondling swinging breasts before cupping and squeezing my backside. His fingers, as they began to circle that place they had entered before, only added fuel to the fire. “Lesson number four,” I panted. “Now!”

  I felt a finger slide inside, and my eyes rolled back. Now there were two blazing fires within me; the bonfire of his thickness, and a smaller conflagration that added to the other, stoking it into something more—an inferno.

  I reached behind myself and wrapped a hand around his neck, pulling him toward me for a deep kiss as we moved together. We panted in time, both of us rocketing toward release. His upward thrusts got more frantic. My thighs began to tremble. And then we were both lost as the sparks we had created became explosions that rocked our souls.

  Minutes later we laid together in the mess than was now my bed; I had never felt so much pleasure in my life. Nothing could have topped what he had done to me, and for me.

  I fell asleep in his arms, with my head on his chest and a smile on my face.

  Chapter 7

  I woke up the next morning with the vague idea that something special had happened… but I wasn’t quite sure what. Then I heard soft snoring from the man beside me. My eyes flew open and it all came rushing back.

  I looked at him, laying there looking gorgeous even while in a deep sleep. The early morning sunlight streamed through the windows and highlighted his perfect profile. I could hardly believe he’d spent the entire night. Was it gauche to take a selfie of the two of us for future proof? I decided that it was.

  As much as a very large part of me wanted Erica to see this walking, talking sex god… I had a feeling it might not be the best idea for the two of them to run into each other. He wasn’t like Brian, Erica’s Prom date. I knew that, with all my heart. But still, a tiny little worry niggled, why even take the chance?

  I ran my fingers over his chest and gently kissed him on the cheek, waking him.

  “Good morning,” he murmured. He smiled sleepily at me, and though I knew it would defeat the whole point of a one night stand, I wished that we could stay in bed together all day.

  “Good morning,” I replied. “I’m so sorry to wake you, but I have to get rolling. I’m already late waking up my sister.”

  “Understood,” he assured me. “I have to get moving, too. Lots to do today.”

  It occurred to me that I still had no idea what Jax did, but then asking personal questions might seem weird when he was about to leave. Instead I hopped out of bed and wrapped myself in one of the fluffy robes we’d discarded on the floor the night before.

  “Meet me in the kitchen,” I said before slipping out of the room and down the stairs. I’d been bored yesterday and decided to try my hand at recreating those fantastic chocolate croissants I’d picked up at the store; I pulled two from the freezer and slid them into the toaster oven. By the time he was dressed and downstairs, they were heated through.

  “Here you go,” I said with a timid smile. Even after everything we’d done just hours earlier I still felt shy around him—it was absurd. “I thought I’d try my own version of these—you be the judge of whether I did a good job.”

  He accepted the croissant with a wide smile, and after taking a bite closed his eyes and moaned a little. “Oh my god,” he murmured, his mouth full. “Amazing.”

  “As good as the ones from the bakery?” I asked.

  “So much better,” he insisted. “Really. You have a gift. I mean, who comes home and decides to make their own chocolate croissants just because?” He took another bite, then added, “I’m glad you did, of course.”

  We both laughed softly, and I walked him to the door. “Is it weird that I want to thank you?” I whispered, feeling like an idiot. I had no idea how to navigate this.

  He looked down at me and shook his head. “Not weird. I want to thank you, too. Last night, well… you saw a side of me that I don’t often show.” He leaned down and kissed me softly, the taste of chocolate on his lips.

  Then he turned and walked out the door, looking back at me when he reached the stairs leading from the porch. “Seriously. Bakery. Do it.” He raised what was left of his croissant to me as he walked away. I couldn’t help but laugh.

  * * *

  Erica was half an hour late for her morning training session by the time I woke her. Never mind that she had an alarm clock she never used, it was all my fault.

  “How can you be so thoughtless?” she yelled as she ran down the stairs and picked up her gym bag. “I swear to god, you have one job! How hard is it to make sure I’m up on time in the morning?”

  One job—that was rich. Cleaner, baker, masseuse, human alarm clock… for one job, it was all starting to pile up pretty damn quick. I opened my mouth to say something to her, but she was out the door before I could.

  I bore the slam with bemusement, then decided that today, I didn’t care. I’d had the most amazing night of my life last night. And nothing, absolutely nothing, would ruin this day.

  I started by making my bed, a smile creeping upon my face when I thought of last night’s antics upon it. As I retuned the robes to the cupboard beside the hot tub, a huge goofy grin split my face.

  I’d been a tigress last night, an animal in a nest of sheets who’d found pleasure over and over again. It was freeing—liberating to know there was a secret side of me that could do things like that; devoid of guilt or any expectation but to experience ecstasy. I was humming as I made a picnic lunch to deliver to Erica. And for once, I didn’t want to eat a single thing while I did it.

  * * *

  The sponsors of the competition had a photo shoot during the lunch break. I’d arranged with Erica the previous morning to bring her lunch to her. She’d still be mad at me, but I didn’t care. I wouldn’t have traded my night with Jax for the world.

  It was a beehive of activity when I arrived. There were people everywhere; photographers, athletes, sponsors, trainers. And then there was little ol’ me, hanging out in the background. As always.

  Out of nowhere, I heard a familiar voice. It stood out, amongst the dozens of others clamoring in my ears, because of what it had done to me last night. My head swung. Then my mouth dropped open. There was Jax, talking to a series of event sponsors. He looked ridiculously handsome, as always, and I blushed. My night tigress fought with daytime good-girl as pride and embarrassment warred across my face.

  I sidled up to where Jax was having his conversation and listened in.

  “This is looking even bigger and better than we’d hoped, Mr. Petersen,” one of the sponsors gushed happily. I recognized the name—Stephen Petersen was the owner of the resort at which we were staying. That is to say, he owned the mountain on which it sat, the resort on which we stood, and a chain of similar luxury hotels in 26 countries across the world. He was a multi-billionaire—Erica hadn’t stopped talking about him on the plane ride here, and was determined to hunt him down as soon as she could find a photo.

  “Let’s make sure we get plenty of publicity for the games then,” Jax replied. My eyes narrowed. But they’d been taking to Petersen. He made a joke about money not growing on snow laden trees, and they all laughed.

  I took a step backward, bumpin
g into someone who exclaimed loudly. Jax turned at the sound. His expression was as surprised as mine.

  “Mr Petersen?” someone asked.

  I staggered backward another step.

  Jax… was Stephen. My one night stand was suddenly the billionaire owner of this resort. And he was a judge.

  I turned, and ran from the room. What had I done? If anyone found out, Erica would be destroyed. Her Olympic dreams would be over before they even began!

  “Libby, please wait,” I heard from behind me. But I didn’t stop. Not until his hand gripped my shoulder.

  He looked me at me with eyes the color of shamrocks, and suddenly I was afraid. He was the one person I absolutely, categorically, couldn’t sleep with. And I didn’t know how I was going to stay away.

  . . . . .

  Book Two

  Frozen Lust

  Lesson 1: relax and enjoy.

  Lesson 2: your body can turn pain into pleasure quickly.

  Lesson 3: it’s much more fun if you let me be in control.

  Lesson 4: there are many different pleasure zones in the body…

  Libby is a curvy cook. Jax is a Billionaire. They came together for a one night stand, but now have to try and stay apart. When Libby loses a bet and has to cook Jax dinner, that might just prove harder than they think.


  “Libby, please wait,” I heard from behind me as I tried to get away.

  Jax… was Stephen Petersen. My one night stand was suddenly the billionaire owner of a resort. And a judge! What had I done? If anyone found out, Erica would be destroyed. Her Olympic dreams would be over before they even began.

  Another thought ran through my mind. He’d lied to me—told me he was passing through. It was the frat boys all over again—giving me a fake name, deceiving me so they could sleep with me and then laughing when I found out.

  There were tears in my eyes when I turned. “How could you! I know it was just fun, but I thought you were better than that!” Did I have chocolate at home? Even the bitter baking stuff would do; I needed to eat this pain in my heart away.

  His beautiful green eyes were large and concerned. “Libby. What are you doing here?”

  “Like you don’t know, Jax. Or should I say, Stephen,” I said accusingly. “Were you so embarrassed sleeping with a size 14 that you needed a fake name?”

  Now he frowned. “What the hell are you talking about? Why would I be embarrassed? And what fake name?”

  It was hard to be furious at someone when they didn’t know why you were angry. But I managed it. “You said your name was Jax!”

  “It is.”

  “They said your name was Stephen!”

  “It is. Jax is what my friends call me. It’s a nickname.” His hands found my shoulders. He looked into my eyes, concerned. “Libby, what’s this all about? And why are you at my work?” His facial expression changed. “You’re not stalking me, are you? Because as special as last night was, stalking is not cool.”

  “I’m not stalking you,” I said defensively. It was even harder to be furious at someone when they thought you were the one in the wrong.

  “Then what are you doing here?” he asked gently.

  “Jax,” I said with hesitation. “My sister is here for the tryouts.”

  He frowned. Then his eyes widened as he realized what that meant.

  “You’re a judge. Jax, I think we may have made a very serious mistake.”

  Chapter 1

  My head was still spinning from yesterday’s revelations. My heart was already aching.

  I couldn’t imagine spending the rest of the week knowing Jax was here—running the risk of seeing him again, not being able to reach out and touch him.

  My one night stand was an Olympic Judge. If it was discovered that we had slept together… Jax and I both understood the ramifications. Erica wouldn’t just be disqualified from the Olympic team—she’d be banned for life.

  I was so relieved that she hadn’t seen Jax that morning, in the cabin; to think I’d wanted her to! I was such a fool. I’d wanted to make her jealous over the gorgeous man I’d spent the night with. Instead, I might have ruined her career.

  It wasn’t like I’d been meaning to continue things anyway, right? It had been a one night stand, nothing more. It was different, though, knowing he wasn’t leaving. And when that one night had been so good.

  I’d been making sacrifices for my sister for so long now that it was second nature to me. I’d told Jax that I couldn’t see him again, and he’d reluctantly agreed.

  * * *

  Erica and the other skiers would be competing to see who could meet the qualifying standards for the Olympic team today. The top two dozen skiers would advance to the next round; eventually, just a half dozen skiers would be picked for the team, along with two alternates.

  I knew that Erica would never settle for being just an alternate, and I said every prayer I knew that she would have a good run today. Her event would be coming up shortly.

  This was just the preliminaries, and Erica was a skilled skier. She should be fine. It was the two trials after this that really worried me; and how well she might do once the pool had been narrowed.

  A couple of skiers had finished their runs and were chatting near where I stood. They noticed me popping a homemade protein ball in my mouth—I’d gorged on cheeseburgers and fries last night, and was now trying to be good—and walked toward me.

  “Hey, aren’t you Erica’s sister?” one of the skiers asked.

  I turned and saw a tall, blonde man smiling at me. I nodded, wiping my fingers and reaching out a hand. “Yes, I’m Libby.”

  “What are you eating, if you don’t mind my asking? I heard that you do all of her cooking.”

  I smiled, pleasantly surprised that Erica had been talking about me. “These things? Just protein balls. I’m trying out a new recipe.” I held out the bag. “Would you like one? They’re pretty good!”

  “Ooh, yes please!” the other skier said. She was shorter, with a strand of flaming red hair peeking out beneath her cap. “What’s in them?” she asked, pulling out one for herself and her friend.

  “Oats, peanut butter, raw honey, ground flaxseed. A little coconut oil. Chia seeds. And a handful of chocolate chips.”

  She bit down into one, and her eyes immediately widened. “These. Are. Delicious!” she said, eyes twinkling with pleasure. “I wish I had somebody to make stuff like that for me!”

  The male skier nodded in agreement. “If I do well today, I’ll tell everybody that I owe it all to you.” They thanked me, and then skied off, leaving me warm in spite of the cold. Why couldn’t Erica be half as appreciative as two random strangers?

  Standing at the bottom of the slopes, waiting for Erica, soon got me thinking of Jax. Would I ever be able to see snow again, without associating it with what he’d done to me in the hot tub? No matter how hard I tried to wipe the memory from my mind, I kept returning to it with a smile.

  The snow had been cold against my nipples. I remembered his mouth sucking the pain away, when it got too much. It had been unlike anything I’d experienced before.

  My nipples were already hard at the memory; I shifted as I stood in the snow at the bottom of the slope. How could I make myself forget something that had felt that good?

  Or the way he’d made me feel, emotionally? I’d felt wanted and desired, for the first time ever. He’d transformed me into a different person—confident, and sexy. I remembered watching him as I touched myself—seeing the desire in his eyes. And it wasn’t just in his eyes, either; he’d been hard, at attention just for me. How could I forget all of that? And how could I not want to experience it again?

  He was rich, yes. So wealthy he owned this entire mountain, and others like it all around the world. A billionaire many times over. But that hadn’t mattered when we were together. I hadn’t even known it then. At the shopping center, when he’d picked up my groceries, and walked me to my car—all that had mattered was that he was
handsome, and kind. And then at the bar, and later in the hot tub, I’d discovered other things that mattered too—he could be tender and gentle, when he wanted to be. But also assertive and commanding, when the situation required. He’d taught me so many things, and now that I knew he wasn’t leaving, I found myself wanting him to teach me so many more.

  And I’d given him up.

  I hated myself for doing it, though I understood why it needed to be done. This was Erica’s shot at the big time. She’d been working her whole life toward this goal—more than that, the entire family had been working toward it. I just needed to suck it up and throw myself on my sword. She was my sister. I wanted her to be happy.

  A little part of me wondered though—if the tables were turned, would Erica do the same for me?

  Chapter 2

  Now that I knew of his presence on the slopes, I couldn’t stop my eyes from searching for him. I found him sooner, rather than later—his existence a magnet, drawing me in. His tanned skin and beautiful green eyes stood out against the white knit hat he wore. The snow falling between us across the crowded finish line made his breath puff in brief bursts of steam.

  He had three comely ski bunnies around him. They were slim in all the right places, and curvy in the right places too—fur collars accented slender necks, perfect breasts accented narrow waists. I looked down at myself and, as always, felt inferior.

  It doesn’t matter, I reminded myself. You already told him that nothing could happen between the two of you. So why did my heart hurt? Why did it feel like I was being squeezed from the inside?


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