Nevermore, The Complete Series (Boxed Set) (Twin Souls, Hybrid, Sacrifice, and Destiny)

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Nevermore, The Complete Series (Boxed Set) (Twin Souls, Hybrid, Sacrifice, and Destiny) Page 48

by K. A. Poe

  “Yeah, I imagine if Salem had walked in during that he wouldn’t have been too happy.” He laughed nervously and eyed the door.

  “No, that’s not what I meant…I nearly killed you.”

  That got his attention fast. “What?” his voice trembled.

  I got up from the chair and cautiously approached him. “Do you really not notice the difference? Look at my hair, my skin…my eyes.”

  “So you dyed your hair, been out of the sun for a while, and popped in some contacts…what’s the big deal?”

  “And this?” I said and placed a hand against the side of his face. “Is that not unusual?”

  “It is cold in here.”

  With a sigh, I took his hand and placed it against my chest where my heart was and took his other one and placed it against his own chest. “Don’t you feel the difference?”

  “Your heartbeat is really faint and mine’s racing, so what?”

  “No. Mine isn’t beating at all, Jason.”

  His expression fell blank and he stared at me in shock, but he still wasn’t sure just what I was trying to tell him.

  “The reason Paul is so upset with me is because I killed my mother,” I said bluntly, which caught him off guard. He backed away from me and gulped.

  “Alex…this isn’t funny.”

  “My mother…my real mother, Destiny, was taken away from us during a trip with Paul. I was barely a year old. For the longest time, he thought her dead. That’s why Paul gave me up to Janet. Paul…my father,” I explained, ignoring him. “She wasn’t taken by any ordinary human however – she was taken by a vampire. He turned her into one of his kind, thinking that he had caught a vampire hunter – but he caught the wrong person. He wanted my father,” I paused and wished I could wash away the confused, terrified expression from his face. “My family comes from a long line of vampire hunters. I know this is hard to believe, and I know that part of you doesn’t want to believe it – I felt the same way when Paul revealed it all to me.”

  “Why are you making up these stories?” He frowned. “Are you trying to scare me away, because of what I did? If you don’t want me around anymore at least have the decency to say it!”

  “I’m not making anything up, Jason!” I growled. “Salem is a vampire, and he turned me into one after his sister nearly killed me – it was either I became a monster or I died. We don’t feed on human blood, we feed on animals…but lately…I have been very tempted. Being so close to you, I could smell your blood, and I wanted it…”

  He shook his head and glared at me. “What kind of nonsense is this? You’re just using this as an excuse for coming onto me.”

  “I didn’t come onto you, damn it! Listen to me, Jason! I was about to rip your throat out! Don’t you see what I’m getting at?!”

  With one quick leap I was on top of him, pinning him to the ground and he didn’t have the strength to wriggle beneath me.

  “This is what I am now,” I snarled and bared my sharp white fangs and leaned in to his throat.

  “Alex, no!” Salem shouted as he burst through the door at just the right moment. He shoved me off of Jason and pulled him to safety. “What are you doing!?”

  I gasped and walked away. “I wasn’t going to hurt him, Salem.” Or was I? I honestly wasn’t sure. My mind was hazy. “He wouldn’t believe me…I had to show him…it was the only way.”

  “This is all real, then?” Jason muttered as Salem held him still. “You’re…you’re dead?”

  “Undead, if you want to get technical,” Salem corrected him. “You mustn’t tell anyone about this, Jason. You must promise that you will keep this to yourself.”

  “Are you two serious? You expect me to believe all this?”

  “I assure you we are very serious.” Salem said.

  “Prove it, and I mean more than just some fake fangs. Turn into a bat.”

  I laughed but Salem seemed a little annoyed. “Jason we can’t turn into bats…”

  “Exactly. And I saw your reflection right next to mine in the TV. So if you’re not really vampires then what is all this about?”

  Salem released his protective grip on Jason and pushed him into the red chair. Salem’s eyes flashed violet and a crucifix appeared in his hand, “Nearly everything you have heard or read about us is false!” He threw the wooden cross to the floor.

  “Nice magic trick but it still doesn’t prove anything. Look, I get it…you guys want me to be scared and leave for some reason. Well fine, I’m going.”

  Before Jason could stand Salem was in front of the chair. “My Sire tried to teach me this, but I’ve never really gotten the opportunity to try it.” Salem grabbed Jason’s head between his hands and stared deeply into his eyes.

  I knew exactly what was happening and the memory of the night Raziel had shown me visions from his memories sent shudders up my spine. Although only a few seconds had passed, I knew Jason had been shown many hours of Salem’s life. What exactly he had seen though was a mystery.

  Jason nodded feebly and stared from Salem to me in horror. Shaking and wide-eyed he spoke in barely more than a whisper, “It…it’s all true…isn’t it?”

  “Yes, Jason…it is.”

  “But…you’re still you, though, right? You’re still Alexis…”

  “Of course I am,” I replied. “And there is a possible ‘cure’ for all this.”

  “So what, you’re immortal, too?”


  “Why would you want a cure, then? You can live forever.”

  I laughed lightly; glad to know that he was no longer as frightened. “Do you realize how suspicious you would be if you saw me ten years from now and I didn’t look any different?”

  “I guess you’re right…” He smiled meekly. “You said at the hospital…that you could save Karen? Is that true? You guys have some sort of like…healing power or something? Something to do with making things appear? Magic?”

  “Not exactly…we’d have to-”

  Salem spoke before I had the opportunity to finish, “Only if you wanted to see Karen become part of the undead.”

  “Oh…wait though; you said there was a cure, right? So what’s the big deal? Just turn her then get her that cure.”

  “We don’t even know if the cure is real,” Salem said. “Besides, it would be unwise to turn her. She would no longer be herself, at least not at first. When someone is first turned they immediately have an insatiable thirst for blood. She would be surrounded by potential victims.”

  “Alex doesn’t seem much different.”

  “Jason, that’s different,” I said.


  “It’s complicated.”

  “Oh come on, more complicated or unbelievable than vampires?”

  “Well…sort of.”

  “Wow, okay. I’m just going to go back to my room now and when I wake up this will all have just been some weird dream. Right?”

  Salem and I both laughed and then frowned. “I’m afraid not, Jason. This is reality.”

  “So this cure, where is it?”

  “There is a fountain in…”

  “It is best that no one knows where we are going, Alexis.”

  “Jason wouldn’t tell anyone, especially not Paul,” I argued.

  “It is safest this way. I mean no offense to you, Jason.”

  My friend stared at us and nodded slowly while standing up from the chair. “This is a big secret to keep to myself.”

  “You can do it,” I said confidently. “It’s only for a little while longer, and then everything will be normal again.”

  “You might be normal again, but…there are vampires out there, right? Killing people and stuff?”

  I nodded. “Yes, there are. That’s how Janet died.”

  “It wasn’t a bear attack?”

  “No. It wasn’t, and I’m so sorry that I had to lie to you about it. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of vampires roaming the earth, and that’s why people like me exist – to hunt them.�

  “But you are one,” he laughed.

  I shrugged. “Not all vampires are bad.”

  “I can see that,” he looked toward Salem and smiled gently. “Congratulations, by the way…you’re a very lucky man.”

  “Thank you.” Salem smiled and glanced at me momentarily. “You should get some rest, I hope we didn’t terrify you too much.”

  “Don’t be surprised if you hear me screaming in my sleep,” he replied with a slight laugh. “If I can sleep. Kind of a lot to take in. Anyways…I’ll see you in the morning…unless you sleep during the daytime or something.”

  “We don’t sleep at all, actually.”

  “Oh,” he replied, speechless. “Well that’s got to suck. Got to have my sleep.”

  I laughed, thinking on how I loved the lack of sleep – for the most part. “Goodnight, Jason.”

  “Night…” he said and walked out the door.


  I apologized to Salem for putting us in jeopardy, although I knew all along that Jason didn’t pose a threat. Salem was more terrified by the news that I nearly ripped my friend’s throat out – neither of us could quite understand what led to that. Human blood had never smelled so good to me until recently, but Richard had said that I would slowly be consumed by my vampiric side…the raven in me would just postpone the inevitable. Had that been the reason all along for why my thirst for blood was so weak at first but had been steadily growing? The idea of what may come if I did not reach the fountain made my shudder. I would not let myself become corrupt like so many others had – like Hannah had, like my mother had…I was stronger than them. Or so I hoped.

  The night felt like it was passing slower than any night I had ever before experienced. There was a simple black-rimmed analog clock on the wall whose hands seemed to barely move. Each minute felt as if hours had passed, maybe Jason had been right – maybe a life without sleep was not the greatest thing in the world.

  I kept my cell phone close in case anyone called or texted me with news about Karen, but I wasn’t expecting anything at this hour. Salem lay beside me on the firm, uncomfortable mattress, staring off at the clock along with me. He hadn’t said much since my apology, and it was killing me.

  “I have an idea,” I said out of the blue as the second hand ticked by slowly.

  “What is it?” he asked, finally tearing his eyes away from the clock and whatever thoughts had been occupying him.

  “After we’re done here, we should go back home.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “Home? Home no longer exists, Alex.”

  “I’d still like to see it…and then, we can find a new place to call home, furnish it and have it ready and waiting for us when we get back. We’ll be the only ones that know of its whereabouts until the right moment.”

  His gentle smile was a relieving sight. “That does sound nice. Still, I wish Paul hadn’t burned the place down. I can’t summon a house, you know.”

  I half-smiled then resumed staring at the clock. “I’m not going to become corrupted, am I?” I asked suddenly, my smile instantly fading.

  Salem sat up and stared into my eyes. “I would never let that happen, Alexis. You are pure at heart, and the urges you feel are only natural. just a few days you will be cured. You have but a little more time to endure that longing for blood.”

  The touch of his hand against my face brought the smile back and I relaxed. “Just a few more days,” I whispered and sighed, still not completely convinced.

  Morning approached with bright rays of sunlight bursting through the breaks in the yellowed blinds. Birds chirped outside the window, and a knock sounded on the door. Salem was the one to answer it.

  “Good morning, Jason,” he said politely and then paused. I could sense that something was wrong.

  I peeked around the door at my friend and knew immediately that something was off. Was he concerned that we were going to attack him? His face was ashen and his eyes were clearly moist. I leapt from the bed and ran to him as Salem stepped quickly to the side.

  “What is it?” I asked, pleading for an answer.

  He shook his head, biting his lip as he clearly fought back the oncoming tears. My eyes nearly begged to water along with his when I was positive of the news he came to deliver. I opened my mouth to ask for his confirmation but I couldn’t bear to speak the words.

  “It is Karen, isn’t it?” Salem asked for me.

  Jason could only nod his head as he wiped at the flowing moisture. I pulled him close against me and let him release his anguished cries on my shoulder. My mind was a flurry of worrying thoughts – was she gone? Had she just lapsed back into that comatose state? I didn’t want to know the answer. I couldn’t ask. It had to be something else.

  Mitchell approached the hotel door and spotted Jason and I in a tight embrace and I looked up at him. He appeared somewhat shocked and part of me wondered if Jason had told him my secret.

  “Did Jason tell you?” he asked as he continued to observe us. I merely shook my head.

  He hung his head in sorrow and I could see his lips tremble. “Karen…she…she didn’t make it through the night Alex…”

  “NO!” I shouted, startling Jason out of his daze and probably nearly bursting his eardrum. “This isn’t real! This isn’t happening! You’re lying!” But why would he lie about something so serious. It must be true, but at the same time it couldn’t be. I had just been there last night and she was waking up.

  Salem stood idly beside Jason and I, longing to break apart our hold and be the one comforting me. I released my friend immediately and Salem took me in his arms, holding me tight against his chest as I dug my nails into the flesh of his back. The fury I felt was overpowering – not only could I not express my anguish through tears, but I couldn’t do anything to save my friend. She was gone. Of all the loved ones I had lost…why did Karen have to be among the list? She was so young, she was so happy. She was about to embark on the next stage of her life as a college student and she finally met a boy that erased all evidence of feelings she had for Jason…and that same boy took her from me. Brian. I despised that name now, I hated him.

  “Alex…” Salem gasped in pain as my talons had unknowingly extended and clawed into his back. I could feel myself transforming and shut my eyes tightly, hoping to suppress the change. Jason and Mitchell couldn’t see me like this. “Relax,” he whispered soothingly into my ear, so quiet that my human friends wouldn’t be able to hear.

  I inhaled deeply. It was a reflex, it wouldn’t help me to relax at all, but somewhere in my mind I was convinced that it would. All I could think about now was finding this Brian boy and tearing him apart, limb from limb. It was his drunken mistake that took Karen away from me – why should I not be the one to take him away from his friends?

  “Is she still in the hospital?” Salem asked as I fought my urges. My talons retracted slowly as I listened intently for an answer.

  “Yeah, but she’s going to be transported to a funeral home by this afternoon. Her dad is calling all of her friends, relatives and teachers to tell them what happened. Mrs. Williams has been hysterical ever since she heard the news – but who could blame her…” Mitchell’s answer ceased to comfort me. He looked up at me curiously. “I’m surprised you’re not bawling your eyes out like Jason is.”

  If only he knew. “I would if I could!” I snapped. He had known Karen nearly his whole life as well. Sure, he hadn’t been a major part of our trio but he was always around. Why wasn’t he crying? He had the ability yet his eyes were dry. What a waste, I would give near anything to flood the room with tears. Although I shouldn’t be mad at Mitchell, it angered me deeply.

  He arched a curious brow. “What do you mean ‘if you could’?”

  “I just can’t! Okay?!”

  He was genuinely confused by my answer and taken aback by my unintentionally angry tone, but that was no surprise. Salem whispered into my ear that I might as well fill Mitch in on our secret as well. I wa
s reluctant at first, but requested that he brace himself for a difficult truth. I told him everything, even things that I failed to mention to Jason the previous night. I told them of how it all began, that I was not only a vampire and a hunter but that I had the ability to transform into a raven. Mitchell gazed at me with wide, amazed eyes and Jason seemed distant and out of focus.

  “Wow,” was all that came through Mitch’s lips.

  “So you believe me? Took more than words to convince your brother.”

  “Well, Alex you’ve never lied to anyone as far as I can remember, and I don’t think you’d be making up stuff at a time like this. Can you like…turn into bats and stuff?”

  I shook my head. “No. Just a myth. Lots of that stuff isn’t true.”

  “And this fountain you heard of…it can change you back?”

  “Yeah, hopefully.”

  “Why would you want that, though?” he looked genuinely confused. “You could live forever…who wouldn’t want that?”

  “To sit back and watch from afar as your friends and family live, age, and die while you always stay the same? Who would want that?” I answered glumly. I was still in shock from the news of Karen. It wasn’t real – it was just a story…the same as vampires being able to turn to bats. I should be rushing to the hospital to see her, to make sure it wasn’t all true…but I was numb.

  “Oh,” he said quietly. “Well, couldn’t you just like…change us all into vampires?”

  “You’re not being serious are you?”

  He shrugged. “I guess so. It would be nice not to have to worry about dying…Karen would still be with us if she were one of you.”

  His comment hit me deeply, but he was right. Why was I so willing to become mortal again, knowing that I could die suddenly…at any time? Because I wasn’t selfish… Salem wanted this life, he wanted to grow old. After one hundred and twenty-seven years, who could blame him? Yet, what if he ended up being the one in a hospital bed with tubes sticking out of his veins, fighting to keep him alive? We would both be vulnerable to disease, broken bones and death.


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