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Nevermore, The Complete Series (Boxed Set) (Twin Souls, Hybrid, Sacrifice, and Destiny)

Page 60

by K. A. Poe

Eila nodded as she jotted notes down on a pad of paper I hadn’t noticed before. “What about bridesmaids and the best man?”

  Salem took a seat at the table and glanced at the list. “I am going to ask Jason to be my best man,” he replied.

  “Really?” I asked with a look of surprise. “He’ll be so honored.”

  I watched the swift hand of Jason’s girlfriend as she wrote even more on the paper.

  “You and my aunt can be bridesmaids, Eila…after all, I don’t really know anyone else,” I said with a frown as I thought about Karen. “Actually, there’s one other person…Hannah, if she shows up…”

  “And cake flavors?”

  “I loved the cake you made for my birthday – so that would be perfect, or just go with your gut on what you think would be good.”

  “All right,” she said with a smile. “And flowers?”

  “White carnations and chamomile,” Salem answered and smiled at me.

  “I hope you don’t mind, I didn’t mean to just butt in and sign myself up as your wedding planner.”

  “No! It’s great!” I said after finishing my cereal. “I would be hopeless without you, really.”

  “Phew, I thought maybe I was getting annoying but it is just so exciting, and hey you can do ours soon, right!? Now what about music, I mean I used to play the piano some but I don’t know. You probably want someone better at it than me. Have anyone in mind?”

  I stared across the table at her thoughtfully. “I would be honored if you could play the piano at the wedding.”

  “Really? Absolutely!” she grinned. “It would be my pleasure. Did you have anything specific in mind?”

  I thought about Nevermore and wondered how hard it would be to teach it to another person. I knew she played the flute but wasn’t sure how easily musical ability translated from one instrument to the next. It shouldn’t be too hard, I hoped. “Aside from the traditional wedding march, there is one song that I have in mind. It’s the one I played at school the day I met Salem…but it might take some time to learn it.”

  “It shouldn’t be too hard,” she said confidently.

  “I can start teaching you later if you want.”

  Our attention was caught by movement coming downstairs – Jason was finally awake. He looked groggy and his hair was tousled and I noticed immediately he was wearing nothing but a pair of gray sweatpants. I quickly looked away, although I had seen him shirtless countless times throughout our friendship.

  “You’re up late,” Eila commented.

  “I didn’t sleep very well,” Jason grumbled and walked to the fridge and grabbed a carton of orange juice and began pouring some into a glass. “What time is it?”

  “Almost noon,” Salem replied. “When you are dressed and fed, there is something I would like to discuss with you.”

  Jason nearly choked on the orange juice he had just swallowed at Salem’s words. He was no doubt worried that he somehow knew about last night. “Oh, okay,” he spluttered and coughed. “Is something wrong?”

  “Not at all,” Salem replied calmly and summoned a plate stacked with blueberry pancakes and a bottle of syrup.

  Eila gasped and jumped up from her seat. “What the hell just happened?!”

  “I completely forgot that Eila was not aware…” he said ashamedly. “I apologize, Eila. Do not be alarmed – but there is something about me that you may not realize.”

  “What’s going on?” she asked and backed up against the kitchen wall. “Jason?”

  “Salem has magical powers,” Jason shrugged and sat down to eat some pancakes. “You’ll get used to it.”

  “Magical powers?! Okay, smartass, I’m serious. How’d you do that? Just a magic trick, right?”

  “No, no trick or sleight of hand. My bloodline comes from that of witches. Of course I doubt I would have ever discovered the power without becoming a vampire.”

  “A vampire?! Okay, I know you’re all full of it now. Ha-ha, we played a joke on Eila. I didn’t know I was annoying everyone about the wedding that much. Why didn’t you just say so?”

  “That’s not it. He’s serious,” Jason said, still seeming slightly numb to the situation.

  “Okay, if this is for real then why wouldn’t you have told me before then? I’m pretty sure you are full of crap. You couldn’t keep something like that from me if it were real.”

  “It wasn’t my place to tell you.”

  “I should have warned you, Eila. I truly am sorry. But, it is nothing to be worried about,” Salem said with a gentle smile.

  “Okay so you can just…summon things out of thin air? And I am supposed to be believe that?”

  “Pretty much,” I said and laughed. “I was confused and scared at first, too…but it’s nothing to be afraid of. Like he said, it’s in his genes.”

  I stared up at Salem and wondered if our child would inherit that ability. Would that be how the boy destroyed the world? By possessing some sort of magical ability? I felt sick to my stomach at the thought.

  “Prove it.”

  “Why is it that every time someone discovers this ability I have to show them first hand? Ah, very well…what would you have me summon?”

  “A million dollars.”

  “It doesn’t work that way.”

  “Why not? Go on, summon it.”

  “I do not know why not, I’ve never really thought about it after it not working in the past. Now go on, something realistic. Something small.”

  “Earrings. Good ones. With a pink gem in them.”

  “Very well.” Salem’s eyes sparkled and the earrings appeared in his hands. Eila ran over to him and started pushing his long sleeves up, still believing it was some sort of trick.

  “You just got lucky, how about…shoes. Heels! Blue ones.”

  Salem looked more than a little annoyed but obliged. With another sparkle of purple the heels appeared on the floor. I noticed that he was beginning to look out of breath; the power was taxing him again.

  “That’s enough,” I butted in before she could ask him to create a whole new wardrobe for her. “I think that is proof enough. Now do you believe us?”

  “I…I don’t know. It’s weird. It still just doesn’t feel real.”

  As we all sat down to eat, Eila continued to ask us all more and more questions. How much of it she believed I didn’t know, but I had never seen her talk so much in all the times we met before combined. Salem and Jason both gobbled down four pancakes each and Eila had two, which she ate slowly as she watched Salem’s every move and asked more questions. Mitchell was asleep still, and Ezra was out exploring the town.

  “Is there a date in mind for the wedding, Alex?” Eila asked suddenly, turning her attention from Salem to me.

  I looked at Salem and he shrugged. “I hadn’t really thought about it yet, with everything else on my mind. Did you have anything in mind, Salem?”

  “As soon as possible?” he suggested with a sly grin.

  “Let me call Richard and see when he is available,” I replied.

  “You should call Desmond, too…”

  I grimaced. “Do I have to?”

  “He would be happy to attend the ceremony, and in the end you will be thankful.”

  “I guess…” I said glumly and left the room with my phone in hand.

  Richard didn’t answer right away so I hung up after ten or so rings and reluctantly dialed my foster father’s number. With each ring I grew ever more anxious and unprepared. Chances were he wouldn’t even be able to make it because he would be off on another adventure on the wrong side of the world.

  “Hello?” the sound of his voice nearly made me jump as I had begun absentmindedly counting tiles on the ceiling of the master bedroom.

  “Hey Des…Dad…it’s Alex.”

  “I’m so glad you called! How are you?”

  “I’m…okay. A lot of things have happened recently, most of which were bad.”

  “What happened?” he asked sympathetically and I heard him mumble
‘Excuse me’ to someone. He must have been with company when I called.

  “First, my best friend Karen…you remember her, right?”

  “Of course I remember her, Alexis.”

  “Okay…well,” it still hurt to say it aloud, “she was in a car accident, and she didn’t survive,” I said and blinked back the tears. I was beginning to wish I was unable to cry again, despite having wanted to when I was a vampire.

  “I am so sorry to hear that, darling,” he said. He sounded legitimately upset and concerned, but it was hard to tell with him.

  “Then…Paul passed away while…out exploring a cave in Florida,” I explained, attempting to keep my voice from cracking. “I just found out…and I’m handling it okay, but…you’re the only parent I have left now.”

  “Do you need me to come to Colorado? I can drop everything and be there as early as tomorrow evening if you need me,” he spoke sincerely and I felt a sudden desire to have him with me despite everything he had put me through.

  “Actually, that’s something I wanted to talk to you about. It’s not ideal to do this after so many tragic things have happened, but…Salem and I are getting married. And before you say we are too young, just trust me when I say we are more than ready for this. I want you to…” I paused for a moment, “I want you to walk me down the aisle.”

  I could hear the happiness in his voice, “I would be honored, Alexis. Can Melissa join me?”

  “Of course, she can even be one of my bridesmaids if she wants…we are short…”

  “I am sure she would love that,” he replied. “Let me make arrangements with her and we will be there as soon as we can. I am so sorry for everything you have been through lately, but at the same time I am very excited for you and Salem.”

  “Thanks…dad. I have someone else that I need to call, but let me know what you figure out when you can, or just surprise me,” I laughed.

  “I’ll give you a call when everything is settled,” he laughed in return. “Take care, dear.”

  “You, too,” I said and hung up.

  Dialing Richard’s number and not getting an answer was beginning to irritate me, though I wasn’t sure why. Finally, he picked up the third time I tried calling.

  “Hey, Grandpa,” I said quietly. “Has Aunt Kim come by?”

  “Yeah…she told me about your father,” he replied sadly. “I can’t believe it. He spent so many years avoiding me, and when we finally got back in touch…I lost him forever.”

  “I know how you feel. For the longest time, he was an uncle to me…and only a year ago I found out who he truly was, and now I have no father again.” I could feel the tears slipping down my cheek again and bit my lip, wishing I could stop the flow. Maybe being alive and feeling all this pain had been a mistake after all.

  “I’m so sorry, Alex. I’m glad you made it safe, though.”

  “Thanks, Grandpa,” I smiled despite my tears. “There was something else I needed to ask you.”

  “Anything you need, kid.”

  My heart sunk when he referred to me by Paul’s ‘nickname’ for me. “Salem and I are going to get married…and, we want you to be there.”

  “Married?! You two are so young-,” he paused and sighed. “Well, I suppose you aren’t. At least, he isn’t.”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “Yeah. I know it might seem like we’re too young and unprepared for this, but we really aren’t. Will you be there?”

  “Of course, when is it?”

  “Salem says as soon as possible, so whenever you’re available I guess…”

  “How’s this upcoming Sunday?”

  “What’s today?” I laughed and realized I had hardly been paying attention to the days.

  “It’s Wednesday. And happy late birthday, by the way.”

  “Thanks, and that should work. I’ll let everyone know…and I’ll give you more information on where to meet us as soon as I know.”

  “Sounds like a deal. Now, go have fun making your plans. I’m proud of you,” he said, trying to sound cheerful – though I knew he was hurting as well.

  “I will. I can’t wait to see you again,” I replied quickly and hung up.

  Thursday came and went as Eila and I practiced Nevermore on my old piano. We spent nearly two hours non-stop practicing until both of our fingers’ became too sore and stiff to play any longer. Salem served us lunch afterward during our break, and then we resumed practicing even more until she had it spot on and I felt confident that she would play perfectly at the wedding. I was a little surprised by how close I was beginning to feel toward her, it was almost as if we had known each other for years. I regretted whatever ill feelings I had originally felt for her.

  I tried hard not to dwell on the loss of Karen and Paul as Eila and I discussed wedding plans and shopped for invitations together and browsed flower shops on Friday. She practically became my shadow during the few days following my birthday, and I insisted that she be my maid of honor – a role I had always imagined Karen filling. Jason was ecstatic, if not a little shocked, when Salem requested he take part in being his best man. Hannah hadn’t returned any phone calls since we arrived in Willowshire, despite Salem’s constant attempts to reach her. She was the only guest not scheduled to be there. Desmond had called on Thursday night to say he would arrive on Saturday morning with Melissa and to expect plenty of presents on their behalf. We didn’t need a caterer as Salem could summon all of the food – the only things missing were my dress and a set location.

  As Friday night came upon us, Salem approached me in the living room of the house. He sat beside me on a white sectional he had summoned the night before; it perfectly matched the one that my father burned down not so long ago. I was sitting cross-legged with my laptop perched up on a pillow on my lap, frantically looking for a wedding gown that caught my eyes.

  “I can summon you any gown your heart desires,” he said as he peeked over at the computer screen.

  “The only issue there is that I am not having a very easy time finding the perfect one!” I said and threw my hands up in frustration.

  Salem pulled my hands down gently and held them in his own while smiling at me. “Regardless what your dress looks like, it will be perfect. You will look fabulous and no one is going to even care what the dress looks like! You could walk down the aisle in a paper bag and no one would think any less of you.”

  “Now there’s an idea,” I said with a chuckle and shook my head, “but I don’t want to wear a paper bag to our wedding. I want to feel like a princess…which is something I never wanted before. What have you done to me? Weddings and romance and boys never mattered to me at all really before I met you.”

  “I am glad,” he grinned and leaned over, shut the lap top and kissed me. “Let me decide what dress you wear.”

  I stared at him inquisitively, wondering if he was being serious. “You want to choose my wedding gown?”

  “Yes,” he replied. “I have the perfect idea in mind.”

  My attempt to keep my face calm and blank was failing me, but I didn’t want him to think I didn’t trust him. “And if I don’t like it?”

  His grin never faded. “There is no chance of that. You will love it the very second you lay eyes on it.”

  “I’ll give you a chance, but if I don’t like it-,”

  “You will like it,” he repeated and kissed me again. “Trust me.”

  “I do,” I whispered and my heart galloped as I realized what I had just said…and that in two days, I would be saying those words in a completely different context.

  “As for a location,” he began and plucked the laptop and pillow from my lap, “I was thinking, perhaps we could have the ceremony by the lake or even in the woods near the creek.”

  “But, Salem…are you sure that’s a good idea?”

  “I see no reason why it shouldn’t be. The debris left over from the house might get in the way of having it by the lake, but the woods is secluded and a nice place.”

ou won’t feel uncomfortable being there?”

  “Not at all,” he replied. “So, is it settled?”

  “If that’s what you want.”

  “It is, as long as you are okay with it, too.”

  “I don’t have a problem with it at all; I couldn’t think of anywhere else.”

  “Perfect!” he said and without warning lifted me up from the couch and cradled me in his arms. “We have much planning to do tomorrow, so I believe we ought to take a break from all of this and go to sleep.”

  “Sleep,” I said with a yawn, “sounds good.”


  Salem and I were disturbed from our sleep when the doorbell rang. I ran to the front door in my pajamas, nearly slipping on the floor with my socks, and with a heavy sigh of relief I pried the door open. My eyes took a while to adjust to the bright sunlight seeping in through the wide open door, and I felt like an idiot squinting to try to figure out who my guests were. Then, I noticed it wasn’t just the heat that made it difficult to decipher who they were – it was their appearances. Desmond had cut his hair short and I had to admit he looked very handsome, and much less rugged and dirty. He was dressed casually in a t-shirt and dark blue jeans, which was unusual for him – he almost always dressed nicely. Melissa didn’t look much different from the last time I had seen her.

  “You made it!” I exclaimed and hugged my foster father. “You look great, by the way – I love what you did with your hair.”

  He smiled and looked me over. “You look quite lovely yourself, Alexis.”

  “Thanks, and so do you, Melissa,” I said as I welcomed them inside.

  “Is this your place?” Mel asked as she glanced around the house slightly disapprovingly.

  “I suppose it is, now,” Salem said as he entered the room clad in a button up black shirt tucked into black slacks.

  “Well, I certainly feel underdressed now,” Desmond commented as he shook Salem’s hand. “It’s nice to see you again.”

  “Don’t worry, dad…he always dresses like that,” I laughed.

  “It is nice to see both of you as well,” Salem said and embraced Melissa briefly. “We are both glad that you could make it out here.”


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