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Steel Maiden

Page 14

by Kim Richardson


  WE ARRIVED AT GOTH on the eighth day of the race. I wasn’t even sure I’d call this a race anymore. No one was rushing to the finish line or towards the stone. Well, not yet. I was sure that things would begin to change the closer we got to the Hollowmere. And although I had thought to keep the location of the stone a secret, I had overheard Hollowmere mentioned by name on more than on one occasion, first by the Espanians, and then by the Fransians. The whereabouts of the stone was not a great secret now. Everyone knew.

  I had half expected the clouds to clear up as we left Death’s Arm behind us, but I was sadly mistaken.

  A perpetual gloom hung over the realm of Goth like a dark shadow. While the land was gray and lightless, the trees were so tall that I had to lean back just to see the tops of some of them. I had no idea that trees could reach such a height. It was like they were trying to reach God. Aside from the woodlands and patches of desert, there were a few areas of sparse dry shrubbery with long, black, thorns. Goth was a mountainous realm of gray sand, rock, thorny bushes, and giant, creepy trees. It couldn’t be more unwelcoming.

  The rain had stopped, and I took comfort in that.

  We were all too tired and too wet to start the long journey north into Hollowmere. I found a comfortable spot next to one of those colossal trees and unloaded my pack and bedroll. I was blessed to find dry kindling and some moss that I peeled off the rocks. I had a fire within a minute.

  I nearly sobbed in relief as the warmth of my little fire brushed my face. I heard the sparkling of a nearby fire and saw that most of the other groups had settled happily to warm themselves by their fires, too. I made a rack with sticks and laid my spare clothes over the fire to dry. Without a sun it would take a while, but the stale air was better than rain. And yet I still couldn’t shake off the coldness I felt inside. I realized it was this place. Its coolness clung to my very bones.

  A distant screech cut through the silent night air. The long grating cak-cak-cak call was one I recognized as belonging to a bird of prey. I found it odd that any such birds would find themselves here in Goth. I hadn’t seen any signs of food like squirrels or field mice. Come to think of it, I hadn’t even seen a bird for days.

  I was half-asleep on my bedroll when Landon came strolling towards me carrying a silver flask. His golden locks bounced, and his red cape rose and fell in a crimson wave as he walked. His crisp white shirt was snug across his broad, muscular chest. With his tall leather boots, he did look quite regal, and too handsome.

  I pulled myself up from my bedroll and rested my back against the tree trunk. He eyed my undergarments that hung on crooked sticks over my fire and smiled. Although I was slightly embarrassed, I kept my gaze as steady as possible. I was thankful that the redness of my cheeks was masked with the darkness of night.

  He settled himself down next to me and added a few more sticks to the red embers of my little fire. We sat there staring at the fire without speaking for a little while. My heart beat so loudly, I was certain he could hear it.

  Finally, he handed me the flask. “My family’s wine. I was saving the last of it for a special occasion.”

  I took the flask hesitantly. “And you figured this was that special occasion.”

  Fire danced in his eyes. “Well, we’re both still alive, aren’t we? And we’ve got maybe another few days until we reach Hollowmere. I’d say this does call for a celebration.”

  He tilted his head. “Try it. I think you’ll like it.”

  I was tempted to ask where Thea was, but then changed my mind.

  “Why are you here, Landon? This is a competition. We should be at each other’s throats, not sharing drink.”

  He shrugged. “I’m not really sure.”

  I stared at the flask.

  “It’s because you don’t think I can win, isn’t it? I’m not a threat to you, so why not toast to my failure? I’m in this to win, too, you know.”

  “I never said that you weren’t,” he said, shaking his head. “I just wanted to come over and chat.”

  His eyes met mine, and I felt my heartbeat increase again.

  “If you want me to leave, say the word, and I’m gone.”

  It pissed me off a little that he thought I wasn’t good enough to be a real threat. But I also didn’t want him to leave.

  “It’s fine,” I shrugged.

  I sipped some of the wine, and my throat burned a little as the liquid trickled down. I swished the liquid around in my mouth and tasted the sweetness of honey and grapes.

  “I’ve never tasted anything like it before,” I said and handed him back the flask. “It’s better than anything I’ve ever had.”

  He smiled proudly at the compliment and took another mouthful himself. I knew that poor quality wines like the ones I’d had in the past tasted of alcohol. This one didn’t. I could already feel the effects of the drink on me, however, and its warmth spread through my body. The wine relaxed me, and I started to feel a little giddy. I started to smile, and I caught Landon’s complicit smile as he handed me back his flask. I took it gladly and sipped some more.

  “If by chance you get the stone,” I said as I handed him back the flask. “Do you know what you’re going to do with it? I mean, you’re already rich. You have your own wine and all. Why would someone like you want more? Isn’t what you have enough?”

  His smile faded a little, and I knew I’d gone too far. This was a little too personal.

  “I’m sorry,” I blurted. “None of my business.”

  But I was surprised when he answered.

  “It’s not about the riches for me. And yes, I do have enough, more than enough. But it’s more than just riches.”

  He opened his mouth as though he was going to add something more, but then closed it, like he thought he better not reveal too much.

  There was something more to Landon than he was letting on. I could tell that his secret, whatever it was, was weighing on him, just like mine. Was it his family? Had they pressured him to retrieve the stone for some family heirloom?

  As I wondered about his secret, I stared at his lips, unable to look away. The wine was making me bold. I had to be careful. But Landon caught me staring at his lips again, and his eyes gleamed in the half-dark.

  I smiled at him. I couldn’t believe I did that.

  The next thing I knew he’d pulled me onto his lap. He leaned forward and kissed me lightly. His soft lips pressed tenderly on mine, slow at first, but then harder. And when his tongue entered my mouth, I gave a little moan. The taste of the wine was still sharp in my mouth, and I lost all sense of propriety. My head spun a little, but I didn’t want to stop. I didn’t want him to stop. His tongue was restless against mine, and he kissed me long and deep.

  He pulled away and slid his hands up my body to cradle my face with his hands.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered and kissed me again.

  He pulled his lips from my mouth and trailed his kisses down my neck. Every kiss sent a jolt of desire pulsing through my veins. I pulled him closer, my arms around his tousled mane and broad shoulders. The intensity increased. He growled in anticipation, and I trembled with desire. He kissed me, and I was overwhelmed with my need for him.

  “Elena,” he breathed as he kissed my neck. His tongue lingered on a delicate spot, and one of his hands slipped under my tunic and began to explore the soft skin of my chest and the slope of my breast.

  I pulled his mouth to mine again and slipped my fingers into the soft hair on his chest. Then I moved my hands over his back. In the cold night, his hot body was intoxicating. I hadn’t realized how much I had missed the feeling of a man’s strong arms around me and the crushing weight of a body on top of mine. I needed to feel his touch and I luxuriated in his warm hands as they continued to explore my body.

  Suddenly, Landon grabbed my hands and pulled me away.


  His face was serious. He looked behind my shoulder.

  I turned around in
his lap.

  Mad Jack was standing behind me. He held a small cup and a plate with assorted cheeses and dried meats. But he wasn’t glaring at me; he was glaring at Landon and at the empty flask on the ground next to us.

  “Thought you’d get her drunk and take advantage of her,” he growled.

  His knuckles had turned white on his fists.

  “Don’t you have your own women to do that to? Or do you think you own our women, too, Your Highness?”

  It took a few seconds for me to compose myself and register what was happening.

  I giggled. Clearly he had lost his mind.

  “Go away, Jack,” I slurred. Trying to focus on one Mad Jack was proving a difficult task. I laughed again.

  “Is that the kind of man you are?” accused Mad Jack.

  Landon was quiet for a while. I tried to focus on his beautiful face, but it kept slipping away in a foggy haze. The desire was gone from his eyes, and he looked serious. He grabbed me, lifted me up, and gently settled me on my bedroll.

  “I’m sorry, Elena. But your friend is right. This was a mistake. I’m sorry.”

  He stood up, and the two men exchanged a silent look. And then he walked away.

  My face burned as I watched him go, and I tried to control my anger and embarrassment at being disturbed.

  I glowered at Mad Jack.

  “What is your problem? Can’t you just leave me alone? Why do you have to ruin everything? You’ve already ruined my life. Why? Why are you doing this?”

  He looked at me, and I didn’t understand the look that flashed into his eyes. He shook his head.

  “What are you doing, Elena?”

  I cringed at the blame in his voice.

  “What am I doing?” I barked, angry at his accusing tone. “None of your damn business! Who the hell do you think you are? My father? Mind your own damn business. What I do with my life is of no concern to you.”

  Mad Jack shook his head and looked stunned. “You’re drunk.”

  He said it accusingly, his expression hard. “You don’t know what you’re doing.”

  “I’m not drunk.” But I knew I was. “Why don’t you stay the hell out of my life?”

  He looked a little surprised at my tone, but at this point I didn’t care what he thought of me.

  He scratched the back of his neck. “You don’t understand—”

  “I do understand,” I hissed, the blood was hot in my cheeks, and I could feel my ears burning.

  “I understand that you’re doing this on purpose!” I yelled. “Like in some sick twisted way you’re enjoying ruining my life.”

  I felt all my bitterness at his complicity with the priests rushing out of me. His betrayal had made me abandon Rose and had ruined my life.

  “That’s not true,” he said. I could see that his face had darkened.

  “I would never want that.”

  “Really, well you could have fooled me.”

  I looked at him in frustration. “Then why? Why are you even here? What do you want?”

  His eyes fell on the plate in his hands.

  “I came to see if you were hungry,” he said, his voice soft.

  “Well, I wasn’t.” I brought my knees up and rested my head on my arms, fighting the angry tears that I knew would come.

  “Yes, I can see that now.” He sighed emptily. He stood there like he wanted to say something, but he couldn’t bring himself to say it.

  My brows knitted together. “I don’t get it. I just don’t get it.”

  Mad Jack shook his head. “No, you don’t.”

  He walked away, and I felt even worse than before.

  I couldn’t think straight.

  What had he meant by that? What didn’t I get? Why did he look like a lost puppy?

  I put a hand down on the ground to steady myself. Resolved to put the conversation behind me, I lay back down on my bedroll and stretched my arms out to keep me from vomiting.

  I wondered why Landon had been so quick to leave me, and why he had looked ashamed. I thought of the command in Mad Jack’s voice when he had spoken to the noble man. What had Mad Jack said that had affected Landon so much that he had to excuse himself and leave?

  If Mad Jack hadn’t appeared when he did, I knew I would have slept with Landon. I had not abandoned all reason, and although I could blame my behavior on the wine that Landon had brought, I didn’t care that he might have planned to seduce me.

  I closed my eyes and focused on the feeling I had felt in Landon’s arms. I had craved it for so long. For a short moment, in Landon’s arms, I had felt safe.


  EVERY MUSCLE WAS SORE when I woke the next morning, but I felt worse about what had almost transpired between Landon and me the night before. It wasn’t like me to bed a stranger just because I was longing for some intimacy. I knew I would have never let it go as far as it did if it hadn’t been for that damn wine and his smug gentility.

  I shuffled around in a funk, folding my bedroll and getting ready to set out again. According to my map, Hollowmere was about a two-day journey on foot. The sooner I got there the sooner the race would be over, and the sooner my life could get back to normal. That is, if I brought back the stone. Although my innards felt like churned butter, and I felt as though I had been slammed by a galloping wagon, I could feel the comfort and warmth of my healing power surge through me. It was becoming familiar now, and I could feel my muscles easing and my cramped neck beginning to loosen. Unfortunately it didn’t appear to cure hangovers.

  That wine had been treacherous. Its sweet taste disguised its strength. I was drunk with only a few sips. Well, I had more than a few sips. In fact, I couldn’t remember how much of the wine I had.

  Just thinking about Landon’s hands all over me made me flush with embarrassment. I didn’t think I could face him this morning.

  Perhaps what was done was done. I couldn’t go back and erase things. I just had to accept what had happened. When I found him he was lost in conversation with his team, and he did not once look up to meet my gaze. My face burned with shame again.

  I couldn’t let what happened between us deter me from my goal.

  Get over it, Elena.

  It had happened, and I had to accept my own actions. I needed to get my hands on the stone. That’s the only thing that mattered.

  With my bag over my shoulders, I set out towards the North. I was just behind a few Espanians and Romilians, and I let them set my pace.

  The mood of the groups had changed. Everyone moved with more haste and more energy now, and I knew it was going to get worse. The nearness of the prize weighed heavily on everyone. I had to watch my back.

  I kept to myself as I wandered along the hard desert floor. The air was hot and stale. The endless gray terrain seemed to spread its gloom into me as well, and I walked in silence.

  I was deep into my thoughts when I was surprised to find Mad Jack walking along beside me. He forced a smile.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “Like I’m about to cough out my liver, and like I’ve been hit with a blunt object. Other than that, I feel great.”

  He laughed and handed me a canteen. “Here, drink that. It’s beef broth. It’ll help settle your stomach.”

  The last thing I wanted to do was drink, but I did as I was told and gulped it down. I raised my brows.

  “This is good. Surprisingly good.” I handed him back his canteen. “Is it from a stew you made yourself?”

  “It is,” he answered proudly. “I like cooking. It relaxes me.”

  I raised an eyebrow at that. I’d never thought he’d be the type to cook. I was even more surprised at how relaxed I felt with him, even though he had seen me in a scandalous entanglement last night. His easy demeanor comforted me somehow. I didn’t quite understand it.

  We walked side by side in an awkward silence for a while until he broke it by asking plainly, “So, what’s going on between you and his highness?”

  I nearly tripped.
  “Nothing. Not that it’s any of your business,” I added sharply. “Have you stooped to name calling now? Can’t you use the usual…I don’t know…bastard…son of a bitch…or something of that sort?”

  Mad Jack shrugged. “Because he’s not a bastard. Landon Battenberg is the real royal prince of Anglia. Well, at least he would be if the monarchy still existed.”

  I nearly spit up the broth. I knew I had heard the name Battenberg before. Of course, I had read it in one of Rose’s history books. The Battenbergs were a long line of kings from Anglia. They went back for generations, long before the priests established their empire.

  I had nearly slept with royalty, and I wasn’t exactly sure how that made me feel. Good? Bad? Really good? And what were the prince’s motives? Was I a prize? A tool? A cheap thrill to distract him?

  Mad Jack frowned. “I thought you knew.”

  “Well, obviously I didn’t,” I exclaimed. My knees were wobbling.

  He had treated me with true kindness since the beginning of this journey. Royalty or not, he was the only one who had bothered to come to my aid. Maybe he was just lonely. Maybe all he wanted was some company, just like me.

  I searched the long line of heads and found his tousled dark blond hair and broad shoulders easily. There was something regal about the way he carried himself, and the way others always looked to him to lead. I knew he was highborn, but I would never have guessed he was of the highest sort. I steadied my heart.

  “Well, it’s not like he’s parading his position anyway.” I had noticed, however, that most of the wealthy and noble Anglians addressed him by his title.

  I thought of Thea’s murderous glare and her use of the word peasant. It all made sense. She didn’t want me to taint her beloved prince. And I couldn’t blame her.

  “I thought the priests had stripped away all their titles and their lands,” I said after a moment, my heart still pounding in my ears.

  Mad Jack watched me through narrowed eyes for a moment.

  “They did. Officially, the priests took away the nobility’s power, their crowns, and their castles. They don’t have any real authority anymore. But if you travelled through the other parts of Anglia, especially in the south, you’d find that most folks still speak of the monarchy like it still exists. They still believe in the monarchy.”


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