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Heart of Stone

Page 7

by Dakota Willink

  “Your experience in marketing and advertising, of course.”

  He watched me, eyes full of wicked humor, waiting for my response.

  This has to be the strangest interview ever. He read my résumé. He knows the answer. Why would he ask me that?

  “Everything is on my résumé, Mr. Stone. There’s not much more that I can elaborate on,” I flatly responded.

  It was probably the worst answer that I ever gave in an interview, but I had a nagging suspicion that he didn’t give a rat’s ass about my experience in marketing. The twisting in by belly intensified, the conversation making me uneasy. It was full of double meanings and suggestive implications.

  “I see.” He seemed frustrated that I didn’t give him a better answer.

  The intercom buzzed, making me jump, and Laura’s voice came through the speakerphone on the table.

  “I apologize for the interruption Mr. Stone, but your ten o’clock appointment is here.”

  Ten o’clock appointment? Have I really been here for an hour?

  “Thank you, Laura. I will be finished momentarily,” Alexander responded through the speaker, sounding mildly annoyed.

  My interview, if you could call it that, had clearly come to an end. I stood up and straightened my skirt. Alexander Stone stood as well, his intense gaze never wavering, as he watched my every move. I felt naked, despite my blouse and skirt, and my skin grew hot under his scrutiny. I tried to figure out what he was thinking, but his facial expression was unreadable, cool almost. Yet, I was able to detect a sense of uncertainty in his eyes. His stare made me self-conscious and I immediately moved to smooth out my hair.

  “Your hair is fine, Krystina.”

  Holy crap – he called me Krystina.

  I wondered what made him drop the formalities.

  “Uh, thanks,” was the only response I could muster.

  “It’s a bit restricted for my taste, but fine all the same.”

  What’s that supposed to mean?

  I was trying to fathom what he meant by that, when he reached over to one of the phones and pressed the intercom button.

  “Laura, please reschedule my ten o’clock.”

  Holy hell – he wants to keep me here?

  I didn’t know if I could handle another minute in his presence. I wasn’t myself when I was near him. My careful guard, the walls that I tightly clung to whenever I was near another man, seemed to crumble to the wayside with just one look from him. I could feel my heart begin to race as I watched him move at a slow pace towards me, a predatory gleam shining in his eyes.

  He took a step closer and reached for my hands. I would swear that my fluttering heart stilled at the contact.

  “Why do you twist your hands the way that you do?” he asked, his sapphire eyes blazing into mine.

  Was I fidgeting again?

  I hadn’t even realized I was doing it.

  “A nervous habit,” I explained. Incapable of withstanding his fiery gaze, I turned my head to the left and focused on the blue vases along the wall.

  “Look at me, Krystina.” He reached one hand up to turn my chin so that I was forced to face him. Something dark smoldered in the depths of those ruthless cobalt blues, and I wondered if he was going to kiss me. My legs trembled and I cursed myself for wearing pumps rather than flats. “I make you nervous,” he said, his voice becoming deep and throaty.

  I couldn’t talk. I was a wreck.

  When I didn’t respond, Alexander removed his hand from my chin and slowly ran a thumb over my brow. My breathing suddenly became shallow, as the air seemed to turn thick and suffocating.

  “Your bruise is healing nicely.”

  “Yes it is,” I agreed, my voice barely above a whisper. He was way too close to me, clouding my senses so that I couldn’t think straight. I tried to step back but he still held my hand firmly in his.

  He leaned in closer and I could feel his breath hot on my neck. I allowed the smell of him to envelop me – a mix of sandalwood and his natural male scent. The combination was deadly, like the sexy smell in the air that tempts you to stay outdoors right before a wicked thunderstorm. And at that moment, I was more than willing to be struck by a bolt of lightning.

  “This will never work, Krystina. I’m a bad match for someone like you. If you were wise, you would leave my building and never look back,” he warned, his voice low and thick in my ear, causing a prickle at my nape.

  The thought of why he might not be good for me had my toes curling in my shoes. I didn’t care how bad he was. I could be the judge of that later. I dismissed the pesky voice in my head that said all men were evil. The devil was out and he was doing a tap dance on my shoulder. The sudden need to taste Alexander’s lips on mine was overwhelming.

  He moved his hands and softly traced the pads of his thumbs over my collarbone, causing a tremor to course through me. He placed his palms on each side of my neck and his fingers rested at the base of my skull, making a circular motion at my hairline.

  I was coming apart at the seams.

  I closed my eyes at the intimate contact and allowed a small moan to escape my lips. His mouth hovered temptingly over mine. I could only hold my breath in anticipation of the kiss that I knew was about to come.

  The intercom buzzed again and Laura’s voice came through the speaker, loud and intrusive.

  “I’m very sorry sir, but Ms. Andrews is insisting on keeping her appointment. She’s on her way up from the lobby now.”

  Alexander let go of me suddenly, as if I had shocked him, causing me to stagger back a few steps. My knees wobbled and I had to work to steady myself. My head was reeling.

  Damn you, Ms. Andrews!

  I didn’t know who in the hell Ms. Andrews was, but I despised her at that moment.

  I looked at him, now standing a good ten feet away from me. He closed his eyes and ran both hands through his hair. He gave his head a slight shake, as if he were attempting to clear it.

  When he finally looked at me again, his expression was blank. There was nothing in his appearance that would have revealed what had happened in the last few minutes.

  “I would like to finish your interview, Krystina,” he finally said, albeit rather abruptly.

  “When would you like to reschedule, Mr. Stone?” I asked, my words sounding faint in my ears. I could barely get the words out, my body still swimming with unexplainable desire.

  “I don’t know…” His voice trailed off, uncertainty briefly clouding his features. However, he regained his composure in an instant, once again adorning a poker face that showed no emotion. “It’s probably best for both of us if you leave now, Miss Cole.”

  Formal. Back to business.

  His tone was firm and detached. It was as if a switch had flipped and he appeared completely unaffected by our encounter.

  I was more than just a little bit stunned. I felt rejected. Speechless. I could only stand there, a shaky mess, gaping at him.

  What game is he playing at? Is he going to reschedule or not?

  And does he want me or doesn’t he?

  In a daze, I bent to retrieve my purse from the chair where I had been sitting. When I turned, Alexander was waiting for me by the door.

  “Laura will be at the reception desk waiting to see you out. Have a good day.”

  And with that, he spun on his heal and exited the conference room.

  Well, that’s just fine and great, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. If you want to play head games with me, then you’ve met your match.

  I was the master at wearing masks.

  I quickly put on an expression of disinterest and exited the room, displaying an air of confidence that I didn’t truly feel. I certainly didn’t need the lovely Laura to walk me out. I would show myself out.

  I rounded the corner that would take me into the waiting area and made my way towards the leather sofas, walking at a measured pace. So preoccupied with keeping up my façade, I almost collided straight into a woman that was coming towards me.

/>   She was strikingly beautiful with long, shiny black hair. She wore a deep purple colored high-neck cotton dress that covered her slender frame from head to toe. The only show of skin was from the slit that ran up the side of her leg. The dress wrapped her body so tightly, that she might as well have worn nothing at all.

  “Excuse me,” she said impatiently, as if she was in a hurry. I quickly moved aside to let her by and continued towards the elevators.

  I heard Laura call out to me, but I ignored her and kept on walking. I knew that I was being petty, but if I opened my mouth, I risked crumbling my control. The elevator doors were opened and waiting. I needed to get to them quickly before they closed.

  I stepped into the elevator and hit the button for the lobby. I just wanted to go home to think. I needed to figure out how I let all of this happen. Before the doors slid shut, I spotted Alexander stepping through the door of an office off of the waiting room. The beautiful black haired woman hurried towards him and embraced him in a hug. I sucked in my breath as if I’d been sucker punched. There was no denying the affection that passed between them.

  Alexander looked over the shoulder of the woman. His blue eyes locked on mine.

  Why, you son of a bitch…

  That was all I could think as the elevator doors slowly slid shut.


  I paced back and forth in my office like a caged animal, trying to figure out what had come over me. Yes, I wanted Krystina Cole. I wanted her from the first moment I saw her. But that was no excuse. I wasn’t some horny kid that couldn’t keep his dick in his pants.

  I raked my hands through my hair, disturbed over the fact that I had lost my head. It had been so unlike me. I understood the value of finesse, the importance of patience and diligence to achieve the desired end result. And I never failed. Yet, Krystina Cole’s stamp was imprinted into my brain, causing me to carelessly push aside any sort of self-restraint, and taking what I wanted without any regard of the consequence.

  I brought a hand up to rub my temple, trying to will away the images of her, but my efforts were in vain. I could still smell the soft scent of her hair. It was like strawberries and cream. The feel of her pulse racing as I held her slight hand in mine. The way her breath hitched when I touched her neck. Her lips, parting ever so slightly, just waiting. Waiting for me to devour her.

  And the look of confusion on her face when I so rudely dismissed her…

  I’m an asshole.

  I needed a do-over. A mulligan.

  Intent on rectifying the situation, I quickly strode towards the office door, hoping to catch her before she left. However, when I stepped through the doorway, a very angry Justine Andrews was blocking my path.

  “Alexander! I’ve been trying to reach you for days!” Justine snapped. Her eyes flashed angrily as she quickly closed the distance between us. My back went ramrod straight, ready to jump on the defense. I braced for the worst, knowing that she had a valid reason for being so irate.

  Here it comes. The wrath of Justine. Apparently, I have pissed off more than just one woman this morning.

  But before I could even think to utter an explanation as to why I hadn’t returned her calls, she threw her arms around my neck, softening my defenses.

  That’s when I saw Krystina.

  At first she looked shocked, but then her expression changed to one of angry betrayal. I felt like I had just taken a solid blow to the head. I couldn’t react if I tried. It was if time was literally standing still.

  It wasn’t until the elevator doors closed, that I realized what the scene must have looked like to her. I disentangled myself from Justine’s hold.

  “Christ, what has gotten into you? You have no patience! And your timing sucks,” I bit out irritably, turning to go back into my office. Justine followed me and I closed the door behind her, sparing the office staff from a screaming match. I could tell that she was itching for a fight.

  “Come on, Alex! You wanted your secretary to reschedule me – me of all people! And I think it’s terrible that I had to make an appointment to see you in the first place,” she whined.

  “Sorry. It’s been a busy week,” I muttered, taking a seat behind my desk. Justine gracefully sat down in the seat across from me and folded her arms in a pout.

  I fired up my computer and opened my inbox. I started sifting through emails, deleting what wasn’t needed and sending off quick responses. I wasn’t going to put much consideration into Justine’s petulant attitude. She would get to her point eventually, and I didn’t want to have some long, drawn out brawl in the meantime. It was a waste of time – time that should be spent chasing down Krystina.

  I came across the email from Stephen that had Krystina’s information in it. I opened the file to reread it for the fourth time that day, hoping to find some piece of information that might help me to defuse the time bomb that I had unintentionally set.

  “So what have you been so busy with? That pretty little thing that just ran out of here?” Justine taunted.

  “That’s enough,” I said impatiently, silencing her with my hand. I closed my eyes, and took a deep breath. When I opened them, I looked pointedly at her, warning her not to challenge me. “That woman was an interview. A very important interview that you interrupted. Believe it or not, I do have a company to run.”

  I didn’t elaborate on what else she interrupted. Justine would go ape shit if she knew that I had practically sexually assaulted a potential employee. Her interruption was most likely the best thing that could have happened, as much as I begrudged her for it.

  “I know that you’re busy, and I’m so sorry to come barging in like this. It’s just that…this is important and I didn’t know what else to do!”

  The anguish in her voice caught my attention, forcing me to take a closer look at her. As always, she looked impeccable, which I’ve come to expect nothing less of her. The allowance I gave her every month was more than enough to purchase her designer cloths, high-end cosmetics, and perfectly manicured nails. However, I was among the few people in her life that could see through the smokescreen. And her makeup.

  Although she did a good job of covering it, I could still see the subtle puffiness under her eyes, and the faint redness around their rims. She had been crying before coming to see me.

  “What is it, Justine?” I asked, adapting a gentler tone, even though I already had suspicions about what might really be upsetting her. This wasn’t about a few unreturned phone calls.

  It’s probably her scumbag ex-husband again.

  “It’s Charlie,” she told me, her eyes welling up with tears. She tried to blink them back.

  I called that one right…

  “What’s the bottom feeder up to?” I asked irritably. I had zero tolerance for the gambling addict that used to be Justine’s husband. He was a despicable waste of a human being.

  “It’s bad, Alex. He’s been making threats.”

  “What do you mean? What threats?” I hissed through my teeth, instantly fueled with rage at the thought of him hurting her again. She had already been through enough. “I’ll kill the fucking bastard if he touched you again!”

  Justine winced. My tone was menacing, which I knew she hated, but I couldn’t help it. She brought out every protective instinct that I possessed.

  “No, he didn’t hurt me – at least not in the physical sense. He’s been calling… a lot. I thought about just having his number blocked, but I was afraid to because of what he’s been threatening. It affects both me and you,” she told me.

  Fear shone through her tears and she started to shake, the tremble causing her legs to visibly bounce. I hurried over to her side and pulled her up into my arms. I held her tight and stroked her long hair.

  “It’s alright. It doesn’t matter what his threats are. He can’t do anything to me. And I already told you – I won’t let him hurt you anymore,” I tried to assure her.

  “No, no! You have to listen to me, Alex!” she shouted, shoving me away. She
inhaled deeply, attempting to regain some of her composure. “Damn it! This is why I’ve been blowing up your phone. He’s threatening to expose us – our past!”

  I felt all the blood drain from my face, a pit settling in the depths of my stomach.

  “And how would he know about our past, Justine?” I asked, my voice low.

  “Because…cause I told him!” she hiccupped, a fresh wave of sobs making her lose it all over again. “I had to tell him. It was part of my therapy a long time ago. And now, all these years later, I’ve barely made peace with everything myself. The last thing I want is a media circus. I couldn’t handle it, Alex. I just couldn’t.”

  My hands tightened into fists. It took every ounce of will power I had not to smash something in the room.

  “Fucking shrinks,” I cursed under my breath. I never could understand why she put so much faith in those head nutters. I moved around to the backside of my desk to get her a linen handkerchief from my desk drawer. “Is it safe to assume that Charlie wants you to buy his silence?”

  She took the handkerchief, and hesitated for a second or two before answering me. Guilt briefly clouded her features.

  “Of course, what else would he want? He probably just came off of a bad run on the craps table. But, you know how it is…just a little extra cash will put him on top again. I’m sure he has one of his hunches again,” she sarcastically remarked.

  Justine was bitter, and I didn’t blame her for being that way. However, I did blame her for the handouts that she’d been giving him, despite their recent divorce. Justine didn’t spend every penny that I gave her on herself, but saved a part of it to keep the leach off her back. I never told her that I knew about it, but often wondered why she did it. He must have been reaching deeper into her pockets than I had assumed.

  It needs to end. Now.

  “I’ll handle it.”

  “But how? You know him, Alex. He won’t stop. He’ll just come back again when he’s down.”

  “I don’t now what I’m going to do just yet. Let me make some calls, talk to my lawyer. Stephen will know what we can do about this legally. In the meantime, I don’t want you to be upset about it. And if he calls again, direct him to me. That should stall him for a bit. He’s always been a chicken-shit when it comes to me.”


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