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Ever Fallen In Love

Page 8

by Wendi Zwaduk

  He battled the urge to slip straight into her wet heat and instead pistoned between her thighs. “Do I have you?"

  Megan paused. The sound of her breathing and the rustle of the sheets were the only sounds in the room. “Let's enjoy what we have right now."

  "I want longer than right now.” He grasped her hips and held her tight against his body. Damn the past and the things he'd fucked up in his life. Forget his failures. Being with her was his biggest success. He spoke the first words in his mind. “Marry me."

  She opened then closed her mouth without making a sound. A cross between a smile and a grimace flashed across her face. “Let's get through the rest of the season.” She looked away. Her voice cracked. “Tucker, you have to fly under the national radar and being seen with me won't help."

  "Then this officially sucks.” Tucker slumped back against the bed. “You're kicking me to the kerb."

  "Stop pouting.” Her gaze slowly met his. “You don't look good pouting."

  "Why?” Tucker crooked his fingers under her chin and caressed her cheek with the pad of his thumb. This was the woman he loved—the woman with moxie who played her cards close to her vest. The woman who liked straying outside the lines. “You're ripping my heart out."

  "Nobody said this would be easy. Hell, it wasn't supposed to happen."

  "I'm fucking tired of hearing you say that."

  "Last time. Promise."

  He fisted his hand. She wasn't kicking him to the kerb. She was slowly but surely eradicating him from her personal life. “Last time for what?"

  "I've gotta go."

  "Don't do this. Don't make me give you up."

  Her chin quivered. Her damned chin quivered. Like she regretted what she planned to do. “Have you ever fallen in love with someone and knew down in your heart they were the one for you, but being together was impossible?"

  "Megs?” He sighed. Fuck. No matter what he had to say, things weren't going how he'd planned. “Yeah, I've loved someone and I was the one who screwed things up. I'm tired of screwing up, babe. I'll do anything to make it possible."

  "Then trust me."

  "You're still leaving?"

  "Goodbye, Tucker."

  He watched in stunned silence as she walked out of the door. His heart crumbled within his chest. “I fell in love with you. Always in love with you. I'm not giving up."

  [Back to Table of Contents]

  Chapter Eight

  * * * *

  Ten days of racing, praying and worrying behind her, Megan stood outside Rick's office. She nodded to Janine. “I'll leave the door cracked. If you hear the word ‘yellow', or me scream, you know what to do."

  "Wrap him around your finger.” Janine grinned. “I've got your back."

  Biting the inside of her cheek, Megan knocked on the thick door.

  "Move it or lose it,” Rick called.

  Janine snorted and took her place on the vacant secretary's desk.

  Megan sighed and rolled her eyes. She grasped the knob then pushed the door open. “Hello, Rick."

  Rick grinned and folded his hands. The combined smell of his woodsy cologne and cleaning fluid hung thick in the air. She rubbed her arms despite the constricting heat in his office. Seventy-two hours prior, the season had ended. She glanced out of the window over his shoulder. Leaves fluttered to the ground and bathed the landscape in bursts of yellow, red and orange. Above the windows sat a row of golden trophies from Rick's race career. The statues glittered like religious idols.

  She drew a long breath to fortify her nerves as she sat on the lumbering leather couch. She'd stood up to bargaining lawyers, cranky sports mothers and irate fans. Janine knew the plan and, if all went correctly, the rest of her backup would be right outside the door.

  The time had come to stand up to the devil himself.

  "Finale's over, Rick."

  "Megan, my love, I knew you'd come to me.” Rick leant forwards on his elbows. His smile widened. “You look beautiful in black."

  "Season's done.” She kept her voice level to hide her revulsion. Leaving Tucker still cut deep into her soul. Beating Rick at his own game would have to be a sad consolation prize if Tucker couldn't forgive her.

  "And you're here with me. I love my life. Shut the door."

  "I am here, but why close it? Whatever you have to say shouldn't be private, right?” She toyed with the tail of the scarf about her neck. Courage, don't fail me now. She looked around the otherwise still room and found little comfort in the mahogany walls. “You wanted the world to know"

  He spread his hands wide, and the gold ring on his left hand glittered in the harsh light. “Answer me this. Who do you want, and who do you want to know about it?"

  "You.” The words left a bad taste in her mouth. She pushed aside her disgust. She needed to put herself out there a bit and play up to his ego for things to work. “Only you."

  "I knew you'd change your mind.” He scooted back in his chair and slapped his muscular thigh. “Strip. I want to see your body."

  "You first.” She licked her bottom lip as he stood. “I don't want to be the only one chilly."

  "After some wine.” He strode across the room and plucked a bottle from the sideboard. “I never make love without a little wine. Red's still your favourite?"

  "Absolutely.” The thought of drinking red wine churned her stomach. Each time she imbibed the tart liquid, she ended up with an excruciating headache. She shoved the thought from her mind. The faster she got out of his office, the sooner the nightmare would be over. Megan grasped the zipper of her dress. “Want to help me?"

  Rick placed the opened bottle on his desk then swept her hair into his hand. His nose grazed her shoulder. “You smell like vanilla."

  He slid the zipper down and released her hair. Megan covered the shiver racing along her spine by shrugging out of the dress. “I wear floral perfume."

  "Whatever. It's sweet, like you.” He nodded and flicked his fingers. “Lose the scarf. It's ugly."

  She cleared her throat and took hold of his tie. “Sit. I had a plan for the scarf."

  A wide smile spread across his face as he fell into his desk chair. “Bondage? You know I don't get into that shit."

  With Tucker, she liked the power play. Rick elicited no response from her libido. Megan held the two glasses of wine and straddled his lap. “Should we drink to our good fortune?"

  "My fortune is always good when I erase the fucking asshole from your mind.” He flicked the thin waistband of her panties. “Damn you're hot."


  "You're sexy. Tucker Poston is a waste of space."

  She faked a sip of the wine. “He is washed up, but you need to be nice when talking about your employees. He tries to race well even if his heart isn't in it."

  "He went to Blitz to get an easy ride. I'm glad I kept him from really using you.” Rick cupped her skull in both hands. “Forget the imbecile. Kiss me, babe."

  Thoughts zipped around her brain. Anything but kissing him. She shuddered as his lips touched hers. His tongue swiped over her mouth. When she gasped, he forced his way past her teeth. She forged ahead with her reason for visiting him and leant back in his arms. “I want to make him pay for his deception. Tucker Poston dicked with my heart. I don't like it."

  "Change his contract. Extend it or forbid him from racing or something. I don't give a fuck."

  "Ooh, sounds devious.” She arched her back, putting her breasts on display. “Where is it? I'm feeling naughty."

  Rick fumbled on his desk and slapped the surface. Something beeped over her shoulder. When she raised her brows, he chuckled. “I need to call my secretary.” He held the phone close to his face and pressed the buttons. “Get McNamara.” He pressed more buttons and held the phone in front of her. “Care to pose for a couple of glamour shots? I need some better pictures of you for the road."

  "Not when Dale will be in. I don't want him to see everything."

  "Fine, then after.” Rick tossed t
he phone onto his desk. “Why don't you put your dress back on? I don't want to give him the wrong idea. You're mine."

  "I'm yours.” Megan grabbed the discarded clothing from the floor and wriggled into her dress. She perched on Rick's lap. “Zip me?"

  Rick did as instructed as the attorney shuffled into the room. “I assume you want the contract written as before, Mr Rodney. Why hello, Megan. Nice to see you."

  "Do your worst, my love."

  Megan scribbled in the margins and crossed out lines. Please don't let Rick read this too closely. She glanced at Dale McNamara. “Done."

  "I'm also to tell you Tucker Poston awaits you in the lobby.” Dale nodded and shuffled the pages. “I'll leave you alone to sign."

  After the lawyer left, Rick grabbed Megan's arm. “Under the desk."


  "Like old times. I want you under the desk—'filing papers'."

  "If you want to really stick it to Tucker, then you want me visible."

  "Damn.” Rick pounded the top of the desk with his fist. “I want to ravage your body and discuss the terms of your surrender. He can wait."

  She walked her fingers up his chest to tweak his nose. “It makes me hotter seeing him sweat and knowing you're the one delivering the death blow."

  "I love the way you think.” He palmed her breast and pinched her nipple through the cotton fabric. “God, I want you."

  Megan swatted his hand away. “Behave. We want to look business-like when he and his new publicist arrive. Then we'll play."

  "Yes, ma'am."

  Tucker paced the length of the lobby. He hated charades. Mind games on the track he could do. Mind games in person, not so much. He swung his arms, begging the tension to leave his body. “Let's get this shit over with so I can go back to Blitz. I can't lose her. Janine, she's my world."

  "Hush. You need to calm down.” Janine smoothed the lapels of her suit jacket. “I know it's like asking you to relax on the last lap of the five-hundred with the guy second in points right on your tail, but you need to trust me. We have this under control. I promise."

  "That asshole attacked her earlier and very well could again, so yes, I'm a little on edge. I want to protect her, not use her."

  Janine tilted her head and put one finger in the air. “You're still angry?"

  "She fucking dumped me.” After I said I loved her.

  "If there's one person I trust with my life, it's Meg. Just follow my lead and play sad.” She finger-combed her hair and squared her shoulders. “Let's make a deal."

  Tucker shuffled along behind Janine. “I don't like this,” he muttered under his breath. “I don't like this one bit. It's dealing with the damned devil.” He clenched and unclenched his hands as he made his way into the room. Rick sat behind an enormous wooden desk with Megan perched in the crook of one arm. Dale McNamara stood to Rick's right. Of the three, only Rick looked truly pleased to be there. Megan's dour expression didn't quite make it to her eyes. Tucker glimpsed a sparkle he hadn't seen in far too many years. What the hell? McNamara, for his part, shrugged.

  "Tucker Poston. The bane of my existence and the reason for the collapse of my marriage. Nice to see you again.” Rick gestured to the chairs. “Have a seat...or should I say rot in hell?"

  Tucker gripped the back of the nearest chair. God help him, sitting wasn't going to happen. “If you're going to fuck with me, I'll stand."

  "Okay. Let's see this little piece of work.” Janine sat on the edge of her chair. “I expect I'll have a moment or two to confer with my client."

  "Confer away.” Rick snapped his fingers. “It won't make things any easier but at least Poston will know where he stands."

  McNamara rounded the desk and handed Janine the contract. “Things should be in order, but feel free to take your time. Mr Rodney has already added his signature."

  "We realise that, with being a third-tier driver, what you're offering is actually a good deal. Most teams won't even look our direction.” Janine scooted close to Tucker and placed the pages on her lap. She nodded and pointed. Tucker glanced at the words through unfocussed eyes. His stomach roiled. If playing the part of shafted race driver meant looking sick, he had the role nailed. Add in Janine's lovely summation of his career and things looked even bleaker.

  Using her index finger, she drew his attention to specific wording.

  Immediate release. Free to speak with other teams

  He sank back in his seat. Well, holy hell.

  "It's the best we'll get.” Janine handed him her pen. “Sign."

  "Yeah, Poston. Sign your life away to me.” Rick chuckled. “Damn fool."

  "Are you sure I want to put my name on this? I feel like I'm taking it up the ass without lube,” Tucker muttered.

  "Cute.” Janine snorted. “Yes, you want to take the deal."

  Tucker scrawled his name on the appointed lines and returned the pages to Janine. “Well, I'm screwed. Where's my car?"

  "Just a moment.” Dale McNamara shuffled the papers then placed some in Rick's hands. “Here's your copy and, Janine, here's yours. I think everything is in order.” He stuffed his papers into his briefcase. “Mr Poston, enjoy your choice."

  "There's a broom in the garage area. Grab it and make yourself useful.” Rick yanked Megan into his lap. “I've got things to do. People to undress."

  Megan stood. “Rick, you might want to read the contract."

  "You're wasting time.” Rick sighed. “I want him out and you naked. What's the issue?"

  "You signed Tucker's full release.” Dale clicked the briefcase shut. “The only one getting screwed right you.” He smiled, nodded and strolled out of the room.

  "Wait. Megan, I let you—” Rick's eyes widened then narrowed. “Megan."

  "You bellowed?” She inched out of his grasp.

  "You fucked me.” He pounded his fist on the desk, knocking over a motion statue. “You went out and became a businesswoman."

  "Looks like."

  "You fucked with the wrong man, Megan. Tucker Poston belongs to me."

  "According to the papers you just signed, he's free to go wherever he chooses as of right now,” Janine snapped.

  "Meaning you're screwed.” Tucker offered his arm. “Miss Walters, I believe I need to find a team."

  Megan rounded the desk and held out her hand. “I'm Megan Rodney and I own Blitz Racing. Why don't we head to my office to talk about what it would take to bring you aboard?"

  Oh, he loved her businesswoman attitude. Tucker also loved her silly, frazzled girl on the inside. He needed her in any way she could throw at him. Hell, he just needed her.

  "This isn't over, Megan. I will find a loophole.” Rick jerked out of his seat. “You will not best me."

  "I just did,” she said over her shoulder.

  "You're a shitty lay, Megan,” Rick shouted as Tucker held the door open. “He's getting a frozen cunt. Fuck you!"

  With his hand on the small of her back, Tucker directed Megan out of Rodney Racing and into the parking lot. Her hands trembled when she came to a stop at her Monte Carlo. Her eyelids drooped and she swayed on her feet.

  "Megan?” He scooped her into his arms.

  "Is she okay?” Janine's eyes widened. “She'd better be okay."

  "I just need some air.” Megan's breath warmed his neck. “Lots of stress, no lunch and too much heat in his office."

  "She'll be all right.” Tucker stroked Megan's hair. He drew oxygen into his lungs then let it out on sigh. “Give us a moment."

  With a curt nod, Janine strolled to her car four spaces away.

  Tucker leaned against the fender without releasing Megan. “You will be okay, right?"

  She blinked and splayed her hand across his chest. “How hot was it in there? Ninety-eight?"

  "Around seventy, I'd say, but other things didn't help."

  She chewed the corner of her mouth without responding.

  With the scare over, he placed her on the trunk of her car and unleashed his frustrat
ion. “I won't lie. You pissed me off. A lot."

  "It's a gift?” Her shoulder inched up in a shrug.

  "Megs, I can't live like this. I hate limbo. Either things start or they don't. I can't be around you and not be with you.” He released her and threw his hands in the air. “You asked me if I'd ever fallen in love with someone where it couldn't work. I did. With you.” Tucker sighed and bowed his head. “You don't want me. I get it. Just promise me, if only for the sake of my sanity, you didn't like sitting on that bastard's lap."

  Megan slid her hands into his. “I'm only so much of a masochist. My idea of fun isn't standing in my underwear and heels while he gets his rocks off. But I had a plan—to say the word yellow to quietly alert Janine. I knew she'd come in with both guns blazing and you right behind her. Or scream and you'd both rescue me in a heartbeat."

  Stunned by the physical contact and her words, Tucker snapped his attention from their linked hands to her face. “He made you undress? That's it. I'm ripping his dick off."

  She smoothed her palm over his cheek. “He's not worth the jail time."

  "Are you sure about that? I'd risk my damned life for you."

  "I won't let you go to prison for a moron. I'm kinda fond of you being right here."

  The acts of kindness and affection stirred warm sensations in his loins, but did little to calm his jittery nerves. “Why'd you leave?” He winced as his voice cracked.

  Megan straightened her shoulders. “If I stayed, I'd never have gone through with my plan. You're my strongest temptation and my weakness, but I had to beat Rick on my own terms so we could have a future.” She unknotted the scarf and let the silk flutter from her neck. The teardrop pendant fell back into its place at the base of her throat. “See? I never gave up on you."

  Touching the drop of white gold, Tucker's heart kicked into triple time. “Then marry me. Become Mrs Poston. I'll quit racing if it means I can have you."


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