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Chasing Brynn (A Tempting Novel Book 2)

Page 5

by Angela Corbett

  “You read Mistress A?” Collin asked.

  Cade nodded. “I like to stay educated. Learn new things.”

  Syd’s brows went up ever so slightly, her gaze straying to me. Her look practically screamed, “He’s up for learning new things!” I rolled my eyes, but inside, my stomach was doing somersaults at the thought of a guy who knew what he was doing in bed. It was like accidently tripping over a wish-granting genie.

  “I think she’s a goddess, and wish I knew who she was so I could thank her personally,” Collin said. “She’s helping to make my extra-curricular activities much more adventurous.”

  “You don’t need any more adventure,” I said.

  He pointed at me. “Satisfied customer, right there.”

  I glared at him. “You need to refresh your memory and read her post on how not to be a dick nugget.”

  Collin grinned. “You love me.”

  I shook my head in mock exasperation and noticed Cade had been watching our exchange with interest.

  “So,” Cade said, motioning between Collin and I, “you two are dating?”

  Syd burst out laughing.

  Cade looked at her and raised a brow.

  “No,” Syd said. “They are definitely not.”

  Collin lifted a hand to his heart, faking offense. At least, I thought he was faking.

  “Unless I misheard earlier,” Cade said, his eyes holding mine, “he’s seen your panties.”

  I shrugged. “We have a history,” I said by way of explanation. I didn’t see any reason to go into details about that history, or my booty call list. Yes, I had a list. Collin was just my preference. And none of those things were anyone’s business but my own.

  Cade eyed me like he was appraising me again, and trying to figure something out. He already had way more knowledge than I wished he did, and I wasn’t in the mood to give him more. I decided the best course of action would be to change the subject. I was using that tactic a lot tonight. “How are you doing, Cade? Syd says you’re her favorite study partner because you’re almost as good at arguing as she is.”

  Syd shot me an annoyed look. “I said you were better than I was.”

  “I’d agree with Brynn’s statement,” Cade said, taking a sip of his drink. “This is great, by the way. Thanks, Jax.”

  “What kind of law do you want to specialize in?” As a first year law student, I knew that he was just taking electives, but wondered if there was a type of law he was interested in.

  “I want to work in health law.”

  “Helping the doctors, or the patients?”

  “The patients, preferably,” he said, taking another sip of his drink. “What about you, Brynn? I know you’re getting your Masters degree. Syd told me about your research.”

  I shifted my gaze to Syd, trying to ascertain exactly how much she’d told him, but she was busy getting someone another drink. I turned back to Cade. “She did?” I’d learned shorter responses were best when trying to figure out what a person actually knew. If she’d told him all the details, it wasn’t very best friend-y of her. But she probably thought it didn’t matter. It’s not like I kept my enjoyment of carnal activities a secret. Still, for some reason I couldn’t put my finger on, I kind of didn’t want Cade to know.

  “On sex among college students,” he clarified.

  A flood of relief swept over me. So Syd hadn’t told him my original topic of interest, and what had really driven my research—my quest for large penises. “Oh. Yeah.”

  “That’s an interesting topic.”

  I nodded. “I’m studying to be a sex therapist.”

  “I heard that too.”

  I glanced at Syd, sending her daggers with my eyes before turning my attention back to Cade. “Is there anything Syd didn’t tell you?”

  He looked contemplative. “She didn’t tell me if you have a boyfriend.”

  Wow. That was direct. I liked it…more than I should have.

  I inhaled a little more rapidly than I’d intended. Cade noticed, one corner of his mouth going up. “No. No boyfriend.”

  “She’s not really the relationship type,” Syd said helpfully as she came back over to us.

  He eyed me speculatively. “I’ve gathered as much.”

  Syd’s brows pushed together. “But this is only, like, the second time you’ve ever even spoken, right?” Syd said, her eyes going back and forth between Cade and I.

  “Yeah,” I answered immediately, sending him a warning glance. It was the second time—if you didn’t count our encounter in October.

  Cade’s eyes narrowed as he caught my gaze and held it. I didn’t like being under his scrutiny any more than I liked being under Syd’s. Damn lawyers.

  Cade licked his lips. “So we’re going to pretend that was the first time we met?” Cade asked, right in front of Syd, Jax, Collin, and whatever deities existed. “That’s what’s happening here?”

  My breath was staggered as I remembered back to both times I’d spent with Cade before tonight. He threw me off my game, and I didn’t get thrown. Not by men, school, conversation topics…nothing. Except this damn guy. I didn’t like it. But I didn’t want him to know that either. I pulled my lips into a sweet smile and pretended like I’d totally forgotten our first encounter. “We met at the coffee shop. Syd introduced us and I thought you were really nice.” It wasn’t a lie. That’s when I’d actually found out who he was. Before that he’d just been the mystery man I couldn’t get out of my head, or my fantasies.

  A smile played across Cade’s lips, his dark pink tongue running over them. His head went down in a nod of assent. I thought I might be getting my way, and he was going to let me off without pushing me on my omission. I was wrong. “I’m not talking about that time, B. And we both know it.”

  B? What the hell? He wasn’t authorized to give me a nickname. I barely knew him!

  “What time are you talking about?” Syd asked, looking at me with curiosity before settling her attention back on Cade.

  My eyes went wide as I feigned innocence and lifted my shoulders. I wouldn’t have a problem discussing October if we’d been in private, but I wasn’t comfortable letting everyone else in on the conversation.

  Cade’s eyes narrowed, the knowing grin never leaving his face. “Apparently I wasn’t very memorable. I’ll have to work on that.” He held my gaze and the look he gave me was part threat, part promise. The lower half of my body responded immediately; I’d never been so upset at my ovaries. My chest tightened at my warring emotions. I’d met guys like Cade before. He was walking devastation and I couldn’t help wondering how many hearts he’d destroyed. I wouldn’t let mine be one of them.

  Syd watched the interaction with interest, analyzing every word and action. “I need to check on Courtney. Brynn needs to help.” She grabbed my arm and pulled me away, through the house until we got to Paige’s quiet, unoccupied bedroom. She dragged me in and shut the door. “Have you slept with Cade?” she hissed.

  A look of deep offense crossed my features, a line forming between my eyes. “I sleep with a lot of guys, Syd, and I don’t apologize for it, but I take umbrage at the insinuation that you seem to think I’ve slept with everyone.” I was impressed I’d managed to answer the question without really answering it.

  She lightly punched my shoulder. “That’s not what I said. And you know I’d never judge you anyway. I love that you are who you are, and give zero fucks what people think. But he seems to think you met before the coffee shop.”

  I shrugged a shoulder. Not willing to admit that was the truth, not even to my best friend. Relationships were messy, and I’d thought about him way more than I was comfortable with since that day.

  Syd blew out a long breath. “It’s time for the honesty train, Brynn.”

  I lifted my brows. “Honesty train? Did you just make that up?” Really, I’d given her the honesty treatment a few times when she needed some sense talked into her about Jax, so I couldn’t fault her for doing the same. I decided to t
ry being open minded.

  She waved off my comments. “Here’s the thing, Brynn. You and Cade have a lot of chemistry. Like, more chemistry than I’ve ever seen you have with anyone.”

  I leaned against Paige’s pale pink dresser, crossing my arms over my chest as I prepared to listen to the rest of her lecture.

  “I’m not kidding! I already told you I felt it that day at The Grind, but didn’t want to push it so I didn’t say anything. Then earlier when we were talking about him at CARE, you were acting weird. And when I asked Cade if he wanted to come tonight and he asked if you’d be there—”

  “—He asked about me?” I interrupted. I immediately chastised myself for seeming overeager, but I really did want to know what he’d said.

  Syd’s lips curved up, slow and knowing. “He did.” She folded her arms across her chest, mimicking me. “And I thought you didn’t care.”

  I reached down, picking at a thread on my shirt. “I don’t. What did he ask?”

  Her smile spread wider, knowing she’d hooked me. “He asked how long we’ve known each other, and what your story was.”

  “What did you tell him?”

  “That we met freshman year of college, have been best friends ever since, and you’re basically my girl soul mate.”

  I smiled at that. “It’s true. If you ever try to claim someone else as your girl soul mate, I’ll go caveman on their ass and club them over the head with something really hard.”

  “Right back at ya.”

  God, I loved Syd. She was my rock. My kind, moral compass who supported my dreams and encouraged me to make them even bigger.

  “I told him you’re getting your Masters in psychology and studying sexuality.”

  “Thank Thor you didn’t tell him I was researching dick sizes.”

  “Thank Thor I convinced you to change the title.”

  Also true. “You’re an excellent best friend.”

  “I know.” She checked her makeup in Paige’s mirror, wiping a finger under each eye, and reapplying some lipstick. “He also asked if you were seeing anyone.”

  My breath caught in my throat. He’d asked that a few minutes ago too, but I wanted to know what Syd had told him, and how he’d reacted. “What did you say?”

  She finished with her lipstick and put it back in her bag. “I said if he wanted to know, he should ask you. And that he’d have to define “seeing”.”

  “Ha ha.”

  “It’s true though. You “see” a lot of guys, you just generally don’t see them naked more than once.”

  “I do if they have skills.”

  She tilted her head to the side in acceptance. “You have hook ups, and occasionally repeated hook ups—like with Collin, but seeing someone, as in a relationship? No. That’s not your standard operating procedure.”

  “What did he say back?”

  “Not much. I think he was just gathering information. Probably forming a plan of attack for your lady parts.”

  I could actually feel the heat rising in my cheeks. I don’t blush, dammit! What was this guy doing to me? “That’s ridiculous.”

  Syd noticed my crimson cheeks and her mouth fell open forming a shocked ‘O’. “Holy shit! Do you like him, Brynn?”

  “Define ‘like’,” I said, my tone mocking.

  She gave me a hard glare.

  I sighed. “No. I don’t do relationships. You know that.”

  She stepped back, giving me a visual analyzation that felt like she was taking me apart. If anyone could do it, it would be Syd.

  “Maybe it’s time for you to reconsider that rule.”

  Tips and Tits: The Word from Mistress A

  Don’t Do Douches

  Let’s be clear: douches are what we call people, not something we use. Years ago, someone who didn’t have the common sense that the goddesses gave baby maple trees came up with the idiotic idea that vaginas needed to be cleaned after sex. I’m sure it was a man, and I could probably write an entire novel on the topic: “Dumbass shit that dudes have advised women to do.” Your lady parts are not supposed to smell like a flower scented room deodorizer. I’m a germ-freak, and spread Clorox around like candy, but if there’s one thing that doesn’t need to be pressure washed, it’s your vagina. Vaginas are excellent at self-cleaning, and using douches actually changes the PH of your body, making it so you’re more prone to yeast infections. If you don’t want to end up in the feminine product aisle itching your nether regions like crazy, stop douching.

  I walked down the steps of the psychology building, putting my head down as the wind bit at my exposed skin. I needed a coffee and some quiet time to get homework done, and reread the chapter that we’d just finished discussing in class. Well, that other people had been discussing; I hadn’t been paying much attention. My mind was infuriatingly occupied with a tall, muscular law student.

  I went to the commons area and ordered a skinny latte with sugar free vanilla. I added some cinnamon so I could pretend it was a cinnamon roll, and found a private, unoccupied alcove by the massive floor-to-ceiling windows. I dropped my bag next to the overstuffed chair, and settled into it, crossing my legs. I held my coffee with both hands, sipping it slowly as I watched people hurry from one building to the next, trying to get out of the cold.

  My thoughts strayed again to Cade. During the middle of my professor’s lecture on the sexual revolution, I’d firmly decided it was absolutely not time to start reconsidering rules, or wanting relationships like Syd had suggested. The level of discomfort I was feeling from the entire Cade situation was becoming a serious frustration.

  I’d left Courtney’s party last week even more conflicted about my feelings. Cade had arms like a bodybuilder, and the face of a man who usually only shows up during dreams. Naughty ones. Plus, he read Mistress A. And he’d mentioned that Mistress A knew what she was talking about—which I did—and that also meant he had to have some level of education on the subjects I’d highlighted.

  He’d intrigued me, repeatedly. I wanted to know his history, and more about him. But…that didn’t mean I had to have a relationship with him. A sense of relief washed through me at the realization I could get to know him and even have a friendship with him, but nothing more. I could do friends. I had a lot of guy friends. There was no reason Cade couldn’t be one of them. And maybe he would even turn into a friend with benefits, like Collin.

  Now it was just a matter of deciding exactly how to do that. I could ask him to hang out. Maybe meet up for coffee? That was non-committal. It was coffee, not an entire meal. I already knew he liked coffee, and friends had coffee a lot. Yes, I nodded to myself, coffee was a good plan. I’d figure out a time when Syd was going to be with him, and conveniently run into them. Then see where things went.

  My mind started to wander as I sat there, sipping my hot drink, staring out the window, and daydreaming about how the whole thing would play out: what I’d say, what he’d say, what position we’d end up having sex in.

  My thoughts were jolted out of The Sultry Saddle when a group of girls sat on the couches on the other side of the alcove I was in. There was half of a wall separating us, but I’d seen them walk up, and could hear them clearly.

  “Did you see his post about the cold weather?”

  A chorus of giggles erupted. “Snow isn’t just for snowboarding.”

  “He was so right! My boyfriend tried some of his tips for playing with different temperatures and it was amazing! Hit the ‘best sex of my life’ list for sure.”

  I wasn’t trying to eavesdrop, but they were being loud and my ears perked up at the conversation. Sex, and temperature play? I’d done a few articles on that myself. What were they talking about?

  “Really?” Another voice said. “I’m totally going to try it then.”

  “I like him almost as much as Mistress A.”

  I caught my breath and almost dropped my coffee. I sliced my head in the direction of where they were seated, trying to hear them better. I was glad the wall blocked m
e from view.

  “It’s nice to get a male and female perspective. I follow them both on all of their accounts so I know as soon as something is posted.”

  Follow us both? A male and female perspective? Who the hell were they talking about?

  “People think Mistress A is from Winchester. I wonder if he’s local, too?”

  Another voice, “Maybe they’re working together. It would make sense.”

  “Totally! They’re both so similar. It would be smart to team up.”

  No, no, no, no, no…there was no teaming up going on. Who the fuck was this guy, and why the fuck had he stolen my fucking idea? My blood felt like it was set to boil and I was inching my way up to a full-blown explosion. I was pissed!

  “I just want to know who Master Z is so I can date him myself. I think the man knows more about my girl parts than I do.”

  My mouth fell open and I immediately grabbed my laptop out of my bag. I typed Master Z into the search engine and had a slew of results within seconds. I scrolled down until I found what looked to be the right website, and clicked the link.

  The site came up with a warning about adult content. I was familiar with that particular screen…because I had it on my own damn site! After accepting there would be adult content, the screen turned black and the image of an ornate four poster bed appeared with white tangled sheets that had a shine to them like they were some luxurious fabric. A dude with a goddamn eight pack, his face darkened out, stood in the corner of the room, half of his body in shadow, but a hint of a tattoo peaked out down his side, over his ribs. The words “Master Z” faded across the top of the page in an elaborate script, with a subheading that read: Alpha Answers. Then a menu popped up beckoning the user to choose their next location. Bed, couch, kitchen table, blankets by the fireplace, bathtub, and pool were some of the options.


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