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Chasing Brynn (A Tempting Novel Book 2)

Page 25

by Angela Corbett

  He was lightly trailing his fingers up and down my back and it was one of the most relaxing things I’d ever felt. “Yeah.”

  “She did an incredible job.”

  “She’s going to an art college and wants to do something art-related. Maybe even become a tattoo artist. It would be a good option for her.”

  “She’d be great at it.” I traced the coils again with my nails. “Why the snake?”

  He tilted his head to look down at my fingers on his skin and the scar, a visual representation of something that had almost taken his life. “I don’t have a lot of fears, but one of them is snakes. It’s a reminder not to ever let the fear overtake me. That I should use the fear as a motivator to move past and overcome something instead of letting it hold me frozen.”

  That made sense, and I liked that the tattoo had such a deeply personal meaning to him. It was something he’d really thought about, not something he got on a whim. “And the reason it’s poised over the scar?”

  He paused before answering. “Because for a long time, the accident did make me fear things. It took me time to get over that. To embrace my scar as a part of myself—as a learning experience. If I’d let my injuries go and not treated them, they would have killed me. But the injuries were taken care of, and I healed. Scarred, changed, but still here. Fear is the same way. You can let it rule your life. You can let all the potential negative possibilities be the driver for your decisions, or you can take charge of your choices and not let your demons lead you. My accident taught me that we all have to deal with pain and shitty situations. The only emotion that eclipses fear is love, and they both have a similar result. Fear has the power to build you, or break you. I’ll look that snake in the eye every time, and choose to fight.”

  My heart surged with pride for this man and what he’d been through, and how much he’d worked to become the version of himself he wanted to be. “I love that about you,” I said, and was immediately surprised by how much I meant it. I loved that Cade had such a strong sense of self. He knew exactly who he was, what he wanted, and didn’t let anything sway him. I felt like we complimented each other perfectly. Aside from that, I realized that for the first time in years, I truly cared for a man. And this time, it was for a man who actually deserved me.

  “Your plan worked,” I said.

  “Mmm,” he answered. “What plan was that?”

  “To make me fall for you by withholding sex.”

  He flashed a broad grin. “Oh, I know.”

  I lightly punched his arm. “You’re cocky as fuck.”

  “I am.”

  I eyed him. “You sound like you enjoyed the process.”

  “Proving that I wanted you for far more than sex?” he asked. “Oh yeah. I enjoyed that a lot. But holding out as long as I did took Herculean effort. You have no idea how many times I’ve had to jack off since I met you.”

  I shook my head, not feeling the least bit bad for him. “All of those wasted orgasms.”

  “I was thinking about you for every one of them.”

  “You could have been inside of me for every one of them.”

  A rumble came from low in his chest. “Now I will be.” He lifted my chin so he could look in my eyes. “There are too many things I love about you to even try to start naming them.”

  “Well,” I said, “we do have all night, so you could if you wanted to.”

  “Hmmm,” Cade said as he started to kiss down my neck. “How about if I do that while I do you.”

  I arched a brow. Most guys needed more of a turn-around time. “Are you ready for that, Counselor?”

  He gave me a dark, promising look. “With you, I’ll never not be ready.”

  I grinned, and orgasmed three more times before a knock on the window brought us back to reality. A police officer had seen our tracks and SUV. He was there waiting to help us get out of the ditch and back on the road.

  Cade wasn’t the least bit embarrassed by the steamed up windows, and neither was I.

  The officer looked to be in his forties, and tried to suppress a grin as he said, “I’d ask if you need a blanket, but it doesn’t look like you had a problem staying warm.”

  “Nope,” Cade said, a mischievous smile on his face, “sure didn’t, Officer.”

  “I’ll be out here when you’re ready.”

  An hour, and one missing bra later, we were back on the road and on our way home.

  Tips and Tits: The Word from Mistress A

  Swim Wear

  There’s a strange epidemic going around. It’s been popular in various places, in various stages since the beginning of time, but it’s currently impacting swim wear. It’s called: “How little can you get away with wearing.” Someone sent me a link to the newest beach must-have. A piece of cloth that somehow hugs man-bits. I’ve studied it repeatedly, and the only explanation I can come up with for how it’s staying put is magic and demons. Maybe they’re using double-sided tape, but considering most dudes don’t shave that region, and whine like they’ve been mortally wounded when they have to pluck a hair from anywhere on their body, I’m going to guess double-sided tape is not an option. These suits are vacuum sealed to a dude’s man bits, leaving NO question what you’ve got going on under there. Here’s the thing: I’m not one to judge. Love what you wear, wear what you love. If that’s what makes you happy, do it! But if you choose to wear one of the wrap-around swimsuits that barely cover your kiwis and banana, be prepared for stares. You might as well be wearing nothing but a dick mitten.

  It had been almost two weeks since mine and Cade’s slide in the snow, and our relationship declaration. When I’d told Syd that Cade and I were exclusive, she hadn’t stopped shrieking for at least five minutes. She still occasionally squeaked when she saw us together. I was happy. Really happy. I felt a sense of fulfillment I hadn’t realized I’d been missing.

  My phone buzzed. A text from Syd.

  Did you see Master Z’s post?

  I hadn’t, but I’d go look at it now.

  Alpha Answers

  Summer is coming up, and if you need a good way to cool down, I have a sweet suggestion for you. While ice cream is great in a bowl, it’s even better on a person. I’m not talking about a little can of whipped cream; you can have an entire human sundae if you and your partner are both up for making a delicious mess. There are hotels that cater to this particular act. You order your dessert tray from room-service, and get a variety of yummy treats, as well as a plastic bed sheet. If you decide to take advantage of the hotel sundae, be sure to leave a massive tip, because cleaning up after this activity can’t be easy. If you’re interested in trying it at home, get a plastic paint drop cloth, secure it to your mattress, and drizzle, lick, and come. It’s a messy ordeal, but you won’t regret the sweet treat, and you can burn off the calories as fast as you eat them.

  I smiled, and texted Syd back.

  Yes. And that sundae was just as amazing as we thought it would be.

  Cade and I had discussed it and had decided to tell Syd about Master Z. She knew I’d been communicating with them both, and that I’d had feelings for them both. She would have suspected something if I’d suddenly dropped Master Z and only cared about Cade. She’d been surprised at the news, but totally accepting, and promised never to tell another soul.

  Another text came through, but this time, it wasn’t from Syd.

  Are you naked?

  I grinned and texted back.

  I can be.

  You WILL be.

  I couldn’t stop smiling. I had no idea I could be this happy and wished I’d given in to Cade and his relationship rules so much faster. A knock sounded on the door and I opened it for him. Cade’s eyes went over me, darkening like they did every time he saw me. I’d never felt so desired or wanted, and couldn’t wait to get him naked.

  “Get in here and get your clothes off,” I said, shutting the door behind him and locking it to make sure no one came in while we were stripping.

  “Oh, they�
�re coming off,” he said. “But not quite yet.”

  My eyes narrowed in suspicion. “Why not?”

  He took my hand and pulled me toward the couch. “It’s been two weeks.”

  “And I’ve had more orgasms than I even thought possible.” I grinned, pulling on his shirt. “Let’s keep going and see if we can break some kind of record.”

  “You’re relentless.”

  “You love me.”

  His eyes held mine and a surge of emotion passed between us. “Yes, I do.” He reached in his pocket and pulled out a square, grey box. “That’s why I got you this.”

  I looked at the box, then him. “You got me a gift?”

  He nodded. “Open it.”

  I’d told him I didn’t care about gifts; that experiences mattered more to me, but I didn’t want to make him feel bad. I opened it and saw a delicate silver necklace with a glittery star hanging sideways, trails of something sparkly behind it.

  I gasped as I held the stunning piece of jewelry up. “A shooting star! Just like we saw on our first date!”

  He nodded, looking at me expectantly. “Do you like it?”

  I gave him a look. “Are you crazy? I love it! This is one of my new favorite things!”

  I took it from the box and lifted my hair while he helped me put it on. “I know you said you don’t like gifts, that you’d rather have experiences. But this is a gift that I hope will remind you of a good memory.”

  I met his eyes as my fingers gently traced the star at my neck. My lips lifted as my heart burst with love for this man—a love I hadn’t realized I wanted, or needed, but now wasn’t sure I could live without. “It does. It’s beautiful, Cade. Thank you! I’ll never take it off.”

  He blew out a breath, leaning back against the couch. “Good thing it’s not socks then. I don’t think I could stand waiting for you to take off your jewelry too.”

  I stuck my tongue out at him as I jumped on top of his lap, straddling him. “I’m going to make you pay for that, Counselor.”

  He grinned. “I’m looking forward to it.”

  “I can’t believe you’re taking a vacation together!” Syd said, her voice sing-songy between the yells of people in the crowd. We were at an MLS game. Syd had won tickets, and invited me and Courtney to go with her and have a girls’ night at the game. Jax was home watching Paige, and hanging out with Cade.

  “Why not?” I asked. “School’s almost out for the summer. I can work from anywhere. There’s no reason not to do it somewhere warm and sandy.” And by “do it,” I wasn’t just talking about working.

  Cade and I had taken some of our Mistress A and Master Z earnings and rented a secluded villa in Costa Rica for a month. We planned to spend the time hiking, and being as naked as possible.

  “Because up until recently, you didn’t even believe in relationships, let alone shared living space.”

  “I share a house with you.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Totally different, and you know it.”

  Courtney’s gaze scanned the area; she’d been doing it all night—almost like she was anxious. I wondered what was up. “Are you okay, Court?”

  Her eyes snapped to me. “Yeah,” she said, a little too quickly. “Fine.”

  The game finished with our team winning 1-0. Syd’s prize came with a “meet the team” experience after the game. We all started down the stairs. Courtney’s face fell and she looked almost sick.

  “I’m going to find a bathroom really fast. I’ll meet you down there.”

  “I hope she’s okay,” I said to Syd.

  Syd looked a little worried as well. “Me too.”

  I hated being sick, and hated it even more when I was sick in public instead of home, cuddled under a blanket watching Netflix. Maybe that’s what the problem had been the whole time.

  We met some of the players and had a few quick photos taken. Syd was talking to one of the staff members about CARE…probably trying to get the team involved somehow. Syd was good about making connections. I excused myself to go use the restroom, and check on Courtney. As I made my way through the stands and back up the stairs, I heard voices coming from one of the alcoves. I moved toward the sounds in case someone needed help. As I came around a corner, I saw Courtney. She seemed to be having a discussion with a guy. There was a large group of people standing about twenty-five feet behind them. He was wearing a number seven MLS jersey and at first, I thought it was a fan. Then I noticed his shorts, socks over shin guards, and neon green shoes. All of which matched the exact clothes of the players I’d just met.

  Courtney knew one of the players on the team.

  That was obvious. What wasn’t clear was why she looked like she was barely holding herself together. I stayed back, not wanting to butt in if she didn’t need help. She’d been acting nervous all night. Clearly, she’d gone to the bathroom to avoid a meeting with this guy and the other team members on the field. I was certain she didn’t want anyone else to know about it. She started to walk away. The guy shook his head and I heard him say, “Not good enough, Court. You’re great at running, always were. I’ve regretted you leaving since the day you walked out the door.”

  She pushed her shoulders back and blew out a long breath. “That’s a speech you should have given me five years ago. Before you broke my heart.” Then she turned and walked away.

  He started off after her but stopped, like he was trying to decide his next move. The fans that had been standing back were now surrounding him, making the choice for him. I wasn’t sure what I’d just witnessed, but I knew Courtney didn’t want to talk about it. Her body language alone had communicated that she needed space. I decided to wait to talk to her.

  We finished the meet and greet and found Courtney on the way out. We went back to the car, our stomachs rumbling for dinner. I’d borrowed Cade’s SUV because it was roomy and comfortable. Syd hopped in the passenger seat, Court in the back. “Are you feeling okay, Court?” Syd asked.

  Courtney still looked shaken up, but she hid it well. “Yeah, I’m fine.”

  “I went to check on you,” I said.

  I saw her eyes get larger in my rearview mirror.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” I asked.

  She exhaled meeting my gaze in the mirror. “I’m fine. Just a little indigestion.”

  “Indigestion” was what number seven’s nickname was going to be from here on out.

  “Are you sure you want to go to dinner?”

  She nodded. “I haven’t eaten all day, plus it’s one of my fav—” she stopped mid-sentence, then pulled something out from between the seats and held it up. “I’m guessing this belongs to you, B.”

  Syd started to laugh. “It is her color.”

  I glanced back to see what she was holding. “My bra!” I yelled. “I’ve been looking for this for weeks!”

  We all laughed and Court said, “Good thing you won’t be needing that, or any other clothes in Costa Rica.”

  Syd narrowed her eyes. “If Jax and I visit, the no-pants zone will have to be revoked while we’re there. I love you both, but I don’t need to see you naked.”

  “You’ve seen me naked plenty of times,” I pointed out.

  “That’s different,” Syd said, her nose scrunched up. “We’re friends.”

  “You’re friends with Cade,” I said.

  She shuddered. “Not like that.”

  We all laughed and I agreed that we’d have emergency pants for times when we were hosting visitors. I smiled, thinking about how content I was with my friends, my life, and my boyfriend. I’d opened myself up to something I thought I didn’t want, and I’d never been happier. I couldn’t wait for the summer, and the rest of our lives.

  One Month Later

  We were sitting on our deck, steps away from the beach and pristine aqua water, a warm and salty breeze blowing through the air. I’d just finished my blog post for the day, and was stretched out in our hammock, ocean waves rolling onto the sand twenty feet away.

  Cade came over and handed me a glass of something icy and sweet. In the past I would have eschewed it for something with fewer carbs, or replaced it with water completely. Not now. I had a man who loved me for everything I was, and I was learning to let go of the ridiculous expectations I thought society had for me, and that I’d placed on myself. It felt good to make progress, and it was even better to do it with someone who cared so much by my side. I took a sip out of the festive straw and it was fantastic. “Mmm, what’s this?” I asked.

  He grinned. “Collin sent me the recipe for a panty dropper.”

  I laughed out loud. “Well, he was right, it’s fantastic…but it’s not like you have a problem getting me to drop my panties.”

  “You rarely wear them. And I like it that way.”

  He settled in next to me, now an expert at couple-hammock navigation since we’d been there for two weeks. “So,” Cade said, taking a sip of his own panty dropper. “What do you think will happen to Mistress A in the future?”

  I shrugged, settling into his nook—one of my favorite places. “I’m sure she’ll continue giving great advice.”

  “Even if she’s not spending most of her time looking for the biggest penis on the planet?”

  I gave him a broad grin. “She’s extremely happy with the one she already found.” I took another sip of my drink. Cade was an excellent cabana boy. “What will happen to Master Z?”

  He started running his fingers over my neck, down my chest, and back again, his strokes feather light. It drove me crazy and he knew it. “He’ll be using his new experiences to write about love and relationships, and how much better sex is with them.”

  I put the drink on the ground and placed my hand on his chest, my fingers wet from the sweating glass I’d been holding. “From the perspective of our readers, sex is sex. It’s good if you have a good partner.”


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