Book Read Free

Kiss Me Already

Page 16

by Sally Henson

  Johanna gets on the treadmill next to mine.

  I throw Ross an exaggerated eye roll.

  He smirks back at me. Ross says Johanna’s hot and gives me a hard time for not asking her out. Ross doesn’t know the whole story between us. Sometimes Johanna tags along for lunch with us, uninvited. He thinks she flirts with me. I don’t think that’s the case. I have class with her. That’s more time than I’d like to spend with her already.

  She touches my arm. It was a good workout until she showed up this morning.

  I glance her way, trying to keep my pace. She’s mouthing something, but I had purposely turned my music too loud so I didn’t have to listen to her. She yanks my earbuds out.

  “I’m going to the yoga class in a few minutes, do you want to go?” She beams up at me through her mascara laced lashes.

  Why would anyone wear makeup just to go work out? I scowl and glance past her to Ross. He smiles and shakes his head, shrugging. “No. Yoga’s not my thing.”

  “You wouldn’t be the only guy in there. Most of them usually stay in the back.”

  I’m sure they stay in the back for a reason.

  She stops her treadmill. “You could put your mat next to mine. I could, you know, help you with some of the positions if you like.”

  “No thanks. Ross might like you to introduce him to yoga, though. He’s been looking for something that’ll stretch his limits.” I stuff my earbuds back in as Ross wriggles his eyebrows up and down at me. It makes me chuckle. He can have her.

  Was she coming on to me? After her rant when she broke things off with us, I can’t imagine she’d be interested. She’s easy on the eyes, for sure. But, she’s a little annoying. Makeup to work out, geesh.

  I watch the back of her walk out of my vision, with Ross trailing behind her. Finally. Now I can focus on music for another twenty minutes.

  Fifteen minutes in, Cam texts me. “Heads up. Frak’s getting some guys to ask Regan out.”

  The treadmill carries me off the back when my legs stop moving. I stumble against the treadmill behind me, and my phone sails through the air, slowing when the headphones rip out of my ears. My Lane-proof case has saved my phone more than a couple of times. I snatch it off the floor and text him back. “What the?”

  He texts, “Thought you should know.”

  I can’t stand Frak. “Why?”

  “Black eye.”

  Black eye? That’s been months ago. Regan hasn’t said anything to me about this. “Does Regan know?”

  He sends back, “???”

  He’s not making sense. “What?”

  Cam replies the same thing so I call him up. “What the hell’s going on?”

  “It’s good to talk to you, too.”

  “Sorry, man. Frak just gets me wired up. Why’s he wasting his time with this?” I make my way through the Rec. Center.

  “He’s screwing with you. After we busted him for asking Regan’s dad to take her out, he’s been on the lookout to get you back.”

  I run my hand through my sweaty hair. “He doesn’t even know we’re seeing each other.”

  Cam barks out a laugh. “Yeah? I think he caught you two holding hands in church, right? He knows.”

  I squeeze my eyes shut. “I thought that would blow over.”

  “You know, it’s pretty pathetic Frak knew about you two before I did.” Yep, he’s ticked.

  It’s not true. Cam knew before I wanted to face it “Cam … you knew I liked her graduation day, remember?”

  “Yeah, I guess.” He puffs out a breath. “But you said we were to protect the girls, not date them.”

  “Yeah, I guess I did. Well, I didn’t want you or anyone else going out with her.” I chuckle. “I guess I felt like she was mine girl, you know. We’ve been together since we were kids.”

  “I knew you liked her. Ah,” he growls. “I’m not really ticked over the rules, I … I’m seeing Haylee, so …”

  We need to get back to the issue of Frak. “When did you find out?”

  Cam takes too long to answer. “A while.”

  “You’re just now telling me?” I yell through the phone. I get a few scowls from other students as I stalk through the hallway to the row of doors leading outside. “What’s with that?” The force I put on the heavy double doors causes them to bounce back, almost hitting me as I pass through to the chilly morning air.

  He sighs. “I’m still pissed at Regan.”

  I shake my head … as if he can see me. He ought to be mad at me too, but I don’t’ have time to deal with that right now. “So, he has a list of guys or what? Who’s joining his little game?”

  Cam rattles off some guys from the basketball team. One by one they’re going to ask Regan out. “Get me details. When’s this supposed to start?”

  “Soon, but I don’t know yet. I’ll find out and let you know.”

  Someone holds the door open for me at my dorm and I give them a nod. “Thanks for letting me know, Cam. But don’t wait around this time. Tell me as soon as you find out.”

  “Yeah, okay.” His voice trails with shame.

  Mr. Stone will never believe that Paul has some ring of jerk-weeds lined up that gives a rat’s butt about respect or honor. I’ve got to find a way to break this up before it gets any traction. Crap! I’ve got to get hold of Regan. I check the time. It’s too late to catch Regan at home. I’ll call Tobi.

  “What’s up?” Tobi answers as if she’s bored to tears.

  “Paul Frak.” Two words pretty much sum it up. Trouble.

  “What about him?”

  I lean against my dresser. She seems off, but I need to find out about this first. “Have you heard anything about his scheme?”

  “I try to stay away from the fiend’s schemes and everything else about him.” She makes a funny noise. “That guy gives me the willies.”

  What if—ugh, my heart plunges. What if Regan knows, and she’s keeping it from me? What if she likes one of the guys on the team, and she’s waiting for him to ask her out? We talked about this Sunday. Sort of. Maybe she is tired of never seeing me.

  It’s not like you’re not keeping your own little secret from her. You see Johanna three days a week, remember?

  “Is that all?”

  “Uh,” I pinch the bridge of my nose and blow out a growly breath. “Do you know about what Frak’s doing?”

  “No. What?” Her voice is still off, like she’s ticked or something.

  “Cam just told me Frak’s getting some guys to ask Regan out, just to screw with me.”

  “Cam told you that?” She’s as surprised as I was, am, was.

  “I just hung up with him. I guess Regan doesn’t know about this?” I look out my window. “She’s already on the bus by now. Would you talk to her when you get to school?”

  “I will.” Still no concern, excitement, disgust in her voice.

  I choke down a lump in my throat. “Do you think she would say yes to anyone?”

  Tobi scoffs. Finally, some passion. “Are you seriously asking me that question?”

  I fall onto my bed. “It’s just … we don’t see each other as much as we should and last weekend … I practically slept the whole time I was with her and …” I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose. “Leaving Sunday was depressing.”

  “Look, Regan doesn’t blab things to me.” I hear her close a door and something rustling in the background. “But I saw you guys making out in my driveway for an hour, and then you take off and she comes inside wet, cold, and broken.”

  I spring out of bed. “What?”

  “What’s going on with you? Did you change your mind about wanting to be with her?”

  I begin pacing the floor beside my bed. “Whoa, slow down. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “You and Regan are my best friends, but I’m telling you, Lane, you better not hurt her. Either you want only her or you don’t. There’s no in-between.” She’s practically yelling at me.

  Pressure builds insid
e my skull. I attempt to alleviate it by rubbing my forehead. “I thought everything was fine. What do you mean broken?”

  She grumbles through a sigh at how pathetic I am. “She thinks she’s losing you before you’re even hers to lose. Do you understand that?”

  I squeeze my eyes shut and run my hand through my hair. “Not really. I mean, I know what you’re saying, but I don’t know why she’d think that.” I was trying to tell her what I was going through, not push her away or fill her with more doubt.

  “Gah, Lane. Well I wasn’t inside the truck with the two of you, so you’re gonna have to sort it out. But she thinks you feel obligated or something to come home to see her. I’ve never seen her like this before.”

  My gut hardens, making me nauseous. “Obligated? I think I’m falling in love with her.” I clamp my jaw shut. Did I just say that out loud?

  She leaves a long space of silence. “Are you serious?”

  My chest tightens. Ugh, I did say it out loud. “Please, Tobi, I’m begging you—don’t say anything to anyone. I don’t know. I’m not sure what falling in love is. Please can we pretend I didn’t say that?”

  She laughs, but doesn’t answer my question. “Oh! My gosh.”

  My body cringes. “Promise me, Tobi!”

  “Okay, okay.”

  The weight lifts from my chest. “Thanks.”

  She gasps and says, “Oh! My gosh!” Again.

  “What?” I’ve had about all the drama I can handle for the day. For the whole week, for that matter.

  “You are witnessing my profoundness this morning.” She giggles in delight.

  My life is flashing before my eyes at the thought of what her crazy profoundness crap is going to be. “What are you talking about?”

  She’s making girly squeals and hurting my ears. “This has got to be one of the best idea ever!”

  I’m not really in the mood for this. I sit on the edge of my bed and wait for her to explain. I need to get ready for class.

  She giggles and squeals some more.

  I let out a frustrated sigh. “I still don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “I’ve gotta think about this some more. I’ll text you tonight.” She’s over the squeals and is now in her go mode.

  I stand and look out my window through the fog hovering as the sunlight slowly burns it away. “What about Regan? You’ll talk to her? Have her text me over lunch.”

  “Will do. I’ll talk to you later.” She hangs up.

  I lean my hand against the window frame. Everything’s about to blow up in my face.



  Tobi gives me a high-five. “Girl, that was perfect! That last dig went straight to Cindy’s setting fingers.” We’re downstairs in the locker room changing after the game.

  It’s true, I had the best game ever. I was so focused. “And then you killed it.” I sing the last two words. The locker room is buzzing with laughter and reenactments of the match.

  “I’m so hyped, I could play another straight match.” Tobi jumps up and down, working out her energy.

  I grab ahold of Tobi’s shoulders. “Oh, oh, did you see number eight’s face after you tattooed her?”

  Tobi grimaces. “Yeah, that had to hurt.”

  “She was skittish the rest of the match.” I turn and we bump hips.

  Coach enters the locker room with Susanna trailing after her. “All right, ladies, listen up.” Everyone gathers around coach. “You played outstanding tonight against a very tough opponent. We’ve had a good season and ended on a good note. So tomorrow, we prepare for next season. Hopefully Coach Rhimes will stay with us next year, she’s been a great asset to this team.”

  The team whoops and cheers for Susanna. Her big smile lights up the locker room. “Thanks, girls.” She holds her hand up.

  “All right, get dressed and get out of here. Eagles on three!” We all squish together with our hands in the middle. “One-two-three! Eagles!”

  “Regan!” Susanna calls after me.

  I turn back to her. The adrenaline’s still pumping through me. I’m with Tobi; I could play another match.

  Susanna meets me. She and Coach wear the same things on game day: gray pants and an Eagles coaching staff polo shirt. “Your mom asked if I’d take you to my place. She has a delivery to make and then she’ll be back to pick you up.”

  My eyebrows shoot up. “Oh! Okay. I’ll get dressed and meet you by the weight room?”

  She nods. “Sounds good. I need to pick up Abby soon.” She turns and heads back upstairs.

  I hurry back to my locker and start changing.

  “What’s up?” Tobi nods to the exit where Susanna had left.

  I shake my head. “It’s nothing. Mom had some deliveries to make right after the game and asked Susanna if I could hang out at her place until she’s done.”

  Tobi churns out one daft comment after another as I dress and walk out of the locker room. She’s still on her high from winning and thinks everything she says is funny.

  Susanna’s waiting for me by the weight room. “Ready?”

  I nod, toting my bag over my shoulder. “See ya, Coach.”

  “Great match tonight, Regan. Solid defense.” She pats me on the shoulder.

  “Thanks.” A compliment like that from Coach really means something. I did have a great match tonight. The whole team did, but I’ll take any accolade she wants to give. I was able to work out some pent up frustration.

  Susanna bumps shoulders with me. “Wow, Coach complimenting you on your play?” She wriggles her eyebrows up and down, and we split off to get in her car.

  I slide into her white four-door Lincoln. “Is this your mom’s car?”

  “Yeah. Mom got a new car and gave me her old one. I was having problems with mine, so I’m glad to have this one.” She pulls out of the parking lot and heads into town.

  “Where’s Abby?” I’m not sure where we’re going.

  “She’s at the babysitter’s. A few blocks. Not far from my place.” Her finger points out the windshield in the direction of her house.

  “Oh, okay.” I settle into the seat.

  As soon as we leave the parking lot, the high from the volleyball match dissipates. Lane called Tobi this morning about some prank Paul’s conjured up.

  I asked Cam why he didn’t tell me about it. He just shrugged his shoulders. That’s it. He doesn’t even talk to me anymore. I knew he’d be ticked about Lane and Me, and breaking rule number three. Lane told him anyway. What good did that do? Lane doesn’t really want to come home anymore, so …

  My chest tightens. Other than the match, I haven’t been able to think about anything but my time with Lane Sunday. Susanna and I continue with awkward silence until she picks Abby up.

  “Abby bo-babby!” I turn in my seat and squeal to her as Susanna straps her in her car seat. “Oh, she’s gotten so big! That’s amazing.” If anyone can brighten my day, it’s Abby.

  Susanna smiles, beaming with pride. “I know. She grows so fast. I’m constantly getting bigger clothes for her.” She slides back in the car and backs out of the drive.

  “How’s that going?” I look at her smooth, tanned skin on her face. She’s so pretty; I wish I looked more like her.

  She draws her brows low and tight.

  “I mean, how do you keep up with everything? Working, going to school, helping with volleyball, taking care of Abby—everything?”

  Her frown lifts. “Oh. That’s pretty much all I do. I don’t have time for anything else, and if I did have time, I’m too exhausted and broke to do anything else.” She hitches her shoulder as we pull in her drive. She rents a little house trailer on the edge of town.

  I grab my pack and the diaper bag out of the back seat before I follow them up to her door. The place looks the same as it did the last time I was here, plain and scantily decorated.

  “I’m surprised you haven’t decorated this place up. It was your thing, you know, with your bedroom.” Susanna’
s always been into clothes and decorating. She used to be up to date on the newest trends.

  She pulls out a little basket of toys and sets Abby beside it to play in the tiny living room. “You can set the bag on the chair there.” Susanna points to a chair against the wall of the kitchen as she walks by to wash her hands. “Uh, sometimes I’d like to and sometimes I don’t.” She dries her hands and grabs a couple of containers out of her fridge.

  I find a spot on the floor next to Abby and play with her. “Why?”

  Susanna pulls open the microwave door, placing the small containers inside. “Mostly, I can’t afford it. Sometimes I could buy a little something like a wall art or a throw or paint the walls, but I keep it like this to remind myself not to give up when I think I’m too tired to keep going.”

  “I think you’re amazing.” Abby reaches for the toy in my hand, and I try to get her to say my name. Regan’s not an easy name for little bitty kids.

  “Yeah, amazing,” Susanna mocks my compliment.

  I stand and cross the room into the kitchen. “You are amazing. How else could you do all this?”

  “My life’s nothing to aspire to, Regan.” She stops mixing the contents in the bowl on the chipped countertop and turns to face me, wearing a scowl. “I’ve been wanting to talk to you about some things.”

  Uh, oh. Did I do something wrong? My brows squish together, trying to work out why she’s mad at me. “What’s wrong?”

  She takes the towel from beside the sink and wipes her hands on it. “Look, I’m very familiar with the gossip that goes on in this town, and I stay as far away from it as I can.” She puffs out a breath and stares at me. “There are some things going around about you right now. What’s this deal with Paul Frak?” She folds her arms in front of her coaching shirt.

  I throw my hands out to my sides. Whew, this is no big deal. “Bad blood between him and me, Lane, and Cameron. He’s just being a jerk as usual.”


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