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Breaking us Both 4: Bi Dominant Training Submissive Hotwife & Cuckold Husband Public Humiliation & Sharing

Page 2

by Tinto Selvaggio

  Lily reaches up to the top of her wardrobe to put her overnight bag away. I watch the fabric of her dark navy pencil skirt tight around her perfectly formed ass cheeks. I bet whoever was there on the course got a good eyeful of her shape over the last couple of days. They probably wouldn’t dare try it on if they knew she was the boss’s girl.

  “I’m all hot and sticky Vaughn.” Lily pulls at the collar of her blouse, “will you be an angel and run the bath for me while I get undressed? I need a nice long soak.” She slips out of her dark heels and starts unbuttoning her cream satin blouse.

  The sides of it fall open and her cleavage appears sumptuously supported by her half-cup white lace bra. My groin twitches between my legs. Even though on the one hand I can’t stand her being away, my wife never looks as hot as when I know she’s been with him. With him while I’ve waited, starved for her.

  “Please Vaughn?” she repeats as I stare. She half tilts her head, like a sexy school teacher pretending to be annoyed with one of her favourite pupils. Her hands are behind her back, working on the zipper of her skirt

  “Don’t you want me to help you with that Lily?” My cock is straining against the unyielding squeeze of its cramped shell.

  “I think I can manage myself thanks,” she smiles and shakes her head at me.

  By the time I return from the bathroom Lily is barefoot in only her bra and panties. From outside our bedroom across the landing comes the sound of the running bathwater.

  “I put one of your favourite bath bombs in as well,” I say, the fragrance of Vanilla and Lavender still on my fingertips.

  My eyes caress the arch of her back, long supple legs and orbs of her backside. Oh Lily. For a moment I’m trying to work out how many times Richmond might have had my wife during the time I’ve been denied her.

  Her hands disappear behind her back and she smiles while she works at her bra strap.

  “Have you got any idea how difficult this is for me to watch?” I almost gasp, pulling at the hard shell that digs into my straining shaft and the tight ring biting the base of my testicles.

  “Well then maybe you shouldn’t be staring should you?” Lily laughs and lets her bra fall away from her voluptuous breasts.

  I just groaned out loud.

  “Oh Vaughn, stop it.” She shakes her head wearily and her bare breasts shimmy from side to side. She slides her pained fingernails under the waistband of her panties.

  “Please Lily,” I’m on her, my hands pawing at her tits, her hips, “Tell me what he did to you when you saw each other,”

  “Vaughn, I’m tired. I want a bath” she frowns, her panties half way over her bottom.

  “Just let me go down on you Lily please. I don’t care if it means I won’t sleep tonight. I’m desperate. It’s been so long.” I’m already on my knees; my arms raised clawing at her panties.

  “Stop it Vaughn. I’m sticky, I need a bath.” She swats at me with both hands

  “I don’t care; please Lily” I pull at her panties, simultaneously trying to bury my face in the warm musk between her long legs

  “Stop it Vaughn,” her hands are pushing at my head, trying to force me off her and move away herself. “I said stop it Vaughn. He doesn’t want you going near me.” she wriggles herself free and hurries from the room leaving me crumpled on the floor.

  Chapter Three

  “Hello; Vaughn speaking,” I answer my phone without looking up from the spreadsheet on my laptop.

  “Good evening Vaughn.”

  My shoulders freeze and some invisible force squeezes my chest. Richmond.

  “Apologies if I’ve seemed elusive Vaughn. I’ve had one or two business issues that needed my immediate attention,” Richmond’s voice is calm, self-assured.

  There’s a prickling sensation between my legs.

  I fumble with the phone, trying to turn down the volume. I look anxiously across the train table, but the two strangers on the other side are absorbed with their own laptops. Next to me a middle-aged businesswoman is discussing something on her phone about a shipment from Shanghai.

  “No problem Richmond,” I lie. Why can’t I just come right out with it and tell him I’ve been going out of my mind with frustration in this chastity belt? Ask him why he’s told my wife to start denying me even giving her oral sex? Complain about him keeping her away from home overnight and tell him that I don’t know whether I can cope with them seeing so much more of each other.

  “I just wanted a word about things Richmond.”

  “I understand.” He says like he’s talking to a child, or a very junior employee, “Well feel free to fire away.”

  Shit I can hardly go into detail about him and Lily here, with these people all around me.

  “I’m afraid I don’t have a huge amount of time Vaughn, I’m in between meetings at the airport hotel,” his voice sounds patient even as I hesitate.

  “Well, it was just about the situation with Lily,” my voice is just above a whisper. I turn my head to the window, my face warming. I try to check in the reflection of the glass that neither the woman at my side nor the people the other side of the table are looking at me.

  “The situation?” Richmond’s voice resonates with authority

  “Her new role and the overnight trips,” I mumble, cupping my hand tightly around the mouth piece and hoping I sound like I’m discussing an employee with my boss or a colleague.

  “Ah yes, your wife’s induction. She’s settling in very well by all accounts,” he says cheerfully.

  “I was wondering how often you think she’s likely to need to be away in future Richmond?” Why the hell can’t I be more forceful about this?

  “Vaughn, I’d be lying if I said there wouldn’t be the need for other trips from time to time in the future.” He says and my stomach stirs. I told him how I felt about her staying away from home overnight before she started the role.

  “Lots of working women stay away on business Vaughn. Lily has been given a responsible commercial position in my organisation.” He pauses before continuing; more quietly than before, “You’ve seen with your own eyes exactly how important that wife of yours is to me haven’t you Vaughn?”

  His breathing is slow, steady in my ear.

  “How are you coping with the chastity Vaughn?”

  Even with my enforced abstinence never far from my thoughts, his question takes me by surprise. I look around again at the occupants in the other seats.

  “Actually that’s something else I wanted to talk to you about Richmond.” perspiration beads have sprung on my forehead.

  “I understand,” he says.

  Understand? Really? You can’t have any idea how this feels.

  “What time does your train get back in Vaughn?”

  I’m still contemplating his ‘understanding’ when he repeats his question.

  This time I answer.

  “In around 25 minutes.”

  “Then why don’t you make your way across to the Raddison at the airport? I have a short meeting in a few moments. That should only take around half an hour. After that I’m free. We can take as long as we need.”

  My chest hardens. I know what visiting this man in a hotel means. The flesh of my balls shivers. The belt around my groin constricts, my cock throbbing in anticipation of what I would surely do if I went to him.

  “I’m not, I’m not sure Richmond..” I’m stuttering, breathless excitement building rapidly, overwhelming me with emotions and the desire I’m ashamed to face.

  One of the guys opposite is looking beyond his laptop at me. He slowly averts his eyes as I notice at him.

  “Ask for me at reception Vaughn. I need to go now.”

  The Radisson Hotel just outside the city airport is a huge, dome-shaped monument seemingly crafted inside and out from chrome. The Japanese girl on the reception desk surprises me with both her local accent and when she smiles and tells me that ‘Mr Coyle’ is expecting me in the upstairs bar. Not a private suite?

  My che
st thuds as I take the escalator up, surveying the atrium as I rise.

  Richmond is on a leather sofa at a coffee table talking in to his phone. His white collared shirt is opened at the neck and his maroon, silk tie loosened. He waves me in to a seat opposite him. There are single and groups of other business people in informal meetings and discussions around similar tables throughout the bar. No one else seems to notice me. My stomach is whirling.

  With his phone call over Richmond leans across the table and takes my hand. The smooth, cool flesh and firm grip of my wife’s lover and handler. Her master. Our master. My face is flushing as I force a smile.

  He makes sleek small-talk about his latest trip away and orders more Green tea for himself and a double espresso for me.

  “So,” he smiles at me once the waitress has disappeared to fetch our order, “You’ve been having some misgivings again?”

  “Well yes. About Lily being away. I mean I can see why she might have needed to go on an induction...” why can’t I just come out with it and say what I feel? Tell him I thought we’d agreed she wouldn’t be staying away overnight with this job.

  “Believe me; I do understand your feelings about your wife being away from you overnight Vaughn,” he says, a little too loudly for my liking. “As I’ve been saying all along; some insecurity is still natural in your situation. You’re a husband with an extraordinarily beautiful young wife Vaughn.”

  He smiles at the waitress as she places our drinks in front of us.

  “The fact that your wife has a lover and yet and you and her are no longer intimate would torture any man.” he shrugs and opens his palms at me. The waitress ignores Richmond’s words but her face has flushed rose. She purses her lips and leaves us alone.

  “What husband wouldn’t find your situation an ordeal Vaughn?” he smiles cheerfully, as if the topic of conversation is something quite pleasant for both of us. “But your ordeal is necessary Vaughn,” he says more somberly, “If everyone is to get what they want from this relationship.”

  My throat is closing up.

  “How long is it since you last had intercourse with Lilian?” he takes his strong jaw in one of his hand and strokes it.

  19 days” I say quickly and almost immediately regret the speed of my answer.

  Richmond smiles steadily at me, his hand still around his jaw.

  For a moment I watch the second hand of his white gold Rolex sweep around the face of his watch.

  “19 days and now you start to see her staying away from home overnight.”

  “Have you ever heard of Pavlov’s dog Vaughn?” he raises his hand to attract the waitress.

  “I think so.” I mumble, unsure where this conversation is likely to lead.

  “Ivan Petrovich Pavlov, a Russian physiologist,” he says scribbling his signature on to the waitresses pad.

  He sweeps his jacket up from the seat next to him, rises and indicates that I should follow him.

  “What he’s probably most famous for is his work in classical conditioning,” Richmond says as we cross the lobby beyond the bar and reach the elevators. “In essence Pavlov developed a system of changing the behaviour of others by changing their responses to various stimuli.” he says.

  I’m trying to keep up with what he’s saying as we enter the elevator.

  “His breakthroughs in modifying behaviour came with some dogs he was working with. He noticed that over time they began to salivate as soon as they saw the person who normally fed them, i.e. before there was actually any food present.” He says as the elevator sweeps upward.

  Oh shit. He’s going to make me do that again for him. And I want to do it. My whole body is throbbing for it.

  “Over time, Pavlov was able to change the responses and behaviour of his dogs by presenting them with various stimuli before feeding them. Eventually they would get excited merely when the stimuli appeared. They associated these new stimuli with their satisfaction. In their case; food.”

  I’m not sure what he’s talking about.

  “And so it is with your submission to me Vaughn,” he has his back to me as he opens the room to his suite. “And indeed your wife’s submission to me.”

  The door sweeps across the thickly carpeted room before clicking closed behind me. My stomach is in my mouth.

  “For example, did you at any time before we met, ever think you would regularly be in this position? About to carry out one of the ongoing duties I require of you?” he faces me, hands on hips and looks down his nose at me. Behind him is a high-backed black leather armchair.

  My pulse drums in my throat.

  “In the same way as Lily is being conditioned to associate stimuli such as exhibitionism, humiliation and over time; pain, with my attention, affection and her sexual satisfaction; so too are you undergoing a gradual transformation Vaughn.”

  I think I’m nodding my head.

  “It’s one of the reasons I’ve now asked Lily not to indulge you by allowing you to perform oral sex on her. I need you in a complete state of sexual desperation. Remember Vaughn; this is what you need too. At your very deepest level. What you and your wife both need in fact. We’re only at the start of this journey, of this transformation.” He crosses the room to a desk with a briefcase on it.

  “In the meantime; I’d like you to strip.” He says over his shoulder.

  Oh God. My throat tightens and I stand frozen.

  Richmond takes a seat in the high-backed leather armchair. He holds a small gold-colored package in one hand.

  My fingers tremble as I fumble with my shirt.

  Richmond crosses one long leg over the other, his free forearm resting comfortably on the arm of the seat as he studies me stripping for him.

  “Take your time Vaughn. There’s no rush.” His words are encouraging, comforting almost. He gently and repeatedly taps one highly-polished tan brogue against the air, like he’s hearing some silent drumbeat.

  “Yes Richmond,” my head whirls, no salvia in my mouth.

  I slide down my pants and then my shorts, exposing my chastity belt. A satisfied smile spreads across Richmond’s face

  “All locked safely away.” He nods and I copy him.

  “Now, for the next important stage in your conditioning Vaughn,” he tosses the small gold package at me. It lands at my feet.

  “What is it Richmond?” my voice sounds fragile, weak.

  “Open it Vaughn.” Richmond’s voice has thickened.

  My whole hands shake as I tear at the gold-colored paper covering the soft package about the size of a filled pitta bread.

  Confusion is the first thing I feel as the contents begin to appear.

  “Take it out, hold it up so I can see it” Richmond instructs.

  My breathing is labored. I peel the rest of the wrapping from the lemonade-pink sheer lingerie. I open and hold up and out an extremely short, see-through baby-doll night dress.

  It has long sleeves and darker pink ruffles around the collar of the low cut neckline, the cuffs and hem. Still inside the wrapping paper is what looks like a matching pair of panties.

  I thought he preferred Lily in black, or at least white?

  “You’re hardly a big man are you Vaughn?” opposite me, over in the leather seat, Richmond raises his chin, “That’s a ‘large’ size, so it should comfortably fit you.”

  I can’t compute his words.

  “Conditioning Vaughn, conditioning. All part and parcel of your surrender to me. This is an important step Vaughn,”

  I lower the garment and stare wide-eyed at it.

  “It’s pure logic really,” he settles back in his chair. “By employing your wife I’m effectively taking over the role of her ‘provider’ from you. That thing between your legs symbolises my authority over your lovemaking Vaughn. Now with that,” he nods at the lingerie in my hands, “you can accelerate the surrender of your manhood to me Vaughn. Lily will of course still need you to provide her with emotional support. Like a close friend if you will. Although perhaps
not a ‘boy’ friend..” his voice trails away and he’s smirking at me.

  “Richmond I couldn’t..” My heart is pounding, I’m not sure what he’s talking about.

  “I want you to put that on for me Vaughn. I want you to suck me off while you’re wearing it.” His eyes bore in to me.

  “Richmond I couldn’t ever...” Women’s clothing? He can’t be serious.

  “You really do need to learn from your wife Vaughan. Learn to do exactly as I say. Life will become a whole lot easier when you simply release all resistance. There is nothing your wife wouldn't do for me. You need to adopt a similar attitude.”

  “But Richmond….”

  “I want you to put it on for me – including the g-string.” He nods at the wrapping and the tiny pair of matching panties. His fingers are at the belt of his pants.

  I should throw these ridiculous clothes in his face. Pick up my own clothes, tell him Lily won’t be working for him anymore, get dressed and leave. You don’t have to do this Vaughn. You can’t do this. It’s grotesque.

  But after so many days of denial a wild fire is sweeping through me. The veneer of a lifetime of programming about what it is to be a man is cracking under Richmond’s steely gaze. My balls and my cock palpitate.

  I want to try and obey him. I want to surrender so utterly to him.

  The gossamer-thin fabric is brushing my bare shoulders. Translucent and light like a beautifully decorative cobweb. Falling over my flesh, stroking and caressing me.

  Richmond is smiling a look of satisfaction. His pupils dilated.

  My face and whole body are ignited.

  No jeans, business pants or suit I’ve ever worn have prepared me for this. For how exposed and vulnerable I feel in clothing which is completely open below the thigh. Perversely my balls harden each time the web-like fabric grazes my goose-bumped skin.

  “Panties as well,” Richmond nods.

  The hem of the lingerie rides up my back as I stoop to retrieve the g-string. What the fuck am I doing? There’s no way any of this could possibly be happening if I wasn’t so sex starved.


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