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Breaking us Both 4: Bi Dominant Training Submissive Hotwife & Cuckold Husband Public Humiliation & Sharing

Page 5

by Tinto Selvaggio

  “What do you mean?” my face is burning.

  “As I mentioned earlier, I don’t have long now Vaughn. But I want to show you something. Are you online at the moment?”

  “On my laptop yeah,” I click out of the hotwife website on my browser.

  “Check your email. I’m just sending something through for you. I want you to examine it

  My email pings with a message and attachment from him. The heading is simply “Lily”.

  “This is the kind of document a Master like myself will ultimately require about both of you Vaughn. If I am to fully own you as a couple that is. “

  Own us?

  I click in to the attachment. It’s the same PowerPoint presentation about Lily that I showed him all those months ago, when I first went to see him. But now there’s more to it.

  My wife’s full name and address. Her telephone numbers and email. A copy of the photo page of her passport. Holy shit -her passport? My stomach curdles. Lily’s expressionless face stares out from an additional page of the presentation. Another new page contains her social security number with still more showing copies of her birth certificate and driving licence.

  What the hell? An invisible vice is crushing my insides

  “Are you still there Vaughn?”

  “Where, where did you get..” my tongue is sticking to the roof of my mouth.

  “Anyone’s employer will have access to much of this information Vaughn. One of the side benefits of your wife being in my business now I suppose Vaughn. It’s nothing to be concerned about. Owning this kind of dossier on another man’s wife merely gives me a very warm feeling inside. However, you might want to consider pulling similar information together for me about yourself. All entirely voluntary of course.” He pauses; like he's letting me digest his words, “But if the aim is to be a true owned cuckold Vaughn...” his voice trails away

  “Look I have to leave now for the party Vaughn. Enjoy the rest of the updated presentation I put together about Lily wont you?”

  The line goes dead.

  My hand trembles as I tap through two pages of photomontages of my wife. All in various stages of undress or nude. Some performing sex acts with Richmond. Pain stabs through the head of my shaft. Lily down on the floor below the person holding the camera. On one, her eyes closed, the camera man’s thick cock wedged in her mouth. On another, gazing adoringly into the camera while sucking cock. In other images my wife is being taken from behind by a body that looks like Richmond’s.

  If I could have, I’d have been jerking myself off repeatedly for hours by the time Lily’s key is scraping around the lock of the front door. Instead, I’ve lay brooding here in bed the whole time. My mind careering between dark planets of fear or worry and incredible shooting stars of frustrated lust.

  I listen to Lily go to the bathroom before she appears here, in the bedroom.

  Her hair is a little dishevelled, her make-up ever so slightly smudged around her eyes.

  “Did you have a good night?” I sit up against the headboard.

  Lily steps unsteadily off her heels, unzipping her dress. Wiping off her make-up. My cock throbs as I watch her. I want her now.

  “I met Trudy,” she says to my reflection in the mirror of her dressing table at the foot of our bed, “Richmond’s wife.”

  “What’s she like?” I pull my knees up under the bedcovers. The chastity belt tugs at my groin.

  “She’s pretty. Toned but she must be like 40 or 45.” She discards her bra and her full breasts shudder in front of her.

  She doesn’t seem threatened by Richmond’s wife.

  “Anyhow it was me he wanted,” she whispers, slurring her words slightly before peeling down her panties and clambering in to bed.

  I groan at the feel of her cool, creamy flesh against mine.

  “Take this off me babe please. I’m desperate to come,”

  “He took me outside when his wife was chatting to some of his colleague’s wives.”

  I didn’t know there were any partners invited to the dinner.

  Her fingers are light on my balls.

  “Lily please let me out of this,”

  “I can’t. You know I haven’t got the key. Why don’t you don’t you go down on me?”

  Why doesn’t she want me unlocked? The very question both sickens and thrills me.

  “What happened when Richmond took you outside?” I slide down under the covers, happy at least for this coming intimacy. It’s been so long.

  “What do you think happened?” she laughs and then my nose leaves me in little doubt.

  Her bare feet rest on my back.

  “Some of his senior managers were smoking outside,” she moans somewhere above, “they nearly caught us together,” Lily groans as my face makes contact with her pungent sex.

  “I think they knew what we’d been doing,” she pushes herself against my face.

  “It was hot when you used that paddle on me in front of Richmond Lily,” I bury my face as hard as I can up against her slippery folds, inhaling, licking and sucking.

  “He was talking about you tonight,” she pants, ignoring what I said.

  “What was he saying?” I break from the shaven, saltiness between her legs.

  “He asked me what I thought you’d look like in lingerie,” she murmurs and the smooth skin of one of her bare heels twists on my back.

  My stomach cramps. Fuck no.

  “Don’t you think it’s a horny idea Vaughn?” she whispers.

  Chapter Seven

  I’m just going to tell her I know she has a spare key. My foot eases down on the brake pedal, my fingers tap a rhythm on the steering wheel. Brake lights on vehicles ahead of me pierce the evening gloom. I didn’t want to tell her last night that I knew she could let me out if she wanted to. I needed to see whether she’d volunteer it. But she just let me go down on her and then she fell asleep. It’s been weeks since I had sex with her.

  We need to get close again. The way only a couple who regularly have sex with each other really can. I need to spend some time thinking more rationally. I can’t do that without the relief of cumming properly. I need to become a man again in her eyes. Neither of those things is going to happen with this fucking thing locked between my legs.

  I have to pee like a girl for fucks sake! I was caught twice coming out of toilet cubicles today at my client’s offices. No wonder I got asked if I had food poisoning.

  I’m scared that Lily’s listening to that crap Richmond’s coming out with about me dressed in women’s clothes. Why the hell did she mention that to me in bed last night?

  The traffic inches ahead again in front of me and I ease in to the accelerator. What was it Richmond said about some submissive wives enjoying seeing their husbands ‘effectively neutered’? ‘Emasculation’ I think he called it. Something about how doing that to a husband reinforces the wife’s perception of her lover being even more masterful.

  Insanely, my cock is pulsating as I dwell on the concept of Lily finding Richmond more sexually attractive the more he humiliates me. This is surely madness. At least let me get out of the belt for a week or two. Let me start thinking more clearly, more logically. See how I feel then.

  Otherwise, where does it all end? What about that dossier he’s put together on Lily, all that confidential information no other man should have? The depraved images of her he must now have on his PC; the blank pages at the back of the document. Presumably for more info and images to be added at some point. What about him wanting me to start a dossier about myself? All that talk about ‘totally owning’ both of us.

  The chastity belt moves between my legs. Despite my anxiety (or even because of it), my cock is attempting to stiffen. Am I going mad?

  My car cruises around the corner into our street and the plan of action is set in my mind. I’ll get Lily to let me out of this as soon as I get home. We’ll go to bed and after sex have a long talk about exactly where this three-way relationship is going.

nd’s car! On our drive.

  I’m still computing how to react when I recognize another car on the street outside. Marion’s; -George’s wife’s.

  Oh Shit.

  I talk to myself the whole way up the driveway with my laptop bag over my shoulder. Stay calm. Stay calm. It’s your house Vaughn.

  I find the three of them in the living room. Their laughter stops when I enter.

  “Aha, the man of the house,” Richmond is in a pale blue business suit next to Lily on the sofa.

  I ignore his comment and lean down to peck Lily’s cheek.

  Richmond’s eyes are on me.

  “Hi Sweetie,” Marion puts down a coffee mug on a small table at the side of her armchair, “I popped in to return the book Lily lent me and caught the two of them alone.” She smiles and raises her eyebrows repeatedly, theatrically.

  The other two laugh and I pretend to join-in, hoping my red face isn’t noticed.

  “Actually, I’d been dying to meet Lily’s mysterious new boss. Having heard so much about him.”

  I make some inane comment or other and lower my eyes.

  “Have you had anything to eat Vaughn?” Lily asks me, “There’s some pasta left over in the fridge if you want it.”

  “You’re too good to that husband of yours Lily,” Richmond’s hand moves down to Lily’s thigh. He lets it rest on top of her tight pencil skirt. He squeezes. Marion’s eyes follow the movement and then rise to meet my startled gaze.

  “I must say, you’re very trusting leaving Lily alone in your house with another man Vaughn,” Marion reaches for her cup “I’m pretty sure my George wouldn’t trust me for five minutes with a man who has a Bentley.”

  Richmond laughs and shakes his head.

  “Well I suppose George knows you better than anyone Marion,” I put on a smile, hoping my words might shut her up.

  I’m finishing the cold pasta in the kitchen when Marion’s head appears around the door.

  “I’m going now Vaughn,” she wiggles her plump fingers at me, checks over her shoulder and lowers her voice. “If there’s ever anything you need to talk to me or George about; you know you can don’t you Vaughn? I’d hate to think you and Lily might have problems but no-one to turn to about them.”

  Richmond and Lily appear behind her before I can react. My wife hugs the other woman and then Richmond leans over Marion and kisses each of her cheeks in turn. She pretends to swoon before a laughing Lily guides her down the hallway towards the front door.

  “Don’t look so alarmed,” Richmond’s voice is calm as he and Lily join me in the kitchen. “Mine’s only a flying visit too. I’m not staying.”

  Lily pouts theatrically like a sulky child.

  I’m not ‘alarmed’ as he put it. I’m tired from being at my clients all day. Embarrassed at what looked like pity in Marion’s eyes. I didn’t want a houseful of people here when I got home. I certainly didn’t want the stress of Richmond. I needed to relax and talk to my wife alone.

  I poke my fork at my pasta.

  “I’ve already told Lily earlier Vaughn, but I wanted to speak to you about it in person as well. You’ve both been invited to Anthony and Claire’s with me for the weekend. I’ve given Lily that garment you tried on for me. I’d like you to bring it with you at weekend.”

  Chapter Eight

  Lily and I are both nervous about going back to see Anthony and Claire at their house tonight. Nervous for different reasons I suspect.

  The first time he took us there Lily was sat next to me here in the back of Richmond’s Bentley. Now; she’s up front with him while I’m alone in the back. But I don’t feel like I’m being chauffeured. The sun visor above her seat is down and Lily is checking her appearance over and over as the Bentley purrs down the freeway.

  Part of me really didn’t want to make this journey tonight at all. I tried to talk Lily out of it. But she was adamant we both went. In the end, I was left with the choice of going with her or letting Richmond take her there alone while I waited at home until sometime on Sunday. Two whole nights. I’d have gone out of my mind wondering what was going on there after what happened the last time.

  Lily fiddles with the car radio, changing stations looking for some music she likes. Something about her doing that without asking Richmond first makes me fearful. Maybe because it highlights their closeness, her ‘ease’ and comfort with him. Somehow her very act seems to exclude me.

  I stare out of my window into the dark and consider what may lie ahead for us tonight. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t feeling sick. But the nausea is a combination of waves of fear and a heady sexual excitement that makes my palms sweat.

  After Richmond left us at home earlier in the week I confronted Lily about her having the spare key to my chastity belt. She laughed and admitted it.

  ‘I’ve grown to quite like seeing you frustrated’ she told me. I pleaded with her to let me make love to her but she said I had to wait.

  ‘Won’t you at least try that on for me?’ she’d giggled and held up the ridiculous pink lingerie Richmond bought for me. “If you had this on I might not be able to resist.” She’d laughed, caressed my aching balls and I did come close to agreeing. I was fit to burst.

  But I couldn’t let her see me like that.

  I’ve ignored what Richmond asked me to do and deliberately haven’t brought it with me tonight. I wouldn’t trust myself if Richmond insisted.

  “Here we are again folks,” Richmond slows the Bentley and swings it steadily through the electronic gates in to Anthony’s huge grounds. My stomach is clenching.

  This time there’s no-one outside to greet us.

  “Can you bring the overnight bags Vaughn?” Richmond’s electronic trunk sweeps open and then his shoes are crunching across the drive through the chilly evening to the door of the large house.

  Lily totters after him in the high heels and clingy black mini skirt she was instructed to wear.

  I retrieve the bags and stand behind Richmond and my wife while we wait at the door. My eyes are on Lily’s rounded buttocks. I let them slowly descend down back of her long bare legs and then back up. My cock twitches, the flesh around my groin still a little itchy after being shaved there.

  “Richmond my man,” Anthony opens both arms and beams at my wife’s lover. “And Lily. Lily, Lily lovely Lily,” he leans in to my wife, kisses each of her cheeks and then a plump palm squeezes each shoulder of Lily’s leather bomber jacket. “Let me stand back and take a good look at you,” he takes her by the hands at arm’s length and his pale eyes crawl up and down her.

  Behind her, ignored, my head teams with permutations of what the next two days may hold.

  Maybe I should have insisted that neither of us came here.

  “Hey Vaughn,” Anthony thrusts out a hand at me. His smile and his charming manner are perversely at odds with the way he and his partner treated my wife last time we were here. Lily’s sucked this guy off.

  “I’m afraid Claire won’t be back ‘til later. No worries. I think I’m equipped enough to give you guys the guided tour,” he directs me to put the overnight bags in a laundry room adjacent to the kitchen; close to those stairs that lead down to that basement.

  He waves Lily and I through to a large hallway with a huge cream marble spiral staircase dominating it.

  “Richmond’s seen all this before of course, but if I show you through here...” Anthony explains and even Lily’s long legs seem to be struggling to keep up with the speed of our host’s walk; “this is the main living room.”

  The room is huge. The footprint must easily be the size of the whole downstairs of our home – including the gardens. Thick Persian-style rugs, white leather sofas and on one wall a TV screen that looks more like something from a cinema complex.

  Richmond’s arm encircles my wife’s tiny waist as the short man shows us in and out of various other reception, dining and bathrooms before leading us up the spiral staircase.

  I lose count of the number of luxurious
ly appointed bedrooms. Those at the front of the property have views of the huge lawns and drive. At the back; open countryside.

  He hasn’t told us which room me and Lily will be sleeping in.

  Back downstairs and Anthony leads us through a labyrinth of rooms and corridors muttering something about wanting to show us what he calls his ‘piece de resistance’.

  Annoying though he most certainly is, even I can’t contain my admiration for the frothing candle and lantern-lit, covered swimming pool.

  “Full size pool come Jacuzzi,” he says to both Lily and I individually.

  “Don’t worry if you don’t have your swimming costume with you Lily; we tend to swim in the buff in there. Makes you feel real free.”

  Lily touches her ear lobe, her face coloring-up.

  When the tour is finally over we arrive back in the living room. Anthony asks us what we’d like to drink and then as suggested, we take off our jackets and sit for a while in the grand living room.

  I quickly give up trying to follow the discussion between Anthony and Richmond about the ‘viability’ of some software business or other that Richmond is contemplating investing in. From a sofa the length of one of the walls in our own living room, Lily and I look around us. I’m awestruck at the sheer size of this place with its rows of huge, ornately framed movie and video game posters and the giant marble fireplace.

  It’s not until after the software business discussion has ended that matters move on.

  “We’ve made some improvements to our basement,” Anthony clears his throat and puts down his drink.

  “Well I think you should show us dear friend.” Richmond slaps his broad palms down on his powerful thighs and grins at our red-headed host.

  Lily shoots me a look and I smile tightly at her.

  Anthony leads us out to the top of the stone staircase which I remember descends to the cellar or basement as Anthony calls it.

  I make up the rear behind the three of them. We descend the stairs with Lily’s heels echoing against the walls. It’s colder down this staircase than I remember it.


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