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Romance: The Bad Boy Affair: A Second Chance Romance

Page 71

by Veronica Cross

  Faith runs up to Ashton.

  “Wow he’s hot, what happened? Did he get your number? Did you get his??”

  Ashton shrugs.

  “No we didn’t really talk”

  “You don’t need to talk! Just make out. What’s going on with you? You make up stories about space creatures sweeping you off your feet, but when the real thing is here you just ignore it.”

  “I didn’t make it… I just didn’t connect with him.”

  “Brad Pitt in boots wasn’t your type? Or are you still hung up on what happened to … Bobby!”

  Faith is startled to see Bobby Darren. He walks up to Ashton and Faith with an “I’m sorry” smile on his face.

  “Uh, hey you two. Can I talk to Ashton?” Bobby Darren says looking for permission.

  “How dare you…” Faith says before Ashton waves her off to stop. “Well, I’ll kick your ass if you hurt her again.”

  “It’s okay, Faith. Can you get me another corn dog? I’m starving.”

  “How about I get you something? It’s the least I can do.” Bobby says and Ashton agrees. He puts his arm out and Ashton wraps her hand around it. A slight spark happens and Ashton passes it off as the static electricity that’s been bothering her all week.

  Chapter 10 – The Midway

  Carnies on the left and right scream and taunt for attention. Tents line up as far as the eye can see with games of skill and chance, but mostly cons of some sort. Kids run around eating cotton candy and holding small prizes their parents probably paid a hundred times their worth for. The smell of fried everything and spilt beer mix in the air. “Step right up, prove your skills. Show your little lady what a man you are. She’s worth a prize for sure,” says a game barker next to a booth full of numbered holes and animal-shaped items to knock over with a mini football.

  Bobby and Ashton find themselves staring at the booth. She has two corn dogs, cotton candy and a soda in hand. He looks over at the game barker calling him out and then back at Ashton.

  “I’d throw, but my throwing arm…I can’t really move it that way since I broke it. You’re worth the prize for sure.”

  “Sure I am.”

  Ashton enjoys giving him a hard time after the other night.

  “See that fella, I don’t know if she rightfully believes you. If she was my gal, I’d be pulling out my wallet and fighting for her honor or for at least a kiss at the end of the night. I bet it’s worth a kiss am I right little lady.”

  Ashton nods in agreement.

  Bobby shakes his head but was called out and has no choice. He pulls out his wallet and gives the game operator five bucks. The operator gives him a basket of mini footballs. Bobby tosses the first ball with little energy and makes it nowhere near the hole.

  “Hey, don’t worry about it; not everyone can make it into the hole,” Ashton jokes, and realizes it was almost as bad as something Faith would say. She felt bad and put her hand on Bobby’s arm and kisses him on the cheek.

  “Just playing. You don’t have to do this.”

  After she touched him, he felt a tingle through his hand and arm as if blood rushed to it. He picked up another ball and tossed it with such force and velocity that the game operator and Ashton were shocked. Even Bobby was a little shocked.

  “Woah nelly. I think you’re trying to hustle me Mr.”

  “I guess second times the charm.”

  Bobby throws another bullet straight into the hardest hole to get. Before long a crowd gathers around. Bobby is throwing like his old quarterback self. He can’t miss. People start taking pictures with their phones and cheering every throw.

  Thirty minutes later Ashton and Bobby found themselves walking down the Midway with two oversized stuffed animals and three smaller stuffed prizes. Both laugh as they walk.

  “I can’t believe that. What happened? Did you see that crowd cheering for you?”

  “I don’t know. I guess your kiss was magical.”

  “Yeah a little kiss on the cheek brought you back to your quarterback days.”

  “Maybe it did. Imagine what a full kiss would do”

  “You’re so bad.”

  They stop next to an old cobble stone water fountain shooting water ten feet in the air. A popular make out place at the fair but they’ve managed to find it empty. Bobby places the animal prizes down and helps Ashton sit on the concrete bench nearby.

  “Well this is nice.” Ashton looks all around. She wasn’t used to all the attention the day has brought her, and to be here with her high school crush was something she’d not soon forget.

  “I’m so sorry. I’ve regretted that night. I had a chance to be with you and I blew it. I’ve thought about you every day since,” Bobby says with that quarterback charm Ashton’s always swooned over. “And seeing you now. You’re ten times more beautiful than I even remembered. When I saw you at the dance, I realized I had to steal you away before all those other guys jumped in.”

  “Steal me away, huh?” Ashton says, then looks away to the steady stream of water arching from the nearby fountain. Bobby places his hand to her chin and turns her head toward him. He looks into her eyes and kisses her. Her heart skips a beat. His hand slips around her side and Ashton closes her eyes, enjoying his hard and passionate embrace.

  Fireworks crackle in the night sky signaling the end of the State Fair. Ashton reluctantly pushes Bobby away. Bobby stops his kiss. “Sorry, I thought you wanted me to.”

  “The first kiss is free. The next one will cost you a date,” Ashton whispers into his ear.

  Chapter 11 – The Date

  The town square looks much like it did fifty years ago. A large clock tower overlooks eclectic shops and red brick buildings. Families and couples walk from shop to shop. A group watches a fiddler play a classic country tune for change. Men on horseback ride down the streets leisurely. A few classic 1950’s car sit next to each other in the parking area. A car enthusiast meetup group gets together on weekends. The air is brisk.

  “That’ll be $2.50,” a tattooed girl behind the coffee counter calls out as she slides a steaming hot chocolate and coffee toward Ashton and Bobby. The couple stands under a small awning with the words “Country Coffee” sprawled across the top. Ashton’s never had a real date. Boys would mostly take her to parties and drinking at the lake. Ashton, the hopeless romantic was enjoying this. Bobby held doors open and paid for anything and everything. He even laughed at some of her lamest jokes. She wasn’t completely sure if she could fully forgive Bobby for the lake, but this was nice, nonetheless.

  “Thanks for the coffee,” Ashton says with her first sip, as they walk down the sidewalk past a boutique clothing store for pets.

  “My pleasure,” Bobby says before getting distracted by something in the window display.

  “Suit and tie for a baby pig? Now I’ve seen everything.”

  “Well, you can’t have them going around all naked for Sunday service. That would be unsightly,” Ashton jokes.

  Bobby laughs and touches his hand against Ashton’s as they walk. “I can’t believe we never really talked much in school.”

  “Well, we were in different circles, I guess.”

  “I guess. Oh, hey…look at that,” Bobby says, pointing to a picture of his younger self in a football uniform in the hobby shop. “I guess they still have that hung up here. Back during the championships, my mug was on all these shops.”

  “I remember,” Ashton says, almost rolling her eyes from what sounded like a big Ego.

  “The good ole days.”

  “Yep.” Ashton smiles, but disagrees. She was never real popular. She was glad to be done with high school, though at the time she would have done anything for Bobby to notice her. Maybe then she would have been part of the cool clique.

  “My hair hasn’t changed much, I guess.”

  “Oh, hey, that’s neat,” she says to change the subject. “A telescope.” A shiny black star 1000 telescope sits on display behind the glass.

  “Looking to s
py on the neighbors?” Bobby laughs. “Maybe catch some couple doing the nasty?”

  “Well, maybe. But I could gaze at the starts.” Ashton realizes how nice it would be to gaze at the stars. Maybe she’d see Orion, or his ship. She’s thought about him a lot. She’s tried to radio a couple of times since that night, but received no response. She’s even been out to the field, begging to be taken again. It was all a distant dream. She begins to wonder if it was real at all.

  “Star gazing, huh? I never got that...why anyone would look to the skies for anything. Everything you need in life is down here. Staring at some bright lights in the air ain’t gonna do anything for ya.”

  “You never wanted more than this? This life? This world?” Ashton asks.

  “There you go again with all your ambition talk. It hurts my head,” Bobby jokes.

  “Sorry.” Ashton apologizes despite feeling an emotional dagger stab her. She was realizing the dream of Bobby Darren was looking much better than the self-centered reality. She decided to put up a strong wall and finish the date, no matter what happened.

  “Hey Bobby!” A group of young flirty girls giggle as they pass by.

  “Uh, hey,” Bobby says back, almost embarrassed.

  “Your fan club, I see,” Ashton says, disapprovingly.

  “Uh, yeah.” Bobby Smiles. “My reputation precedes me, I guess. From the football field I mean…and other things, I guess.”

  “Yep, I bet you have a big reputation,” Ashton teases before playfully hitting Bobby. “Let’s go check out where you had your glory days.”

  Chapter 12 – The School

  In his brand new Chevy Bobby pulls into the empty school parking lot. The high school hasn’t changed much since Ashton last visited. She never made it out to the Friday night football games that all the town got excited over. Once she was done with school, she vowed never to return.

  For Bobby it was a different story. Life hasn’t been the same since school. In school he got everything he wanted, any grade he wanted any girl he wanted. He’s been living mostly in the past ever since. Things don’t come as easy for him anymore. He has to actually work for what he gets now days. But pulling into the parking lot brought it all back.

  He gets out of his truck and opens the door and gives Ashton a hand getting out. She steps out and down about 2 feet from the high tired truck. He reaches into the glove compartment and pulls out a flask from the glove compartment before slamming the door.

  “What’s ya think of my truck? My Daddy got it for me from our Dealership. He’s like all… Bobby Darren you represent me and your family every time you go out.” He takes a swig of from the flask and hands it to Ashton who reluctantly takes a drink as well.

  “It’s nice. You at least drive better than Faith. You’re not doing your lipstick while driving.”

  “I save that for the second date”

  They both laugh and walk toward the school.

  “Did you have Mr. Ashburn’s for Chem?”

  “I heard he’s in prison now?”

  “What? Really did he go all breaking bad or something?”

  “No. Tax evasion or something. The girls at the dealership are all gossipy, hear just about everything about everybody in this town. You should drop by sometime.”

  They walk past the bleachers and toward the field. So many memories rush to Ashton. She looks over at where she used to watch him practice from. It’s hard for her to believe she’s now walking toward the field with him. But something doesn’t let her get too star struck. Something inside her pushes her to take charge. She takes another sip of his flask. It’s warm but gives her a little liquid courage. She stops Bobby before they get to the field and tells him to take his boots off.

  “When a girl tells a guy to take his boots off, she better mean it. That’s a big commitment.”

  “Just take them off, dummy,” she teases before taking her own off and throwing them by the sideline.

  After he pulls his boots off, she takes his hand and leads him to the football field. She enjoys feeling the grass under her feet. They walk down the field toward the end zone, passing each yard line.

  “So, this was where you had all your glory?”

  “I guess so.”

  “So you scored a lot on this field?”

  “Um, sure.” Bobby laughs, realizing the innuendo. “I did well with football.”

  “I wasn’t talking about football,” Ashton said as they arrived to the touchdown area of the field. Ashton pushed him roughly against the football goal post. She steps back and smirks. She’s determined to make him pay for past aggressions and takes full control of him. She knows exactly what she wants to do. Imagining this moment has been sexual fodder for her weekly masturbation sessions ever since high school.

  “Shirt off!”

  “You can’t just tell me what to do. I will not be sexually objectified by you,” jokes Bobby.

  Ashton steps up to him and playfully slaps him across the face.

  “I didn’t tell you to talk!” She mischievously smiles. “You screwed up, and if you really want to show you’re sorry…”

  “Sorry?” Bobby says, not immediately sure what Ashton’s talking about. The night and date have been going so well in his mind.

  Ashton finishes her statement ignoring him. “…for blowing me off for that skank ex of yours. If you really want to show why I should forgive you, you’ll do exactly what I say,” she says more seriously, as if cracking a whip. “Now shirt off!” “Slowly!”

  Bobby complies. He lifts his sweater slowly over his shoulders revealing his rock hard abs and muscles, all seeming to point below. Ashton yells for him to stop.

  “But my sweaters not all the way off,” Bobby says with his head covered and his chest and stomach exposed.

  “I know. Now quiet,” Ashton demands as her eyes fondle every part of him. He feels foolish standing there with his hands over his head not knowing what’s going to happen. He can see her movement through spaces in his sweater threads. She looks around the football field to make sure no one is around then steps closer to his body.

  She hesitates to touch him, but only for a second. She’s already played this out so many times in her head. It feels like second nature. Her fingers slide down the ripples and creases between his muscles. His body is a warm, contrasting to the chill in the air. “As amazing as he is, he’s not as defined as Orion,” she thinks to herself in a fleeting thought. Even so, this isn’t a bad second; and she’ll finally be able to know what it’s like to play out her fantasy with Bobby Darren, High School Quarterback.

  As her fingers go to his sides, he can’t help but giggle a little. She slaps his abs. “No laughing.” His body tenses and his muscles flex even more. She leans in and presses her lips to his solid chest. She kisses down his muscles to where his pants begin, then glides her tongue slowly back up his abs. His body is smooth and salty. She’s never been this forceful or brave. She felt him shiver as she moved her tongue over his body, though that could be from the cold winds whistling through. She notices his pants start to bulge. She looks up at his sweater covered head and smiles.

  Ashton unbuckles the leather belt from Bobby’s tight blue jean pants. She grabs the silver end of the belt and forcefully rips it out from around his body. He almost falls over from the force. “Whoa!” Bobby yelps.

  Ashton stands and whispers through the sweater toward his ear. “Shhhh. I didn’t say you could talk.” She pushes him toward the football goal post. Her lips move back down his body. She slips her hands over the top edge of his blue jeans where his waist is. She can feel his boxers at the tips of her fingers. She rips open his pants past its buttons and unzips him.

  She pulls his pants down around his ankles. Just his boxers remain. His legs were built and sturdy from years of working out and practices. It’s much better up close than she saw from a distance the other day at the lake. Her hand slips under his boxers and reaches for his hardness. He moans, not expecting it. He’s hard and smoot
h. It’s warmer than she imagined. Her hand wraps around it. She moves her hand slowly to the top of his manhood through his boxers. He shifts his body slowly back and forth. He continues to moan with enthusiasm. She loves having this much control over him.

  She grabs his boxers. She slides them down past his thighs, past his knees and then to his feet. In what resembles hazing, the former high school jock stood naked against a goal post with a sweater over his head.

  Ashton stands up after removing his boxers. She pulls off his sweater and throws it on the field. Bobby stands like a Greek Adonis. His statuesque build. His large curved shaft. Ashton can’t help but smile extremely big as she takes it all in, seeing her fantasy in real life. He shakes his head and looks at her and gestures.

  “Now what?”

  “You’ll see.” Ashton says coyly. She’s a little surprised how confident he is standing buck naked on a football field. Then she realizes he’s probably had many a cheerleader on the field and under the bleachers over the years. Being naked on the field isn’t something new for him. Ashton decided to up the ante a little. She heads over to his belt and folds it over itself and pulls it tightly, making a whipping sound.

  “Whoa, Nellie!” Bobby starts to freak out. “Now I know you’re used to dealin’ with livestock, but you got to watch it when a man has his tenders blowin’ in the wind.

  She grabs Bobby’s arms and ties his hands behind his back and to the goal post with the belt.

  “You’re a lot kinkier than I realized,” Bobby jokes.

  “Just you wait.” Ashton pulls the belt tight. She glides her hands down his body, sliding down his chest over his solid abs. She stops just before getting to his cock. Bobby grunts with anticipation.

  Ashton steps back and unbuttons her pants. She slides them down enough to reveal her lacey red panties. Bobby licks his lips with anticipation. She lets her jeans drop to the floor. Bobby follows her smooth, soft legs from top to bottom, the back to the top with his eyes. He wants to touch her, thrusting his body forward, but is stopped by the belt holding him in place.


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