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Page 30

by Ella Miles

  “Yes, come in.”

  Saul walks inside. “Do you need help throwing this guy out?"

  “No, I can handle him."

  I turn my attention back to Matteo. “Unless you came to tell me something's happened to Nina and Arlo, I don't want to hear about it."

  “Actually, I’m here to find out where they are. They call you. You know exactly where they are. So tell me, and I’ll be on my way."

  I hate myself for finding him attractive for even a minute. I hate myself for wanting anything to do with this monster.

  “Why do you want to know?"

  “Because I need my brother’s help."

  I search his eyes. “Liar."

  He smirks, leaning forward, his eyes glued to me. “Fine. Because Arlo stole something from me and I want it back."

  My heart sinks. “Nina. You want Nina back."

  He nods.

  I smile. “You're never gonna find them."

  “And why not?"

  “Because I don't know where they are. Yes, they call me and let me know they're safe every once in a while, but they never tell me where they are. Just that they're safe. They never tell you where they are either. Arlo is better than you at this sort of thing. They'll be able to run and hide from you forever."

  A pinched expression crosses his face as he stares at me, then at my date, and back to me again.

  “I don't think I’ll have any trouble finding them,” Matteo says, standing up from my couch and walking toward Saul. “Enjoy your date. Don't let her pick the wine.” He’s at my door in seconds, while I’m still staring at the couch, confused as to what the hell's going on.

  “Where are you going?" I snap out of my stupor.

  He stops short of the door, turns, and smirks at me. His eyes grow venomous.

  “I’m letting you have one last date before I take you.”



  I'm stunned as the door slams shut.

  He's gone as quickly as he came. He struck fear into my heart and disappeared into the night leaving me with a thousand questions and no answers.

  I close my eyes and crack my head side to side before deeply exhaling as I let all of the air out of my body. Calm. I need to remain calm. Now I wish I had had time for that yoga session to help relax me.

  "Eden, what's wrong? What's going on?"

  I ignore Saul. I can't handle his questions right now. I don't even have time to deal with my own fear. The only thing I can worry about is how to keep Matteo from kidnapping me.

  There’s a reason Nina and Arlo ran. Matteo was one of those reasons. He may be Arlo’s brother, but I know what he’s capable of. He’s ruthless and will do whatever it takes to get what he wants.

  I’m desperate for a solution and fast. I need a way to get rid of Matteo.

  Nina. I rush over to the counter where my phone is lying and pick it up, ready to dial the number I memorized by heart. A number I’m only supposed to use in emergencies. Matteo coming back and threatening to steal me is unquestionably an emergency. I unlock my phone and begin dialing the numbers 376…

  I stop.

  I can't call Nina.

  I try to swallow the lump in my throat. The one person who could help me is the one person I can’t call. The one person who understands Matteo better than anyone. The one person who knows what Matteo might be planning.

  All I know is I don’t trust Matteo. I would be putting her in danger.

  And if I tell Nina what is going on, she will come back. She will want to fight. And I can't put her through something like this again. She's happy. And even if I was able to convince her not to come back, Matteo could be tracking my calls. He could figure out that I know how to contact her. He could use the information to discover where she is. And I won't help him find her. I won’t risk Nina’s life no matter the cost.

  Matteo didn’t tell me why he wants Nina. But I doubt his intentions are pure. Nina told me almost everything. Matteo loved her as much as Arlo. She made her choice. She chose Arlo, now Matteo has to live with it. I don’t want to imagine what battle might ensue if he was to find her.

  I don’t trust Arlo much more than I do Matteo, but Nina is as safe as she can be with him. Matteo can’t find them.

  Heath. I can call Heath. He is the only other person who might understand. He went through all this with Nina, and as much as I hate to bring him back into this world again, he is the only option I have.

  I find his contact in my phone and dial the number. I hold my phone to my ear as my fingers drum across my granite countertops. I listen to one ring, two, three…

  "Come on Heath, answer your damn phone.”

  Four rings… It goes to his answering machine.

  "Call me when you get this. ASAP. It's an emergency."

  I slam the phone down hard on the counter, not caring when the small crack forms in the corner of my phone. Stupid phone.

  My whole body shakes. I'm not afraid Matteo’s going to take me. For one, I won’t let him. But I'm petrified of what would happen to Nina if he stole her from Arlo. She wouldn't survive being ripped from the love of her life. So I have to stop Matteo.

  "Eden?…Are you okay?” Saul says as he walks over to me and carefully places his hand on my shoulder.

  I exhale deeply again, letting everything out. I try to find my tranquil, happy place, but his unsteady hand shaking my entire body isn’t helping.

  "Thank you. I'm going to be fine." I step away, causing his hand to drop from my body.

  "You want to tell me what that was about?"

  I turn and try to make my eyes brighten at him as I force my lips to smile. "No. It was nothing important.”

  He looks away as he rubs his tidy hair, making a mess of it. Sweat glistens on his forehead.

  "What do you want to do now?"

  I pause before answering. “Go out to dinner on our date and then whatever you had planned afterward. I want to forget about all this." I don’t mention that I’m more desperate than I was before to have him. For him to fuck me and make me forget about what just happened. I want him to take me to a restaurant and then fuck me in the bathroom halfway through dinner.

  "Okay," he smiles at me. He holds out his arm, and I take it, trying to focus on him as he leads me out of the condo and out to his waiting Volvo. He opens the door for me like the perfect gentleman he is, and I climb in as he goes around to the driver side. He starts up the car and turns on the radio, drowning out the silence.

  "Do you like Asian food? This restaurant I'm taking you to does this fusion thing between Asian and Mexican.”

  Normal conversation. This is exactly what I need.

  "I love Asian food."

  He reaches over and takes my hand in his, holding it softly. I let my hand rest in his, despite how clammy his hand is.

  I’m going to pretend like Matteo didn't walk into my life. I'm not going to run as Nina did. I'm going to stay and fight. All running did for Nina was stall the inevitable anyway. She ran and was still stolen. And in the meantime, she lived a life of fear.

  I'm not running. I'm a smart, intelligent woman. I’m skilled enough to take on this asshole and win. I won't be taken.

  The restaurant is impressive. It's the kind of restaurant where you sit on the floor on pillows, and they bring out food on sizable trays. The food was clearly thought out to blend aspects of Asian and Mexican cooking, with some dishes bringing a sweet heat of Korea and others the full-on spice of a jalepeño. The chef apparently had deep roots in both of the cultures, and it shows.

  Saul does his best to keep the conversation light and moving, but we don't have much in common, and I'm far too distracted to be able to focus on much of what he is saying.

  "Have you taken self-defense classes before?" I ask, unable to take my mind off the fact I may require his help tonight.

  Saul clears his throat and blinks rapidly. "No."

  "Know how to shoot a gun?"


  "Know how to evade som
eone who is following you in a car?”


  I sigh.

  "But I do know how to order delicious wine. The kind that will make you turn up your nose at anything less.”

  My cheeks flush, and I readjust my legs loving the sound of his voice and the promises of more. "I could drink some fabulous wine. And I promise no more talk about self-defense or guns."

  He reaches his hand out and holds mine again. Somehow his palm seems to have taken on even more moisture. I try my best to ignore it.

  "Good, I may not own a gun, but I do know how to call the police."

  I nod, and repeat to myself: I won't let Matteo make me afraid. I won't fear him.

  I push away all thoughts of Matteo and enjoy my meal with Saul. I drink fabulous wine and eat delicious food. And I let ideas of all the ways that I want Saul to fuck me creep in like I would on any other date. His hands may be clammy, and the words that leave his mouth may be dull, but when he moves, I can see his biceps flex beneath his suit jacket. When he does grin, it reaches his deep blue eyes, inviting me in. And I have noticed his cock straining against the zipper on his pants more than once tonight. I do not doubt that he’s incredible in bed.

  I take the last bite of my chocolate dessert, savoring it slowly in my mouth before I swallow it down. I moan a little at the richness and glance over at Saul staring at me like he wants to eat me for dessert. I glance down at his erection that is straining against his pants. My lips part. I can't wait.

  "You had your fun. Now tell me where Nina and Arlo are or I'm taking you with me."

  I don't have to turn around to recognize that it's Matteo standing behind me.


  My eyes cut over to Saul, whose eyes are bulging up at Matteo. Saul’s scared shitless. Why couldn't I have been set up with a Navy SEAL or something? This man is utterly useless to me.

  Matteo places his hand on my shoulder, gripping it firmly, letting me know that he's in control. I grab his hand, zeroing in on his pinky finger, and twist hard, ensuring that it breaks.

  “Son of a bitch,” Matteo says, pulling his hand back from me to tend to his wound.

  I stand up and turn to face him with a set jaw and my chin high.

  His finger is bent backward in a way that no finger should bend.

  "You bitch. You broke my finger."

  "I did."

  "Do you know who I am? I'm a monster now. King of everything evil. Your little tantrums won’t protect you from my army."

  I smirk. "I put away monsters every day. I can handle you." I pick up my purse and turn to Saul. "We’re leaving."

  Saul stands and hurries past us, not bothering to wait for me. Some gentleman he is. I follow after him, Matteo won't be far behind.

  I always knew that there was evil in this world. I just didn't realize evil would ever come for me.



  Damn, this woman.

  My finger stings like a bitch. You’d think I'd be used to the pain, but I'm not. Living the life that I do, puts me in dangerous situations every day. But that's what my men are for, taking bullets for me. I rarely, if ever, have to deal with the agony myself. It's only a broken finger, but it still hurts like hell.

  I've only ever broken a bone once before. When Arlo and I were fighting as teenagers, trying to prove who was better, stronger. He won, of course, breaking my jaw with a hard punch in my face, knocking me out cold.

  I never expected Eden, of all people, to be the one to break one of my bones. I’ll make her pay for it, of course.

  I need Nina. I thought I was okay when she chose Arlo. I thought I could live without her, but I can't. She haunts my dreams and forms my nightmares. Everything makes me think of her. Everything makes me want her. She tortures me, and she's not even here. I'm addicted to her. I can't be apart from her.

  And my idiot brother needs to be punished for what he did. I don’t care that he’s my brother. As the new leader, he needs to know that there are consequences to crossing me, whoever you are. For taking her from me. For abandoning me when I need him the most. I thought I could always count on him. I was wrong.

  "Sir, are you okay?" a waiter asks, staring at me with wide eyes at my broken finger. His bright face changes to green, and quickly shuts his mouth to keep from puking. His eyes never leave my finger, despite the vile that’s I’m sure is forming in his throat. It’s like I’m a car crash on the side of the road that people can’t stop staring at once they start, despite how unsafe it is to stare.

  “Does it fucking look like I'm okay?"

  His face is now red as he stands there, wholly incompetent.

  “Get me a Band-Aid, or preferably a first-aid kit. Now," I growl.

  The boy runs off toward the restaurant’s kitchen. I have no clue if he's going to return or not. But he only has about a minute of my patience before I storm back there myself and find what I need.

  He returns in a few seconds. He may be a fool, but at least he’s fast.

  I plop the first aid kit down on the table and sit down, popping the lid open. I dig through it, throwing band-aids aside, not caring about the mess I’m creating on the floor until I find the gauze and tape I am searching for.

  I tape my pinky to my ring finger for support, ensuring that my little finger is aligned correctly and not flopping around everywhere.

  "You should have a doctor examine that," the waiter says, turning green again.

  I glare at him as I stand and he shuts up. At least I’m still able to intimidate him.

  I thought Eden would come with me easily. I thought a simple threat would be enough to convince her to do whatever I wanted. I was wrong. This requires a more thorough plan.

  I start walking out of the restaurant, ignoring the disgusting smell wafting off the food and the cheap wine sitting on every table. I have to steal this woman for no other reason than to show her what first class food and superior wine is.

  Focus. I need a plan. I didn't bring backup. I didn't think I would require assistance. I wouldn’t use it if I had it. This is personal. I want to do this alone.

  I walk outside and down the sidewalk the three blocks to my car. Eden creeps into my mind as I walk.

  I was dumbfounded by how similar her appearance is to Nina when she opened the door to her condo. So astounded, I thought she was Nina for a second. Her skin is the same olive color. Her hair long, dark, and straight. Her eyes just as piercing.

  But my mind likes to play tricks on me when it comes to Nina. Eden, of course, isn't her. But they are best friends. They lived together. I'm sure Nina's told Eden everything. I doubt the similarities end with their appearance. Eden now shares the same fate Nina did. Eden will be captured the same way the Nina was.

  I throw the door open to my convertible and calmly climb in, enjoying the smell of the leather seats. The car is brand-new. I bought it for this trip. I don't like sharing cars, and I can afford the more expensive things in life, even a new car for my single day in the US. I fire up the car and pull out of my spot, chasing after them. I pull out my phone and begin tracking Eden’s phone. She may be feisty, but she's not smart enough to realize that she needs to get rid of her phone. The app on my phone instantly finds them. They are about ten blocks away, headed in the direction of her condo.

  I start driving fast, weaving around car after car as I catch up to them. Each minute that passes I get closer and closer. Adrenaline rushes through my muscles as I drive almost automatically. My brain doesn’t operate the car, my excitement does. The sooner I take Eden, the sooner I take Nina back and get to punish my brother.

  My hands remain unshakeable as I speed through another red light. My heart beats steadily, my breathing relaxed, when I almost crash into an old Volkswagen Beetle that’s driving far too slow in front of me. I dart out into the next lane and speed around it, not bothering to flip off the driver as I should. I’ve chased after someone in a car hundreds of times before. This is my life.

  I see her douchebag
of a date’s car two in front of me. He thinks he's fancy driving in his Volvo S90. It's a ridiculous car, for men who are too weak to drive anything faster. His driving could use some work. I shouldn’t have been able to catch up to them as quickly as I did.

  I make a hard left turn, followed by two rights, looping around the block to get in front of them and stop at the light at the intersection. I lurk in the shadows of the building, waiting for them to stop at the light, perpendicular to where I sit. They do, and then I wait. I watch them from my seat in the car, talking to each other, having no idea the danger they are in. Having no clue that I hide feet away from them. Ready to take them out.

  I don't know what kind of man she's dating, but he's definitely not worthy of her. He can’t even protect her from a villain like me.

  I keep my eye on the light and watch as it turns green for them. I step on the gas, slamming into his side of his car.

  Our airbags go off, knocking the wind out of me for a second, but I'm determined. It does nothing to stop me. I want Eden, and I want her now. I’m tired of the games. I throw open my door and give myself a once-over before I examine my car. It barely has a scratch on it, while his shitty car took the brunt of the force. The entire front half is smashed in.

  I walk toward the driver side of the car, knowing now my target should have been Saul, instead of Eden. If I understand anything about her, I know she will protect her stupid date. She’ll put herself last.

  I throw his door open and grab his arm, pulling him out of the car as I take my gun out of the back of my pants and aim it at his head.

  "Now, let's try this again," I say, staring at Eden.

  Her eyes bulge as she undoes her seatbelt and pushes the airbag down out of her face.

  "Don't hurt him."

  Her voice is slick and unwavering as she speaks without a drop of fear.

  I smirk, my plan will work.

  "Do as I say and I won't kill him."

  She inspects me then her date. "I'm sorry," she mouths.

  She throws open her door and runs.


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