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Page 33

by Ella Miles

She spent the last three days handcuffed to me, stuck following me everywhere. Her dreams are the only thing that gives her the illusion of freedom. I can't have her in my bed though. I like having my own space. And I haven't had a woman in my bed since Nina. My insomnia would get worse with her in my bed anyway.

  So instead, she sleeps on my couch with her leg attached to a hook on the floor I had Maximo create to ensure she wouldn't run off or try to shoot me during the few hours of rest I actually get at night.

  My head jerks back every time I see her lying on the couch in the morning when I come in. It isn’t the only part of me that is drawn to attention at the sight of her. My cock quarrels with my brain for me to fuck her.

  Soon. Very soon.

  Eden doesn't normally seem like the kind of woman who would allow herself to let her guard down when her enemy is so close. Vulnerability is seen as a weakness to her, and she will do anything not to appear fragile. Either she’s too exhausted to stay awake, or she doesn't believe I’ll hurt her while she's out.

  "Wake up sleepyhead,” I shout, grabbing the couch and shaking it violently like I have the last two mornings.

  She drops off the couch, the weight of her body crashing to the floor with a smack.

  “You bastard."

  "Just a bastard today? I must be growing on you then."

  She bares her teeth at me as she stands up and lunges at me, trying to can grab ahold of me and cause any damage she can. But like every other morning, the chains take her by surprise, and she’s pulled back to the ground.

  I smirk, as her round ass hits the floor again. "You're not a very fast learner, are you?"

  She pulls against the restraints, trying to pummel me. "I learn just fine. I've learned how much of a heartless ruler you are. I’ve come up with a dozen ways to kill you. It only takes one night of forgetting to lock me up. One time to get careless with the knives or the guns, or for me to find a way to pick the lock. That day will come soon. That's when I'll murder you."

  "And that's when my men will kill you."

  "It will be worth it." Her eyes taunt mine with a smugness that I want to wash away with my cock down her throat.

  Patience, I remind myself.

  I place the shackles back on both our wrists, joining her to me. I can't decide whether I love or hate tethering her to me. I love having the control over her, but I hate having her around me all the time. It’s as much of a torture to me as it is to her. She’s starting to mess with my head.

  Today is when the real fun starts. Nina is Eden’s weakness, but there are only so many ways I can use Nina against Eden. Eden has to have more than one fault, so I plan on finding and exploiting them to my advantage.

  I turn and start walking out the door, not giving Eden any warning. She's relatively used to my abrupt changes by now, and can keep pace with me effortlessly. She's starting to anticipate my moves before I make them. Probably because I have a routine she has already learned.

  Today that ends.

  I sneer back at my little slave. Her face is bored and restless. Her body tired. She has no idea what's about to happen to her.

  I walk into the dining room. A long rectangular table stretches across the center of the room, able to hold two dozen people, underneath the antique chandelier, which sparkles brightly overhead. Half a dozen men are at the table already eating breakfast, ready for their daily orders from me.

  I walk to my usual spot at the head of the table, and Eden follows. She ordinarily takes a seat next to me at the table, but not today. I snap my fingers and motion for my two closest men to claim the seats next to me. Even when Eden isn’t here, they rarely sit next to me. I like being alone in my thoughts in the morning.

  They pick up their breakfast plates and move down until they are occupying the two chairs on either side of me. I take a seat knowing there's nowhere for Eden to sit. The chain, attaching us, isn't long enough for her to sit in any of the other open chairs at the table.

  I wait for her to complain or make a snarky comment, but she doesn’t. Apparently, she's going to pretend I don't affect her when I clearly do. I crawl under her skin like no one else.

  She’s giving me a dirty look, one that I’m sure is meant to display her hatred for me. It does. But her cheeks are flushed, her lips slightly parted, and, every so often, she wets her bottom lip. She can pretend to hate me all she wants, but she can’t deny her body craves mine. She's an uptight woman used to getting her way, but I have a feeling after one kiss she’s going to be putty in my arms.

  "Here's your coffee, sir. Would you like your usual omelete?”

  "Yes, Emilia,” I say, lifting the coffee to my lips.

  My servant turns her attention toward Eden. "And what would you like for breakfast?”

  "I'd love –"

  “She won't be eating or drinking anything."

  Emilia fidgets with the bottom of her apron as her eyes cut from Eden to me. I’ll have to make sure that Emilia doesn’t try to sneak Eden food.

  "That'll be all,” I say, dismissing my servant.

  Emilia runs off to fix my breakfast, and I wait for Eden’s reaction.

  Eden doesn’t say anything to me. She pretends I didn't deny her food. She pretends I didn't refuse her a place at the table and make her stand behind me like a dog. I was cruel before, but she hasn't seen my dark side yet. Her silly plan of acting like I don’t affect her won’t work.

  She can act tough now, but I’ll break her. I have to find the right button to push. We'll see how well she does without nourishment. I give her three days, at most, before she starts begging me for water, bread, even scraps off my plate. Especially in her weakened state.

  Emilia returns with my breakfast. Her eyes dart to Eden before she scurries off again.

  My men continue to eat silently at the table, occasionally snickering or glaring at Eden. They too realize that today is the day the real fun begins. Today is when we get Eden to talk, no matter what it takes.

  "Were you able to confirm the shipment for Thursday, Maximo?" I ask.

  "We ran into a few complications, but we plan on using force tonight. I think it can be done."

  "Good. Once that's dealt with, we can move on to more important things like finding Nina and Arlo. After tonight, I want at least half the team searching for them.

  “And as an added incentive, if you find Nina and Arlo before Eden discloses their location, I'll make sure a substantial bonus awaits you in your next paycheck. I'll even let you participate in helping me teach Nina and Arlo a lesson for running."

  Maximo laughs, and it soars through the room. "We’ll find them long before Eden speaks a syllable.” His eyes eat up her body, which attempts to hide beneath the thin T-shirt she's wearing.

  A low growl escapes my throat. A warning. Maximo stops looking at Eden.

  My jaw slowly unclenches, and my vein stops throbbing in my forehead. I don't understand why it annoys me that Maximo leered at Eden. After my cock claims Eden and she spills their whereabouts, he can fuck her all he wants. All I want is to find Nina and Arlo.

  Maximo shouldn’t have dared to check her out. I rub my neck trying to release the tension he caused. Maybe my anger reared up because he's now my number two since Arlo left. I want Maximo to be entirely loyal to me, not pining over some woman.

  I look to Dierk on my left. "You up for the task, Dierk?”


  "Good. I need all of my best men on this. Now everyone get the fuck out of here and start working.”

  The men immediately stand and file out of the room, leaving whatever remains of their food on their plates.

  Eden immediately sinks into the chair next to me that Dierk had occupied.

  "I thought you love Nina? I thought you wouldn't hurt her?”

  “I do, but we tend to punish those we love the most. Nina chose my brother over me. She made the wrong choice."

  "Your plan isn't going to work. I don’t believe that you love Nina. But even if you do, you don�
�t deserve her. Arlo does. He has kept her safe for this long."

  I shake my head minutely. “Nina hasn't told you the truth about her stay here, has she?"

  Eden's pupils bore into mine as she crosses her arms and leans back in the chair. "She told me enough."

  “Let me fill you in on the details she didn't tell you. I saved her life and protected her, just like Arlo did. I healed her body countless times. I provided medical treatment and nursed her back to life. So don't tell me I don’t deserve her. I can protect her better than Arlo can.”

  "Your plan won't work," she repeats.

  Her stomach growls, and I grin. "I think my plan will work fine."

  I take another bite of my omelete chomping on it vulgarly, taunting her with the food in my open mouth.

  Her hand darts to Dierk’s plate and snatches the biscuit he left. She shoves the entire thing into her mouth, chews rapidly, and swallows before I have a chance to do anything else.

  I lean forward, grinning at her. "You think you won?”

  She nods.

  "You lost. You showed me you have a weakness. You're not used to going without sustenance. It may take a few hours longer actually to crack you, since you took a bite of food, but you’ll still break. You'll tell me where Nina is. You'll betray her, and you’ll have to live with yourself forever because of it. I give you three days, tops, before you beg me for food. You’re scrappy, but not strong enough."

  She huffs and reaches for my omelete. I grab her wrist stopping her.

  "I hope you enjoyed that biscuit, because it's the last bite of food you will get.”

  It doesn't take three days for Eden to break.

  In fact, it's been almost two weeks, and she hasn't so much as cracked. She's not even close. I've tried food deprivation. Somehow, I know she is getting food from someone. Emilia is the most likely culprit, but I can’t prove it.

  Eden should be close to death’s door. Instead, her legs simply move a little slower when I pull her behind me, her stomach rumbles a little more frequently, and sleep is more necessary.

  I tried sleep deprivation, keeping Eden up for days at a time, but losing sleep did not affect her. She became delusional, her words slurred, her body slowed. It was impossible for her to think, much less talk to me, and yet she refused to give up their location.

  I threatened beatings. I threatened to rape her. But it didn't scare her. Probably because she thinks I won't follow through with my threat. She thinks she looks too much like Nina for me to beat her.

  Nothing works.

  It’s because I haven’t tried the one thing that I know will.


  I wanted Nina to like me still, instead of despising me, when I got her back, but I’m running out of options. It’s time to turn into the monster Eden thinks I am.

  She's currently tied to the couch while I shower. I needed some time alone to think, but my hand falls on my cock, stroking it as I let Eden’s body saturate my thoughts.

  Her dark hair, still smooth and silky despite not washing it in weeks. Her flawless, smooth skin that my hands are about to mark. Her perky breasts with nipples that will harden, despite how hard she tries to hide her attraction. And her tight cunt that will be torn between trying to push me out and drench me, as it pulls me back in.

  My erection hardens and lengthens in my hand, ready to take Eden. I smirk as I turn the water off and step out of the shower and out into the living room, not bothering to dry off or even clothe myself.

  She doesn’t notice me at first or even glance at me. Her eyes are half shut. Her body limp on the couch.

  I clear my throat. I want Eden to look at me. I want her to feel terrified about what I’m going to do with her. I want to see the change in her eyes before I rape her.

  Her head turns, and her lips slowly drop open. Her eyes go straight to my dick, but I can’t tell if she’s turned on, disgusted, or indifferent.

  I growl. I need to feel Eden’s suffering. Soon enough, I will.

  I walk to her, grab her neck, and climb on top of her, water dripping down onto her. My body presses against hers, and the only thing separating us is my shirt she’s wearing and her panties. I clench her throat with my hand.

  “This is your last chance, baby. Tell me where to find Nina.”

  She squeezes her eyes shut, and her lips move, but nothing comes out.

  I loosen my grasp.

  “No.” Her lips curl up into a smile.

  I’m not a good person. I’ve raped plenty of women before. She should believe my threats.

  I snarl.

  I tighten my hand again watching as the blood drains from her face.

  “You’re so much prettier when you can’t speak.”

  She doesn’t move beneath me or struggle at all. She still thinks I’ll stop. I won’t.

  My other hand ducks under her shirt, running up the length of her body savoring the smooth skin on her belly and up to her hardened nipples. Her body wants me, despite her hatred of me.

  “You want me, baby.” I flick my thumb across her nipple.

  Her cheeks flush, and I loosen my grip on her throat, taunting her. Letting her deny her cravings if she wants, but she can’t.

  Her head jerks to the side as she bares her teeth and sinks them into the flesh of my hand. I grab her jaw, prying her mouth off my hand before slapping her across the face.

  She huffs, breathing heavily in and out as the sting spreads across her face. She’s angry now and is finally going to fight back. Good. I need her fighting to find out exactly how strong she is.

  “You’re nothing more than a rapist. I don’t want you. I could never want someone that hurts me as you do. My body is human. It responds automatically to a man’s touch. It doesn’t mean anything.”

  I rip her panties down and plunge two fingers inside her, feeling the wetness and spreading it out between her legs so that she can feel how wet she is for me. Her arms fight against my body trying to push me off, but she’s barely fighting at all. I’ve pissed her off, but not enough to become desperate.

  “You feel that baby? You’re so wet. Wetter than you’ve ever been before. Aren’t you?”

  I grab her chin and turn her head toward me. “Answer me!”

  “I hate you.” Her nostrils flare with each exhale. Her body is tense beneath mine as she does everything she can to keep me from penetrating her shell.

  “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  Her hands fight against my chest, trying to get me off. One of her nails sinks into a sensitive spot in my back, releasing a deep growl from my throat. I grab her wrists and lift them above her head, holding them with one hand as she struggles beneath me.

  “Last chance. You can stop this beautiful. Tell me where to find Nina, and I’ll spare you.”

  She bites her lip, forcing herself to keep her mouth shut. I don’t scare her enough. Even the thought of me raping her isn’t enough for her to give up her friend. She’s a saint. I’m about to make her feel like a sinner.

  I grab her thigh with my free hand and pull her leg wide, as my cock sinks between her legs pulsing at her wet entrance.

  I tease her, letting the head of my cock push inside her sex and watch her eyes darken. With rage. Anger. And pleasure.

  It’s been a long time since she’s had a man between her legs and her body is practically pulling me further inside.

  I wait three seconds for her to change her mind.


  Two. My cock slips further inside.


  My cock drives into her, feeling every inch of her slick interior. I could stay here forever, fucking her.

  Her hips buck underneath mine, trying to get free. But all it does is allow me to descend deeper. I close my eyes, letting my body enjoy hers for a moment, before I start tormenting her again until she’s crying and willing to give me whatever I want to make me stop. So many different ways and places I could fuck her, make her suffer.


o, she’s not here. I’m fucking Eden, not Nina.

  I close and open my eyes trying to make Nina go away but I can’t.

  “I chose you, Matteo,” Nina says, looking at me with big sad eyes.

  “No, you chose Arlo.”

  She shakes her head. “I chose you…”

  Knocking, followed by shouting, brings me back to reality and the dream slowly fades.

  Eden is lying beneath me, her eyes wide with concern.

  My bedroom door opens, and Maximo sticks his head in. He immediately turns his head away when he spots the two of us.

  "Sorry boss, but we need you. We lost three men in a gunfight. Clive and Erick were trying to sell weapons on our territory again and—”

  “I’ll be right there. Drive the Rolls Royce around to the front, and I’ll meet you there."

  “Yes, sir,” Maximo says, sticking his head back in for half a second to catch another peek. His face flushes red, and he smirks before he runs off to do what I commanded.

  “This will have to continue later.”

  I stand up and release my hands from her, although her leg remains chained to the floor.

  She exhales like she has been holding her breath this entire time, while I walk to the bathroom where I left my clothes to shower. I grab my underwear and slip it on, not bothering to wash her slickness off of me. I put on my jeans and T-shirt before grabbing my gun from the counter and stashing it in the back of my jeans. I glance in the mirror.

  I punch it without thinking. My knuckles split as the glass digs deep into them. Rage is all my body registers; the pain doesn’t even exist. I’m pissed that Maximo interrupted us, but also mad that even if he didn’t, I wasn’t strong enough to finish torturing her. Nina is messing with my head. I’m not strong enough to abuse her as I should. I didn’t do enough to break her. My cock barely touched her. I have to rape her, make her fear for her life. It’s the only way.

  It's because you're such a pathetic little bitch, my father's voice rings in my ear.

  He still has a fucking hold on me even though he's no longer in power. He's gone, or as good as gone. Last time I checked on him, he was recovering in a physical therapy center in Scotland.

  I walk back to Eden who is pretending to sleep on the couch so that I’ll leave her be.


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