Gavin (Made From Stone Book 2)

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Gavin (Made From Stone Book 2) Page 19

by T. Saint John

  Slowly I spin her around so that her fine ass is brushing up against my cock. I wrap both of my arms around her waist. One hand goes north grazing her hardening nipples and the other goes south, finding its way through her shorts and slipping into her panties. My finger finds her warmth and it circles her clit.

  “Uh, Gavin!” she weakly protests.

  “Yes, Nicola?”

  She doesn’t answer me. Her breath quickens and turns to a low moan as her body goes rigid. I bury my face into her thick hair and inhale. Within seconds, Nicola is moaning my name and going weak in the knees.

  “That’s it baby!” I encourage. “Cum for me.”

  As my fingers circle her clit a final time. She does as I ask and her juices fill my hand. Deliberately I turn her around so that she can watch as I lick her cum from my finger.

  She turns ten shades of red and I know she’s embarrassed. So I decide to have a little fun. “You taste delicious and I’m just getting started.”

  The pinkness in her cheeks leave and a devious smile crosses her face. “I don’t know what you mean Gavin.”

  “You know exactly what I mean Nicola.” I say as I take her hand. “Come with me.”

  “But Gavin. You said just last week that you didn’t want to have sex until we were married. What kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn’t help you achieve that goal?”

  We stop in the hallway and I pull her close to me. “I’m a stupid man. And I also said I wanted to wait until you were mine. And Nicola, you are mine.”

  I can’t help but grin when her eyes go doe eyed and her mouth drops open. “I have a better idea.”

  Curious I ask, “ And what would that be?”

  “Before you say anything. Yes, I’m keeping count, by my count, you’ve given me five orgasms, and I’ve only given you one. So, no sex, but drop your pants, buddy.”

  We’re standing in the middle of the hallway, but she doesn’t need to ask me twice. We could be in the middle of a crowded room and I would do as I’m told. I make quick work of the buttons on my jeans and in a second, I’m stepping out of them.

  Nicola takes a couple steps back and eyes my hard cock. God, I’m going to get off before she even starts. After she’s gotten her look she drops to her knees. She places her soft hands firmly around the base of my dick and takes a couple long strokes. I’m in heaven. The way her hand works over my sensitive cock is like nothing I’ve ever felt before.

  “You’ll tell me if you don’t like how I do this, right?”

  “You’re doing it right. I promise.” I say as I throw my head back in anticipation.

  And there it is! Her mouth covers my dick and her tongue swirls around the head of it. Sweet Jesus! How could she possibly think I wouldn’t like what she’s doing? I take a moment to look at her and I can see her head going back and forth as she tries to take in my entire length. She can’t of course but it doesn’t matter. Between her hand working the base and her mouth working the head, I know I won’t last long. It’s been so long since I’ve been touched like this and I’ve never been touched like this by a woman that I love. By a woman that was mine.

  “Uh, Nicola. Stop!” I warn as I feel the need to cum. I know it’s going to be a lot and probably more than what she’s used to. Why isn’t she stopping?

  Fuck! I try pulling her head back but she throws her hands up and waves me off. Well, I don’t think she’s ready for the amount that’s about to be unloaded in her. I try not to worry about that and let it go... Taking another moment to enjoy her warm wet mouth, I groan as I find my release.

  Chapter 35


  “Finally, we get you alone!” Harper exclaims.

  The women in the Stone family have been begging for a girl’s night for some time now. I was hesitant at first because, besides Kerrigan, I haven’t really talked to the other women. Only pleasantries in passing. Now, I’m here at Hanson's with them. I can’t help but notice how beautiful they all are. Especially Mallory, Lane’s wife. The first time I met her, I remember thinking she looked like she belongs on a magazine cover. Hearing Gavin talk about her, I thought maybe she was a bit immature, but sitting here now with these women, I can tell they are a tribe of strong supporting women and I’m hoping to find my place with them. It’s been a long time since I’ve had real girlfriends to trust and to hang out with.

  “I haven’t had a girls night since college, so this is long overdue.” I admit as I raise my beer in excitement.

  “Well, I’ll order the shots. We need to make this night memorable.” Harper informs.

  “Your dad will kill me and you if I let you girls get too drunk.” Lani says to Harper.

  “Yeah, well Dad can kiss our asses.” Harper grounds out and I can hear irritation in her voice. Lani says nothing but gives her a mother’s look of disapproval.

  Everyone shifts in their seats obviously feeling uncomfortable about the exchange of words, but they recover quickly and the liquor and conversations start flowing. Mallory is sitting on my right and after a few drinks, she starts talking.

  “Can I just say, I’m so glad you joined the family, and I’m no longer the only outsider?” she giggles.

  “Ah, come on now. It can’t be that bad.” I laugh out loud.

  “Oh, the men in this family. Every single one of them are pompous arrogant assholes who you will want to kill more than you’ll want to hug. But the women. Good god! We drive our men batshit crazy. It’s a vicious cycle.” Mallory claims.

  “Well, it’s because they live in the Stone Age. Women are there to warm their beds, obey their commands, and to make babies.” Harper spits out. Her previous irritation is surfacing again. “God forbid we want to live independently.”

  I’m not sure what to make of this conversation, if I should try to be a peacemaker or if I should let Harper get, whatever is bothering her, off her chest. When I first met them, I thought they were perfectly happy, Gavin did warn me they were crazy, but this feels like more than that. Harper is truly hurt.

  Wanting Harper to know that I’m a good listener, I lean over and say, “Is there anything I can help you with?”

  She half laughs and says, “I don’t suppose you’d kill my father for me.”

  Since I know she’s joking and also because I want to turn this night around I joke back, “Now, I draw the line at murder, but I would help you hide the body if you decided to do it yourself.”

  Everyone at the table freezes. Some have their glasses raised. Some have their mouths open. Suddenly I become insecure. Maybe now wasn’t the time for this joke. But after a few seconds, all the women explode in fits of laughter.

  “Oh! You’re going to fit right in.” Kerrigan says as she smiles at me.

  And just like that, the mood at our table takes a turn for the better and I decide to go to the bathroom. All these drinks have my bladder nearly bursting.

  “I’m coming with you.” Harper announces.

  Once we’ve finished and are washing our hands I decide to let her know that I’m here for her.

  “If you ever need someone to talk to. I’m here. I know you have a big family and others you can talk to. Still, I’m here.”

  “You’re right, I do have a big family. But they all follow the same code. Do as you’re told by the men.”

  Ok, that’s the second time she’s said that and now she’s scaring me. Will Gavin expect me to do as I’m told?

  “What do you mean? All the women in this family have jobs; you’re out alone for a girl’s night. It can’t be that bad.”

  “Yeah, maybe it’s just me. I don’t know. I just need to escape. To get out of Chicago and get out from under my father. Every second I’m in Chicago, I die a little more.”

  “You’re a grown woman. Obviously old enough to do as you want. I know I only met your dad briefly, but he seems fair. Or reasonable at the very least.”

  Harper laughs and says, “My father isn’t reasonable. He is controlling.”

  The way Harper for
ms her words, she is telling me more than she thinks she is. So, I decide to pry a little more. “Ok, so he’s controlling. But not abusive. That tells me you are allowed to leave Chicago. You’ve given him that control over your life. Seems to me that you’re blaming him for something he has no control over. What’s keeping you here? And don’t say your dad. It’s more than that.”

  She looks like she wants to argue, but I think she realizes I see her truth. I’m not sure exactly what that truth is.

  “Don’t tell Gavin. Please. No one knows.” Harper begs.

  I’m just so excited to be in on a Stone secret that I agree. “I promise.”

  “I’ve been in love with someone since the day I was born. Do you know what it’s like to love someone who hates you? To love someone who shudders at your touch? To love someone who can’t stand being touched by anyone? To love someone who goes out of his way to avoid you?”

  Oh my god! I know who she’s in love with, but I won’t say it out loud. I want to help her and Cade.

  “I’m sure this person doesn’t hate you,” I say and then wonder aloud, “What makes you think he hates you?”

  “He said it,” she admits sadly.

  “He told you he hated you?” That doesn’t seem like something he would say.

  “Yes. I was offered a job in Dallas. I accepted it, but my sister Taylor said she thought this guy liked me. It took me a week to gather the courage to ask him on a date. I told him I would stay in Chicago if there was something between him and I. He hung up on me and then the next day he sent me a text. He said ‘there will never be anything between us. If he misled me in anyway that he was sorry, but that he has never felt anything but hatred for me.’ I asked why and he said ‘I’m a spoiled bitch.’ So, I haven’t spoke to him since. And now my dad is threatening to call the news station to have them withdraw the employment offer.”

  I know Harper is telling me the truth, but I know Cade. I know the kind of person he is. I don’t know his story, but I know that if he went that far out of his way to be mean to her it’s because he doesn’t think he’s good enough for her.

  “Sounds to me like this man is deliberately trying to hurt you. After the experience I’ve had in my life I should tell you to run as far as you could away from this man, but it seems to me like he took time to think about how to push you away. If he truly hated you, he would’ve told you that on the phone.”

  “You really think that?”

  “Yes, I really do.”

  “Any advice on how I can find out?” Harper asks.

  “Sure, but I’m drunk so I don’t know if it’s good advice.” I admit.

  “Drunk advice is always the best advice.” She laughs and waits in anticipation.

  “Go to his house with nothing but a raincoat on. You’ll be able to see it in his eyes if he truly hates you or if he desires you after you’ve bared yourself to him.”

  “Oh, I’m not that brave.” Harper confesses. She actually blushes and I’m surprised she’s not as bold as the other women seem.

  “Cade is a man who cannot fight his natural instinct.”

  Harper gasps loudly. “How did you know it was Cade?”

  Oops. I didn’t mean to let her know I knew who it was but now I can explain it better. “When you said he didn’t like to be touched. I figured it out. I’m not sure if you know that Cade helped me one night. He was very hands off, but did offer me comfort when I needed him to. I don’t think he wanted to but I believe his natural instinct was to give me what he thought I needed in that moment. He only placed his hand on my shoulder, but I needed that in that moment. So I believe that if you bare your body, mind and soul to him, he wouldn’t be able to resist.”

  “Ok, I’ll do it.” Harper agrees nervously. “Thank you so much,” she says as she hugs me.

  Well, that was easy. Maybe it’s liquid courage talking for her. I truly hope that she will and I hope even more that I’m right, because if I’m not, I’m not sure she would ever forgive me. However, in this moment, I know I’ve earned my spot in this tribe of women. “Now, lets go drink.” I laugh.


  Tonight was my first night alone with Allison. At first I was nervous about how to entertain her, more nervous than I’ve been for almost anything. I wondered if I should offer to play dolls or tea party and how that works, but I figured out quickly that she does what she wants. First, she played out back with the dogs. Then she asked me for something to eat. Over our grilled cheese sandwiches that I found out she likes not too burnt, but kind of burnt, we talked about her starting second grade soon and how she was excited to make friends. After dinner we played the card game, War, which she won, but only because we played by her rules. Then we sat down to watch a movie of her choice, Inside Out, but she fell asleep before the previews were done.

  So, I’ve been bugging out the last couple hours wondering how Nicola is doing. Wishing she’d come home but at the same time hoping she was having so much fun, she’d lose track of time. And I’m really hoping she makes true connections with my family. Hopefully very soon they will be her family as well.

  Things have been going good, well, actually great, between us. We’ve fallen into a routine of work and home. Every moment I spend with her, my love for her grows stronger. Even though we haven’t had sex or any sexual contact since the day we moved in here. She said she’s making me keep my word. I tried telling her I say things impulsively and that I didn’t mean it. I’m pretty sure she finds my sexual frustration funny. It’s no longer funny to me. Especially at night when she goes to sleep in the guest room. At least if she was in the bed with me I could hold her.

  I’m interrupted by the sound of loud voices coming from outside the front door. I can hear Nicola and Mallory laughing hysterically and Lane trying to hush them. When the door opens, I can see he is holding up Mallory with one arm and Nicola up with the other. The irritated look on his face is laughable.

  “You’re on drunk duty the next time.” Lane says as he guides Nicola to me. It’s a good thing he didn’t let go of her because she’s unsteady on her feet.

  I eagerly lend her my support as I take her in my arms.

  “Looks like you all had fun.” I smile at her. She’s endearing whether she’s sober or drunk or anywhere in between.

  “Yup! I had, had a lot of fun. Your family is fun. Evan’s not fun. He’s a party pooper.” She stutters her words.

  I give Lane a look wondering if he knows what the Evan comment was about. He must know what my look means and he says, “Evan went to pick up Lani and the girls. He wasn’t happy when he saw some guys hitting on Harper and Taylor. It was a mess and he’s on a warpath. I’d avoid him if I were you.”

  Evan has always held his daughters to a different standard. And I know the reason why and I understand it. Still I can only imagine how Harper and Taylor feel.

  “Thanks for bringing her home.” I say.

  “I meant it. You’re on drunk duty the next time.” he replies and winks. I know he truly doesn’t mind, but he’s going to make Mallory suffer later. I laugh at the thought.

  He manhandles Mallory to the front door and the second they leave, I look at Nicola. My girl is properly drunk. Her hair resembles a haystack and her eyeliner is running.

  “Alright, let’s get you to bed.” I suggest. “You’re going to feel like shit tomorrow.” I chuckle at the thought.

  She doesn’t say anything, but she lets me guide her down the hallway. Once we get inside the room I help her to the bed and start to rummage in her chest of drawers for a t-shirt she can sleep in. Upon opening the third drawer, I find a shirt for her.

  When I turn around to give it to her, I’m stopped in my tracks. She’s as naked as the day she was born. Okay! What the fuck! My cock immediately strains at my zipper begging me to let him out and to find his way into her, but she’s drunk. Totally shit faced, and I can’t take advantage of her. Not like this.

  “Nicola, here. Sit up so I can get this on you.”

/>   At first, I think she’s going to do as she’s told. She sits up and leans forward a little, but instead of lifting her arms, she takes my hand and places it on her perky tit that fits perfectly in my hand. For fuck sake! She’s making this difficult. Since she placed my hand there, I pinch her nipple slightly.

  “Babe, you’re drunk.” I remind her.

  “Babe!” She mocks my tone and continues. “I’m also horny!” As she says horny, she opens her legs revealing her perfectly pink pussy to me.

  I shake my head at her as I try to tell her no.

  “Please Gavin.” she begs.

  The cop in me is saying she’s drunk, don’t do it. But my head is saying she’s my girlfriend, she’s giving me permission. Still everything I’ve been taught makes this feel wrong.

  “We shouldn’t Nicola.”

  “I’m drunk, not unconscious.” she says as she places her hand over the bulge in my pants.

  She has a point. If she’s inviting me in, that’s where I’m going. I stand up and quickly remove my jeans.

  Before I know it I’ve positioned myself at the end of the bed because I need to taste her, but she pulls on my shoulders and says, “No, seriously. I need you inside me right now.”

  I have to laugh because she’s bossy when she’s drunk. I think I love drunk Nicola as well. Once again, she is in total control. I will always do what she needs me to do. I reach for my pants to get a condom out of my wallet, but quickly realize my wallets not there.

  “I’ll be right back.” I announce.

  “Where you going?” she questions with a disappointed look.

  “To get a condom.”

  “Don’t.” she replies seriously.

  I know she’s drunk, but surely I don’t need to remind her that unprotected sex can lead to pregnancy.

  Nicola sits up again and places her hand on my chest and quietly speaks, “You said you wanted a lot of babies. Maybe we could try?”

  My heart literally stops in my chest and time stands still as I think of Nicola pregnant with my child. Is now the time though? Things are going great. I know I love her and I know I want her to be the mother of my children. Why wouldn’t now be the time? Okay! Let’s do this.


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