Gavin (Made From Stone Book 2)

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Gavin (Made From Stone Book 2) Page 20

by T. Saint John

  I wrap my arms around her so tight as we both fall back on the bed. Her legs are spread and my cock is at her entrance. I can’t believe this is happening. “You sure about this?”

  “I’m sure,” she says as she pulls my face towards her.

  Her mouth opens to mine and I kiss her so passionately. It’s a thank you and I love you kind of kiss. I hope she understands in this moment how happy she’s made me. She must because she meets my passion with her own. Her legs wrap around my back trying to push my dick into her. Since I don’t want to keep her waiting, I pull my hips up slightly and then I slam into her, causing her to cry out with pleasure. I also groan in pleasure as I feel her warmth around my bare cock. This feeling is so foreign to me, and initially I want to stay in this moment forever. It’s so intimate. I’ve never felt this close to anyone in my life.

  “You feel so good Nicola.”

  “I feel so deliciously full, but I need you to move.” she moans.

  Right! I do need to move. Again, I obey her command and start sliding in and out. Taking the time to savor every thrust inside her. She’s so tight. Nicola digs her nails into my back and whispers, “I love you, Gavin.”

  I take my hands and place them on her cheeks so that I know that she can see me and how happy I am when I say, “I love you, Nicola. I love you so much.”

  After the words leave my mouth, the need to please her overrides everything else. I lift her legs over my shoulders so that she’s balled up underneath me. This position allows me to get as far as I can inside of her. I move as fast and as hard as I can. The scratches she’s making on my back tells me she’s close to an orgasm, and I know I’m close, so I keep pounding away. Taking pleasure in every stroke, every moan, and every kiss. Before I know it, Nicola screams out my name and I can feel her pussy pulsate against me. The second it does, I am powerless to stop my own release. I push into her one final time going as deep as I can. Then I fill her up.

  “Fuck, Nicola.” My voice is nothing but gravel.

  Chapter 36

  6 weeks later


  “You look so beautiful.” Kerrigan says as she looks me over.

  “Thank you. Thank you for everything. Especially for accepting me and Allison.”

  “You all make Gavin happy. That’s all any mom wants. For her children to be happy.”

  I can’t help but tear up a little bit. I try to take a couple deep breaths because I don’t want to ruin my makeup on my wedding day.

  I’ll never forget the day Gavin asked me to marry him. He didn’t do anything fancy, but it didn’t make the moment any less special. We were laying in bed talking about anything and everything. I started laughing as he shared stories of him and his family and all the craziness that make the Stones, the Stones. He reached over to his nightstand and grabbed a black ring box. As he laid next to me, he declared his love to me. He held me so close, I felt like we were already one. I cried when he told me he talked to Allison first for permission and that she happily gave it. She also approved of the stunning two-carat solitaire diamond mounted in a vintage style ring. I couldn’t stop looking at my hand. Everything felt just right.

  That weekend, he flew us all out to see my parents so that he could meet the people who created me and who loved me and worried about me. It was a great visit. Well, for the most part. Gavin told me he had planned to ask my dad for permission, but his Alzheimer’s has progressed so much that he doesn’t have any more good days. Mom moved him into a nursing home and she stays with him everyday until the staff kicks her out in the evening. I tried talking her into moving to Chicago with us, but she wouldn’t. Not that I blame her. I could never leave Gavin either.

  I’m sad they can’t be here with us today, but I know they would be thrilled.

  “You ready, Mommy?” Allison says as she places her hand in mine.

  She looks so beautiful. Taylor, Harper’s sister styled Allison’s hair. It has a braid around the front tied with a sparkly white flower and soft curls fall from her long hair.

  “Yes, I’m ready.”


  I can’t believe my wedding day is here. When I was younger, I would dream about the woman I would marry. I could never imagine her face, but I knew she would be beautiful and I was right.

  Nicola didn’t want to go all out for a wedding, so she’s wearing a white lace sundress and we are getting married in our backyard. This home signifies the start of our lives together.

  The back door opens and Allison comes through. She’s every bit as beautiful as her mother. I cannot believe that not only am I getting a wife, but I’m also becoming a father. What did I ever do to deserve such a blessing? When Allison reaches me, she smiles and waves at me. I return both and my eyes immediately fly to the back door because Nicola should be coming through.

  I know it’s just seconds but it feels like eternity when I see Nicola with her arm locked with Cade’s. I was surprised she had the courage to ask him to walk her down the aisle and even more surprised she wanted him to. I asked why and she just said, “He’s our friend and he’s done so much for us. I wanted him to know that I honor him and that he will always have a special place in my heart.” I couldn’t argue with that.

  When we lock eyes, everything else disappears. The stress of our past, the uncertainty of the future. Nothing matters. Thankfully, our backyard isn’t too big, and before I know it, she’s by my side and Cade is handing her off to me.

  “You’re beautiful.” I whisper to her. She says nothing in return but smiles.

  Lucas, my cousin, became ordained online just for our wedding. Thankfully, he wastes no time and starts officiating. I’m not really paying attention to the words he is speaking because I’m taking in this moment. The one I didn’t think would happen just a couple years ago.

  “Do you guys have vows prepared?” Lucas asks.

  “Yes, I have something I want to say.” Nicola replies.

  She hands off her bouquet to Mallory and takes both of my hands and speaks directly to me. “I just want to say that I love you. I love the man you are. You make me feel safe, treasured and adored. I truly thought someone like you didn’t exist. Thank you for finding me. For restoring my faith and for giving me a life I never dreamed possible. I promise to love you for all of eternity.”

  I can’t help but lean in and whisper in her ear. “You’re welcome.”

  Lucas gives me a look indicating it’s my turn. I don’t even know if I can put into words what she means to me, but I’ll try.

  “Nicola, I used to cringe when people would say ‘everything happens for a reason.’ I truly always thought that we make our own destiny. That two people fall in love because they’ve made that choice. Nicola, I can say that I love you with every part of my being. But I don’t necessarily think I had a choice in the matter. I think destiny made that decision for me. The moment I laid eyes on you in that shed, I think is the moment I realized that my life and all the events that led me to Kentucky happened for a reason. You are the reason, Nicola. My reason to breathe. My reason to live. Thank you for giving me my life back.”

  Nicola wipes tears from her eyes and Lucas is about to pronounce us man and wife, but I want to include Allison in this. This is her day too.

  “Hold on just one second.” I say to Lucas.

  I walk over to Allison and kneel in front of her as I pull an infinity diamond bracelet from my pocket. I bought it with her in mind.

  “Allison, in a moment I’m going to exchange rings with your mom, but before I do, I wanted to give you something. This is an infinity symbol and what it means is that I promise to always love you and to always protect you. And I’m so lucky to have you. I love you Allison.” I speak from my heart and I speak the truth. I do love this little girl as though she’s my own.

  Allison suddenly starts crying hard and she throws herself into my arms. Her little arms wrap around me so tight.

  “I love you too.” she responds making my heart burst open in the pur
est love possible. “Will you love me as much as you love the baby in mommy’s belly?”

  I hear a collective gasp from my family. What the ever-loving fuck is Allison talking about? With Allison still in my arms, I stand up and face Nicola. Her eyes widen in shock and probably mirror my own expression. I can’t speak at all, but I give Nicola a look and in return she nods her head yes.

  Could this day get any better? Before I return to Nicola, I whisper in Allison’s ear so that only she can hear. “You are my daughter. And I am your father, and I will love you just as much as I love any child me and your mom has.”

  Allison cups her little hands against my ears and whispers so only I can hear. “I love you daddy.”

  “Ok, let’s become a family. I’m going to put you down so I can marry your mommy.”

  After I set her down, I take a couple long steps and I’m beside Nicola. I know we are suppose to exchange rings but we can do that later.

  I look at Lucas and speak quickly. “I do, she does. Can I kiss my wife now?”

  Everyone starts laughing and he looks at Nicola and says “well?”

  She smiles a gorgeous smile and said, “Yes, what he said. Can I kiss my husband?”

  Lucas steps back and says, “You are man and wife. Gavin hurry and kiss your bride.”

  I pull Nicola against me and lean down to kiss my wife. Since our daughter is here we are keeping it PG, but it’s perfect for this moment. Everyone starts clapping and whistling.

  After the kiss, I have to ask. “How long have you known?”

  “A couple weeks, but I just told Allison today. I told her she could tell you. I didn’t think she’d do it during our wedding.” she laughs out.

  I place my hand on her stomach and say, “I’m happy she told me.”


  8 months later


  For sixteen hours I’ve watched my wife so bravely take on this labor. The respect I feel for her cannot be described.

  “I’m so proud of you babe.” I inform her in between pushes. She looks beautiful, even in the light blue hospital gown with her hair a mess from the sweat and pushing.

  Seriously, my wife is a total badass and much stronger than I could ever be. I’m a bag of nerves right now and she’s calmly doing as she’s told. We already know she’ll be a great mother but I wonder what I’ll be like as a father. I think I’m a good father to Allison but she was six when I met her. I’ve never had to deal with the sleepless nights. I do know that I’ll do everything I can possibly do. My son or daughter will know how much I love them. That’s one thing I do know. They will never question my love for them.

  Everyone wanted us to find out what we were having, but I wanted to be surprised. I will know in the next few minutes.

  “Alright Nicola, one more small push.” The doctor says. “Gavin do you want to deliver your baby?”

  “Yes.” I answer. I can’t pass up this amazing opportunity.

  When I get to the bottom of the bed, I can see the head is already out. Since police officers are trained to deliver babies, I don’t need any instructions. Instincts take over and I place one hand firmly around the base of the neck while the other hand goes to help guide the shoulders out. Right now, all I can tell is my child has a full head of black hair.

  “Okay baby. Push.”

  She does as I ask and once the shoulders are out, she slides the rest of the way out.

  Through my tears, I say. “It’s a girl, babe. A beautiful, healthy girl.”

  I reluctantly hand her off to the nurse so she can be cleaned up. And I rush to Nicola’s side.

  “She’s so beautiful, babe. Thank you!” I say as I kiss her forehead.

  “Thank you, Gavin.”

  The nurse brings her to Nicola and I watch in amazement as she does what a mother would naturally do. She places our daughter on her breast.

  “Have you both decided on a name?” the nurse asks.

  Nicola looks up at me and all the heated discussions we had on names is gone.

  “Whatever you want is fine.” I concede.

  Nicola smiles and says “Becca Grace.”

  I sigh in relief that she picked one that we both could agree on.

  Becca Grace Stone. My daughter.


  Over the last ten years, my life has been everything I ever dreamed possible. The laughter that’s filled our home is immeasurable. Today is a bittersweet day though. It’s Allison’s high school graduation and in a few months, she’s off to NYU. I cried when she was accepted because I don’t have fond memories of New York. But I realize she is making her own way in this world and I smile at the thought of her making friends and eating at cafes late at night.

  Gavin nearly flipped his shit when she made her final decision. I know he is super proud of her but the dad in him is having a hard time letting go.

  Our daughter, Becca, is Gavin’s spitting image. She’s tall like him and has long black hair. I thought maybe he would treat her differently than Allison, but he never did. When we had two more girls, I finally could see that he saw no difference between our four daughters. We were going to try for a boy but I was forty-two when Tori came, and both Gavin and I realized she completed our family.

  Gavin’s been a champ raising four girls. He has seen more tea parties, more giggles, and more love than he ever thought he would. He thanks me all the time for the life I’ve given him. But I’m just as grateful.

  Five years after we married, Gavin decided to rejoin the Chicago P.D. I was worried about him. Still I worry about him, but it makes him happy and that in turn makes me happy.

  A sneak peek of Harper’s story…


  “There is no way dad is going to agree to you moving to Dallas!” My sister Taylor says and she’s right.

  “That’s why I need yours and mom’s help.”

  “Harper, even if I wanted to and I do, he won’t listen to me or mom. When has he ever?”

  As much as I love my dad, I hate him too. Growing up with Evan Stone as your father might seem great on the outside, but it was far from great if you’re his daughter. Sure, everything that money could buy was always given to us. Unlike my cousins who had to work to earn their money, my dad didn’t want me working. Hell, it was a rare treat for him to let me out of the house. I envied my friends who got all dressed up for their hostess jobs or who met all kinds of interesting people waiting tables.

  God, when it came time for prom I thought surely he wouldn’t rob me of a high school memory, but he put his foot down and simply said no. That was the first time I disobeyed him. When prom rolled around, I went to my bedroom and put on the lavender sequin dress I bought a week earlier, applied my makeup thicker than I ever had before, and curled my long hair, spraying after each curl. I was proud of the job and couldn’t wait to go. After that, I waited for my dad to go to the bathroom. It’s funny because I can still feel my heart beating out of my chest the same way it felt that day! If he caught me, I knew there would be hell to pay, but it was my senior prom and worth the risk. Sadly, I didn’t get to enjoy much of it, I wasn’t there but an hour before he found me. He was furious, I could see it in his eyes, though the only words he spoke were “get in the car now.” I knew better than to argue with him and I wouldn’t dare do it in such a public place. I did as I was told and went to his car and slammed the door so hard the window vibrated as though it were going to break. The immature teen in me threw a tantrum all the way home. I called him every name in the book, cried, and ran inside only to take my anger out on my mom. At least she sympathized with me which made my dad more furious.

  My life has been a series of similar events. Even now as an adult. He has this hold on me and I want to break free. I need to break free. I went to a local college he wanted, stayed in his home like he wanted, and now that I’m twenty-five. I am no closer to being an adult in his eyes. When I earned my broadcasting degree, he made some calls to local radio stations and said my talents were
best used on the radio. He thought being on t.v.. could make me a target for stalkers. His paranoia hasn’t rubbed off on me. Radio isn’t what I want to do, so I applied at different news stations all over the country. Yesterday, a news station in Dallas offered me a position and I took it. I have six weeks to convince my dad that this is the right decision. If he doesn’t think so, I have to stand strong and let him know this is my decision to make.

  “I’m going Taylor, with or without dad’s blessing.” My words sound confident, but I’m almost shaking inside.

  “You can’t leave me alone with that man, Harper. I’ll go crazy. Batshit crazy I’m talking! Might as well send me to a mental institution now.” Taylor half jokes. Part of me wonders if she won’t actually go certifiably insane.

  “You could always come with me.” I suggest.

  “Yeah right! What’s worse than one dead sister? Two dead sisters.”

  “I’ve got to go Taylor! Each month that passes, I hate my life just a little more.”

  “I get it! I do. I wonder if things could’ve been any different. What if we had freedom like normal teenagers. What would our lives look like? You know, growing up I always thought you and Cade would marry.” She informs me.

  “What? Why?” I ask. I had always had that hope too, but when I turned twenty-one, Cade stopped talking to me. I wonder what I could’ve done to make him hate me the way he does.

  “The way he watched you and wanted to be near only you. Even when you would leave the room, his eyes would fly in the direction of the door you went through and would only blink when you returned. I don’t know. I thought maybe he had a crush on you.”

  Her words cut into me. For so long, I got that vibe from him too. When I turned eighteen, I flirted with him to see if he would flirt back. Sometimes he did, but it felt as though he was joking and thought maybe I was joking. Then one day I got the courage up to ask him out. His demeanor changed quickly, and our friendship never recovered.


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