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Evil's Unlikely Assassin_An Alexis Black Novel

Page 16

by Jenn Windrow

  But lover boy didn’t seem to get the hint. He grabbed my hand and pulled me off to the side in an alcove between the men’s room and the ladies room. “You’ve got a real attitude. Maybe someone should spank the sass out of you.”

  “It’s not an attitude. I just don’t like drunk, persistent, fucks.”

  “What did you just say?”

  “Do you really need me to repeat it?”

  “Someone needs to teach you a lesson.” He looked me up and down. “Take you down a few pegs.”

  “Take your best shot.”

  He grabbed my arm and started pulling me close, and I let him. Nothing wrong with letting him think he had me right where he wanted me. His hand wrapped itself through my hair and then pulled my head back. His body pressed close to mine, and once again he rubbed his pudgy crotch against my hip.

  Nathan snickered in the background. “Poor sod. Going to get more than he bargained for tonight.”

  The guy’s hand started to slide up my shirt, getting dangerously close to no-no land. I grabbed his elbow and whispered, “You better remove your hand before I bite it off.”

  “Now we’re talking,” he said, but then he looked at my face. My fangs. My eyes. The beast who now stared at him from the depths of my soul.

  He took off and never looked back.

  Nathan floated closer. “You scared the piss out of him. Poor sod might never pick up another girl in a bar.”

  “Then I just did the female species a favor.”

  I settled back into my corner. “Why aren’t you with Reaper?”

  “He stopped to take a piss. I don’t need to see what he’s packing in his camos.”

  Nathan settled in next to me, a bored expression on his ghostly features. “I liked the other club better.” He grumped. “Can we go back?”

  “No.” I tracked the crowd, looking for Reaper.

  “The old Alexis would have gone with me.”

  “Maybe. Once upon a time.” I looked over at Nathan and his my-puppy-just-died expression and remembered that he was forever doomed to go where I went and do what I did. What a boring existence. “Tell you what, when this case is over I’ll take you back.”

  “I’m holding you to that.” His frown turned upside down. Nathan nudged my arm. “Hey, is that Julian's missing twin?

  I followed his arm. A girl at the bar matched the picture from Julian’s wallet. From a distance, she shared her brother’s dark hair and intense blue eyes, but that’s where the similarities ended. Her outfit left little to the imagination, her breasts spilled out of her bustier top, and her ass cheeks hung out of a pair of way-too-small black tuxedo shorts. She clicked her hot pink nails on the bar as she waited for her order. Her head tilted when she laughed at the bartender and her neck sported some serious fang marks. Guess the clientele didn't care if the help helped feed the local vampire serial killer as long as their tits were hanging out of their uniform.

  “That's our girl. Go get Reaper. Tell him we found her.”

  I held my ground even though I wanted to rush out, grab her by the hair and drag her back to her brother. She stood at the bar, not caring that her twin spent every waking minute searching for her. Not caring that she was bumping uglies with a crazed killer.

  She filled her tray with some glasses and went on her way. Reaper turned the corner and bumped right into her, the tray toppling over, covering the two of them in ice and liquor. Normally, no matter how far away I was I could hear their conversation, but the music rattled the walls, making it impossible for me to hear. Thank god for the eagles eye view of what was going on.

  Reaper and Julia bent over to pick up the broken glass. He grabbed a napkin off the ground and started to wipe the mess off her chest. She pushed his hand away and took over the duty. He leaned in and I watched his lips move. She nodded and smiled and then reached into the pocket of her booty shorts and pulled out a card. She slipped it into Reaper’s palm and continued to pick up the glass.

  They parted ways and Reaper headed out the front door. I followed behind, feeling bad that I wasn't dragging Julia with me, but at least I now knew where she was and could tell Julian.

  Reaper waited for me inside the Chevelle. I climbed in beside him. “Tell me she gave you a number to reach Terrance.”

  “I got the golden ticket.” He held up a cream colored, rectangle business card, the writing in small black letters, nothing but a name and phone number.

  “Time to set up that meeting and put an end to Terrance's reign of terror.” Things were starting to go our way. And I hoped that in less than twenty-four hours Terrance would be dead. Julia would be back with her twin. And the VAU would be out of my life for good.

  It felt good to be optimistic.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  What does one pack when getting ready to meet a sadistic vampire bent on wiping out the human race? That was what Reaper and I were trying to figure out at the moment. I wanted him to pack his whole arsenal, but he thought it might be overkill.

  Over kill or get killed, seemed like a no brainer to me.

  Reaper called the number Julia had given him when we got back to my place. He hung up with a date, time, destination and a newfound determination to kick Terrance’s butt.

  Reaper’s plan had me waiting on the outside, ready to rush in and save the night, while he walked in and presented himself as a hopeful new recruit. As plans went it seemed like a good one, except for the part where I let Reaper stroll into a room full of sick vampires.

  One day. That’s how long we had before Reaper walked into Terrance’s den of death. One day to wait. One day to prepare. One day to hope that Terrance didn’t go on a killing spree.

  A large aerial photo of the house where Terrance was holding up shop was sprawled across my kitchen table. The area was desolate and surrounded by forest. The closest neighbors at least five miles away. The perfect place to house a secret vampire society.

  I pointed to a circle of trees. “Nathan and I could hide here. I’d be close enough to get to you if things go bad.”

  “Too close. They’ll smell you immediately.” He moved my finger along the picture and placed it on top of another set of trees farther away than I was comfortable with. “Here.”

  “Too far. I wouldn’t be there in time if they attack you.”

  He let go of his side of the map and it rolled up. “I’m going to be fine. This is the best chance we have to get to him. If they sense you around they’ll spook, possibly kill me. It’s better if you’re far away.”


  He slapped his hand over my mouth and I smelled the ink from the map on his fingers. “I know you’re worried, but this isn’t the first time I’ve confronted a vampire. Ex-VAU agent, remember?” His words carried that and-it’s-not-up-for-discussion tone to it. I really hated that tone.

  “I remember,” I mumbled from underneath his fingers, but my agreement didn’t erase the worry that coated my nerves. I decided to let it drop and let him think I was okay with a plan that might get him killed or even worse, turned into a vampire.

  “Good. Then this is where you’ll be waiting for me.”

  And because I was part of a team, I agreed to wait in a place that was much farther than I liked. Yea for team spirit.

  Reaper and I spent the next hour going over possible escape routes and worse case scenarios. By the time he left I had snapped at Nathan for annoying me and was pacing the floor.

  That's about the time I decided to call Julian.

  My excuse to call—I wanted to tell him that we found Julia, but that was just a cover up for wanting him near. Doctor Julian Monroe had sliced his way into my heart as if he had a set of claws and the wound was deep. It's a shame that one night of hot sex turned this tough vampire into a simpering lovesick fool.

  Julian showed up with a loud bang on the downstairs door. I went down to greet him and my breath caught when I saw him. Memories of his tongue licking my body up and down, his fingers guiding me to orgasm, and
the feeling of him pumping inside of me, brought a blush to my cheeks, nose, ears. The fact that I would love to be in the same position soon raised my lips in a very wicked smile.

  Julian stepped forward and wiped that smile away with his lips. “I'm so glad you called.” He tugged at the strap of my tank top, lowering it so it exposed the top of my breast. He bent his head and licked along the soft flesh and the reason I invited him over got drowned out by desire and a throbbing from my sex.

  We kissed our way back to the elevator and on the ride up. I opened the cage and we continued on over to the couch. I pulled my lips from his. “Nathan, out.”

  “If this is going to continue to be a thing we need to figure out a code for horny vampire in the house. A pair of knickers on the door?” he said, but left the room.

  Julian and I headed to the couch and he continued to explore my body with his hands, mouth, and tongue. Things were progressing rather quickly, but it didn’t matter, everything else in the world could wait. Tonight I needed this. Call it stress relief with the added bonus of a climax.

  We disappeared into my room and it was easy to close the door on the maps and plans and possibility of death of the next night. I let Julian be a distraction and it felt good. Damn good.

  But no matter how good I felt when we walked through the thin piece of plywood an hour later, the fear, urgency and uncertainty of the real world came back with a vengeance.

  Now that my first reason for inviting Julian was done it was time to move on to the second one. I grabbed his hand and led him over to our makeshift control center.

  He surveyed the photo. “What's this?”

  “It’s where Terrance is holding up.”

  “You found him?”

  “We found Julia too.”

  He forgot all the stuff on the table and looked up at me. “Is she here?” The eagerness in his voice made my next words stumble out.

  “No. I left her at the club.”

  Betrayal. Disappointment. Anger. Those were the emotions that marred his handsome face, and then anger settled on his down-turned lips and lowered brows.

  “You found her and then left her?”

  “We need her to get to Terrance, she’s our only connection to him.” The pleading tone in my voice irritated me, made me feel weak. “If I would have snatched her out of the club, then Terrance would know that something was up.” I pulled the note from the nest out from under a pile of papers on the table and handed it to him. “And obviously he already knows I’m coming for him.”

  Julian grabbed the paper from my hand, read it, and then handed it back. “It’s my sister’s life on the line.”

  I held up my hand to stop him. “No, it’s more than your sister’s life. It’s the life of a lot of innocent people who didn’t choose to become the target of a nasty vampire.” I stepped close, but kept my hands to myself. “The girls in the morgue. They were his doing.”

  He took two large steps away from me. “All the more reason to yank her out of there. He’s dangerous.” His hand sliced through the air punctuating his thought.

  I refused to let him distance himself from me, so I moved closer and laid my hand on his shoulder. “She’s not in any danger.”

  “How can you say that?” His tone wasn’t full of anger anymore, it was filled with worry.

  “I saw her. She’s happy. Content. Laughing. If she wanted to leave she had the opportunity. She doesn’t want to. Just give us twenty-four hours and this will all be over and we’ll get her out.”

  Julian flopped down on the couch. He scrubbed his hand over his face and let out a disgusted sigh.

  I sat next to him and folded my feet under my butt. “I know it’s hard—”.

  “It’s not just hard, it’s impossible. I’m all she has left, and she’s turned her back on me.” His words held a hint of regret.

  “When are you going after Terrance?”

  “Reaper’s meeting is tomorrow night at eight.”

  “Tell me where and I’ll meet you there.”


  “No?” Not anger, more like how dare you tell me what to do.

  “That’s not my choice to make. I work with Reaper, he has a say too.” It was true. It wasn’t my call to make. Reaper’s life was on the line tomorrow, not mine. Inviting Julian to come with us could potentially get him killed.

  He pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and held it out. “Then ask him.”

  I looked at the phone in his hand. There was no way I wanted Julian to come with. I didn’t want to lose him if things went sideways. To risk his life like I was risking Reaper’s. But telling him to sit and wait for me to rescue his twin sister wasn’t the answer either. And by the look in his eyes, even if I told him to sit tight he would hunt me down. The man sitting on my couch was a man determined to find his missing twin and if I stood in his way, it would be the end of our new relationship.

  I took the phone from his hand, but instead of dialing Reaper, I placed it on the coffee table. “Calling Reaper won’t get us the answer you want.”

  “What will?”

  “Be here tomorrow night at seven-thirty. If he sees that you are willing to help and won’t take no for an answer, you may have a chance at being included.” His scowl quickly switched to a smile. I held up my hand. “But I can’t promise he will allow you to come with.”

  “He’ll agree.”

  “How can you be so certain?”

  “I’ve got a plan and it won’t fail.” He slipped his shoes on his feet and stood.

  When we reached the elevator, I waited for him to pull back the cage, but instead he turned and wrapped me in his arms.

  Close to my ear he whispered, “I know you worry about me, about having another person to protect, to save, and I love that you care so much, but I’m tougher than you know. I can handle whatever we walk into tomorrow.”

  I opened my mouth to interrupt but he covered my lips with his and kissed me long and deep and with a lot of tongue. Whatever argument I had blew away on a stiff breeze of feelings long buried.

  His lips left mine. “Good night, Alexis.” Then he got on the elevator and I watched him leave.

  “Reaper is going to kick your skinny vampire butt when Doctor Hottie shows up tomorrow night,” said Nathan, the ghostly buzz kill.

  “I didn’t have a choice.”

  “That’s a crock. You had a choice, you just don’t want him to stop offering you rides on his Wee Willy Winkle.”

  And once again Mr. Blunt And Obvious spoke the words out loud that we both knew were true.

  Laughter burst out of me. Crazy, insane, bubbling from the pit of my belly laughter. I couldn’t stop and I didn’t want to, because tonight might be the last night that I had something to laugh about.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Five minutes ago my cell phone rang. A very pissed off Reaper yelled, “Get your blood-sucking ass down here this instant.”

  I made the decision to make him wait and let the last three calls go straight to voice mail. When the pounding on the downstairs door got to the steel denting range I grabbed my leather duster, an extra stake, and headed down.

  Nathan hovered next to me. “Think he’s simmered down?”

  “No. And I was happier when I had three inches of metal between us.”

  Even before I opened the outside door, Julian and Reaper’s heated disagreement seeped into my small foyer.

  I opened the door and two sets of eyes turned in my direction. Julian backed away and leaned against the hood of the Chevelle, his hands shoved in the pockets of his jeans. Reaper came rushing forward, one finger pointed at me, the other hand gripping the side arm on his hip.

  “You invited him to come with us?”


  “Then why is he here?”

  I nudged my chin toward Julian. “Why don’t you ask him?”

  I crossed my arms over my chest and took the empty spot next to Julian by the car. This wasn’t my battle. If I had my choice,
Julian would be safely tucked away in my bed waiting for me to come home and help me release the tension of a stressful night. If he wanted to be included tonight, he was going to have to battle Reaper for a place on the team.

  “You’re pretending to be the neutral party?” Nathan came up next to me.

  “More like acting as the referee and controlling the bloodshed.”

  Julian pushed away from the car and met Reaper face to face. “My sister is with that monster and if there is a chance that I can get her out, I’m taking it.”

  Reaper stepped closer, bumping Julian in the chest. “You’ll get me killed and I don’t know you well enough to die for you.”

  “You won’t even know I’m there,” Julian countered.

  “Are you going to pull a Nathan and turn invisible, because that is the only way this group of vampires will not notice your pulsing vein walking through the doors.”

  “I’ll worry about my veins and you worry about yours.”

  Reaper’s face turned a lovely shade of purple. “You’re. Not. Coming.” He turned on me. “He’s not coming.” Nothing like being forced into participation.

  “He’ll just follow us,” I answered, hoping to stay neutral, but point out the obvious.

  “Not if I break both his legs.”

  “Oh good, we just entered the bodily damage part of the discussion,” Nathan snickered from the sideline.

  Julian clenched his fists at his side. “Are you threatening me?”

  “Yes.” Spit flew from Reaper’s mouth and landed on Julian’s face. “This is the only chance we have of catching this monster. You and your white knight routine are going to mess it up and then we may never get him again. Do you want the blood of the hundreds of humans who will die by him on your hands?”

  “I only care about the blood of one person with that bastard and it’s my sister’s.” Julian pulled a pack of tissue out of the pocket of his jeans and wiped Reaper’s spit from his face. “I can either be invited or I’ll follow you.”


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