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A.O.E.M.: Taboo

Page 6

by Stephanie Burke

  “Well, there are beauty salon treatments, liposuction, and clothing.”

  “But I don’t want any of that,” Knight pointed out.

  “Who said it was for you?” All the women shot quelling glances at Knight. “I mean,” Caressa continued, “if I am going to do all of that for your ass, then, bitch, you had better be ready to shell out some bucks.”

  “What?” Knight’s eyes grew wide as she stared at the women, who were now glaring at her.

  “Don’t be selfish,” Loressa snorted. “It takes time to look this good, and if you want us to cook your meals, clean your house, and raise your children, you had better be good to us.”

  “Children?” Knight actually squeaked.

  “Oh, so you want us to give over the best years of our lives to your sorry ass, and you won’t even ensure progeny so our bloodlines won’t die out? What kind of woman are you?”

  “One who is looking for a lover, not…”

  “Not a lover?” Pubessa wailed, tears filling her eyes. “That is why I left my seventh husband and my ninetieth partner!”

  “See what you made her do?” Caressa snapped at Knight, reaching out to offer comfort to her friend.

  “I just never thought about children…” Knight stammered, somehow feeling guilty for making the blonde ditz cry, though not that guilty.

  “Then you had better start thinking, sister,” Vanessa snapped. “Why are you toying with her emotions that way?”

  “Toying…?” Knight stammered. “I just want to get laid!”

  “Oh, so we are good enough to screw but not good enough to take as a mate?” Pubessa was really into a crying jag now.

  “I never said that!” Knight snapped back. “Stop putting words into my mouth.”

  “Like I would shove anything into your mouth,” Loressa snipped.

  “Look, you all are giving me a headache! I am serious as a heart attack when I say that you are the most loony --”

  “You do have insurance?” Caressa cut her off.

  “Why?” Knight was baffled and growing more frustrated by the second.

  “Because if you drop dead from that high stress job of yours and all that fucking, you are not leaving me with six kids to raise on my own.”

  “Six kids?” Knight was flabbergasted. “Lady, we aren’t even married!”

  “Which brings us to the pre-nup,” Vanessa snarled. “I refuse to sign one! I am entitled to half, for putting up with your bullshit!”

  “Oookkkay!” Knight stretched the word out as she rose to her feet, looking warily at the pack of teary, frustrated, snarling blonde and pink females who were shooting her looks like she was the dingo that just snacked on their babies. “I am so out of here it is not even funny!”

  “Sure,” Caressa called out as Knight retreated. “Go on and leave when we really get you to start expressing your feelings! How can this commitment work if you refuse to communicate? Where is the trust and the love?”

  “Being gay sucks,” Knight muttered, her head pounding as she hightailed it away from the coven of crazy bitches.

  “I think that went rather well,” Caressa purred as they watched the tail end of Knight disappear into the crowded streets.

  “She’ll be back.” Loressa smiled. “With perfection such as ours, how can she resist?”

  “I think she likes the idea of children,” Pubessa commented, wiping her eyes and pulling out a compact to fix her mascara and lipstick. “If not, then she isn’t gay and was just wasting our time. Like my third husband and my second partner.”

  As for Knight, she stumbled into the next bar and raced to the counter. “Barkeep!” she called, pounding on the wooden bar. “Give me a shot of the strongest thing you got, and make it a double! This being gay is going to give me a stroke! Lesbians are crazy!”

  Chapter Ten

  Talcor’s quest to get laid was not battle after battle of disappointments. In fact, it seemed everybody wanted him.

  There was a Centaur who wanted to mount him, a Mermaid who offered to teach him the meaning of deep sea diving, a Kestrel who wanted to jack off in his wings, a Human who wanted to pluck his wings for resale at her shop in Kansas City, and a Were Dragon with intimacy issues.

  And after each disappointment, he downed another drink in celebration of his narrow escape. Hell, after the Naga ran off with his vest instead of the feathers he was aiming to stuff his pillow with, Tal vanished the wings and went off to have still another drink, to be hit on by still another male. So by the time he made his way into The Gray Goose, he was more than plastered, more than shit faced. Talcor, First Son of the House of Aggression, was toasted. Very heavily toasted.

  Good thing for him, no one could tell as he carefully made his way through the growing darkness. But as he passed a storefront shining with brilliant blue and purple neon lights, a vision caught his eyes. One look and his flagging libido stirred.

  She was wearing a white, strapless dress that skimmed her feminine form. On her feet were a pair of platform sandals with the most wondrous white laces that hugged her calves. Her shapely legs seemed to be caged by the white ribbons, drawing the eyes up those mile high legs to the bottom of that loose white skirt that unfortunately covered all of her better assets, but those giant boobs were worth a second glance.

  The boobs led to a long, elegant neck and a face whose natural beauty defied the use of cosmetics. The only artificial enhancement he could see was the unique glimmer from her full, pouty lips, and a thin line of black around her large eyes, making those precious brown jewels dominate her face.

  He realized he was getting a better look at her face around the same time he noticed that he, like a moth to a flame, had allowed his feet to drag him closer and closer.

  Her carriage was regal as those huge brown eyes turned to face him. “Can I help you?”

  Tal grinned as small hands slammed to her wide hips, and her eyes spat fire and attitude. Her head wobbled on her long neck, emphasizing her displeasure with her odd, bird-like movements. Tal was simply awed. This Human was so… so… endowed! She didn’t realize it, but her defensive posture and gestures made those huge breasts, barely controlled by the white material of her dress, bounce and dance amazingly.

  “How do you do that?” he asked, stupefied as he watched the fascinating movements of her body.

  “How do I do what?”

  “This.” In an approximation of her movements, he slammed his hands onto his narrow hips, emphasizing the muscles that made up his abdomen. His cream-colored drawstring pants dropped lower. His head bobbed a bit as he tried to mimic her neck motions, his long braids flying behind him. “How do you do that?”

  Her mouth dropped open and her eyes grew wide. After a moment, bright, tinkling laughter rolled from her mouth. It grew to the point where she had to lean over and brace her upper body on her thighs or risk toppling over.

  After a few more moments of hilarity, she rose up, crystalline tears rolling down her face.

  “Thank you.” She blew out a gust of air and began patting her cheeks. “I came to this island for a relaxing vacation, but the men around here are like a bunch of horny school boys.”

  “Really?” His eyes brightened and his shoulders straightened.

  “Yeah… really.” There was pulse of unhappiness between those words.

  “Which way did they go?” He eagerly awaited her answer, almost bouncing in his eagerness… though his eyes were drawn again to the front of her dress.

  Her breasts were heaving!

  His bouncing slowed a bit as he observed the phenomenon of female breasts up close, while he still awaited her answer. Not that her body wasn’t attractive, because it was; it was just that he was trying for cock today. Just cock, no pussy! And he was sure as the wings on his back that there would be pussy buried between those lovely thighs.

  Damn, he was so drunk!

  “Why?” she questioned him. Her lips tightened in confusion, and all he could picture was those same lips wrapped aroun
d his dick.

  He felt his back tingle as his wing slits opened, the nearly orgasmic pleasure as they slowly emerged from his back, a sure sign of sexual interest and arousal. Groaning because his wings were being exposed, he fought back a blush and tried to explain in his stilted language.

  “Well, you see, I have to get laid. I don’t mean you,” he forged on, “but by a man. Well, not any man, but.” He paused as he felt his wings fully expand and his sex begin to swell. “I mean, not that I don’t find you attractive, it’s just that I have to be gay by the end of the week! I mean, I am gay, but I have to prove it or I will dishonor my family and lose my fiancé. I mean…” He sighed in defeat. His control left and his dick eased into nearly full arousal, the thick head trying to peek out from underneath his drawstring.

  “You are no more gay than I am.” She pointed one finger at his crotch, and his eyes followed that slim digit to the front of his pants where the head of his cock was slowly showing from beneath the thin pants. “How can you be gay when you haven’t taken your eyes off my breasts this entire time and well, that?”

  “Well, they are nice breasts. It’s just that I am not supposed to notice.” He felt heat flash to his face and knew he was blushing. “How can I be gay if I am getting winged up and hard over some woman’s breasts? How am I supposed to honor family tradition and win my man if I can’t stop my dick from getting hard at the sight of a woman?” He felt like he was going to cry.

  “Have you thought that maybe you’re not gay?”

  “No! I have to be gay! It’s tradition!” He threw his hands in the air and fluttered his wings, which made him recall that he was aroused because of her.

  “Why are you letting tradition tell you who to screw?”

  He paused and blinked twice. Clicking his tongue against his teeth, he tilted his head to the side. “Honestly --” He thought about what he had done, and what he was planning on doing later. “-- I don’t know.”

  A look of sympathy filled her eyes, and she reached out to pat his shoulder. “Who you choose to sleep with should be your own affair.”

  “Only in a perfect world.” He sounded defeated.

  “I know what you mean. In a perfect world, I wouldn’t be so stupid where men are concerned.”

  “What man would harm such near perfection, would mar the inner beauty that so clearly mimics the outer beauty you try to downplay?”

  Tears filled her eyes, those beautiful brown orbs, making them glimmer in the gaudy neon lights of the club’s window front, making her anguish all the more apparent.

  “Didn’t you know? I’m an asshole magnet. I came home to find my lover of two years in bed with my so-called best friend -- who happens to be male. He’s gay -- you’re not.”

  “He was unworthy of you, and you clearly are not at fault. Honesty is all in any relationship and this male, not a man, deserves nothing but your contempt. But how can your decision-making skills be at fault when you are the one who decided to leave? Hopefully after you rammed your foot up his well-used ass.”

  She giggled. “Well, I did nearly pull a Lorena Bobbitt…”

  “Who?” he asked, tilting his head to the side again.

  “Long story. Let’s just say her ex-husband is not half the man he used to be. We have made some advances in reattaching severed body parts, but I am sure it doesn’t work half as well as it used to.”

  He blanched at the word reattached, but then she was looking over his shoulder and groaning.

  “Oh, Lord. Not them again! Well, it was nice meeting you…”


  “Tal. But now I have to run. Do me a favor and say you never met me!”

  She turned to bolt, but before she could move, he reached out and grabbed her hand. “Well wait! What’s your name?”

  “Trina. Trina Davis! Sorry, I have to go!”

  She jerked her arm away and gifted him with a thankful grin before she took off like a jackrabbit being chased by wolves, her skirt hiked up in the back as muscled legs pumped. His last sight of her was a glimpse of her backside as she darted around a corner in her heels.

  Turning around, he looked over his shoulder to see three well-toned men, ranging between six foot five and six foot six Human inches tall. There was one redhead, one raven haired, and one blond, each with a color coordinating tail flying behind him.

  Tal noted that only the redhead maintained his manly pride by not cropping off his lion’s mane of hair, unlike his two sheared companions. They all sported tight leather pants and exposed their bared chests. By all rights, he should have been drooling after these muscular examples of manhood. But all he felt was amused satisfaction… Satisfaction that maybe a chase was what the delectable… uh, kind… Trina really needed.

  The redhead, a Werecat, he believed, growled as he approached, sniffing at Tal as he defiantly commanded, “Stay away from our woman!” A scar circling from the corner of his left eye to below his left cheek wrinkled as he made his displeasure known.

  Three pairs of iridescent, glowing eyes zeroed in on the hand he’d used to grab Trina, then shot back up to his face.

  Tal, being the ever-helpful sort, was happy to show them the direction Trina had run off in, knowing instinctively that these rough Weres were exactly what her skittish heart needed. But the contempt they showed his person… the lack of respect… They had to be punished first! While he was contemplating the catty trio, especially the redhead, the two other males began to circle him.

  Rolling his eyes at their presumptuous move, he ignored the inane fighting strategy of taking on an unknown element and directed his gaze to the one he felt was the real threat -- the unshorn redhead. The blond and the black-haired one were less than men in his estimation, therefore he concentrated on the only threat there.

  Casually, he reached up and plucked one long, peach colored, black tipped feather from his wings. Directing a small amount of magic, he transformed the sharp tip into a handle, the wide body of the feather becoming a golden, glowing, doubled sided war blade. As the others watched, the feather pulsed in his hand, solidifying into a killing weapon of some great power that seemed to have a life all its own.

  “My name is Talcor, and what woman is it exactly that you seek?” He raised one eyebrow, smirking. He knew they could scent Trina on his skin.

  “Don’t play games, Faerie,” the redhead growled.

  “Why, thank you for recognizing both my heritage and my gayness, in Human terms and standards.” He crossed his arms, all attitude and defiance.

  “You prefer men?” the short, blond, somewhat-male creature spoke.

  “Well, feel comforted in the fact that an almost-male like you would never hold my attention. Now be a good little kitty and be quiet while the adults speak. I may give you a piece of candy if you do, though not my favorite lollipop. I doubt you could handle that.”

  “Had I the time to trifle with uppity --”

  “You forget your place, cubs, and the fact that I have no desire for you at all, let alone want to do something as intimate as trifle with an almost-male.” Turning to the redhead, he growled, “Can’t you control your cubs? On my island, until a child is mature enough to participate in adult conversations, he is taught to keep his fool mouth shut.”

  Before he could blink, the blond cub’s body shimmered and seemed to reform into the shape of a very large cat. But with a negligent wave of his hand, Tal used his connection to the earth and bonded the creature’s four paws tightly to the ground. The near-man cub would not be able to move.

  He then turned to the redhead, ignoring the angry roars from the blond kitten as he attempted to free himself.

  “And I was told that redheads were supposed to have the quick tempers. Can’t you control your pets?”

  “You…!” the black-haired cub bellowed. But red-hair interrupted before he could get really started.

  “Stand down, Bayoh. I sense that there is more than meets the eye to this effeminate male.”

  “Thank you,”
Tal purred, never relaxing his ready stance. Even as drunk as he was, he was a warrior from the House of Aggression, therefore a more than formidable opponent.

  Turning back to him, the redhead spoke once more. “Release my friends and tell me where the woman went.”

  “You should have more mature playmates, but I will give you what you need, even if it is not necessarily what you want.”

  “She is what we need.”

  “Well, in that case, she went that way.” Tal snickered as he pointed in the opposite direction from where Trina had run.

  “If you’ve lied to us, we will be back,” the redhead threatened. “By the way, you may call my friends nearly-men, but they are men enough for them to know whom they want to fuck. You are no more gay than Trina is a man.”

  Tal frowned for a second, then grumbled, “Well, shit!”

  Rolling his eyes, he waved his hand and released the blond kitten from his earthly bonding.

  With one last look at him, the trio of cats dashed off, leaving behind a rapidly sobering, still slightly dazed Tal.

  “I think I need another drink.” He shuddered and stumbled off toward the next club, now more determined than ever to prove he was gay… no matter what.

  Chapter Eleven

  Knight’s second attempt went a little better, but considering how the first one had gone, that wasn’t saying much.

  “What’s your name, pretty lady?” The woman with the moustache and the bulging biceps grinned at her as she snapped a long, evil looking whip.

  “Leaving,” Knight replied as she turned tail and nearly ran out of the Leather Lick. And she thought she could get a workout for her tongue ring there, too.

  All night long, it never failed! Wherever she was, whatever woman she was talking too, there was no repeat of the tingle she’d felt when dealing with Terez. It was mystifying.

  There had to be a woman for her! What about all that enchanted tongue-ring shit?

  She frowned, stomping down the street, only to stop when she ran into something quite large and warm and practically immovable.


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