A.O.E.M.: Taboo

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A.O.E.M.: Taboo Page 7

by Stephanie Burke

“Ouch,” she moaned as her ass hit the ground.

  “Watch where you’re going,” snarled the horse.

  Horse? How much had she had to drink?

  Knight looked up, past the hindquarters of a moving, breathing horse, and to the female torso that was attached.

  She blinked and looked again.

  Yep, female torso, horse body.

  “I think you are kind of sweet and clumsy,” the horse lady laughed at her stupefied look. “But you are not my type. Your tongue isn’t really long enough.”

  Then she stuck out a tongue that had to be at least three feet long.

  “Centaur,” Knight managed, her eyes on the long, pink, waving appendage that the horse lady was waving about like a flag.

  “Human,” the Centaur chuckled, pulling her tongue back into her mouth. “How about that? I know your species!”

  “But you aren’t real!”

  “But I just knocked you onto your ass,” the Centaur replied reasonably.

  “Drink,” Knight stammered.

  “Maybe later if you just want to talk or something,” the Centaur female replied. “But you really aren’t my type. Sorry, though it was nice running into you.”

  Knight sat on the ground, watching as the woman cantered away. Still utterly confused, she pulled herself to her feet, dusted off her ass, and made for the nearest bar. It was called the Cantaloupe, and as long as it served liquor, hard liquor, she would be fine.

  * * *

  She wasn’t fine.

  The Cantaloupe was a Vampire bar, and she very nearly missed being the main course. They wanted to take the blood directly from the femoral artery, but they assured her it wouldn’t change or kill her.

  She decided to pass.

  She was just about to give up and head for home when the bright lights of a normal looking outdoor bar caught her attention. Sighing, she decided to take a table at the nearly empty pub and drink her misery and confusion away.

  “This is what I get for not reading the brochure,” she sighed, accepting that this was not a normal island.

  “What can I get ya?” a male voice asked, and Knight looked up to see a Human Being, a blessedly Human, Human Being standing there with a pad and a pen.

  “Something strong,” she finally decided. “And keep them coming.”

  Chuckling, the man bent over to peer at her face. “Oh, so you are one of those who didn’t believe the billing about this place.”

  “I never looked,” she admitted. “This was a gift.”

  “Unusual, but you never would have made it to the island if you weren’t supposed to be here. So tell me, what spooked you? Was it the Vampires, the Centaurs, one of the Fae… I hear there’s a strange Were Bee buzzing around…”

  “It’s all of it,” Knight whimpered, dropping her head to the table. “And I only came here to prove my sexuality and make a decision about my job.”

  “Oh.” The man nodded in understanding. “Life decisions. Tall order to fill. How long are you here for?”

  “Two more days,” came Knight’s muffled voice, as her face was still pressed to the wood of the table.

  “That’s a lot to do in such a short time, unless you have already come to some decisions.”

  “I have,” Knight decided. “I want to get drunk and get laid and maybe the rest of the answers will come.”

  Laughing, the man jotted a few words down on his pad and moved quickly toward the bar. “I know what you need.” He began to pull various glasses and bottles from the shelf behind him.

  “A fresh start?” Knight asked, raising her head to follow the motions of his capable hands as they juggled bottles and spun glasses. “A bullet to the head? To pass my issues on to someone else?”

  “Taboo.” He chuckled, completing his dance behind the bar and walking over to her with a tall glass of something dark and strong in his hands. “It’s very good and it will take a lot of them to…”

  He stopped as Knight snatched the glass out of his hand and downed the contents in about three seconds, shuddering as the alcohol hit her stomach, then smiling as the burn turned into a warm glow.

  “That was perfect.” She chuckled. “Keep them coming.”

  Chapter Twelve

  By the time Tal discovered the open beach bar, he was already plastered, though none of his movements showed it. He still walked with extreme confidence and grace. By now, night had fallen and the place was a bit crowded, but it was still as good a place as any to contemplate his defeat. He scanned the room with blurry vision until he came upon a table that had only one occupant.

  Stumbling that way, he paused to stare down at the brightly colored… was that a dress? Yes, her dress was brightly colored and her skin was kind of pale.

  It was a woman, he decided from the cropped hair and the delicate build of her arms, but he couldn’t be too sure. There had been a man dressed in women’s clothing earlier who had hopped into his lap and started to pet his wings, cooing sweetly at him.

  “Excuse me,” Tal asked politely. “Is this seat taken?”

  Knight lifted red, dilated eyes to stare at the creature who was asking to sit. “I am drunk,” she informed him, not slurring the words but speaking very slowly. “I am also gay. If you want to take the risk, then by all means, sit. But I must warn you, there will be no blood drinking, no spanking with belts, no strap-ons, and no fisting, whatever that is.”

  “Perfect.” Tal gave her a drunken grin. “I’m gay too! And I also have the dinghstin… um, dishtint… distinct pleasure of being the only man on the island who can’t get laid.” He nodded shortly as he finished his sentence, pulling out a chair and settling himself neatly, fluttering his wings a bit.

  “Pretty,” Knight cooed. “You have pretty hair and pretty wings and a pretty face. Are you sure you are not a woman trying to be a man?”

  “I am sure,” he answered, checking her out. “I like your tongue ring.”

  “You can tell?” she chuckled. Then she stuck out her tongue, amazingly long for a Human’s, showing off her piercing. “It’s supposed to take me to my destiny. But unless my destiny is to be pawed by strange blondes with permanent PMS, Vampires, and horse people who have tongues longer than my arm, then I think it’s busted.”

  “Well,” Tal informed her, in a classic game of one-upmanship, “you haven’t lived until you’ve been hit on by a Were Bee with a three foot dick. And then there are these strange, half-male Werecats chasing some woman around. They were at least amusing, but being cornered by that Dragon who offered to roast my nuts for me was…” He held up his thumb and forefinger about an inch apart. “-- a little bisht… biut… bit extreme.”

  “Were Bee?” Knight asked. “Oh, I heard about him. Is he dangerous?”

  “Only if you play with his stinger,” Tal said. “But if you think that was pathetic, wait. There’s more.”

  Nodding eagerly, and enjoying someone else’s misery, Knight sat up a bit, still clutching the glass half filled with her drink of choice, and waited with bated breath. “More?”

  “More!” Tal slammed his hand on the table for emphasis, remembering to check his strength so as to not crack the wood. “I have to prove I’m gay or I will lose my man. I am not a bad looking Fae -- at least no one has ever vomited at my face. But everyone here seems wrong. I have to sleep with a man so that I can go back to Fal, sweet precious Fal, and prove to dear Fal that I am a man’s man! A gay Fae! A…”

  “Flaming queer?” Knight asked.

  “No, flaming is a power from the House of Design. I’m House of Aggression. We fight a lot.”

  Knight nodded.

  “But I only have a day or so left before I have to go back. And if I can’t tell my beautiful Falon that I indeed can get it up for a man, we will have one of the worst bondings in history.”

  “Why not leave, let him bond with someone else?”

  “I can’t! See these bonding marks?” He pointed to his right biceps. “They are permanent. I’m already a part of him, a
s he is a part of me. We will be bound, but if I am not man enough to take him on our mating night, we will both be so miserable. No matter what, we will be bound, but I want my man happy! An unhappy bond leads to childshren… chidreshn… kids who will kill each other.”

  “You can have kids?” Knight leaned in closer, as if it were a state secret she was trying to protect. Her elbows were on the table as she pulled her knees to her chair, sending her ass sticking straight up in the air. “How? I mean, you said you were a man. Are you a female under all that dark skin and braids?”

  “No, that is for our mating partners,” he explained. “We have to chooshe… choose two women to be our mated pairs. Hell, gay women have it easy. They seem to understand each other.”

  “Bullshit!” Knight bellowed, slamming her hand on the table and nearly unseating herself as she rose up to her knees on the chair. “Lesbian women are crazy!”

  “But I will never get laid. I’ll have to come out straight to my family… they will be so disappointed, and I’m going to break Fal’s heart! Do you know what it’s like to be bonded to a man who hates you? Lorena Bobbitt will have nothing on Falon! He is of the House of Intellect, sneaky bastards each and every one of them! He will be miserable so he will make my life miserable in turn!”

  He looked like he was going to cry. “No, don’t do that,” Knight whined as Tal’s eyes began to grow wet with the sheen of unshed tears. “Here.”

  She handed him the unfinished glass of Taboo. “Finish this and things will get better. You’ll see.”

  Sniffling, Tal tossed back the drink and his eyes lit up. “This is what Carter was drinking,” he chuckled.


  “Were Tiger, nice body but no tingle.”

  Knight nodded. She understood tingle, or lack thereof.

  “He kissed me on the beach! This is what he was drinking. I can taste it.”

  “Then have another!” Knight smiled. “Hey, Barkeep?” she bellowed. “Bring another for me and one for my effeminate friend!”

  Chuckling, the bartender nodded and began to juggle bottles once more.

  “Thank you for noticing.” Tal smiled, tears gone just that quickly. “It is hard to be this effmate… effimiant… delicate looking when you are of the House of Aggression. You have to learn the art of warfare as well as how to keep a perfect house, cook the perfect meals, and get bloodstains out of whites.”

  Knight sighed. “You’re what I need at home. Just one woman with those qualities.” She smiled as the bartender placed the two drinks on the table and moved on to fill the next order. “So, tell me more about… the cooking.”

  * * *

  The threat of burning sunlight on his face pulled Tal out of a coma-like sleep. His head was resting on something kind of soft with a hard center. He wrinkled his nose at the unusual smell. It wasn’t bad, exactly, just earthy and not at all what he was used too. He yawned, rolling his head until his nose came in contact with something damp and very soft.

  He had to open his eyes. Ignoring the ache in his back and thighs, and the mild pounding in his head, he forced his lids to open a bit.

  Then screeched at what he saw.

  “Oh my Goddess Creator!” he bellowed as he attempted to jerk to a sitting position. But a leg over his shoulder abruptly aborted his movements and threw him back into that… that… that female stuff!

  At his bellow and his jerking around, Knight’s eyes popped open and she shrieked at what she saw.

  There was a cock in her face! There was an honest to God, semi-erect, pierced penis hanging in her face!

  “What the fuck!” she shrieked, then regretted it as her head began to throb.

  Moaning, she jerked as the man lying beside her threw her leg off his shoulders and sent her flying right into his crotch, her lips pressing against the hot flesh of his dick.

  Which sent him panicking even more.

  Whimpering, she jerked her body parts inward, harnessing her legs and arms, and watched as the man with the impressive wingspan flopped on the bed like a deranged chicken.

  She was in too much pain to do more than that. Her thighs hurt, her ass hurt, her arm and her back hurt. Her tongue felt exhausted, her throat stretched, and her pussy -- well, a hot bath was indeed called for.

  The man she vaguely remembered as saying he was gay flapped his wings and looked around as if he expected someone to tap him on the shoulder and tell him that this was a horrible dream. Knight peered over the ends of the bed.

  About three dozen condoms, all used, littered the floor. She looked back up. Tal -- yes, that was his name -- Tal looked as if he were about to have a full-fledged panic attack.

  “Um, was it good for you?” she managed, trying to break the tension and draw the man out of his panic. It wouldn’t do well to have him break down or pass out. And she would never get her answers if he had a heart attack.

  “I don’t know!” he managed, finally looking at her. His wings ceased to flutter and he began to breathe deeply, calming himself down.

  “Well, you apparently have a lot of stamina,” she added, easing into a sitting position and climbing off the bed. She stumbled as soon as her feet hit the ground, but he was there suddenly, steadying her.

  “Thanks.” Then she turned in the direction of the bathroom.

  “What are you doing?” he asked, tilting his head as he watched her move painfully across the room.

  “I’m going to take a piss,” she informed him. “Then I am going to swallow a dozen aspirin. Then I am going to climb into a hot bath and soak my sore parts. Then we are going to have a talk. Gay, my ass! I think both of us have been fooled!”

  The slamming of the bathroom door cut off any other comments she could have made, and Tal sat back on the bed, wondering what he was going to tell his family.

  It appeared he was straight, after all.

  Chapter Thirteen

  One hour. Knight soaked in the bath for one hour, and she let her mind put the most recent happenings in her life in order.

  Hell, she was a stockbroker! She was supposed to forecast futures and organize things neatly. So that was what she was going to do! First, she’d slept with a man. No, he was an Elemental Faerie, she recalled, as bits of her drunken night came back to her. She’d slept with an Elemental Fae.

  Second, if she was able to get it on with a male Fae, then technically, she was not gay. She might be bi, because she’d felt the tingle with Terez, but she felt a hell of a lot more with Tal. Her whole body shuddered as she recalled bits and pieces of her night with Tal.

  She closed her eyes and moaned into the hot, steamy air as her fingers gently caressed her sore breasts.

  He’d loved her nipples, she recalled, licking and sucking at them until they felt ready to explode and sent waves of pleasure to her pussy. Her hands traveled lower, across the stomach that had trembled for want of his touch, and into the almost alien feel of her nude pussy. It was strange being able to run her fingers over her swollen labia and not feel the hair that had been with her since puberty.

  But the waxing had left her skin soft and sensitive. She could feel the nerve bundles that made up her clit, feel the hood as it slid back to expose the sensitive bud itself.

  She thought she recalled Tal plucking a feather and running the soft end over her clit while he drove his tongue into her opening, all the while staring up at her from between her widespread legs.

  She moaned as her fingers dropped lower, feeling her slick, natural moisture mix with flow from her body. And her entrance -- she shuddered as she pressed against the swollen heat there.

  She was stretched and a bit sore, but it was such a wonderful ache. She remembered thinking she could never take all of him, but that he had gently eased his way inside. She recalled demanding that he use a condom, and him shrugging and pulling on the thin latex sheath. He said something about it squeezing his size down a bit and making it easier for her to take. And there was so much of him to take.

  Her memories o
f the night began to flood back in her mind as she pressed two fingers deeply inside, her wrist riding her clit as she raised her knees and spread herself for his pleasure.

  He was so thick and hot!

  How he had spread her out, pressing against nerves in her pussy that she never knew she had.

  Then his fingers toyed with her back passage, gently running rings around her anus, awakening more nerves no one had touched before.

  Showing his skill at anal play, he had eased her ring of muscles, teased and taunted her until she literally begged for him to put something there, anything to ease the ache and leave her filled and sated.

  While fucking her, he had pressed his pinky inside. That was all it took, and she was exploding, tossing her head back and screaming as he rode her from the front and from behind.

  Her loud moan pulled her from her memories as she realized she was masturbating in the bathroom while Tal was probably waiting outside for her.

  But it felt so good!

  How long had it been since she had even felt desire, let alone a hunger so painful that she had to pleasure herself? She refused to stop! He could wait.

  That decided, she began to thrust her fingers rapidly, rolling her wrist against her clit. Her other hand traveled up to her breasts, pinching and pulling her nipples as her skin tingled and sweat shined her body.

  It was still not enough! She still felt achingly empty and needy. Her hand left her breasts as the other toyed with her labia and clit, and slid over her hips to her ass.

  Could she do this?

  Pausing to run her fingers over the slippery suds that filled her bath, she lifted her hips and pressed her finger deep into her own ass.

  “Yes!” she gasped, as her nerves there exploded into ecstasy. Her back passage felt so soft, so tight and the feelings the penetration evoked shot straight to her clit.

  She needed movement! She began to thrust both hands, faster and faster as she felt the tide of climax rise in her, felt her nerves snap taut and her muscles stiffen.

  Her head rocked back and her mouth opened on wordless screams and whimpering moans that filled the humid air around her bath as her body arched even higher.


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