A.O.E.M.: Taboo

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A.O.E.M.: Taboo Page 8

by Stephanie Burke

  “God, yes,” she gasped, the sound of her own voice pushing her over the edge.

  Her anal muscles clamped down on her finger, throbbing and pulsing as the muscles in her pussy strangled her other fingers. Her clit itched and burned as spasms shook her body and wave after wave of intense release shook her to her inner core.

  Then it was over and she was wilting, sliding back in her bath and removing her fingers from their appointed tasks. Sighing, she grabbed a bar of soap and thoroughly washed both hands.

  That little exercise took the edge off, but she still had a lot to decide and a Fae to face in the bedroom. Throughout her orgasm, throughout the self-pleasure and the mental foreplay, Tal had been in the forefront of her mind. Maybe she wasn’t really gay. And if that was the case, what the hell were Montgomery and the rest going on about? It also led to the question, if she went back and destroyed this latest excuse not to let her be promoted, what would they do next?

  It was all so very maddening.

  She closed her eyes and let her body drift for just a little bit longer, to remember Tal’s soft caresses and energetic thrusting just a while longer. Then she would deal with reality.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Tal lay on his back across the bed, the bed that smelled of sex and damnation, and tried to figure out what he could do. He could lie to Falon, but that was unthinkable. He was unflinchingly honest, a positive trait and a fault of his, but something such a part of him, it could never be changed.

  He could pretend or omit some details, but that was still a lie in his book and therefore unacceptable. He had to face facts.

  He’d slept with a woman.

  “Oh, goddess,” he muttered. “What have I done to my life?”

  His wings seemed to blanket him, offering some comfort as his mind delved into a maelstrom of despair. He would lose the love of his bonded. He would disgrace his family and destroy the traditions that had been laid down before he was even a glimmer in his father’s thoughts or a pulsing in his mother’s womb.

  And what was worse, he had slept with a Human going through the same uncertainty he was.

  Knight was supposed to be discovering if she was gay. But instead he had slept with her, destroying any chances of her having a peaceful, normal life. As he rested, he recalled more and more of the previous night, of the nonstop drinks, the feeling of understanding that came with talking to Knight. He had not felt a kinship this strong to anyone other than Falon, and he welcomed the familiar emotions. Then they were back at her hotel, because he had no place to stay and he wanted to continue to be with her.

  Who made the first move was still unclear, but he knew he’d been on his knees between her thighs as soon as the clothing hit the floor.

  He recalled her taste, spicy and bland at the same time, a bit like musk, and slightly salty. She was addictive and so damn responsive.

  He remembered suckling at her nipples, so different from Falon’s. The mound of breast flesh that supported those sharp peaks was soft and spongy, a contrast to her button-hard nipples.

  He had sucked and sucked and sucked, his mouth watering again at the memory. Her gasps under his touch, her flesh quivering, her moans urging him on to explore, it had driven him insane with lust!

  Her hips were rounded and so different from a man’s. She was an exotic fruit to be plucked and savored. His tongue had run over her hairless body, delighting in the unadulterated taste of her flesh, making her scream and squeal and tug on his braids like a madwoman.

  She had orgasmed the first time at the caress of his tongue alone!

  Then he spread her legs and examined what female anatomy looked like. She was different, strange and alien to his eyes.

  First, there was no hard cock jutting out from her groin. She was split, though, and in the center of that puffy, flushed slit was her clitoris. It was like a miniature hooded cock, and he had the most enjoyable time sucking and licking at it, coaxing it out of its cowl and gently bringing her off again as he rolled it on his tongue.

  Another difference was that she was self-lubricating. So much lubrication poured from her swollen lover’s lips that his fingers kept slipping off as he attempted to part her. But he finally managed, and was rewarded with the sight of her deeply pink entrance.

  He moaned as he remembered sinking a finger deep into that heat. Her muscles tensed and clamped around him, and she squealed, arching her hips up in a begging fashion.

  As he remembered, his hands slid down his own stomach to grip his cock, fisting its growing length as the memories forced his hands into action. It throbbed and tingled as he recalled what happened the previous night. His balls grew hard and began to rise, the delicate orbs rolling inside their wrinkled pouch as his sexual tension increased.

  His thighs spread a bit, giving himself more access as he stroked and stimulated his body.

  Knight was a wonder.

  He felt a drop of precum form on the head of his cock as he remembered Knight licking him and lapping at him like a piece of sugar cane. She’d learned the many and varied uses of that magic tongue ring quickly and had set about driving him mad with the little spiked tip.

  Her tongue danced under the sheath of his uncut cock, teasing the head and then stimulating the shaft. How she learned to swallow all of him, he hadn’t a clue, but he figured it had something to do with all that alcohol killing her gag reflex.

  He closed his eyes, thrusting his hips up into his own hands as he remembered spreading her legs and finding her delicate rosebud of an ass. As he plundered her, adding more fingers to her dripping wet pussy, he instinctively zeroed in on her rear passage.

  There were so many fluids pouring from her that they naturally flowed down over her anus, making the soft skin shine and glisten. How could he resist?

  He began to rub and stimulate her rosebud, something he had been taught to do since puberty. It seemed it worked just as well on women, because she gave out a cry and the muscles relaxed and welcomed his touch.

  Still licking at her clit and thrusting inside her with his fingers, he allowed his littlest finger to gently pierce the barrier of her anal muscles. He moved carefully because women did not have the ring of prostates that Fae men held and causing her pain was the last thing on his mind. He wanted her screaming his name in pleasure, not pain, so he moved carefully.

  It worked, because she was begging for him to fill her.

  It gave him a moment’s confusion, but he quickly realized she wanted his dick in her pussy and something else in her ass.

  She tossed a thing called a condom at him, something they had learned about on the island during his Human sexuality studies, but had never seen put to practical use before. But he figured it out quickly enough and was thankful that the tight latex squeezed his size down somewhat.

  Sheathed and ready, he slid into her hot pussy, gasping at the feel of those slick walls spasming around him. He had to close his eyes and review the rules of fair warfare so he wouldn’t explode the minute he was seated fully inside her.

  He used his pinky to invade her ass, loving the scream she emitted as he breached both her pussy and her ass.

  After that, his memory became hazy, a mass of thrusting, and screaming, and sweating.

  He grew dizzy with the memories and realized he was thrusting into his own hand, recalling how it felt to be strangled in the heat of her body. Closing his eyes, he arched his hips, his breath rasping as sweat poured from his body. It was too much, it was not enough, it was going to kill him!

  His balls burned, his back tingled, and his legs stiffened as he forced his hand to move faster and tighter. His thumb ran around the tip, pulling on the sheath around his dick, exposing his most sensitive places for exploration.

  He whimpered as he felt another hand press against his and a hot, moist heat surround his tip.

  “Goddess Creator!” His eyes rolled into the back of his head as hard suction was applied to his red-hot cock, sending his mind hurtling to inner space as his body st
iffened even more.

  “Goddess, it’s coming!” he warned. His back arched impossibly high.

  He bellowed as the first blast of his seed exploded from his body, his climax so intense his vision disappeared into a bright, glowing haze of white. “So good,” he moaned as the suction continued, as his ass clenched rhythmically, as shot after shot of his seed was greedily sucked out of his body.

  Finally, it began to ease, and his body slumped back to the sheets, his breath tearing from his heaving chest.

  “Mmm,” he purred, only to have his moan of pleasure returned… in a heavy, masculine voice.

  His eyes snapped open and Tal felt dread fill him as his black eyes met a sated set of gold ones.

  “I knew you would be this tasty, lover.”

  “Falon!” he managed, then closed his eyes as horror filled him.

  Falon grinned from his position between Tal’s knees. “I had to find you, lover. I had to let you know that no matter what, I will never let you go.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  It was a pale Tal who stared into the face of his nearly bonded mate as his mind raced as to what to do or say. “Um,” he finally ventured, “you might not feel that way after I confess.”

  “Confess that you came here to prove your masculinity?” Falon the Gold chuckled. “To find a male worthy enough to get your cock tingling and fuck him into a mattress?”

  The laughter stopped as Falon took in the disarray of the room and the used condoms on the floor. “Looks like you succeeded.” He sighed, rising to his feet and sitting on the mattress beside his mate-to-be, running his fingers through his golden hair. “So, who is he? Did he let you fuck him or did you give him my ass? I need to know, Talcor.”

  Fal’s voice grew cold and emotionless as he stared at the battlefield of sexual excess he had abruptly magicked into.

  “Not exactly,” Tal whimpered, knowing he had to face his responsibilities. He pulled himself to a seated position and placed a hand on Fal’s arm, only for Fal to jerk away as if his touch sickened him somehow.

  “Not exactly? What the hell is that supposed to mean, Talcor? Either you fucked a man, or he fucked you. There was sex in this room, First Son, and I can feel the magical draw as well. So who the fuck was it?”

  Tal winced at the curses. Fal never cursed, but here he was, the bad words flowing from his mouth like he was reared in the House of Aggression. “Sex was had,” Tal sighed, realizing he had better start talking or he was going to be intimately introduced to the Lorena Bobbitt effect. “But it’s not what you think.”

  Before he could say anything further, the bathroom door cracked open and a rush of sweet smelling steam flowed out.

  “Tal, we have to talk.”

  Knight walked into the room, wearing nothing but a towel, then stopped and stared at the two beautiful people in the room, her dark Tal and this golden creature who exuded light and intelligence from his bright eyes.

  “Damn,” she sighed. “First I can’t get a man to lay me if I walk down the street buck naked, and now they’re crawling out of the woodwork!”

  “Tal!” Falon chuckled as he leapt to his feet. “You found our first mate-partner!”

  “Excuse me?” Knight cocked her eyebrow as she watched the long-haired, golden creature clap happily.

  He was dressed in low riding drawstring pants similar to what Tal had been wearing the night before, but he had a matching sleeveless vest. He also had a ring of tattoos running around his lower abdomen, but these were delicate and fit him better than the bold, black, tribal lines that encircled his muscular biceps. He clapped his hands and his belly ring, a small cluster of bells, tinkled as he moved toward her.

  “Oh! Pardon me,” he replied, pausing as he took a step back. His long, delicate fingers reached up and stripped the vest off his body, exposing a set of tiny golden nipple rings that matched Tal’s silver ones. Then, closing his eyes, he grinned as he was suddenly surrounded by a black pulsing light that seemed to center around his back. Within seconds, a pair of golden and cream wings exploded from his back.

  He blushed as the light faded and he spread wings, fully the size and configuration of Tal’s. “I hope I meet with your approval.”

  “Mercy me!” Knight whispered as she clutched at her heart. She never even realized that her towel was slipping until it landed in a soft damp heap around her feet, and still she couldn’t bring herself to tear her eyes away from the masculine perfection, so different from Tal’s magnificent form, but just as arousing.

  She looked down, and she felt wetness drip from between her legs and dampen her thighs. “Oh damn, do I approve!”

  His blush deepened.

  “But who the hell are you?”

  “I am Falon, First Son of the House of Intellect.”

  Knight nodded in realization. “You are the mate-to-be!”

  “Indeed I am,” Fal said with a bow. “And I am so pleased to know that you are considering us as your mate-partners.”

  “Um…” Confusion showed plainly on her face, and Fal, quick to read her expression, started an explanation.

  “Tal didn’t explain? Bad boy,” he hissed over his shoulder. “We live in houses divided. All of our communal areas are shared -- the kitchen, the living areas, the library and study, the workout room. Only private sleeping quarters are separate. The men and the women can sleep in either bedroom, or not deal with each other until mating season if they all prefer. I find myself attracted to the female figure as well as the male, so constant sharing is not a problem for me.”

  “What?” Both Tal and Knight shouted, both going into shock.

  “I like women too, Tal.” Fal grinned. “It happens, or we wouldn’t be able to reproduce.”

  “Oh.” Tal blinked and Knight began to snicker. But then he noticed that two of his most favorite people were standing there, Knight naked and Fal nearly so, the quivering of his wings showing his arousal.

  “So,” Knight began. “There was nothing really wrong with you?”

  “Only that he couldn’t get it up at all for me,” Fal sighed. “But I think that won’t be an issue anymore.” He pointed to the still seated Tal, who was grinning like a lech, his arousal growing in his lap

  “I guess he’s bi.” Knight turned to look again at the golden one.

  “We have to be. I think that maybe Tal was just a bit nervous. You wouldn’t believe what our people put him through, trying to make us have sex before the final ceremony. And Tal is such a traditionalist, too. No wonder he couldn’t get it up! It wasn’t what he wanted. Well, he wanted me, but he was not ready. You can’t force things like that. So after he left, the families went into a panic, and I had some time to think things through. Then I realized sex would happen when it happened, and there was nothing anyone could do about it. That’s when I tapped into our bond --” He touched the bold tribal tats on his arm “-- and I magicked over here and I found my man all stretched out on the bed and hard for me.” He grinned. “And what’s more, I find he has already discovered one of our seconds. This is a great day for me. Wanna fuck?”

  “What?” Again, both Knight and Tal bellowed, Tal tearing his mind away from the fantasy of his two favorite people entwined in sweaty sex, and Knight in shock. Then he grinned.

  “But I have to decide whether or not to quit my job!” Knight wailed, helpless as that tingling wetness between her legs grew to a gushing flow.

  “Job?” Fal asked. “What species of Fae are you?”

  “She’s Human,” Tal sighed, rising to his feet and wrapping his arms around his mate-to-be, burrowing in the silky golden feathers and inhaling his scent. Then he peered over his shoulder at Knight, noting the lustful looks she was shooting them both. They did look pretty spectacular together, and there was no reason it wouldn’t affect Knight, as straight or bi as she was.

  “Human?” Fal asked, stepping away from Tal a moment to examine Knight more. “But I feel magic from her!”

  “It’s the tongue ring.” Ta
l smiled. “It is supposed to take her to her destiny, and I think you’re right, Fal. Giving it some contemplation, it would seem that her ring led her to me, which in turn led her to you. Maybe we are meant to be a match.”

  Fal grinned and reached out to gently cup Knight’s cheek. “How soft you are,” he purred.

  “Um, job?” Knight whimpered.

  “We’ll discuss Human needs later,” Fal began as his finger dropped to his drawstring. “Now is the time for action.”

  “Oh what the hell!” Knight said and was instantly surrounded by winged men.

  Fal dropped to his knees in front of her while Tal ran his hands over the soft skin of her back. She shuddered, her skin flaming at their touch.

  “God,” she gasped, her hands tangling in Fal’s long, golden locks. His lips latched onto her nipple, his other hand kneading her other breast.

  By no means was Tal still as his hands roamed over her back and sides, one hand holding her breasts for Fal to pull deeper in his mouth while his other traveled down to cup her ass. Together, they managed to map all of her skin, dropping teasing kisses and playful nips as they learned her body. Her legs parted of their own accord when Fal’s hands slid over her stomach.

  “You will look so good with both of our House markings covering this pale flesh.” As Fal spoke, he petted her inner thighs, urging her to spread her legs more.

  There was no fear of falling, as Tal held her from behind, but she felt her knees go weak as they proceeded.

  “Taste her,” Tal urged. “Her flavor is so different than anything I have ever had. And she is so responsive…”

  “Yes!” Knight hissed. “More! Harder!”

  Fal’s fingers had discovered her clit, and he was gently playing with her. “It’s like a little cock,” he breathed, pulling his mouth free of her breast to drop lower and examine his find.

  Tal gripped her behind one thigh and lifted her leg, placing it on Fal’s shoulder as he calmed Knight. “You are so beautiful there,” he breathed in her ear. “Let your other lover see.”


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