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Alien Ascension

Page 22

by Tracy Lauren

Her eyes scan my face, and deep within her I can sense that rhythmic drumming again. Only, it isn’t just in her. It seems to be all around me as well, filling my ears and causing my core to vibrate with its intensity.

  “I’ve spent too long pleasing myself, Dax,” she says finally, her cheeks flushing. “I want a man who knows how to please me.”

  I bring my face close to hers. She’s so close I can feel her breath on my lips and a chill runs over my body. I want her so badly, to be mine—all mine, fully and forever. After this, there is no denying, we will be mates. “V…” I growl. “I am your man. That is what you told Zair, is it not?”

  “I…I was just…” she stammers, but her words stop as I continue to caress her flesh.

  “I have had enough of dancing around this. It is done. I am yours, V, and you are mine. Now and always.”

  “That…that uh, sounds serious…” she says breathlessly.

  “I assure you, it is,” I tell her with a smile, breathing her in. “Very serious indeed.” And finally, I lean in and take my mate’s mouth in a passionate and long overdue kiss.

  V pulls her hands from my grip and wraps her arms around my neck. Grabbing her ass roughly, I lift her up, pulling her against me. Her legs hug my waist. This is not the slow and tentative first kiss I had imagined, instead it is all frenzied passion. It is all the passion my mate has been secretly wanting and I can finally give it to her.

  Her fingers dig into my hair and she deepens our kiss with lips that are softer than anything I have ever felt before. I want to feel more of her. I break our kiss to dip my mouth into the curve of her neck, licking, sucking and biting at her sweet flesh. She moans loudly in my ear and my cock strains in response. More…I want more of her.

  I slip my fingers under the hem of her tight and strappy shirt. It is one of the new ones I bought for her. I will have to buy her more, I think to myself as I rip my claws into it, shredding the fabric.

  “Dax!” she gasps, but I quickly hush her words with another kiss. It is a collision of our lips and tongues, wild and intense. In all my adventures, never have I felt such a thrill as this. Never have I kissed a female I have needed and loved so deeply. Her love is nourishment for me, she is all that sustains me. And I will sustain her. All this sadness and fear in her, I will wipe it away, I will love her until her joy outweighs her heartache and she is happy here with me.

  I finish ripping her shirt away, the flimsy straps cling to her shoulders and arms but leave her breasts exposed. They are milky white and tipped with pink, like a dessert laid out before me. I skate my clawed hands over them gently and her flesh prickles with goosebumps. Looking down into her eyes, I see they are clouded with desire and longing. To be looked at in such a way is the greatest gift. While I have slept with females before, I do not believe anyone has ever looked at me with such desire, with such trust and surrender.

  “I would do anything for you, you know this, right?” I tell her seriously. She responds by grabbing my horns and pulling my head down to her pink-tipped mounds. I laugh in response, but that laughter is quickly drowned away by a guttural growl when I taste her. I lose control of myself. I am an animal with this female. Licking and sucking at her sensitive flesh sends her deeper into her own frenzy. She claws at my shoulders and grinds against me. I guide her hips, both of us fighting to lead this dance.

  Every touch is like a spark between us, lighting us on fire. My senses are flooded in a way they have never been before. The softness of her skin against my lips and tongue is unreal, a stark contrast to my own hard and rough body. When she bucks and moans her desire I can scent her on the air and I know exactly where I want my mouth to be. I lift her higher to deposit her atop the dusty ship and she squeaks out her surprise. She is even more surprised when I yank her pants down around her ankles. Though she recovers quickly and works to kick free of them.

  And there is my mate, naked and spread out before me. A feast for my eyes. I stop to take everything in: the moment, her beauty, how far we have come…

  “Dax, please…” she begs me, spreading her legs, and I must oblige my mate. I dip toward her, her legs going over my shoulders. I hover just above her core and she shivers with every exhale. I knead her ass and lean in to administer a long and slow lick from her core to her clit. V moans and whimpers. Her hands anchor her to my horns and her legs tighten around my neck.

  The passion continues into this kiss, and I tongue her, desperate for the sweet nectar that overflows from her wet folds. I lap up every drop, hungry for her. But V tilts her hips up and directs me by the horns, positioning me above her clit. My tail whips wildly and I have to wrap it tightly around one of her thighs to keep it still. She reaches for it and strokes its length. My sac tightens at the touch and I let out a long and low growl as I play with her clit.

  “Ohhhh! Dax,” she cries through gritted teeth. “Growl like that again!” she begs. As if I could help it. Her words trigger a primal part of me and my growl flares up. Again, she bucks and grinds against me, moaning wildly.

  “I’m so close. I’m so close,” she chants, and I work her clit harder with my tongue. “Dax. Dax,” she calls my attention, and I look up at her, still teasing her clit. “I want you in me when I cum.”

  The thought alone is enough to make the precum beading at the tip of my cock drip down to the ground, and I pull my waist cloth roughly from my body. With a few last teasing licks, I position myself at V’s entrance, slicking my head in her folds.

  “Tell me when you are ready—” I begin to say, but she wraps those powerful legs of hers around my waist and pulls me hard against her. My cock buries itself to the hilt.

  The sound that escapes me now is less of a growl than it is a roar, but V is too lost in the ecstasy of our coupling to startle at the outburst. Her head is thrown back, moaning and pleading incoherently, and her hands grip at any part of my body that she can reach. I pump into her slowly.

  “Tell me how badly you want this, V,” I growl, trembling against the desire to cum too soon.

  “I want you, Dax. I’ve wanted you so badly for so long,” she says without hesitation.

  “Tell me why,” I ask, and her heavy-lidded eyes focus in on me.

  “Because I love you, Dax, I need you—” she is saying more, mumbling and moaning her love and pleasure, but the pounding in my ears drowns the rest of her words away. I lean down close to her, pressing our bodies together, and the ridges above my cock connect with her clit.

  “Oh!” she calls out, surprised, before she grinds deeply against them, always pulling and tugging at my body to bring it impossibly close to hers. It doesn’t take long for her moans to transform into screams of pleasure, and when her orgasm strikes I can feel her muscles spasming around my cock and she grips me in the depths of her deliciously tight pussy.

  Knowing I gave my mate pleasure is intensely erotic to me in this moment, and my own orgasm is not far behind. I press my forehead against hers as she rides out the waves of her climax in time with the slow and rhythmic rocking of my hips. Her hands skim my chest and shoulders before she wraps her arms around me. She pulls me into a kiss, and it’s her soft lips pressed against mine that sends me over the edge. I pump into her harder and she moans again.

  “I love you, V,” I say against her mouth, and she presses kisses to me as I profess my adoration. “I love your mind, your soul, your body, and I love this—touching you, kissing you, being buried deep inside your delicious, tight little cunt.” At that, she coils once more and snaps. A second orgasm hits her and this time when I pump into her orgasming pussy, I am filling her with my seed.

  My body goes lax over hers and it takes a few minutes for me to regain my abilities for higher functioning. All I can think of is the feel of her softness beneath me and the joy of knowing the rest of this day will be filled with many more couplings. I lick at the beads of sweat that have formed at her throat and she giggles. It is such a good sound to hear, my mate is happy and relaxed. As it should be. All I have to do now
is figure out how I can get her back up to our suite now that she does not have a shirt to wear. One adventure at a time, I suppose.

  “That was…” she begins, and she has my full attention, “amazing!”

  “It was, wasn’t it?” I agree with a smile.

  “Oh! Look at you!” she cries. “Your hair is a mess. How did that happen?”

  “You do not remember pulling at it?” I laugh. “It would not surprise me to find some of it missing!”

  “I think I must have blacked out,” she jokes, rubbing her hand over her eyes. But she is smiling, such a sweet and authentic smile.

  “You are so beautiful like this,” I tell her.

  “Dusty and disheveled, spread out naked on a spaceship?” she asks with a skeptical look on her face.

  “Exactly. But if you like, we can head back to the suite and I can give you a long, hot bath.” I offer, already getting hard at the thought of it. I nibble at her neck and she giggles. The sound is like music to my ears and the drumming I have been hearing seems to beat in time with it. A pounding on the great door to the hangar startles us.

  “Shoot! I don’t have a shirt!” V realizes with wide eyes.

  “Do not worry. I will handle this,” I say with exaggerated bravado. I toss her a course and heavy tarp, it is not ideal, but at least she can cover herself. I run to the door. Rolling it back just a crack, to give V her privacy, I squint out into the bright desert landscape. It is one of The Oscillion’s men.

  “The Oscillion would like you both to join him for dinner this evening at the club.”

  “Our thanks to The Oscillion, but I think we will be spending the remainder of the day in our suite—” I begin to tell him.

  “Dinner with The Oscillion?” V asks, suddenly at my side, with the tarp wrapped tightly around her body. “We can make it,” she tells The Oscillion’s man. “We’ll be there.”

  Chapter 29


  By the time we make it back to our room it is already late in the day. I want nothing more than to remain here, order a meal sent up to us, and to spend the rest of the evening discovering all there is to know about V’s body.

  For some reason, however, she is eager to accept The Oscillion’s invitation to dinner. We ready ourselves quickly. V asks me to choose a dress for her, citing my knowledge of appropriate “alien” attire. I pick a long and flowing gown, a deep green to match her eyes. She seems to approve of the form-fitting bodice and the long slits that run up the thighs. And I must say, I enjoy the sliver of leg she shows me with every step she takes.

  But I find myself distracted. For many days now, especially when I am around my mate, I have heard this drumming. Often, I could not place where it originated. Sometimes it would seem to be coming from within her, and other times I hear it so deeply that I actually feel it in my body, but it always comes and goes. Only now, ever since our coupling, the drumming has been constant. I rub at my chest, feeling the rhythm pounding within me. And every time V comes near me, every time I see her milky thigh through the slits in the soft and ethereal fabric she wears, it roars more intensely. My thoughts even affect it. Twice I considered throwing V to the bed and persuading her to stay in this evening. Just thinking such a thing caused the drumming to flare. It is not a terrible feeling, as a matter of fact, it is a good one. It is like a thrill, or that feeling one gets inside of themselves when performing a risky maneuver while flying. Only this sensation is not fleeting, it stays with me, and I rub at my chest again.

  “Are you sure you wish to go?” I ask as we leave the suite behind.

  “Yes,” she says confidently. “We can make it an early night, though, if you want?” she offers with a blushing smile.

  “I absolutely want that,” I tell her, running my hand over her ass and giving it a playful squeeze.

  “Good.” She smiles. “I want that too.”

  When we get outside we see that The Oscillion has left another vehicle to deliver us to his club and we climb in. V snuggles against me and I try to focus on the feel of her body in my arms rather than the pounding in my chest.

  “Have you thought about what you want our next adventure to be?” I ask.

  “Have you?” she questions slyly.

  “I have given it some thought,” I admit. “Perhaps we should go back to Elysia and see what has happened there since we left.”

  V stiffens suddenly in my arms and I backpedal quickly. “We can do anything you wish; the galaxy is your playground. You tell me what you would like to do next,” I say quickly.

  She has been in such a wonderful mood, I do not wish to ruin it after all the progress we have made today. Perhaps there is some reason she does not wish to go back yet. It has been odd that she has not asked about Elysia and the others at all. In fact, I still do not know why she decided to leave with me in the first place. She has not even asked why we parted ways with the group.

  “Someone said there’s a big race coming up here on Quar?” V asks. “Maybe we can stick around for that?”

  “I knew you would enjoy piloting!” I say, glad that we share this in common. The Oscillion’s vehicle comes to a stop, and I help V out into the moonlight.

  We cut through the main gaming room to access the door to The Oscillion’s private VIP club in the back. On the other side of the door it sounds as if there is a party going on, and indeed once admitted, we see that the same room from the previous night is now filled with five times as many people. The music is louder and people crowd around the tables and gaming equipment. One of The Oscillion’s guards finds us and leads us over to his boss. V grips my hand in hers, and this time she does not do it in fear, but in pride.

  “I thought we would eat before we played our games for the evening,” The Oscillion informs us upon our arrival.

  “No objections from me,” V says. I pull out a chair for her, but instead of taking a seat, she pushes me into it and climbs onto my lap. And she has no objections from me. I grab her hips and pull her close, hugging her against my body and wondering how she will react when she feels my cock growing hard beneath her.

  “Drinks?” he offers, and one of his servants pours for V and me.

  Thaylor and Bouwin, two males that I have known for some time, approach our table. While we are friendly, I would not call them friends. Though we have played many games of Tilt together and raced on more than one occasion.

  “That was some flying today,” Thaylor tells V.

  “Thanks,” she says, blushing.

  “I won more creds on that race than I have all week at the games,” he laughs.

  “No kidding? You bet on me?” she asks with some disbelief.

  “Hey, I figured if you were with Dax you probably knew your way around a cockpit. Plus, I saw you here last night,” he says, and if his red complexion could blush I’m sure it would be right about now. “You seem like you’re full of surprises,” Thaylor says nervously and rubs at the back of his neck, his eyes shooting apologetically over to me.

  “You would certainly be right about that,” I confirm proudly, rubbing V’s back.

  “It seems we would all agree,” The Oscillion adds.

  “Is it true what they say about you?” Bouwin gruffs out.

  “I don’t know, that depends on what they’re saying,” V shoots back.

  “Oh, don’t mind him. He’s just sore because he bet on Zair,” Thaylor chimes in.

  “She knows the course.” He shrugs his explanation.

  “Well, sorry you lost your creds, Bouwin,” V tells him. “But what exactly are they saying about me?”

  “That you really are a goddess,” he says plainly, and V lets out a small gasp of surprise.

  “In one sense or another, I’m sure she is,” The Oscillion says. “Ah, it seems our dinner has arrived. If you will excuse us.”

  “Of course. Well, good race today!” Thaylor calls, and Bouwin looks at V with a critical eye one last time before making his retreat.

  The Oscillion’s people set
out platters of food and begin to serve us. V and I opt to share a plate. We take turns spearing food and feeding it to one another, and I cannot help but notice how tall she sits and how proud she seems to be. I think…I think it is because we are mates.

  The conversation at the table goes on, but it is mostly between V and The Oscillion. I am still distracted by these new sensations inside of me. There seem to be other changes as well. I feel hyper-aware of everything involving my V. Her scent seems more noticeable to me, as well as the emotional markers that accompany those scents. For example, I know she is happy now, just by the scent of her natural perfume.

  My ears tune into her voice, and though I am not focusing on her words, I can tell that she sometimes becomes tense when speaking to The Oscillion. I feel confused by this tension and smell her again, just to be sure I am reading her correctly. She still seems happy…

  I sip lazily at my drink and consider what might be happening to me. Perhaps we should make a trip back to Elysia, or at least send a comm to Rennek. He has a human mate, perhaps he has experienced this same thing and might have answers for me.


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