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My Dirty Janitor Book 4: The Second Coming of Ginny's Chinning: An Oral Sex Adventure

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by Toni Mozzie

  Lewis and Mrs. Reynolds laughed. Ginny blushed. She knew she was an idiot for saying such a thing. It sounded arrogant.

  “A little high and mighty, are we?” Mrs. Reynolds said, with some signs of relief on her face, probably thinking Ginny had destroyed her chances with Lewis.

  “All five of us share our snacks, just like we do when we sit down to watch the Super Bowl. It’s not like everyone eats only what they brought. Who would want anti-social, anal-retentive assholes like that for friends? So if you want to meet Jason, you will have to get past me first.”

  Ginny’s jaw dropped, like she’d been gifted with something too good to be true and is ready to scoff it off. “You’re blackmailing me?”

  Lewis laughed, grabbing his cart and pushing it out the door. “Yeah, whatever. Think of it like this: I’m offering you a treat for a treat.”

  Chapter Three

  Lewis pushed his cart toward the other end of the food court.

  Ginny followed mechanically a few yards behind him. She told herself that he would still give the information she wanted, but she knew she would do whatever he wanted if it meant finding Jason. There was the fear that she was ruining everything with Jason; that he might get mad once he found out his friend, Lewis, had tasted her. In any case, it wasn’t like she and Jason were in any kind of committed relationship. Finally, what if Lewis was better than Jason?

  Lewis stopped at the garbage bins and emptied them. Ginny patiently stood nearby.

  “Don’t stand so close to me. Stand over there and follow from a distance.”

  Ginny studied him with fear, fear that he might abandon her or reject her before she got her fix, but she obeyed and took a few steps toward an empty table.

  Lewis changed the garbage bags, while Ginny waited respectfully. When he was finished, he moved to the next group of bins. When he was changing them, he motioned for her to approach him.

  She obeyed.

  “Go into the restroom over there.”

  “Okay,” she said and started over.

  “Wait. I haven’t given you my instructions.”

  Ginny turned and stared at him, her face frozen in an expression trapped between intoxicating anticipation for what was about to happen and the fear it might not happen. She couldn’t be sure he was playing with her, like the man on the phone had been. They gave great pleasure, and understood the great power they wielded because of their abilities.

  “Go into the restroom. Find an empty stall, the dirtiest one, though I just cleaned them a couple hours ago, so pick wisely. Take your jeans off and hang them on the hook. Take your panties off and put them on your right knee. Flush the toilet and then pee into the toilet bowl. Once you’ve done this, don’t flush the toilet. That’s my job, understand?”

  Ginny swallowed and nodded.

  “After you piss, don’t wipe yourself.”

  “I don’t really need to pee right now—”

  “That is not my problem. You have ten minutes to do all I say, or I will skip your stall when I service the restroom. If there is nothing to clean, then you have no need of me. Once you’ve pissed, I want you to spread your legs and leave your pussy exposed. Don’t lock the stall door. Wait for me. Understand?”


  “Then go.”

  Ginny panicked. She needed liquid fast. She found a coffee shop still open and bought two bottles of water. She drank the first in one gulp until her throat hurt, and then forced the other back as she made her way to the restroom. Lewis was still changing the garbage bins.

  She still had time.

  She marched to the restroom. An older lady was fixing her make-up and primping her hair in front of the mirror. When she saw Ginny, she frowned.

  “The mall’s closing, so the restrooms are out of service.”

  Ginny assumed this was Mrs. Jenkins waiting for Lewis.

  “I’ll just be a minute,” Ginny said, checking out the stalls. None stood out as being particularly dirty. She chose the stall which had a wet floor. She closed the door and pretended to lock it by pulling the bolt over the latch rather than into it.

  She unbuttoned her jeans and pulled them off as quietly as possible. Her hands were trembling, her excitement growing. What if Lewis was better than Jason? This was all she was thinking about now.

  She hung her jeans on the hook as he’d instructed and removed her pink panties, the crotch damp, her pulse racing, her clit already pulsating, her pussy lips sticky with lust. Her palms were moist; her mouth was dry, even though she had just drunk two bottles of water.

  She sat down on the toilet seat and was about to pee, when she realized, she hadn’t flushed the toilet first. She flushed.

  The woman said, “You better hurry up before they close. The janitor will be here any second. He’ll throw you out.”

  Ginny ignored the woman.

  Instead, she focused on showers and Niagara Falls. She was relieved when she peed and just in time. The last trickle was flowing from her when she heard Lewis say, “Janitor here; is there anyone in here?”

  The woman said, “Yeah, I’m here and another girl.”

  Lewis pushed his cart into the restroom, and said in a loud and clear voice, “All right, this food court is closed. Please vacate the washroom.”

  Ginny sat frozen on the toilet seat. She heard another stall door open and the fumbling of buttons and zippers. Then she heard a tap on her door. “Ma’am, this restroom is out of service. Will you be much longer?”

  Ginny managed a ‘no’, her voice feeble and cracked with thick mucus having built up in her throat. The stall door opened and Ginny spread her legs as far apart as she could, her pleading eyes gazing up at the janitor and saw that his eyes were on her crotch. He held a finger to his lips telling her to be quiet. Then, leaving her stall door open, he left. He started cleaning the sinks, running the water, whistling some random tune that Ginny did not recognize. After a minute, she heard the other stall door creak open.

  “Did the other girl leave,” the lady whispered.

  Lewis said nothing. Instead, Ginny heard him tear his rubber gloves off.

  “I hope you’re hungry, love,” the lady said.

  “I’m always hungry,” Ginny heard Lewis say, before she heard sucking and slurping. She stared at her lap and wondered what she was supposed to do. She was now convinced these janitors were playing with her, and she was suddenly overcome with the urge to cry. Would he service the other woman and then leave her in the lurch? Could he be so cruel? Why couldn’t he be? It wasn’t like he didn’t have pussy to eat, but she remembered what Lewis had said earlier, that maybe Jason had sensed something special about her. No, Lewis would come to her. This strong belief calmed her.

  Mrs. Jenkins moaned like she was getting a massage, loud and melodramatic. Ginny wondered if the lady might actually be faking. It seemed ridiculous that anyone would fake such pleasure that she knew the woman must be experiencing, but she was angry that someone else was feeling what she should be feeling, and that anger made the other woman’s moan seem hollow.

  It lasted only a minute more before the woman came, moaning, “Fuck my pussy with your tongue.”

  Afterward, like with Mrs. Reynolds, there was silence for a minute before Ginny heard movement.

  “You can go, Mrs. Jenkins. I need to finish up here.”

  “See you on Monday?”

  “You bet.”

  Ginny dared not move. Her stall door was wide open, and she feared Mrs. Jenkins might discover her.

  Ginny heard the tap run, then stop. Then she heard them kiss, and the woman left.

  Ginny relaxed. It was her turn now, right?

  But Lewis did not come to her stall. Instead, she heard him rooting around his cart before setting out to clean the restroom. He went to the end stall and cleaned it, and then he went to the next one. When he was finished, her heart raced. Her stall was next. She sat there with her legs still spread apart, fighting the urge to touch herself.

  She follo
wed the shadows of his feet as he worked in the adjacent stall. Then, finished, he turned his attention to the sinks and mirrors. Five minutes later, she heard him push his cart through the door.

  She was stunned. Had she just been humiliated? Anger rose in her, and she felt like an idiot sitting there, like a dog waiting for a treat. She was about to get up, get dressed and punch this asshole in the face, when he appeared standing in front of her.

  He gazed at her shaved slit delicately drawn on her translucent skin. She watched his hungry eyes, but he never took his eyes off her parted legs. He was clean-shaven which disappointed her. She was hoping for some chin.

  “You shaved your pussy. Jason prefers a nest for his pussy to nestle in. His words, not mine. Did you not sense that when you were with him? He says that a shaved pussy plays with the senses like how a mirage in the desert does—whatever the fuck that shit’s supposed to mean. Jason’s kind of fucked up. But I, my dear, am in luck, because, you see, I love my pussy shaved, throbbing in all its naked glory, begging to be despoiled. Have you done all I said?” he asked softly.

  She nodded. Her heart was racing. “Except…”

  Chapter Four

  “What?” he murmured.

  “I have to pee again. I drank too much water, I think.”

  He knelt down and gripped the back of her legs above the knees in his strong hands to keep her spread. Her eyes fluttered as slivers of energy tingled through her thighs. He stared into the toilet bowl past her throbbing pussy.

  “Okay,” he said and lowered her legs so she could pee properly. “But your pussy will have to pay the price for your disobedience.”

  The thought sent a warm tingling up her spine that spread around her neck, and a moan escaped her lips.

  Standing up, he said, “You will not like it, but that is not my concern.”

  He took a step back, and they both watched her pee. When she was finished, she looked up at him sheepishly.

  He kneeled down between her spread legs. She instinctively made to move her legs apart even though they were already as far apart as possible.

  He took her panties that were resting on her knee and brought them to his nose and inhaled. “You must be quiet. If you make too much noise, I will put your panties into your mouth. Do you understand?”

  She nodded.

  He leaned in and inhaled. His eyes fluttered, clearly intoxicated with her scent. Then his tongue gently licked her pussy lips before it slid up to her clit, flicking it once, sending a shiver of delight through her body.

  She wanted more, but he instead wedged his tongue between her pussy lips and twirled it in her juices, before lapping her up. He slipped his hands between her legs and with his thumbs on her labia he pried her pussy open and spit into it.

  “Look at that,” he said, mumbling. He spit on her pussy once more, before diving his face back into her, his tongue plowing into her.

  She was amazed how long his tongue was. Her attention was so fractured that for a moment she thought he’d put a finger inside her, until she realized his fingers were busy prying her open.

  It was his tongue! It slithered into her pussy, squirming as if it were impatiently hunting for the jelly in a donut, before finding the inside of her clit, the tip of the tongue pressing against it as it pulled out of her, slathered in a cocktail of his saliva and her pussy juices.

  He then took her delicate pink pussy lips into his mouth and kissed them like he would her mouth, a deep, long passionate kiss, his freakishly long tongue plunging in and out like it was too excited to have a plan. It excited her because she didn’t know what might happen next. The suddenness of his movements, kept her tethered to a crashing wave of pleasure ebbing and flowing.

  Once the pleasure began to intensify and spread, her pelvis found timing to his plunging tongue, perhaps setting the time, frequency and rate herself, as if she were controlling his tongue. She felt that that was what he wanted.

  She would come in a few seconds.

  Then he stopped.

  “Don’t stop,” she muttered, before feeling a sudden stab of pain above her clitoris. She let out a little squeak. He had bitten her.

  “Mm, my pet, I get excited and forget myself, you—” And he was back into her pussy, salivating all over her, so unable to finish his thought. He arched her legs forward and let his tongue explore the crevice of her ass. It tickled her and soothed her, but she wanted him back on her pussy and the misdirection he was giving her left her a little bewildered.

  Before she could say anything, he spread her ass cheeks, and stuck his tongue into her asshole. She felt him go deeper than Jason had. Lewis’s moist tongue felt hard and stiff as it nudged into her ass and wiggled around like it was trapped and was trying to get out.

  When he pulled his tongue out of her ass, his mouth was watering, and he swallowed and leaned back into an upright position, still on his knees. Ginny looked down at him questioningly. What was he doing? She wanted him to be doing something.

  He took her soft mound of pussy flesh between his index and middle fingers and pinched her pussy together and started stroking. His saliva and her pussy juices oozed through her pussy lips as he squeezed and rubbed her throbbing mound.

  She moaned softly wrapped in ecstasy, swallowed hard and looked at him, her eyes glazed over with lust.

  “Make me come,” she whispered.

  He stopped.

  He flicked her clit lightly with his finger. She flinched as a bitter sweet pain shot through her. He did it again and then again and then again.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, lowering her legs. It didn’t feel bad, but it didn’t feel good; it felt like the wrong thing at the wrong time. Some other time and place and person, she might have been more willing.

  “I see why Jason took you, but I’m full now, and I have to get out of here. Maybe another time.” He got up and left her stall.

  She sat there unable to speak. He was leaving her without finishing her off? What the hell kind of asshole did that?

  “Hurry up and get dressed. I need to lock up.”

  Ginny sat there for a minute, in a cloud of pity, her pussy raw and throbbing, as her brain tried to regain understanding of what had happened.

  “Hurry up!” Lewis shouted.

  Ginny jumped up and without cleaning herself, put her panties and jeans back on. Her clit was still swollen with lust. She wanted to be angry with this guy, but the only emotion she could feel was self-pity and tears came to her eyes.

  When she exited the stall, Lewis had his back to her. He was mumbling into his phone.

  “Yeah, she’s here now. Been asking about you,” he said, winking at her. “How should I know? I didn’t ask her. Where are you?” Pause. “Should I send her over?” Pause. “Okay. Sounds good.”

  Ginny went to the sink and turned the tap on. “Were you talking about me?”

  “Yeah, that was Jason.”

  Ginny turned toward Jason, her face and neck turning scarlet. She had just cheated on Jason. If she was hoping for any kind of relationship, this was not an auspicious beginning.

  “He’s working at an office building. Here’s the address. He will be there until seven.”

  “Can’t you just give me his number?”

  Lewis shrugged. “He told me to tell you he would be there until seven if you wanted to see him.”

  “What did you tell him?”

  “Was there something I was supposed to tell him?”

  “I mean about us?” Ginny’s mind and heart was racing. She was with Laura on this one. A guy who chins is by far the worthier. Jason chinned; Lewis did not, at least not with her. But what if Lewis had told Jason what she’d just done? He’d drop her for sure. What had she been thinking? She hadn’t been thinking; that was the problem. She’d thrown caution to the wind, her clit controlling her.

  “Us? I don’t follow. Look, you better stop fucking around and get your sweet ass in gear, dear. Or I might just hold you up. My tummy’s starting to growl

  Ginny took her phone from her coat pocket and looked at the time. It was 5:30. She looked at the address. It was across downtown, and she wasn’t sure she could make it in time. She would need at least an hour and with rush hour, she wasn’t certain even that would be enough time. “I’ll never make it.”

  Lewis looked at her sardonically. “Not if you’re standing around here.”

  “But it will take at least an hour.”

  “Then you better get going. He won’t wait around. If you’re late, then that’s it, and don’t think you can come back here. You were delicious, but I prefer something a little different, a little more, I don’t know—tart maybe, so there won’t be a next time with me, unless I’m starving to death, which isn’t likely.” He laughed.

  “But where do I go, when I get there?” she said, watching him, wanting to get a closer glimpse of his long snake-like tongue.

  Lewis shrugged. “It won’t matter if you spend another second here.”

  Ginny leapt into action. Her pussy was still damp, and her clit was full with such desire, that she knew if she didn’t get to that office building, her life would be over. It was irrational, but what was there to rationally think about? She was confident Lewis hadn’t told Jason about them. She didn’t think Lewis would think it worth telling anyway.

  When she got to the bus stop, she waited a minute and realizing the bus might take forever, she decided she wasn’t going to take any chances, and so she splurged for a cab.

  Chapter Five

  The cab cost her sixty dollars, but it was worth it. As she sat in the cab, she kept adjusting herself, her pussy wet, her clit still throbbing with aftershocks from her encounter with Lewis and the cruel abandonment just seconds before she climaxed, which was forcing her to race downtown to get satisfaction.

  Then she remembered where she was going and why. She didn’t want Lewis’s breath on her pussy. She rooted around in her purse for Kleenex. She found one clean one left. Keeping an eye on the cab driver, making sure his eyes were on the road, she slid down in her seat a little and unbuttoned her jeans and nudged them down an inch or two. With the napkin, she reached under her panties and wiped herself, arousing the soft tremors of yearning.


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