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ROMANCE: The Summer Nanny (A Sweet & Clean Romance Novella) (Women's Adventure in Alaska Romance Book 2)

Page 18

by Renee Hart

  Darryl shifted in his seat, and Chleo brought her attention back to him. His face didn’t show any emotion when he was looking at the woman behind her, and Chleo didn’t want to make assumptions.

  She was just about to speak when the door of the bar opened. Standing in the entrance was none other than Dr. Arjun Vaswani.

  Chapter 5

  This was too much of a coincidence for Chleo to ignore. Dr. Vaswani gave the bar a quick once over, and opened the door to beckon to someone outside to join him. He had come with Wendy. She was grinning from ear to ear when she stepped into the door.

  Wendy’s hair was out and she was in a leather jacket and white flowing skirt. Dr. Vaswani looked so different out of his white coat. He had on a navy blue button up shirt that was rolled up to his elbows and black pants. His hair was tucked behind his ears and he looked more handsome than Chleo could ever imagine. It wasn’t his face that made her want to melt; there was an aura about him that made her completely transfixed.

  Chleo didn’t realize that she had been staring until Wendy turned to face her. It didn’t seem like it was possible, but Wendy’s smile grew wider and she waved in Chleo’s direction.

  “I’m gonna get another drink. Do you want one?” Darryl asked. Chleo was brought back to her table from being in her trance when Dr. Vaswani walked into the bar. Darryl was already standing with his empty glass in his hand. Chleo’s glass was more than halfway full. She could see that Darryl kept looking behind Chleo. He had a bouncy impatience about him, and she could tell that he was probably itching to talk to the beautiful woman that was still over by the bar.

  “No, I’m fine thanks. You can go ahead,” Chleo said. She didn’t want her voice to sound disappointed, but that’s how she felt. It hadn’t even been 15 minutes of talking, and the musician that she had her eyes on was already eyeing someone else. To make things worse, Dr. Vaswani was there, and he had brought his receptionist with him. Chleo didn’t want to think about how stupid she felt for wondering if he had been flirting with her earlier that day. She now knew the answer to that question.

  Darryl gave her a sweet smile and brushed a finger along her chin. She didn’t turn around to watch him head towards the bar. She sighed, picked up her drink and twirled it in her hands so that the ice spun around in it.

  “Hi. I know you. You came to our clinic today.”

  Chleo almost forgot that Wendy had waved to her. She hadn’t acknowledged her in return, and now Wendy was right next to the table with a pleasant smile on her face.

  “Yeah. I brought my cat,” Chleo said.

  “Yes! The teeny tiny Ragamuffin. Very cute,” Wendy nodded like she was the one explaining something to Chleo.

  “I’m here with the boss. He’s over there,” Wendy pointed to a table in the corner that was closer to the stage. Chleo nodded and smiled. She wasn’t sure why Wendy was telling her this. Wendy was a really bright and charming soul. She didn’t look like the type to let anything faze her. She waved down at Chleo and practically skipped over to another corner of the room.

  Chleo took a sip of her drink and looked over at the stage. Dr. Vaswani was looking at her, but he seemed to be nervous. His leg twitched nervously, and his hands were covering his mouth as he rested his elbows on the table. A part of his hair had moved from behind his ears and fell forward into his face.

  Darryl? Darryl who? Chleo couldn’t help but think. Darryl had an interesting look about him, but Dr. Vaswani was gorgeous. He was handsome in a way that exuded charm and maturity. His jaw was chiseled, his nose was prominent, and his eyes were perpetually serious.

  If their eyes met, he would quickly look away and pretend to be enthralled by the chattering musicians up on the stage. Eventually his eyes lingered on Chleo for long enough for her to politely wave at him. He raised a hand and waved back. His smile was casual, but his eyes said otherwise.

  Against her better judgment, Chleo decided to turn around. Darryl was chatting up the gorgeous giraffe with the forever legs; leaning in close to her and laughing when she spoke. It was as if he hadn’t been trying to do the same with Chleo. She didn’t let it get to her. She worked up some courage and downed the rest of her whiskey sour; pausing only to breathe and to give herself an internal pep talk.

  If she was going to make a move then it would have to be now. Chleo had nothing to lose, except maybe a decent vet for her cat, and the remainder of her dignity which was now slowly being replaced by the light sour taste of the drink she was consuming.

  She clunked her empty glass on the table and stood up. Her eyes were on Dr. Vaswani, and she walked with a new found confidence [which had not been overcome by the little bit of alcohol she had in her system, and for that she was grateful] towards his table.

  “Fancy seeing you here,” Chleo said. She smiled in a way that made her dimples stand out, even in the dim light of the jazz club. Dr. Vaswani was almost as still as a statue, except for the nervous vibration of his leg.

  “If we see each other twice in the same day, would you call that fate or coincidence?” he said as he rested his chin in his now clasped hands.

  “That’s awfully deep for a first time conversation,” Chleo replied.

  “Maybe. I guess since I got here, it’s making me wonder if we’ve bumped into each other several times before, but since we officially met this morning that’s why we’re able to pick up on each other,” Dr. Vaswani said.

  “I don’t really believe in fate or coincidence, Dr. Vaswani.”

  “Arjun,” he said. He finally smiled up at her and brushed the bit of hair that was in his face away and back behind his ear.

  “Well, Arjun. I believe that the idea of living is fate in itself, but then everything is just random circumstance,” Chleo deduced.

  “But coincidental circumstance of some sort. Someone in another part of the world is having this conversation with a beautiful dimpled stranger who has just adopted a cat. Not the same life, but we all go into different categories. I wouldn’t say there are 7 billion categories of people, would you?”

  “You must be really fun at parties,” Chleo joked. She actually really liked the way he broke down the ideas of being human and the ways of the universe.

  “Parties aren’t my thing. I much prefer jazz clubs,” he said. He winked up at her and Chleo felt heat rising from her cheeks to around her eyes. He was so unbelievably handsome that every new expression his face produced almost startled her.

  “Was that your boyfriend over there?” Arjun asked when Chleo hadn’t responded yet. He used a nod of his head to sort of point toward the bar.

  “Him? No. I actually came here with my friend. The one in all black with the teal hair. Are you and your receptionist…?” Chleo didn’t finish her question. She wanted Arjun to pick up the pieces.

  “Oh wow. No. Wendy is dating my adopted cousin, and she and I are in a band together. We’ve been here a few times to perform,” Arjun said. Chleo offered a smile of relief. “Would you care to join us?”

  “No thank you. I was actually thinking of heading home early. My neighbor is keeping an eye on my moon-eyed ragamuffin, and I’d just like to unwind. I wish you could order drinks to go at this place.”

  “I think you’re onto something. Plastic cups with a lid and straw. Get a patent,” Arjun smiled.

  Chleo giggled for a moment and nodded with approval.

  “You’re funny,” she said.

  “I know. I get that all the time.”

  “You sure you’re actually funny, or do you just have polite friends?”

  “I sure hope that it’s both. I’ve been telling the same tired jokes for years. I do pity my friends sometimes though.”

  That made Chleo laugh too. It wasn’t the throw-your-head-back and laugh that she was used to when she was around Jessica or Petey. It was the sort of soft laughter that still made your cheeks hurt because the feelings behind it were so genuine. He had a way of being subtle and at the same time being overwhelming.

  Chleo stopp
ed laughing and their eyes locked. Neither one of them looked away for a long time. His eyes danced back and forth between her own, and her eyes slowly moved from one side of his face to the other. She was studying all the angles of his face.

  “It was really nice seeing you Arjun.”

  “It was lovely meeting you again, Chleo.”

  She liked that he remembered her name. She gave him a quick nod and turned to go over to the pool table. She passed by Wendy.

  “Are you coming to sit with us?” Wendy asked in a cheerful bouncy voice.

  “I’m actually gonna head home. I just wanted to let my friend know,” Chleo said. Wendy pouted but nodded to say that she understood.

  “Is that that hot doctor you were telling me about?” were the first words out of Petey’s mouth when Chleo was in ear shot. Chleo moved her head up and down in a slow nod.

  “Ok so this is clearly the universe telling you to make a move,” he said. “The universe is telling me to follow this one home, and that’s what I’m gonna do. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Not at all. I’m going home too. I just wanna be home so that I can rest.”

  “Is Dr. McDreamy going with…?”

  “Not exactly. I got a little nervous and walked away,” Chleo said. She knew that Petey was going to glare at her and she decided to look away.

  “Looks like both you and that bassist struck out tonight huh?” Petey said. He pointed over to the bar. The giraffe was now dancing with a member of the band. They were pressing up against each other. Her arms were around his shoulders, and his were around her waist. Darryl was leaned up against the bar looking foolish. Chleo wasn’t going to lie to herself, seeing him like that did make her feel better.

  “I’ll let you know when I get home, ok?”

  “Yes please. Be safe and see you on Monday,” Petey hugged her.

  Chleo shimmied her way past dancing couples, avoided Darryl’s gaze at the bar, and briefly glanced over at Arjun. He and Wendy were in a deep discussion. When Chleo walked by, Wendy nudged Arjun, and they both looked up at her. She didn’t stop walking. She never thought that being home with a cat would be what she wanted most right now, but it was.

  Chleo stepped out of the bar and was so grateful to be outside and grateful even more for the fact that she was able to see the moon.

  Chapter 6

  It was a nice enough night for Chleo to want to walk before hailing a cab. She’d maybe walk the first three blocks and then take a cab for the other eight. There weren’t that many people out and about on this side of town, and she’d lived there long enough to know that that was both a good and a bad thing.

  Chleo stuffed her hands in her jacket pocket and walked up the road in the direction that had more city lights. That was thankfully the direction she needed to head in, and it was convenient that there were more lights and people in that area too.


  She wasn’t startled by the voice. She knew who it was. She was more curious now than anything else when she turned around. Arjun was standing behind her, a little out of breath.

  “Hello,” was all Chleo could think to say. He held up a finger and bent forward, hands on his knees to catch his breath.

  “Hello,” he said between breaths. “I wanted to ask you something.”

  “Sure,” Chleo said. A side of her mouth perked up.

  “Actually, no. I think I’ll wait,” Arjun said. He stood up normally and ran a hand through his dark not quite wavy hair.

  “Wait what? Why not just ask me now?” Chleo asked.

  “Because I wanted to be sure.”

  Chleo didn’t know what he meant by that, but she didn’t ask.

  “Would you like some company on your way home?”

  “Is that what it was that you wanted to ask me?” Chleo gave him a sly smile. She turned her body from side to side to feign a shy nature.

  “That was one of the things,” Arjun admitted. He moved close enough to her for her to be able to feel the heat of his body even through her clothes. She looked up at him. “I actually drove. So I could take you.”

  “That’s very sweet of you.”

  “I just wanted to make sure that you were ok. Wendy thought it would have been rude of me not to.”

  “Is that all Wendy said?” Chleo asked.

  “Wendy told me to take a chance. I agreed with her,” he said. Chleo noticed that he was becoming nervous again. They walked back towards his car and he put his hands in the pockets of his pants. “When you came to see me today with your cat. I don’t know. I think there’s something magnetic about your energy.”

  “You feel it too?” Chleo said softly. Her voice may have been low, and she wasn’t expecting for him to have been able to hear her, but he actually did. He opened the passenger door of his car and smiled at her as she got in. He closed the door behind her and got into the driver’s side.

  Chleo was mostly quiet as they went home. She wasn’t pensive, and she wasn’t even nervous. There was nothing to fill the silence that needed to be filled. She had met this person not even 24 hours ago, and she was already comfortable enough with him to be able to share a silence with him. This was new. It was pleasant even. She didn’t get the usual butterflies she got when she was around men. That was usually her sign that it was something passionate and real. Around Arjun, things were comfortable, even though they were both just a bit shy around each other.

  “Wait,” the thought had just occurred to Chleo, “how is Wendy getting home?”

  “A friend of ours was a member of the band playing. He offered to give her a lift.”

  Chleo felt reassured and she nuzzled lower into her seat.

  “What is it that you play?”

  “I actually sing and rap a little…”

  “You rap? This I’ve got to hear,” Chleo said. She hadn’t gotten nice and comfy in her seat before she was already perked up with excitement.

  “It’s more spoken word over a beat. A lot of miscellaneous philosophical word salad,” he chuckled. “I play a bit of guitar for the band sometimes, and I’ve been trying to learn bass. Wendy sings back up and plays keyboard.”

  “You’re a man of many talents, I see.”

  “Not sure about that. I just think it would be fun to try everything once.”

  “Really?” Chleo said right as Arjun turned onto her block. “I’m the same way. I used to want to do absolutely everything. I used to love math, science, debate, dancing, and just a bunch of other things.”

  “What changed?”

  “I don’t know. I guess I just grew up and got so involved with my responsibilities. But there are so many things that I’d love to try. This is my building,” Chleo said. She got silent as Arjun pulled to a stop. She was thinking about her life and how much it had changed since college. She didn’t regret anything. She loved her life, her best friend, and being the manager and accountant of her own business. She just wasn’t sure how she let the time pass without doing much dancing, or going to a planetarium, or checking off anything from her bucket list.

  Arjun looked concerned. He shut off his car and the two sat in silence for a while. They were both thinking about their lives.

  “You know that it’s not too late, right?” Arjun broke the silence with his deep voice. He wasn’t sure how to say that he cared about someone that he just met, but there was a spark in Chleo’s eyes when she was around her cat, and when she talked about the things she loved and what mattered to her.

  “I know. I just wouldn’t know where to start,” Chleo said. She bit her lip and looked up at her apartment building.

  “Start anywhere. Anything that makes you happy; anything that challenges you, try it. What would be something major on your list?”

  “I don’t know,” Chleo shrugged. “Probably something stereotypical like jumping out of a plane.”

  Arjun laughed.

  “That sounds great. You’re really brave for wanting to do that,” he turned to face her and flash her a goo
fy grin. She didn’t know why, but hearing those words made her feel a bit better. “And what’s something attainable?”

  “Probably getting back into tap dancing.”

  “Perfect. You’ve found where to start. That’s my challenge for you.”

  “Hold up. Aren’t you my cat’s doctor? You can’t prescribe me things to cure my own ailments,” Chleo said. She barely got the words out before bursting into a fit of giggles. She snorted after she said doctor, and Arjun didn’t hear the rest of her sentence. He was too busy taking in the way that she looked when she laughed. Even under the wide rim of her hat he could see that Chleo was glowing with a kind of joy that he always got when he was making music or spending time with his animal patients. She flung her head back and put a hand on her chest as she giggled.

  “I’m just trying to say that I believe in you. You’ve done a lot already. Why slow down now?”

  Chleo stopped her laughing to look at Arjun. She only heard that he believed in her, and that was enough for her.

  “Would it be too bold of me if I asked you to come up with me?”

  “I’m not sure. Do you think you’re being too bold?” Arjun asked.

  “I think it would only seem bold if you’re expecting something more than good conversation and staring lovingly at my big eyed cat,” Chleo said.

  “So if I expect a cup of coffee then you’re pushing your own limit?”

  “Coffee? I was right in my assumptions…you are a wild one.”

  “A wild one huh? You haven’t seen anything yet,” Arjun said. He flashed her a lopsided smile and stepped out of the car.

  “Is that right?” Chleo muttered to herself, eyeing him through the windshield. “I guess we will see, Dr. Vaswani.”

  Chapter 7

  “You like my cat too much.”

  Chleo stepped into the living room with a tray. There were two mugs of coffee and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich balanced in the center. Chleo put the tray down on an ottoman in front of Arjun who was cradling Luna in his arms. She looked very peaceful now that she had company that she recognized. She was half asleep already.


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