The Keepers: Declan

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The Keepers: Declan Page 18

by Rae Rivers

“No. This is,” he murmured, covering her lips with his in a kiss so powerful that she swayed against him.

  “Declan!” she breathed and smiled.

  For a moment, he simply stared at her, absorbed in that beautiful smile that lit up her face. Her mouth, the soft curve of her full lips, and perfect teeth.


  Inhaling her vanilla scent, he kissed her again and pulled away before his pants either split or he gave in to the urge to toss her across his shoulder.

  The latter being his preferred choice.


  The party was in full swing and Tara had outdone herself. Superheroes filled the massive entertainment room in a whirl of celebrations. The icy cold temperatures had done little to keep anyone at home. The hall closet was bursting at the seams with shed coats, jackets and capes. A live band at the far end of the room had everyone on the dance floor, superheroes jazzing it up with laughter and drinks. The mood was festive, happy, the theme adding a touch of childlike amusement. The room was full of round tables, decorated in dark colours, a contrast to the bright outfits of the guests. Fairy lights, low lighting, and candles illuminated the room in a warm, atmospheric glow.

  Once a fancy ballroom, it was now only used for winery events.

  Declan joined Ethan at their table, tossed his helmet onto his chair, and reached for the drink in his brother’s hand. “Why do I feel like we’re back in high school?”

  “Same crowd, same theme, same celebrations. Not hard to feel nostalgic,” Ethan replied.

  “Trust me, brother, it’s not nostalgia I feel right now.” Declan drained the glass and pushed it into his brother’s hand, ignoring the hitched eyebrows. He searched the room for Kate, who had done a splendid job of blending in. Clearly, years of keeping in the background had made it an easy task for her and she moved effortlessly through the crowd.

  He wanted to tug her onto the dance floor, kiss her senseless. But it would out her to Harper the moment he walked in the door.

  Provided he wasn’t already amongst the crowd. Although many of the guests had shed their masks shortly after arrival, there were still a handful of guests who’d kept them on. Spiderman seemed to be a firm favourite, along with Batman and Superman. He’d even spotted a few Mr and Mrs Incredibles. It was a fun theme, he had to admit, and seeing their friends dressed up, drinking, dancing and laughing was always good. After all, that’s precisely why they worked so hard to maintain the serenity of their town.

  But he couldn’t shake the feeling that the party was about to be crashed and he’d set a sheep loose amongst the wolves. His instincts urged him to drag Kate upstairs.

  Archer joined them, handing out fresh drinks, and scanned the room for Sienna. She was talking to an old school friend. Outwardly, she appeared calm and relaxed, almost amused at their conversation, but Declan knew his witch well enough to know that she was as riddled with tension as they were.

  Ethan stepped between them, slinging an arm over each of their shoulders, and squeezed. “You boys realise you’ve just doubled our worries?”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Declan asked, watching Kate over the rim of his glass.

  Ethan nodded at Kate. “As if one witch wasn’t enough to worry about, we now have two.”

  “Sienna’s our main concern.”

  “Of course.” Ethan grinned. “But it’s not like we’re about to feed Kate to Harper either.”

  “Not if we want him to use her against us.”

  “Cut the crap, brother. For you, this is about more than just the balance.”

  Archer nodded. “You marked her.”

  “You’re not going to let that go, are you?” Declan grunted.

  Archer grinned and raised his glass mid-air. “Seems like we have our hands full, brothers.”

  “If we can handle Sienna, Kate’s a walk in the park,” Declan muttered.

  The arrival of Tara ended their conversation. The blonde bombshell had imitated X-Men’s Storm to perfection and looked incredible. She kissed them each on the cheek, leaving Declan for last, her lips lingering a moment longer than her first two kisses.

  They’d had a lot of fun over the years but he’d always warned her that a relationship was never on the cards.

  “Declan,” she murmured, pulling away. “Your brothers said you were away. Is everything okay?”

  His nod was brief, not caring to elaborate. As her family had been one of the founding members of their town, along with their Bennett, Beckham, and Brogan ancestors, Tara knew of their supernatural existence. Like the few others who knew about them, she understood their role in maintaining the peace and seldom brought it up.

  “I wasn’t expecting to see you tonight,” she said.

  “I just got back. Everything on track for the harvest?”

  She beamed. “With the temperature dropping, I’ll be giving the go-ahead any day now to pick those beautiful babies.”

  He nodded, familiar with the drill. The moment the temperature dipped below a certain degree, it would be all hands on deck and the whole town would come to assist them. It was a joyous occasion, his sister’s favourite time of the year; but also a lot of hard work in freezing temperatures, working throughout the night. Once the grapes were picked, they went to the town’s winery where the winemaking process started, and the town erupted into a massive festival of celebration.

  Tara began talking about the upcoming harvest, her chatter easily tuned out as Declan sought out Kate. He ached to go to her, needing a distraction, needing her.

  More than he’d ever needed another woman.

  The realisation surprised him, made him uneasy, and he frowned at the vagrant thought that Kate might not fit so readily into the category he usually assigned to his women.

  And refused to embrace why.


  Two hours later, the loud music had everyone circling the dance floor in high spirits.

  It was fun to watch and despite the tension that kept Kate on the edge of nausea, she began to relax and enjoy herself. The town folk of Rapid Falls were easy-going, eager to welcome a newbie to the community.

  When Sienna grabbed Kate’s hand, tugging her toward the dance floor with a bright smile and swaying hips, Kate dug in her heels.

  “I thought I shouldn’t be seen with you,” Kate said loudly, dipping her head toward Sienna’s so she could be heard.

  Sienna turned her mouth to Kate’s ear. “There’s no sign of Harper and I think you could use some good old fashioned R&R.” She smiled when she saw Kate’s frown. “Relax, Kate. If Harper shows, we’ll deal with him. In the meantime, let’s have some fun!” Grabbing Kate’s hand, she led her onto the dance floor amongst the crowd.

  Declan and his brothers joined them, their previous unease momentarily dispelled. Kate laughed when Declan grabbed her hand and twirled her around.

  “Look at you, Bennett,” she said with a bright smile. “You’re smiling and dancing. Wow, you actually look happy.”

  Grinning, he twirled her around again before drawing her close. Electricity fired, as it always did when they touched, and he gave her an all-knowing gaze.

  She blushed and broke away with a carefree laugh to join Sienna. Despite her worry, Kate relented, unable to resist the infectious spirit around her. For the next hour, she lost herself in the whirlwind of fun that began to chip away at the lead weight in her belly.

  The tempo of the music slowed, drawing couples together, and Declan was there, taking her hand and tugging her into his arms.

  She went willingly and smiled up at him, the impact of his touch stirring something needful inside.

  His tousled black hair brushed his shoulders. Blue eyes, full of heated mischief, peered into hers for a lingering moment before breaking away.

  It was becoming increasingly hard not to lose herself to him.

  The thought made her uneasy, but she pushed her discomfort aside. For now, dancing with Declan was much more appealing than dealing with that confli

  They danced in silence, swaying to the music, unmistakable heat sizzling between them. It was captivating, exciting, and sent tingles through her.

  As the song continued, Declan tightened his arms around her, holding her in place as they moved to the music.

  His grip was firm, possessive, and had her grinning against him when he slid a hand across her curves.

  “Careful with those hands, Bennett. Keep up with the touchy-feely, you’ll blow my cover and people will know I’m with you.”

  “Are you?”

  “Do I have a choice?”

  “I can’t exactly see you siding with Harper.”


  “Besides, is there anywhere else you’d rather be than here, with me?”

  “I could be washing my hair.”

  “Right. You’d rather be washing your hair than doing this?” He captured her mouth with his, smiling when she sucked in air, caught by his boldness. His lips were soft and sinful, teasing her with promises of more. He pulled away, grinning wildly at her as though he’d just proved a point. And he had. “You were saying?”

  “Stop it, Declan.”

  He kissed her again, his chuckle lost in the heat that reared to life the moment his lips covered hers. It was always like this between them. Hot and overwhelming.

  She grinned at his arousal pressing against her and met his gaze – beautiful blue eyes that flashed with amusement. “Hmm, Iron Man seems happy.”

  “So happy he wants to take you back to bed.”

  “Iron Man and Catwoman. That could be interesting.”

  He squeezed her hand. “Love it, let’s go.”

  “Declan,” she gushed, as heat flooded her cheeks.

  Laughing, he released her, keeping her hand in his, and led her to the bar to join his brothers and Sienna.

  The barman, Jonathan Malloy, greeted them with a cheerful wave. He’d opted for a Superman suit that looked a little worse for wear after a night serving drinks behind the bar, but his smile was friendly, his personality larger than the beer belly he sported.

  Kate watched the brothers exchange celebratory slaps on their backs and hand out drinks. Their boisterous male laughter, teasing quips, and brotherly bond were mesmerising. And Sienna fit right in.

  It was something Kate had never had. She’d been the outcast, isolated from both her worlds. Growing up, she’d been an only child, indifferent to what life with a sibling was like. Now, watching the brothers, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of longing.

  Dozens of warnings her mother had given her over the years replayed in her mind, mingling with a sense of guilt. Kate was falling for the very world she’d been taught to avoid.

  She sipped her wine as a prickle ran down her spine. She tensed and scanned the room over the rim of her glass.

  Nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

  An older woman approached, the prickle increasing with every step she took.

  “Lora!” Sienna said with an excited hitch to her tone. “Join us for a glass of wine.”

  Her white hair cupped her face, accentuating high cheek bones and a beautiful smile that brightened when she saw Sienna. She’d opted against a superhero outfit and wore black slacks and a soft pink cardigan. “I’m assuming Catwoman is yours?” she asked, glancing at Kate.

  “She’s staying with us for a while,” Sienna replied.

  “I’m Lora,” she said, holding out a hand.

  Kate swiped her curls out of her eyes and reached out. “Ah, I have you to thank for the fabulous goody bag.”

  “You have everything you need?”

  “I do. Thank you so much, and thank you for the phone.” She’d already used it to call Hazel, soothing her friend’s fears. “I’m Kate,” she said, closing her hand around the woman’s.

  The jolt of electricity was immediate and had them reeling back. Lora gasped, staring at Kate with wide eyes.

  Kate shifted uncomfortably in her seat. “What just happened?”

  Sienna’s gaze flickered between them and her hands flew up to cover an unhinged jaw. “Oh my God!”

  Alarm prickled through Kate. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” Lora interrupted, silencing Sienna with a glare. She turned to Kate, her expression softening. “I’m sorry, this cardigan always seems to generate static. I should’ve tossed it out years ago, but it’s a favourite.”

  Kate relaxed, disarmed by her warm smile, but she couldn’t shake the sense of unease. Sienna shifted beside them, clearing her throat.

  “Lora was a close friend of Rose’s,” she explained.

  “And she’s the one who taught me to play the guitar,” Declan added, coming up behind Lora. He slid an arm around Lora’s shoulders and kissed her cheek.

  “You’ve heard him play?” Lora asked Kate.

  Images of their heated kisses on the train came to mind and Kate was mortified when she blushed. “Yes, it’s beautiful.”

  Lora tapped a finger against Declan’s chest. “Nice to know our lessons paid off.”

  “Kate sings,” he said, not bothering to hide the teasing grin.

  Kate’s blush deepened and she sipped her wine, ignoring his chuckle.

  Lora’s eyebrows lifted. “You do?”

  “And I play the piano. My mother taught me.” It was one of the fond memories Kate always welcomed in an effort to drown out the marred ones.

  Lora’s lips drew together into a thin line and she took a large sip of wine before handing it back to Sienna. They exchanged quiet glances before Lora turned back to her with a shaky smile. “Excuse me, but I need the ladies’ room.”

  Kate watched her walk away, unable to dismiss the odd sensation that Lora was upset. She looked at Sienna, surprised to find them all staring at her. “Did I say something wrong?”

  Sienna shook her head. “Losing Rose has been hard for Lora.” She offered Kate a small smile and took a seat beside Archer, effectively ending the discussion.

  Kate didn’t press and swore she saw a flash of relief in Sienna’s eyes. Hundreds of questions sprung to mind but she dismissed them, deciding she’d ask Declan about Lora later when they were alone.

  If they were alone.

  The thought of spending another night with him did crazy things to her insides and she reeled in the grin before it broke free.

  Oh, brother.

  Archer drew Sienna into his arms and kissed her cheek. He looked smitten with his witch, and Kate couldn’t tear her eyes away from them.

  “It wasn’t always that easy for them,” Ethan said, pulling up a chair beside Kate, his gaze on the couple. He had an ease about him that was different to his brothers; a quiet confidence that she found attractive. Reassuring.

  “Because of The Circle?”

  “Those old bats mean business with their rules.”

  “Yet Sienna and Archer found a way to be together.”

  “They have Rose to thank for that,” Ethan said, his brows creasing.

  “He loves her.”

  “That he does.” His frown deepened and he tilted his glass to hers. “Lots of history in this town, Miss Kate.”

  She liked that. The town had roots, generations of heart and soul. A place where friendships were built and maintained.

  Ethan toyed with his leather necklace as he sipped his drink. He was the only brother who wore any jewellery other than their Keeper rings.

  The flash of a silver pendant caught her attention. Curious, she reached out, but his hand snapped around her wrist so fast that she gasped.

  “I’m sorry,” she said, withdrawing, caught off-guard by the harshness to his touch. “I was just curious.”

  Releasing her wrist, he fisted the pendant, his eyes flashing with a dark emotion she hadn’t expected of him.

  Tucking the pendant into his shirt, he reached for his drink, his expression softening as he offered a smile that held more of an apology than humour. The darkness was gone, quickly replaced with the easy charm she’d grown accustomed

  She looked away, hating that she’d touched a nerve. She considered asking him about it but Tara arrived with swinging hips and cat calls, rattling a bottle of champagne. She sidled up to Declan, draping her arm around him. Declan’s smile was easy, and he didn’t pull away, but his gaze shifted to Kate’s.

  An old flame?

  Jealousy curled her insides, surprising her with its fierceness, and she was quick to stamp it down.

  Jonathan arrived with a tray of glasses. Placing them on the counter, he slapped Declan on the back. “Declan, my man. I’ve missed our daily whiskeys. Glad you’re back.”

  “Yeah, me too, buddy,” Declan replied with a brief nod but caught the glass Jonathan slid across the counter.

  “You shot out of here like a bat out of hell last week. Did you find what you were looking for?” Jonathan asked, pouring champagne.

  Declan’s gaze locked with Kate’s. “Damn right.”

  “And he’s back in time for the harvest,” Tara said, handing out the champagne. “According to the weather forecast, it’s soon. Everyone ready for some fun?”

  There was a roar of cheers and a clashing of glasses as everyone toasted the harvest. Clearly, it was a huge event for them; not surprising considering their home-brewed wine kept the town thriving.

  Tara unwrapped herself from Declan and shook the empty champagne bottle. With a laugh, she handed it to Jonathan. “I think we need more of this,” she said, and sauntered off behind the bar.

  Jonathan adjusted his Superman cape and motioned toward the crowd with the empty bottle in his hand. “Clearly that lot missed the memo for tonight’s dress code.”

  They all turned to see what Jonathan was gesturing at. Everything inside Kate snapped to attention at the sight of the three people wandering through the crowd.

  All dressed in black capes with wide hoods, their eyes outlined in thick black circles.

  And from the sudden tension that seeped through the Keepers, she wasn’t the only one who felt the impact of their presence.

  Jonathan laughed, the cheerful sound piercing the silence. “They look like Grim Reapers.”

  “Yeah,” Archer said, slamming his glass down and straightening, “they do.”


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