The Keepers: Declan

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The Keepers: Declan Page 19

by Rae Rivers

“Gotta love their sense of humour,” Jonathan retorted and moved off to serve the other guests.

  “Their humour needs some adjusting,” Ethan grumbled, clenching his fists.

  “I’m in,” Declan replied through gritted teeth, quietly sidling closer to Kate. His fingers closed around her upper arm, his touch firm, protective.

  “What’s it with these damn warlocks and their deathly faces?” Sienna snapped, her tone firing with disgust.

  “Alliance to Mason.”

  The three caped guests combed the crowd, who were indifferent to their presence, thanks to the alcohol and the festive mood. As for the hooded strangers, they were invincible and nothing could mar their fun.

  For Declan and his brothers, the uninvited guests spelled serious trouble, threatening everything they had vowed to defend.

  Harper’s men turned to face them, a blur between the living and dead. They grinned as one, issuing a silent challenge.

  Declan’s grip tightened. The flames of all the candles in the room flared brighter, provoking a few excited murmurs from the guests.

  “Easy, brother,” Ethan cautioned, slapping a hand on Declan’s shoulder. “Room full of innocents, remember?

  “All the more reason to get them out of here,” Declan replied.

  “And we will, but we have to be smart.”

  “They came here. To our house.”

  “Probably just a ploy to remind us who they fight for. And to point out our limitations in a crowd like this.”

  Declan growled, but didn’t argue. “We need to lure them outside.”

  “I doubt they’d respond to a friendly request.”

  Declan shot his brother a smirk. “Who said anything about being friendly?”


  “Declan,” Archer said, reaching for Declan’s arm. “Ethan and I will go. You stay with Sienna and Kate.”


  “You’re wired and we can’t leave the witches unprotected.”

  “I wasn’t planning to.”

  Kate ignored Archer’s quiet reply and scoped the room for Harper, her instincts prickling. His minions were here, which meant he would be too. Anger flared, triggering the resentment she’d harboured for years. There was only one reason they were here and she was it.

  A black cloaked figure at the far end of the bar caught her attention and for a moment, she simply stared, struck by the way he sat watching her. Casual, unperturbed, quietly waiting to be noticed. The hoodie shadowed his face.

  A face she’d seen before.

  The demon stared back at her, teeth bared, eyebrows creased into a vicious frown, black eyes burning into hers.

  She fixed him with a steely glare, refusing to flinch at the immobile expression that stared back. It sent her entire body into a frenzy of warning. Everything clenched in objection.

  Kate pulled away from Declan, ignoring the snap of her name, and marched around the bar. “Looking for me?” she demanded, almost breathless from the whirl of protective energy inside.

  A low chuckle grated on her nerves. He lowered the hoodie and revealed his true face, his lips hitched into a grin.


  She inhaled quietly, reaching for the calm over the storm that brewed inside.

  “Crashing a party on the Bennett estate. I’m not sure if that’s bold or incredibly stupid,” Kate said, pleased that her voice sounded casual.

  Harper’s face cracked a cocky smile and he waved a hand across the room. “I grew up here. These are my people too.”

  “And yet you wouldn’t think twice about hurting them.”

  He gave a dismissive shrug. “Some are … collateral damage.”

  “Which is why your name wasn’t on the guest list,” Declan said through gritted teeth, coming up behind Kate.

  She could feel his presence behind her, even though he hadn’t touched her.

  Harper flicked him a casual glance. “I never thought to check. My bad.”

  “You should leave, Harper,” Declan said, his tone icy with warning.

  “The only way I’ll leave here quietly is if the girl comes with me.”

  “Right,” Kate replied, “as if that’ll ever happen.”

  His smile faded but he didn’t reply. Instead, the two large chandeliers in the centre of the room began to rattle. Slowly at first, enough to attract a few concerned glances, but soon a trickle of alarm rippled through the crowd.

  Everyone cleared the floor beneath each chandelier. The music faltered briefly but the band was quick to recommence.

  “Threatening to expose us so that you get your way?” Declan hitched a brow. “This is getting rather old, Harper.”

  “Maybe, but it works every time.” He chuckled, mocking the tension. Pushing back his chair, he stood. “I’ll make you a deal.”

  “We don’t make deals with the devil.”

  “My, you’re extra broody tonight, Bennett. And here I thought that was Archer’s thing.”

  “Yeah, that happens when you attack one of our own and return to our town. Did you lot learn nothing from Warrick?”

  Despite Harper’s calm facade, his expression shifted. “Perhaps it’s you who failed to learn anything from that unfortunate ordeal.” Harper took a step closer to Declan, challenge oozing from his rigid stance. “We’re not going away and we’re not backing down.”

  A smile broke the tension on Declan’s face, but it lacked enthusiasm and was tainted with a challenge of its own. “Pity we have the one thing you want.”

  Harper’s gaze flickered between them before finally settling on Declan. “And you have no idea why, do you?”

  Declan closed the gap between them, so close that their noses were almost touching. “The only way you will ever have Kate’s powers is if you kill her, and there’s no way in hell we’ll let that happen.”

  “You’re forgetting one thing, Bennett.”

  Declan’s glare didn’t falter and he remained quiet, refusing to bite.

  But Harper told him anyway. “You can’t watch her forever.”

  Kate choked back a roar of anger and pushed between the men, slamming a hand on either chest. Rock hard muscles met each palm, along with the rapid heartbeat of each man.

  Testosterone soared, adrenaline had reached its peak, and everything inside Kate warned her to separate them.

  “Let’s take this outside,” she ordered, surprising herself with the strength she’d mustered in pushing them apart. She felt the churning of energy deep inside. She took in a deep breath, hoping to calm the fierceness, grateful for the energy spike she’d experienced since her arrival in Rapid Falls.

  Harper drained his drink and slammed the glass on the counter. “Happy to.”

  The chandeliers grew still as though someone had flicked a switch. There was a ripple of excitement through the guests but the gaps in the dance floor soon closed as they resumed their fun.

  Harper turned to Kate and offered his hand. “Follow me?”

  Declan stepped in front of Kate, shielding her body with his. Anger radiated off him, despite his cool pose.

  The action triggered a wide grin from Harper and he nodded to Archer and Ethan. “Call your brothers. We might as well have one big, happy reunion.”

  “‘Happy’ is not a word that’s in your vocabulary, Harper. Let’s get this over with.”

  “Happiness is for ordinary people.” Without looking back, he headed for the back entrance. In perfect unison, his warriors flocked around him as they piled out of the back door and onto the lawn.

  It was cold outside. A thick blanket of snow covered the grounds and trees. To the side of the house was the indoor heated swimming pool. The patio doors that faced the garden were open for tonight’s occasion. Hundreds of candles burned around the pool area, along with six barrels of fire scattered along the pathway, creating the warm ambience Tara had hoped for.

  Except there was nothing warm about the huddle of warriors in the middle of the garden. They stood waiting, poised for bat
tle, a barrier of determination and simmering anger.

  But it didn’t stop Sienna. “Let’s get them out of here,” she said, marching down the stairs, glaring at them as though they were vermin in need of extermination.

  The three Keepers immediately followed directly behind her, but came to an abrupt halt as they slammed against a powerful force on the top step.

  An eruption of curses sliced through the stunned silence.

  “Sienna!” Archer yelled. “Sienna, get back here!”

  Sienna reeled around, her eyes widening in surprise to see them all paused at the top of the stairs.

  Archer beat his fists against the invisible barrier that held them captive. “It’s a trap! We can’t get out!”

  Sienna shifted her gaze to the ground in front of them. “Oh, no,” she said, her words coming out in a breathy gasp.

  “What’s wrong?” Kate asked, alarm stinging every one of her senses. She bolted past them, gasping when she too collided with the invisible wall. “What’s happening?”

  Declan knelt, brushing aside the snow covered stairs. He touched a finger to his lips and stood, pointing to a white trail that ran along the length of the patio. “Salt. The bastards have used salt.” He charged forward, roaring when he hit the invisible barrier. “Sienna! Get back here, dammit!”

  Sienna bolted for the stairs, gasping when she hit another magical wall. A sudden silence cut through the night and Kate knew instinctively that something horrible had happened.

  Sienna stood still, at the bottom the stairs, staring at the second trail of salt that separated her from her Keepers.

  Archer went mad.

  “Sienna!” he yelled, pounding the invisible wall that separated them. He shoved with his shoulder, cursing, shouting her name, and pinned a deathly glare at the grinning warlocks. “You touch her and I’ll fucking kill you, Harper!”

  Harper laughed, the sound gravelly in the darkness.


  Ethan and Declan parted, frantically combing the porch in search of escape, cursing when there was none.

  “It’s no use,” Harper called in a casual tone, looking like a kid in a candy store. He motioned to the salt that ran in a neat line around the house. “Don’t bother trying to find another exit. The entire house is surrounded with salt.” He walked closer, his eyes flashing with crazed amusement and zoning in on Kate. “A spell designed to trap a Keeper. Witches are so nifty to have as allies, don’t you think?”


  The tension that hung in the air was thick, fuelled by heat and anger; an explosive cocktail that threatened to suck the life force out of Kate.

  Being separated from Sienna had unleashed a viciousness in the brothers she’d never witnessed before. The three warriors were charged with adrenaline, seething with rage, their expressions desperate as they tried to break free.

  And she felt them. All of them. Deep inside in places she usually kept guarded. She drew in a calming breath, unease igniting in her chest that had nothing to do with being trapped.

  No, the swirl of energy inside left her breathless, on the edge of losing the delicate control she’d always had over her magic.

  “Sienna,” Archer murmured, a shaking anger to his voice. “Our powers are bound too.”

  She nodded, seemingly unsurprised. “I can handle them, Archer.”

  His shoulders heaved, his expression twisted with the fear of losing the one thing he lived for. Sienna. “Not with everyone inside the house. You can’t use your magic.”

  “I may have no choice.”

  “It’s too risky.”

  “It might be our only option to get us out of this mess.”

  “It’ll expose us to everyone inside.”

  “Nothing a little magic can’t rectify. I’ve done it before.”

  “Rarely and never so many at once.”

  Their agreement with the handful of people who knew of their existence was simple. No obvious display of magic and no one was to be hurt. It was something their generations of family members had fought hard to maintain – the ability to live peacefully amongst the ordinary humans.

  “Dammit, Sienna,” Archer choked. “I didn’t see this coming.”

  “No one did, Archer.”

  “These bastards knew we’d take the fight outside,” Declan said through clenched teeth, looking at Sienna. “Tell me there’s a witchy workaround?”

  Sienna glanced at Megan. The witch stood beside Harper, cloaked in black, sporting her trademark black eyeliner and a smug smile as she eyed her handiwork. “Only the witch who cast the spell is able to break it.”

  “And let me guess,” Declan said, his tone edged with irritation, “there’s no loophole in that process?”

  “No, but I think I can draw them away from here.”

  “Sienna, don’t you dare,” Archer said in an undertone so cold that Kate felt the chill wash over her.

  “They won’t harm me. They need me alive.”

  “They’re unpredictable and we’re not even sure what they want.”

  Harper and his warriors moved in, surrounding Sienna. Despite the heavy tension, neither of the brothers moved. Harper stepped forward, grinning like he’d just nabbed himself a prize. “Not quite the witch we’d hoped for,” he said, glancing at Kate, “but we’ll work with it.”

  “I will never unbind the spell I cast on Mason, Harper. Surely you already know that?” Sienna said.

  “Who said anything about breaking spells?” Harper sent a brief nod in Rick’s direction.

  The older man turned to the barrels and began to murmur, the repetitive chanting drowned in a heavy accent.

  The flames reared to life, sparks flying everywhere, but were quick to disappear, giving way to smoke. It overflowed from the barrels and onto the ground, creeping forth like something out of a horror movie.

  Sienna held out her arms on either side of her body, staring at Harper with a quiet determination. In a single rapid movement, she slammed her hands together.

  Gusts of wind came blasting around both sides of the house, colliding with the smoke and scattering it.

  More smoke followed, this time with vigour, and Rick stepped forward, his face contorted in dark concentration.

  The ground began to rumble, a furious tremor that hinted at a witch’s rage.

  “Sienna!” Archer called, his warning ignored.

  Thick smoke billowed out of the barrels with more intensity and speed and despite more gusts of wind from Sienna, it kept coming.

  Harper had her right where he wanted her. A powerful witch, separated from the Keepers that protect her, disarmed because of her promise to maintain their secret. Her magic was stronger than theirs but with the entire town inside the house, a defensive display of magic would cause havoc.

  And they knew it.

  The smoke covered the grounds, rose up in a thick mist of confusion. The acrid smell hung in the air like a suffocating threat, enveloping Sienna. Through the haze, they heard her coughing and watched as Harper’s men circled the trapped witch.

  Archer cursed loudly and punched the cement pillar beside him. “They’re going to take her. The bastards are closing in and she’s defenceless without her magic! Sienna!” he yelled, his voice a rumble of fury through the chaos. He pounded mid air, cursing as he watched the smoke engulf her. He fixed Harper with a steely glare. “If you hurt her there will be nowhere on this earth you can hide.”

  Harper grinned, not unfamiliar with the threat. “I’m happy to make a trade.” He looked at Kate, offering a brief nod in her direction. “One witch for another.”

  “You want to trade Sienna for Kate?”

  “Give us the woman and you can have your precious witch back.”

  “We both know this won’t end well for Kate.”

  “Refuse the offer and it won’t end well for Sienna.”

  Kate stepped forward, placing herself in front of the muscled barricade of brothers. “I’ll go.”

Declan grabbed her arm.

  “Declan, I brought him here. They’re not after Sienna. They’re after me. I’ll go.”

  Declan stared at her as though she’d sprouted a second head. “Oh, hell no, Catwoman.”

  “Declan,” Archer said in a low voice, “it’s Sienna.”

  Clearly, Archer had pulled the trump card. Declan froze. The two brothers glowered at each other in silence, thick tension bristling between them.

  Declan’s gaze shifted between Kate and Sienna, his conscience in a conflict of his own. Shoving Archer away, he released a roar of frustration.

  Kate glanced at Sienna, lost within the thick smoke. It stung her eyes, took her breath away, even from the distance she stood. Her heart raced at an uncontrollable speed and energy slammed against her chest, threatening to explode.

  And then it hit her, like a gasp of fresh air through the thickness of the smoke. Their way out.


  The spell the witch had cast was designed to trap a Keeper’s powers, but a witch’s?

  Megan stood at the edge of the smoke screen, watching the chaos with satisfaction. Fury wiped away the last of Kate’s restraint and she sought out the woman in a way few people could ever understand. The connection was instantaneous, Kate’s emotions fuelling the strength of her powers, and she reached for the magic that would disarm Harper’s witch.

  Megan’s snatched warning filtered through the smoke, panic lacing her words.

  Immobilising Megan was easier than she’d anticipated, surprising her, and she felt the snap of the binding spell as though someone had physically destroyed it.

  “Go,” Kate ordered the brothers, not breaking her hold on Megan who had dropped to her knees. “Go! The spell’s broken!”

  They tore down the stairs through the haze of smoke.

  The ground began to rumble, the fires roared to life, and the water in the pool began to bubble. Chaos erupted as each side tried to stake their claim on Sienna, tension soaring between the two rival groups.

  And Kate felt every one of them.

  Energy belonging to the men and women nearby blasted through her, threatening to consume her in waves she’d only ever experienced in small quantities. It was so powerful, so foreign, and it took her breath away.


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