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The Keepers: Declan

Page 23

by Rae Rivers

  Despite every effort to keep her away, Kate had fallen for the very people her mother had warned her against. For the first time in years, she had a place to go and was surrounded by people who cared.

  Duty be damned.

  She had a grandmother. Ancestral history. Roots. A family.

  Kate moved around Declan, wedged herself between his open knees, and captured his face with her palms. Her heartbeat raced, matching the ragged rhythm of his.

  “You shouldn’t be seeing me like this,” he grumbled.

  “Ssh, it’s okay, Declan. Everything’s okay. You were dreaming.”

  Again. Another nightmare that wrought havoc with his conscience.

  He fell silent as his breathing grew level, all the while fixing his gaze on hers.

  “I killed her,” he finally whispered.

  “Warrick killed her.”

  “My guard was down.” He grabbed her hands, holding on tightly. “She died protecting me. I don’t know how to let that go.”

  “This guilt is going to kill you, Declan,” she murmured, moving closer.

  “I don’t know how to move on. Every time I do, guilt is there to nip my ass.” With a low groan, his arms encircled her waist, crushing her against him, and he buried his face into her neck.

  She cradled his head, stroking his damp hair. “It’s okay, Declan. You’re okay.” Her entire body ached for him and she wanted to wash away every ounce of pain he carried.

  He lifted his head just an inch, so that his face was close to hers. “Kate … ”

  Her name came out as a low growl that melted her insides.

  “You have to let her go,” she whispered, pressing her lips against his chin. “She’d hate this.” More kisses, gentle movements across his jaw, his cheek, his eyes.

  When she touched her lips to his, he closed his eyes. With a strangled grunt, his hands gripped her hips. A surge of desire shot through her and she kissed him.

  His growl rumbled against her body and she drew back, suddenly unsure. But his grip tightened on her waist, making it impossible for her to break away, and he lifted his head to pin her with a heated gaze.

  For a brief moment, she couldn’t breathe, caught by his masculine beauty. He emanated a power and intensity that rivalled any other man she’d ever known.

  With an urgency that enthralled her, he moved in, and captured her mouth with his.

  Heat fired, as it always did when he touched her. The air shifted and the universe shrank, excluding everything but them.

  She ran her hands across his chest, revelling in the ripple of muscles she found. He deepened the kiss, his mouth plundering hers with delicious torment. She relaxed into him, caught by the sensual urgency that spurred them on like wild fire.

  His hands were all over her, touching with an exquisite roughness.

  “I want you,” he murmured in a low, compelling voice that sent a shiver through her.

  “Now.” She could barely form the words and brought his mouth back to hers.

  That one word spurred him into action with a force and speed that had her head reeling.

  In a tangle of limbs and clothing, without parting, they scrambled to the bed with a mutual urgency.

  He ripped at the T-shirt she wore, brushed aside the torn material and cupped a breast. His grunt of pleasure sent her libido roaring and she pulled at the cotton pants he wore.

  His mouth covered hers. He kicked off his pants, pulled off hers, but lost patience with her underwear. The skimpy material tore with one swift tug and he pushed aside the lacy folds to touch her between the legs.

  “Oh, God, Declan,” she groaned, opening her legs wider to give him the access he wanted.

  There was no finesse, no steady pace. Only raw, hot hunger.

  She ran her hands along his body, needing a taste of her own. Realising she was about to lose herself in this man again – this time on a level she’d never experienced before – she fought for grounding. A final chance to resist everything he – his world – offered. She reminded herself who he was, what he was. And getting involved with him would go against everything she fought for. A life free from the supernatural world.

  He drew back, staring down at her. Muscular, hard, ready.

  Oh, God.

  A shiver ripped through her when he covered her body with his, capturing her mouth in a demanding kiss that snatched her breath. A knee nudged hers and she shifted to grant him the entry he sought, succumbing to him in a way that wasn’t only physical.

  And suddenly, it wasn’t fear that ruled, but excitement and eagerness for everything she’d found with him.

  His growl was deep, low, his kisses and touch so possessive and so damn sexy that she went instantly wet all over again.

  She arched her back as he pushed inside of her, moaning as he took possession of her body. Her heart. She closed her eyes and he covered her hand with his, lacing their fingers, the simple action reaching her somewhere deep inside.

  “I want to see your eyes when you come for me. Open them,” he murmured against her lips, the roughness of his voice sending a wave of excitement through her.

  She did, haunted by the heat she saw in his. Hot and needy, clouded with desire. His gaze bore into her as his body and hands captured the rest of her body. There’d be no holding back, no retreating, only raw, exhausting sex. It was exhilarating and she gave herself over to the man who would demand everything from her.

  He began to move, delicious thrusts that sent her spiralling into another world. She met him, thrust for thrust, clawing her hands across his back. Too soon, she felt the waves of her release start to build. Her eyes locked on his, she cried out, clinging to him as she came with a fierceness that left her rattled.

  Triumph in his eyes, he responded with one last thrust, his own release joining hers. “Mine,” he said with a low growl against her ear and together, they soared in the endless waves of pleasure until they were left panting, spent, clinging to each other, caught by the urgency and intensity of what they’d just done.

  Declan still held her captive – his body, gaze, and hands. He was in her, all over her.

  He took her breath away.

  She saw the moment it changed for him. He blinked and scowled at her, as though a haze had lifted. His expression changed, his jaw hardened, and his eyes flashed with anger. She sensed his panic and felt him withdraw, even though he’d barely budged. He dipped his head, his temple against hers, as they both struggled for air.

  And then he was pulling away with the same urgency as he’d taken her. He tugged on his pants, avoiding her gaze.

  “Declan?” She hated the way her voice sounded so feeble in the thick silence that had suddenly wedged itself between them.

  With a low curse, he slammed a fist against the wall.

  “Declan, don’t do this.”

  “I need a drink,” he grunted, turned around, and bolted.

  Kate blew out air. An unwelcome tremble took over and she closed her eyes.

  His sudden withdrawal stung – more now than ever. Anger welled inside, lessening the bruise, swelling into rage. Her eyes flew open with renewed determination.

  “Oh, hell no,” she snapped. Shoving aside the tangle of sheets, she launched off the bed, pulled on his robe, and followed him.

  If she was manning up, then so was he.


  Declan headed straight for the whiskey he’d left on the kitchen counter, desperate to numb the fire that burned inside – a fire that had nothing to do with the guilt that was ruining his life.

  No, this was all down to the dark-haired beauty he’d just made his. Again. Hard, hot, and heavy.

  Without any protection. Shit.

  His chest tightened, his gut turned, and he slugged at the whiskey. A flare of panic went off, triggering a fresh wave of anger. No fucking protection? Even during his two year sorrow party floating on the fumes of whiskey, he’d never, ever, had sex without his armour before. Sex had always been a suite
d-up, mindless process for him. Even with Kate – at least on the protection front. The mindless side of it was something he had never accomplished with her. Damn her.

  “Tell me again why I’m here. Tell me that I’m your duty.”

  He whirled around, bottle of whiskey freezing mid-air, and stared at Kate. She looked riled, ready for war. Wild eyes, messy hair and swollen lips. God.

  She shut the door behind her, not taking her eyes off him. “Is that all I am to you? A weapon against your enemies and a cushion to soften your rage?” Anger fired in dark brown eyes, and she closed the gap between them.

  “Kate, you need to go.” He couldn’t be trusted right now, not with the intensity of emotions that ripped through him. Everything felt amplified, his heart pounded furiously against his chest, and the realisation that his entire world had been rocked spiralled him into a blind panic.

  That, combined with self-loathing and rage, was a lethal combination brewing inside.

  “Look at me and tell me I’m just a duty to you,” she challenged.

  “You can’t be here right now.”

  He looked away, but his words snapped something inside her, destroying the thin barrier that had been holding everything together. Lunging forward, she grabbed his arm, forcing him to face her.

  “You can’t do this, Declan! You can’t simply whirlwind over me, in me, through me, and then barge out again as if it meant nothing.”

  “Kate –”

  “Something happened between us back there,” she said, pointing to the direction of his room, “and I’ll be damned if you shrug it off. You’re not the only one fighting this!” The words were said between choppy gasps of air, wrought with emotion. “For so long, I’ve had no one and I swore I’d never let anyone in, never care again, but then you show up to remind me of everything I’ve been longing for.”

  “Kate, stop it … ” His voice was a low growl, unyielding in his determination to keep her at bay.

  “You made me feel again, damn you!” She waved a hand across the room. “All of you, and I’m so angry. You should’ve left me alone!”

  He ran a frustrated hand across his jaw, blowing out air. “I have nothing to offer you, Kate.”

  “All I want from you is honesty.”

  Anger bolted to his gut and he yanked her closer. “You think that what happened up there wasn’t honest? It’s the most honest I’ve been with anyone, dammit!” And he loathed the fact that she’d witnessed it. He never shared – not with Sienna or his brothers – but Kate had crawled under his skin, despite every precaution he’d taken against it.

  “Then why did you run?”

  Silence prickled.

  “Tell me that what just happened meant nothing,” she said, shoving his chest. “I get you have your walls. I have mine too, but thanks to your charm, hero hairdo, and your annoying determination to protect me, you found a way in.”

  “Kate, don’t do this,” he murmured. He closed his eyes, the muscles in his jaw clenching, panic flaring.

  “You did this, Declan. By tracking me down and bringing me here. I told you I wanted nothing to do with you, with any of this, but you wouldn’t let it go. Now I’m falling for everything I’d hoped to avoid and I’m terrified I’m alone in this.” Her breathing was hitched, her entire body trembling. “If I’m wrong and everything that’s happened between us means nothing to you, then you need to man the hell up and tell me!”

  They stared at each other in silence, the moment heated, real, and powerful in a way they’d never experienced before.

  “You don’t get it, do you?” he said through gritted teeth, keeping his grip on her arms. Flames reared to life in a furious blaze of orange in the fireplace behind him. Simultaneously, the candles flared. “Sarah’s death killed everything inside and I refuse to care about anyone that much again. I have my brothers and Sienna and that’s all there’s room for.”

  Her eyes clouded with hurt and he ached to take back the words, to ease the pain he knew he’d caused. She sucked in air, fury creasing her eyebrows into a tight frown.

  “Then why the hell did you mark me?” she snapped, pounding his chest, shoving him away. “Why make me yours if you had no intention of doing just that?”

  The air gushed out of him, the impact of her words more brutal than the physical blow itself. He snapped his fingers around her wrist, yanking her back. She tried to pull away but he tightened his grip and forced her to face him.

  “Sienna told you?” God, he was going to kill his witch. Keeper’s promise be damned.

  “You’re a coward, Declan,” she breathed, barely able to form the words. “I know you feel something. We both felt something back in New Orleans three months ago. Marking me proved that.”

  He didn’t deny it. Couldn’t. Despite the towers he’d erected around himself after his sister’s death, Kate had been the first one to chip away a piece of the wall. He’d felt it, damn right, felt her. Back in New Orleans, and every time he’d touched her since.


  A prickly silence filled the space between them.

  “Unless I’m wrong,” she whispered. “Unless I’ve got this all wrong and all I am to you is a pawn, a duty, in this stupid war.” Her eyes widened, her jaw unhinging. “That’s why you marked me! Oh, my God.” She reeled back, glaring at him as though he’d just scalded her. “To stake your claim in my magic. This had nothing to do with me, did it? Oh, God, I’m such a fool!” Both fists met his chest with a forceful blow. He reached for her but she wrenched free and marched to the door, not looking back.

  And everything inside him clenched at the idea of this beautiful woman walking out of his life.

  “Is that what you think?” he murmured, his words breaking her stride.

  She didn’t turn around, stood frozen, her hand on the door handle. He closed the gap between them and turned her to face him. A chill tore through him when he felt the wetness on his fingers. Tears.

  He swiped at them but all that did was bring on more, the tenderness of his actions opening the floodgates. He pulled her into his arms, holding her so tightly, terrified that if he let her go, she’d walk away. Finally, he drew back to cradle her cheeks in his hands. “Look at me.”

  She closed her eyes, shaking her head, but he nudged her chin upward with his thumbs. “Look at me, Kate.”

  She did, her eyes filled with tears.

  “That’s not true,” he whispered, hating that he’d inadvertently told her so. “You’re not a pawn or a duty. God, Kate, you’re everything but that.”

  Hope fired in her eyes and for a moment, she stopped breathing.

  “And you’re not alone in this.” He touched his mouth against hers, felt the tremble beneath his lips. A single tear ran down her cheek and he swiped it away with his thumb. “I feel you. In every way. It’s not your magic I want. It’s you. That’s why I marked you.”


  The next day

  Rapid Falls

  Declan stared out of his bedroom window, embracing the silence that came with dawn. The sun was rising in the distance, highlighting the snowy grounds in a golden glow. The sky was clear, an aqua blue, and a striking contrast to the white snow.

  He glanced at the sleeping woman in his bed. Still naked. She lay asleep on her stomach, one arm on either side of her head, hidden by the thick down duvet and a mass of dark hair that surrounded her pillow.

  A vision of loveliness.

  One he’d touched, tasted and explored. Everywhere.

  He’d been ruthless and possessive. Demanding. Over and over. She hadn’t held back, had been just as hungry, her eagerness feeding his desire.


  In quick succession, he grew hard; memories triggering an instant longing.

  Considering the incredible sex they’d shared after confession time, he should’ve had his fill of her but according to the bulge between his legs, he hadn’t.

  He was already moving toward her, shoving his jeans over his hips,
despite the voice that urged him to leave her to sleep. She’d need the rest.

  And he needed her.

  Devouring her with his gaze, he tugged at the sheet until her smooth back was exposed and started stroking her skin, trailing his hand across her body. When his mouth followed the same trail, and stopped to nuzzle her neck, she stirred and lifted her head.

  “You’re still here,” she muttered into her pillow, surprise lacing her words, despite her playful tone.

  “Of course.” This time, he hadn’t been able to peel himself away. “Sleepy?” he whispered with a grin as he slipped a hand beneath her.

  She gasped and raised her head off the pillow. “Apparently sleep doesn’t feature when you’re around.” She was smiling and he leaned forward to kiss her neck.

  “Not when I have a beautiful woman ensnared in my bed.”

  “At least feed me first, Declan. I need some reserves.”

  “Can’t wait that long.” He nipped her, smiling with satisfaction when she let out a soft squeal of delight.

  “Neither can I,” she groaned, apparently convinced.

  He chuckled, running a hand along her slender frame. “I didn’t think you’d complain.”

  She tried to turn around but he put his free hand on her back, holding her still. Without uttering a word, he slipped behind her, hot with need. His gentle kisses started at her ankles and slowly worked their way up to her neck.

  He nibbled, licked and touched her until she was writhing beneath him. She made him crazy, overrode his senses and had ignited an exotic fire of desire within him that only she could douse.

  He slipped a finger inside of her and gave her a wicked grin when she buried her face in the pillow, clenching the sheets in her fists.

  “Oh, my,” she sighed. “How do your women keep up with you?”

  “I’m very persuasive.”

  “You’re very good.”

  “Only good?”

  “I think you’ll do.”

  “It appears you need some more convincing.” He found her core and offered leisurely strokes that drew a lengthy gasp. A few more kisses and strokes and she was breathless beneath him. “Convinced yet?”


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