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Reaper's Rival: Satan's Sons MC Romance Series Book 2

Page 9

by Simone Elise

  “You don’t know why I’m upset? You’ve basically disappeared! And now you suddenly reappear, but it is only to go out with this scum! I thought you had a boyfriend!”

  “That would be me, Kim.” Daniels smirked.

  I whacked Reaper on the arm. “Are you hearing this shit? Do something!” Abby was his. He should drag her away from him. Hell, I would do the dragging, he can do the beating up Daniels part.

  Reaper looked up at me. “Not my problem anymore.” He threw back the shot and put it out for me to refill it.

  “Well, if you have washed your hands of her, we haven’t. DAD! DAD!” I roared at the top of my lungs. I kept yelling till he burst out of his office doors.

  “What the hell, Kim?” He looked as furious as I felt.

  “Abby is dating Daniels. Blake’s right hand. Have you got an opinion on this?” Was I the only one seeing how insane this was? They attempted to kill Abby and now shit, she was back with them. For what? Someone had to stop it.

  Dad looked from Abby to Daniels and sighed.

  “Have a good night, Abby,” he said, deflated.

  My mouth dropped open. You could not be serious right now! Abby nodded her head and went to Daniels. They were going to leave when I ran down the bar and stood firm in the doorway.

  “You’ve already made this mistake once, Abby. Don’t make it again.” I was pleading with her to see reason. The man she loves is drowning himself in liquor and she is off running around with a gang member! “Whatever he has on you. This isn’t worth it.”

  “He doesn’t have anything on me.” She frowned and looked at me as if I was the crazy one. “Daniels is a good guy. Him and I, well…”She looked at him.

  “Go well together?” He finished her sentence, and it made me sick. I didn’t hide my disgust on my face.

  “You don’t be with someone because ‘you go well together.’ You be with someone because you fucking love them and not being with them breaks your heart and makes you do all crazy things.”

  Where was my sister that loved to draw? Where was my sister that loved the romance novels? Hell, WHERE WAS MY SISTER ALTOGETHER?

  “Kim, you are going to give yourself a headache. Daniels and I are together. Expect to see more of him. Now we have to go, we have a dinner date.” Abby waved for me to move, but that wasn’t happening.

  “What’s Blake got on you?” Screw the twins’ secret promise. I knew what those red flowers meant. It was a warning. And now all of a sudden, a month later she ends up with his right hand. Yeah, that is real believable.

  “Move, Kim,” she said firmer, the friendliness in her voice gone. “Now.”

  Daniels looped an arm around her, pulling her to his side. “You know Kim, I never picked you as the jealous type.” He leaned in closer to me. “Then again, I never pictured you at all.”

  “Well, clearly you can picture yourself with my twin!” I yelled in his face, and then I looked at Abby. “I know you are being forced to be with him, but I can help you get out of this. We got out together once. We can do it again.”

  “Kim, just stay the fuck out of my life. I AM WITH DANIELS. And nothing you or Dad say will stop it.” Abby tilted her head to the side. I knew she was about to say something awful. “You should focus more on your boyfriend and the way he fucks anything that walks and less on mine. Because unlike yours, my boyfriend is faithful. So move. Now.”

  A tear slid down my cheek. She really hit home. Did she do that on purpose? To make sure I realized I was in a terrible relationship? Hell, it wasn’t even a relationship. Trigger didn’t love me. I stepped out of her way. She smiled when I did. But I wasn’t finished. I grabbed her arm as she walked past me.

  “You are a cold bitch, Abby, and that coldness and bitterness you keep inside you will be bathing your baby. I pity that child of yours because it has a mother like you.”

  She looked me squarely in the eye. “Just stay the fuck out of my life, Kim. I really don’t care what you think.” Just like that, she turned and walked off under Daniels’ arm.

  I didn’t know it was possible, but Abby had changed. That wasn’t my sister. That wasn’t anything like her. I wiped the tears off my cheeks. That might look like my sister, but she was gone. I looked up, seeing Reaper looking at me with pity.

  If she had said that to me, what the hell had she said to him to make him like this? He looked like he knew what it was like to be on the receiving end of Abby. How had a month turned my sister into a completely different person?

  One month and that was it; she had changed into…was there a word for that?


  “So who is this?” I asked looking down at the man I had just killed in his leather computer chair while Daniels deleted the footage of us entering.

  “Someone on the board. You know we are knocking these guys off quickly.” Daniels played on the computer, doing his magic, and I looked around the study. So many books.

  “Is that your way of saying I can finish early?” I asked

  He smirked. “What was with earlier? Why were you so mean to Kim? I still don’t understand why you want to lie and say we are together. You could just tell the truth.”

  “Kim can read me. She knows my reactions better than I do. If I don’t push her away, she will find out why I am faking a relationship with you. Then Dad will find out and because he will think it is his problem, he will go to prison for it and end up dead. So it’s best if you and I play the game and everyone wins.”

  “You are forgetting one part,” Daniels looked up over the computer screen at me.

  “That being?”

  “When we are finished, you won’t have any friends or family. Who is going to look after you then?” Was he implying for me to join the gang again or was he just trying to scare me?

  “I don’t need anyone.” It was the truth. I had got myself into this. I could get myself out and when I did, if I didn’t have any family members still talking to me or friends, well, I’d handle that then.

  I knew me being with Daniels was telling Dad I had turned on the club. Hell, that was the impression I gave Reaper. I had made everyone think that I would rather sleep with their enemy. I still don’t know how Dad was letting it happen.

  But for once, he listened to me. Believed me when I said I liked Daniels. And I was thankful for that because lying was one thing, but getting away with it was another, and I was soon realizing just how hard it was to get away with the lies you create.


  It was late. But I wasn’t late enough. I could hear the roar of the music and the laughter, so I knew I was in for a club party.

  I walked through the club doors and made a beeline for the stairs. But I wasn’t quick enough because I caught a glimpse of Reaper with Andy. He had picked her out of the lot. He mightn’t think I knew about them, but I did.

  I had walked past them one morning passed out on the couch. And now, she sat on his lap whispering something in his ear, and he was smiling. It made my stomach crawl and itch and fuck it, it made my heart burst.

  Just get out Abby, before it hurts you more.

  I was walking past their table when Brad suddenly got up.

  Please don’t talk to me.

  “Hey Abby.”

  I wanted to groan. Why did my luck suck so badly? “Hey Brad.” Just focus on Brad. Not on the way Reaper’s hand was running up and down Andy’s bare leg.

  “Haven’t seen you around.” Brad lit up a cigarette.

  “Yeah, I’ve been busy.” Busy making headlines. My first kill made the front page of the paper and my second kill also made the papers and news headlines. Now my third kill was sure to make the headlines as well. “How are you?” I asked. I ripped my eyes off Reaper and his losing hand of cards while his other hand greedily touched Andy. It was as if he liked her more than a member liked a club girl.

  Would it be possible to die from a broken heart? Would it kill me when she leaves to be with him? Couldn’t he have waited and picked someone from a new c
harter? Not someone I knew!

  “I’m good. More worried about you.” He nudged me. “What’s been going on with you?”

  “Nothing.” Everything. I had lost the man I loved. I had pushed away my sister. I had convinced my dad I would rather spend time with his enemy. And I had completely lost myself.

  I knew Reaper could hear every word, so I made sure to keep a bored tone in my voice.

  “Well, want to come and get a motor with me tomorrow? It will be fun. You and me on the road again.”

  A day with Brad. That wouldn’t be that awful. “Um, I would say yes, but...”

  “Come on, Abby, you can’t turn me down.” He gave me a charming smile. “Just us. It will be fun.”

  “Ok fine.” I sighed. “What time?”

  “Head out at nine.” Brad kissed my cheek. “See you in the morning. Try and get some sleep. You look exhausted.”

  “Thanks.” I grumbled and left them to their gambling and drinking. I didn’t even look back at Reaper.


  I went with Brad to get the motor, and he was right when he said it would feel like old times. It felt like I had a friend again. Just for one day, my troubles were gone. We had just gotten back in time for me to have an ultrasound.

  Not that I told anyone I was having one.

  I was slipping the picture that I got from the ultrasound under Reaper’s door. I didn’t know if he wanted to see them or not, but after every ultrasound, I put a picture under his door.

  Hell, it could be a waste of time. Knowing how he used to keep his room, the pictures would be lost in all the rubbish.

  I walked into the bar and saw Brad drinking. He was by himself and considering he had just given me a great day, I wanted to spend more time with him.

  “This seat taken?” I asked.

  He grinned. “I didn’t expect to see you again.”

  “I am about to head out.” I sat down on the stool and reached over the bar, grabbing some apple juice.

  “I guessed that by the way you are dressed.”

  I was in a formal dress, heels, and leather jacket, which was hiding my holster and guns.

  “So do you have any more out of town trips to do?”

  “Why, can’t get enough of me?” He smirked and handed me a glass. “Here I was thinking you only wanted to spend time with your boyfriend.”

  “Yeah well, he does take up a lot of my time, but I’ll always have time for you.”

  Brad looked over my shoulder. “Hey Reaper, Kim. We got that motor,” Brad said to them.

  “What, Abby actually went somewhere that wasn’t with her boyfriend?” Kim scoffed and walked around us to sit next to Brad.

  All Kim and I did was fight. And when I wasn’t fighting with her, I was fighting with Dad. It was exhausting, but I had to keep them at distance.

  “Abby actually helped lift,” Brad said to Kim.

  “She did fucking what!” Reaper roared.

  “Calm down, Reaper. She is fine,” Brad snapped at him. “Like I would let Abby hurt herself.”

  Reaper was busy glaring at me. We hadn’t really spoken since we broke up. I made sure to stay out of his way. In fact, I didn’t spend any time here. I was either with Daniels or going somewhere with Daniels. Even when I did have spare time, I made sure I wasn’t here. Reaper asked me to stay away from him, so I was.

  Anyway, he had moved on to Andy.

  I wish she was on the hit list.

  “Hey, did you see that hit-man took another one out last night?” Brad said, turning to look at the television. “Still can’t find out who it is though.”

  “You would think by the way he is carrying on, someone would know who it is,” Kim said before swiping Brad’s beer. “Dad said it’s professional.”

  Professional? I was far from one.

  I kept my mouth clamped shut. The last thing I needed was for Kim to read my expression and pick up on something.


  I looked up. Daniels.

  “Great, the scum is here,” Kim muttered. “Where do you two always disappear to?”

  “Dinner.” I got up and accidently brushed past Reaper. His hand gripped my arm.

  “Why the hell are you loaded?” His words sliced at me. He must have felt one of my guns. “I thought you were going out for dinner?”

  If he only knew what dinner meant when it came to Daniels and I. His hand was burning my skin through the leather jacket. I opened my mouth to try and explain, but Daniels quickly pulled me out of Reaper’s grasp.

  “I like my girls loaded.” He tucked me under his arm, looking Reaper in the eye. “Anyway, Abby wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  “She’s pregnant!” Reaper shouted. And I flinched. If only he knew what I was really doing. Then he would be shouting at me for not just carrying a gun, but for using it.

  “Trust me, I know, buddy.” Daniels pulled me in tighter and while I wanted to push away, everyone was watching. “I found out firsthand that what they say about pregnant women is true. You know what I’m talking about. When it comes to the bedroom.”

  Ok, that crossed a line. I slapped Daniels’ chest. “You didn’t seriously just say that!”

  He laughed. “Come on, babe. Let’s go. I’ve got you a date with Thai.”

  I knew he wasn’t talking about the food, so I rolled my eyes.

  “So Abby, I’m going out of town again tomorrow, if you want to join?” Brad piped up, looking like he wanted nothing more than to keep me from away from Daniels. They were all looking at me like that. Even the other members. Like I had betrayed them and all they wanted was me back.

  Another day with Brad wouldn’t hurt, would it?

  “She can’t. I need her,” Daniels spoke for me, which I turned to glare up at him for.

  “I can speak for myself.”

  “Well, I was going to tell you at dinner, but if you want to me say what I need you doing in front of this bunch, I will. I’ll give you a hint. You said you would handle it for me.”

  What was he talking about? I just frowned.

  “We’ll talk at dinner.” He settled it. “But the answer to your question, biker, is Abby is going to busy for the next few months, so she won’t have time to hang out with you lot.”

  “Wait, did you manage to get me an appointment with Hunter?” I was finally connecting the dots. Hunter was their new gun connection. I was organizing it for Daniels. Their old supplier got caught and they couldn’t exactly do business with Satan’s Sons, so I had arranged with them to meet with Hunter. But I hadn’t heard anything back.

  “Yep, he wants to deal with you directly. Something about me not being trustworthy.” Daniels rolled his eyes.

  “Maybe that’s because you always end up in a shooting match with them?”

  “Don’t know.” He shrugged. “But he said he would deal with you.”

  I turned to Brad with a sad smile. “Sorry, he is right, I will be busy for a while.” I wanted nothing more than to spend a day with Brad and forget about everything, but that wasn’t going to happen as long as I had this debt over my head. “I’ll see you when I see you.”

  I caught Reaper’s facial expression. I saw the aggression, the anger, but what was clearer was the pain.

  Maybe he hadn’t fully moved on from me yet?

  I didn’t want to hurt him, and him thinking I was standing here with my boyfriend, who I wanted over him, would be doing just that.

  “Let’s go.” I tugged on Daniels’ arm. “You promised me Thai.” Even though we were talking about killing another mark, I would like everyone to think we were talking about the food.

  “Always willing.” He shook his head.

  “Do all you two do is eat? You go out on dates nearly every night,” Kim said with disgust. She wasn’t disgusted by what Daniels looked like. He was overly handsome. She was disgusted with me for being with a man like him

  “Well Kim, you know a man needs his energy to keep up with this one.” Daniels was implyin
g something that wasn’t happening. Why did he feel the need to imply to people that we were having sex? I was going to get him back for these sly comments about me being horny. “Plus Abby doesn’t eat, so she is cheap to take out.”

  He was right, I didn’t eat. I hadn’t been eating for months. When I did, it was only when I realized I hadn’t eaten for over a day and my stomach would growl. What I was doing, well, it explained my lack of appetite.

  Kim was giving me a hard look. Like she knew something was wrong with me. I better quickly make her concerned expression into one of hurt.

  “I don’t know why you even answered her. It’s best just to ignore her. That’s what I do. Now let’s go. Oh, and did you bring the Mustang?”

  “Yes.” He narrowed his eyes at me. I reached into his pocket, taking the keys.

  “Good, cause I’m driving.”

  He groaned. “But you never do the speed limit.”

  “Says you who doesn’t even have a valid driver’s license!”

  We turned and left them. I had seen the look on Kim’s face when I shot her down. I had also seen the disgust roll across Reaper’s face as I pretended like Daniels and I were a couple.

  “By the way, I am getting you back for that comment about me having sex with you,” I whispered as soon as we were out of earshot of the rest of them.

  He laughed. “It was worth it. I was just saying it to get under Reaper’s skin.”

  “Why would you think he would care?” I had never mentioned once that Reaper and I had been together. Daniels didn’t know who the baby’s father was, and I had done that on purpose.

  “The way he looks at you when you are with me. That man wants you badly.”

  “Well, that’s not going to happen.” Ever again.

  I still didn’t know why Reaper was around. Why hadn’t he left for his charter? I wasn’t exactly in a position to ask anyone, so I didn’t know the answer and knew I would never get one. I guess one day he will just be gone and I had to accept that.


  Payback is a bitch. But boy, did I love serving it. I had had the meeting with Hunter earlier in the week. I now had all the merch. They just needed to be tested and I had found the perfect target.

  I got out of my car. It was dark, so I didn’t stand out having an AK in hand.


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