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Reaper's Rival: Satan's Sons MC Romance Series Book 2

Page 29

by Simone Elise

  “So they aren’t good people?”

  “No. Just feel lucky you’re with a club that has standards and a president that will fight for you.”

  “Yeah, Reaper won’t let anything happen to me.” In that one thing, I was sure. So I knew staying here was the best option. He wouldn’t worry about me, and I’d be looked after by family.

  “I won’t let anything happen to you either.” Dad’s voice was soft and gentle. “Now how about you get some sleep?”

  I yawned. “Yeah, that’s a good idea. I better go find Reaper.”

  “Remember, darling. He is the Reaper for a reason. Before you, he was cold and could kill a man without a second look. You’ve changed him. But deep down, he still is that man who can do that.”

  I nodded my head; I knew that.

  “Night Dad.”

  “Night Abby.”


  Yawning, I rolled over in bed and straight into the rock known as Reaper.

  “Morning, babe.” I felt his knuckles run down my cheek.

  I opened my eyes, and bang, there he was. My tattooed monster.


  “You didn’t come to bed till late.”

  “I was up thinking.”

  He sighed and sat up. “You’re ashamed of what I did, aren’t you?”

  I moved over and dropped my head in his lap. He immediately ran his fingers through my hair.

  “No, I’m not. I know you only did it because you had to.”

  He grunted. “I fucked up.”

  I lifted my head and put a hand out and stroked his face. “You’re a President; sometimes you get your hands dirty.”

  “Now because of it, it’s going to split us up.” I saw the regret flash across his eyes. “And you will hate me.”

  “I don’t hate you.”

  “No, but you will. When you have to go to the doctor by yourself, when you sleep every night by yourself, when you see Kim with Trigger and you wish you had that. You’re growing a baby, Abby, our baby, and I won’t be around for that.”

  “You’ll be back before all that. I know you.” I sat up and curled into his side, and his arm fell around me.

  “I’m going to have to kill again.”

  I went stiff, and he felt it.

  “Abby, it bothers you, doesn’t it?”

  I closed my eyes. “I really don’t want to talk about it.”

  “Guess you realized who you really are engaged to.”

  “Talking about that.”

  I twisted and looked up at him. “I want to get married.”

  “Yeah, and we will.”

  “No before you leave and leave me by myself.”

  He arched his eyebrows. “After everything you have been told, you want to bring the wedding closer?”


  His expression was blank as he thought about it. Then a smirk spread across his face.

  “Guess that means you will be Mrs. Wilson sooner than later.”

  “I want you to be forced to come back. After all, you can’t turn your back on your wife.”

  “I’ll always come back to you, Abby,” and he placed his hand on my stomach “and you, little one.”

  I put my hand over his. “I love you, Reaper.”

  “I’m pretty sure I love you more, Abby.” He kissed my forehead.

  He just didn’t know how much I loved him. He kept me breathing. I knew right then I was going to miss him like hell when he was gone.

  Chapter 42


  “I don’t want to talk about it.” I was stubborn to the point I was now determined. I wasn’t answering any of Kim’s questions.

  “So you’re completely fine with the fact Reaper’s going on a manhunt.”

  “I said I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “Yet here we are talking about it.”

  “No, you’re talking about it, and I’m trying to eat breakfast.”

  “Morning, girls,” Blue walked into the room and sat down at the table; he had a newspaper in hand, and like always, I felt a natural warmth toward Blue. He was like the grandparent I never had.

  “Morning, Blue,” Kim and I both said at the same time.

  “So what has you two up early?” Blue sipped from his beer. He never really cared about the whole don’t drink before twelve thing.

  “Reaper woke me up.”

  “Trigger left early.”

  “You women are ruled by men. What did I always tell you?” He pointed a butter knife at us.

  “Never let a man rule our lives,” Kim and I repeated while rolling our eyes.

  “And what are you doing?” Blue’s voice hardened. “You both ended up with a terrible match.”

  “Trigger isn’t that bad,” Kim defended her choice. “And plus he is really good looking.”

  I rolled my eyes at that. “Besides, Reaper is good to me. He doesn’t rule me.”

  “Fucking oath he does. Look at the suicide mission he is going on.”

  “Wait, you know about that!” I put my breakfast down. How could Blue know about that? I thought it was something only my dad knew about.

  “Who do you think your father comes to when he doesn’t know what to do?” Blue shook his head and picked up his beer. “If you ask me, a war has been coming for years. All Reaper has done is start it. I would have killed the woman too if I heard what Jacobs was going to do to you.”

  “To me? You mean he already knows I exist? That Reaper has a fiancée?” I was getting more answers out of Blue than I was Reaper. I should have known Reaper was only telling me half the story.

  “Of course he knows you exist. It was Jax and Amber that tipped Reaper off that Jacobs was threatening you.”

  “Amber Shields and Jackson Johnston?” My mouth fell open. “They haven’t talked to us in years.”

  “Who do you think is helping Reaper on this manhunt?”

  “Jax is helping him?”

  “Jax and your old man are going with him. Jacobs is a son of a bitch but is well-protected. It isn’t going to be easy to kill him, and once they do, it will be war.”

  “So this won’t be settled with just one bullet?”

  “Girl, what do you think happens when a man like Jacobs is killed? Imagine what would happen if your old man or Reaper got shot up?”

  My eyes slowly widened, and it hit me hard and fast. “There would be a bloody war. All charters would get into it, and they would fight till we had the upper hand again.”

  Blue’s eyebrows shot up. “See girl; it isn’t that easy. You don’t just kill a President and walk away.”

  “Reaper shouldn’t be doing this by himself. Dad and Jax won’t do much against a charter.”

  “You’re forgetting one thing.”

  “Whats that?”

  “Reaper is The Reaper. He is feared for a reason, and if I knew that he was after me, I’d be making a will because he never fails.”

  My heart was pumping faster. Maybe I didn’t fully understand what Reaper was getting himself into. Here I thought one bullet would settle it, but it seemed like one bullet would start it. My palms were sweaty. I needed to talk to him.



  “In here, Abby.”

  I walked the length of the hall and pushed open the door of Dad’s office. Dad was sitting in his chair, smoking and looking worried. Reaper was standing wearing a tank top. His tattooed arm reached out for me and he pulled me into his side.

  “Was just telling your old man that we are getting married.” Reaper was super calm and kissed my forehead. “You told Kim yet?”

  I knew as soon as I mentioned it to Kim, the wedding would be the only thing she would think about.

  “No, I haven’t.” I wanted to keep the wedding small. Like this charter and Reaper’s charter only. Knowing my dad, he would want every charter here, and Kim would want to invite every person I’ve ever met.

  “Bit quick if you ask me.” Dad looked at me as if he c
ould stare right through me and see the worry I was feeling. “You ok, darling?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” I lied. “Can we keep this wedding small?”

  Reaper cracked a smirk. “What, don’t want every charter here babe?”

  “No, I don’t, and I’m not wearing white either.”

  “But I want to see you in white.”

  I scoffed. “Not happening.”

  “Well, we might have a few guests from the southern charter.”

  “You mean Jax and Amber?” I arched my eyebrows and looked between them both. They both seemed unsettled, that much I knew. “Yeah, Blue filled in the blanks for me.”

  I swiped Reaper’s arm off my waist and took a step back. “Just when were you two planning on telling me that this means war? The last thing I want to see either of you two killed over some threats.”

  I wasn’t a scared little girl like they make me out to be. I could hold a gun, and I could pull the trigger. In fact, I had.

  “Abby, this is club business.” Reaper finally spat out.

  “Well, you know what, Reaper, you can take your club business shit and shove it up your ass. Because I’m not standing by and watching the father of my baby or their grandfather be killed.”

  “Abby,” Dad said my name as a warning.

  “Don’t Abby me!” I was furious. “This is complete bullshit. You mean to be telling me that killing this Jacobs fellow will not only cause a war but keep us apart?” I was directing this fully at Reaper. “You won’t want me anywhere near your charter if you’re at war. I’m not stupid. It’s not like we will be apart for a couple of weeks, months, it will be YEARS!”

  “It won’t be that long.” He was talking calmly back to me, but his eyes were on fire. “Abby, I already explained this to you, it’s happening now, accept it and deal with it.”

  I didn’t get an opinion. I wasn’t a part of the brotherhood. I wasn’t a voting member. So my opinion meant nothing, and that was how they were treating it.

  Tears swelled up in my eyes. “When are you two going to see, this club, this stupid brotherhood, is going to rip us apart.”

  With that said, I spun on my heels and stormed out. They didn’t want to hear my opinion. Fine. I’ll give it to someone that would hear it.

  Chapter 43


  Amber Shields or Amber Johnston now. I remember that she and Jax had gotten married a couple of years back. But I wasn’t sure if she took his name. She was tall, slim, and dressed in black. The silver from her gun poked out of the back of her jeans, and the high heels she walked so perfect on would break another girl's neck.

  She had something about her. It said ‘mess with me and expect a bullet.’ She was feared even by some bikers. Maybe it was her bitchy attitude or the fact she was married to the King that scared people off.


  She whipped around, her eyes slowly widening. “Abby, right?”

  She could tell Kim and me apart; that was a first.

  “Yeah, it is.”

  She was following Jax, but she stopped to talk to me. I was hoping I could have a word with her before she disappeared into my father’s office.

  “Let me take a stab in the dark; it’s about Reaper?” Her voice was calm and direct. She seemed to know about Reaper and I. I doubted Jax kept her in the dark. I was sure even her brothers told her stuff.

  “Yeah, it is.” I felt like I was repeating myself. “He has this idea in his head that I need to stay here while he goes on a manhunt. But by doing that, he is going to cause a war which will just end up keeping us apart.” I crossed my arms.

  She gave me a weak smile. “Abby, the boys do things their way. Sometimes it just doesn’t work out in our favor.”

  “Would you be apart from Jax for months or years?”

  “That’s different, we have a kid together. He has responsibilities to his family as well as the club.”

  “I’m pregnant.”


  “And him riding out isn’t helping anything.”

  “What do you want me to do?”

  “I want you to vote against it.”

  She laughed, “I’m not a member. I don’t get a vote.” She looked at me like I was clearly insane. “Anyway, it is you they are protecting. You should be grateful that they are going to such lengths to keep you safe.”

  “Your opinion matters. Mine doesn’t. Reaper isn’t just doing this for me; he is doing it because it is what is expected of him and I’m telling you, I can look after myself.”

  Her laughter dried up, and her eyes narrowed. “When you get kidnapped or shot, do you honestly expect the club to not fight back? You might not be a member, but you are under their protection. So if I was you, Abby, I wouldn’t fight it.”

  “Here I thought you might agree with me.”

  “I do agree with you.” She sighed and put a hand on my shoulder. “This life isn’t easy and sometimes, even if you don’t want to, you get stuck in the middle. Reaper is the Reaper for a reason, and I have faith in him. You should too.”

  “Amber, you coming?” Jax held my father’s office door open for her.

  “Yep. See you soon, Abby.” Her freshly manicured nails left my shoulder, and she took a few long strides till she was back with Jax.

  So did I let them go to war over me or did I just hand myself over? I put my hand on my stomach. Sadly, it wasn’t just my life anymore. I didn’t have a choice. I was going to have to let Reaper handle this and just hope he comes out the other side alive.


  “Kim?” I banged on her door. “Kim.”


  “For Christ’s sake, what do you want?” She opened the door, half dressed, and I caught a glimpse of Trigger in her bed.

  “I’m getting married.”

  Her eyes widened. “What, you and Reaper?”



  “ASAP. So I sort of need you to help me with the details. I want it done before he rides out.”

  “But he is going in a couple of days.” Kim frowned. “It would be a quick wedding.”

  “I just need the piece of paper signed.” I didn’t care about the dress or the party. I just wanted the piece of paper that linked me with him forever.

  Excitement burst across her face. “This is going to be one wedding people won’t forget. I’ll just get dressed. Meet you in the lounge in ten?”

  “Yeah, if you are finished with Trigger, that is.”

  She smirked at me. “For now I am. A wedding is much more fun to plan.”

  I rolled my eyes and walked off. So I was going to be Mrs. Wilson.

  Chapter 44


  Ok, I never was a Barbie girl. In fact, I use to burn them and have them melted on sticks and chase people with them. So if someone said what was your dream wedding, I would just stare blankly at them. Because I never thought about my wedding. I never dreamed about it. I never planned it. And most of all, I never expected it to happen.

  So as I sat with Kim at the huge dining table, I just stared blankly at her.

  “Come on, Abby, there must be something you want?” Kim tapped the pen on the table.

  “Can we just, I don’t know, make it like a club party?” I pulled my sleeves down and played with the ends. It bothered me that Amber and Jax and Reaper and Dad were all still in the office.

  “You want a club party? For your wedding?” She didn’t hide her disgust.

  “Kim. I just want the piece of paper. So use the same sources for the food and drinks. Hire the same security. Just also hire someone to wed us.”

  “I don’t believe this.” She grumbled but started to write things down. “How many charters are coming?”

  “Reaper’s and Dad’s.”

  “Dad won’t like that. You also have the King here and Amber. You should at least invite their charter.”

  “I don’t want more bikers staring at me.” I crossed my arms.

“What does Reaper want?” She arched an eyebrow at me with a knowing smile.

  Reaper wanted as many people as possible to know I was his. So yes, he would want every charter here.

  “It’s up to the bride,” I challenged her.

  “When are you going to learn that in this type of life, it is always up to the man?”

  She was right. But when it came to this, I was taking control because Reaper had enough on his mind and didn’t need to fill his head with wedding details. Which was completely useless.

  Dad’s office door swung open, and Reaper came out laughing with Jax.

  I was tapping my fingers on the table, just waiting till he noticed I was here. Which only took a minute.

  I smiled at him and gave a small wave.

  He nodded back but seemed to be in a conversation with Jax.

  “Ok well, do you want to go shopping?” Kim snapped me back to the conversation we were having.

  “Yeah well, maybe tomorrow? And the wedding on Friday.”

  “That’s two days away,” Kim stuttered.

  “Yep, like I said, nice and quick.” I got up.

  “Abby, that’s like super quick.” Kim followed me.

  “Whole point, Kim,” I threw over my shoulder while I walked to Reaper.

  Reaper grabbed me as soon as I was in reach, and I curled under his arm.

  “So Abby, isn’t it?” Jax spoke to me.

  “Yeah, it is.”

  “Could never tell you and Kim apart. But guessing this man can.” He whacked Reaper, and to my honest surprise, Reaper just grinned.

  As if he was the luckiest guy on earth type of grin.

  “So I hear you’re getting married?” Jax directed at me.

  “Yeah, Friday. You guys are welcome to come.”

  Reaper let go of me and put a hand on my chin and tilted my head up.

  “Friday, is it?” His eyebrows arched.

  “I thought the quicker the better.”

  His lips cracked back into a grin and he nodded his head. “Sounds good to me. Who are you inviting?”

  “Well, I thought you would want everyone.” I rolled my eyes. “But I was thinking our charter and Dad’s, and then our southern visitors, if you guys are hanging around?” I looked at Amber and Jax.


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