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Reaper's Rival: Satan's Sons MC Romance Series Book 2

Page 35

by Simone Elise


  It was after three in the morning and Tyson had kept me up since around eight. He wouldn’t settle. I was pacing the room with him, and he was still crying.

  Reaper had gone home to sleep. He left at tea time when our son was sound asleep.

  I didn’t know what to do.

  It seemed my son had done his sleeping for the day and now it was awake time.

  “Ok, Tyson. What do you want?” I went to the little kitchen area in the room and made up a bottle.

  Maybe he was hungry again?

  As soon as I made the bottle, I headed back to the bed. Sitting down, I gave Tyson his bottle, and for the first time in hours, he stopped crying. Maybe I should have tried the bottle earlier?

  This whole being a mother thing was confusing.

  I lay back on the bed and after he had finished the bottle, he was more happy and quiet but still awake.

  “How about I tell you a story?” I surrounded myself with pillows on the bed and laid him on my chest. His little breath was tickling my neck. I told Tyson the story of how Kade and I met. Just talking about it brought back a lot of memories.

  How he had stopped Trigger from attacking me.

  I talked and yawned and talked some more till the sun came up. We did two more bottles and a nappy change as well.

  It was just after seven in the morning when my door opened. I was sitting on the couch with Tyson on my lap.

  “How was your night?”


  “A sleepless one.” I smiled at Kade. I had caught a look at myself in the mirror, and I looked like a wreck. My hair was everywhere, my eyes were puffy, and I had circles under my eyes. It had only been a couple of days, and I was already looking like a tired mom.

  “We didn’t sleep, did we, Tyson?” I looked down at my lap. “How was your night?”

  He looked guilty. “I should have stayed.”

  “You weren’t to know. Anyway, no point of us both being tired.”

  “You can come home today, right?”

  “Yep, and I’m ready to leave now.”

  He laughed and walked over to me. “Don’t think they’ll discharge you at seven in the morning. Anyway, you have some visitors.”

  As if on cue, the door opened up, and Kim walked in with Trigger.

  “How is my beautiful nephew?”

  “Ready for Aunty cuddles.” I handed him over.

  Brad walked in, followed by Dad. The room was soon filled with laughter and conversation. I tried my best not to fall asleep on the couch. Then when it looked like Tyson would be ok in the arms of his family, I decided I was going to have a shower.

  It might wake me up.

  They had taken the IV out last night so I didn’t have to drag along a fluid bag.

  “I’ll help you.” Reaper grabbed my suitcase. Everyone else took over the room and were fussing over Tyson. Even Trigger was grinning at him.

  Reaper closed the door to the en-suite.

  “You look exhausted.” He gripped the hem of my tee shirt and pulled it off.

  “Guess I should get used to it.” I yawned. I pulled my pants off with my undies.

  Reaper turned on the hot water and got the temperature right, then I stepped into it. It was warm and refreshing. I could fall asleep under this. I closed my eyes and then accidentally lost my footing and nearly fall over. Reaper grabbed my hips and steadied me under the water.

  I wrapped my arms around his neck and let the water run down my back.

  “Thank you.”

  He must be getting wet, but he didn’t pull away from me.

  “You don’t have to thank me.”

  So I stood half under the water, feeling half human again. A change of clothes and heading home was all I need now.


  Kim pulled the beast of a car Reaper had bought me up to the entrance. It was matte black, a mean-looking sedan. He had even gone as far as to get bulletproof glass.

  “Did I say thank you for the car?” I turned in his arm and pressed a kiss on his cheek. “It’s perfect.”

  “Only the best for my family.” He grinned down at me while holding Tyson. Tyson looked even smaller in his father’s arms.

  “Looks mean,” Brad said, carrying our bags to the back of the car. He tapped the boot and it popped open.

  Kim got out of the car. “I’m not driving that home. It’s like driving a tank.” Kim always liked a small car. She didn’t feel safe driving a big one.

  “Not a problem, because I’m driving.” I swiped the keys off her.

  “Should you really be driving, babe?” Reaper arched his eyebrows at me. “You only just gave birth a couple of days ago.”

  “And I am perfectly fine to drive.” There wasn’t anything that could stop me from not driving home. I wanted to drive my new car. I dropped my bottom lip. “Let me drive my toy.” I gave him the puppy dog eyes.

  He didn’t give in right away, but then he finally sighed and headed for the rear door. “No revving the engine or speeding. You have Tyson in the back.”

  “Oh really? I completely forgot I had a baby!” I gave him a mocking expression.

  He strapped Tyson into his car seat. Reaper already had a skill with him. Tyson hadn’t cried once since being carried out or being strapped in. He was peacefully asleep. Pity he didn’t sleep so much last night. I yawned.

  “You are sleeping when you get home,” Reaper pointed a finger at me, closing the passenger side door.

  “Only if Tyson lets me.” I frowned and then wrapped my arms around Kade’s waist. “I don’t think I remember what sleep is.”

  Kade pried my head off his chest. “I’ll take a shift.”

  I laughed. “You and him. Alone. I don’t see that happening.”

  He had a determined look in his eyes. “I’ll prove to you I’m going to be a hands-on dad.”

  “You don’t have to prove anything to me, Kade.”

  “Come on guys, let’s go!” Trigger shouted from the footpath next to their motorbikes.

  Dad was already on his, and so was Brad. Looks like they were waiting for my man.

  “You better go.” I let go of him, smiling. “I’ll meet you back at the clubhouse.”

  Just before I was out of arm's length, he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back, kissing me protectively. Not caring my dad was only meters away. Not caring he was holding everyone up.

  He pulled away, resting his forehead against mine. “I’m darn proud of you, Abby. You gave me a perfect son.”

  My fingers ran across his jawline. “I think you had something to do with that.”

  He smirked. “Drive safe, babe.” He let go of me and whacked me on the butt as I walked back to the car. I climbed in, watching him walk down to the bikes.

  “Since when did Reaper do public?” Kim arched her eyebrows at me, looking rather stunned.

  “Since I gave him the perfect son.” I grinned at her foolishly.

  Kim and I both looked in the backseat, our heads touching as we stared at my little boy.

  “He is perfect,” she agreed.

  I couldn’t stop grinning as I turned back around. The boys had taken off. I pushed the button to start the car, feeling the steering wheel.

  “I love this car,” I said, hearing the power at my foot.

  Kim pulled her sunnies down and shook her head. “Of course you would love the tank.”

  “I say we take the long route home.” I readjusted the rearview mirror so I could see Tyson and took off.


  Kim and I had tuned in to the ABC radio station and were singing along to nursery rhymes. Tyson had fallen asleep, so we couldn’t even say we were doing it for him.

  “Can you imagine Reaper’s face if he has to listen to this?” Kim laughed as I stopped at a red light.

  “I actually think he is going to adapt really well.” I had faith in my husband. Though the Reaper is known for coldness, he had only shown love toward his son.

  The light went green and I took my fo
ot off the brakes, rolling into the intersection. Then out of the corner of my eye, I saw a car coming at us. I didn’t have any time to react. Just as I turned my head to get a full look, it rammed us right in the side, pushing us across the intersection.

  Kim screamed. I screamed. Tyson started to cry. The car came to a stop. Oh my god, I was alright.

  “Kim, are you ok?” I said, unstrapping my seat belt.

  I looked her over. A cut on her forehead, but she nodded her head.

  I twisted over to look in the backseat. Tyson was fine. My pumping blood pressure eased. Tyson was ok. We were ok.

  “What an idiot,” Kim said, looking at the black van, which was stuck on our side. It revved back.

  My temper went up. “I’m going to kill them.” They had put my life in danger, Kim’s life in danger, and most importantly my son’s life in danger. God help them if Reaper gets a hold of them.

  I was unlocking the doors when Kim stopped me.


  I looked up in time to see masked men jumping out of the van. My finger pressed the lock button again, securing us in the car.

  They raised machine guns and started spraying the car with bullets.

  My automatic reaction was to shield Tyson. I threw myself between the seats and over the car seat. Tyson was wailing.

  But I didn’t need to do anything because the car protected us. It must have stumped them because they then redirected their fire at the engine.

  “Please tell me the car will start.” Kim looked at me, wide-eyed.

  I pressed the button and nothing. I twisted, still nothing. We were dead.

  “Fuck Abby, what do we do?” Kim watched as the men pressed their faces against the windows. “OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!”

  Then the one that pressed his face against my window pointed. Then it clicked.

  This wasn’t random.

  They weren’t after Kim.

  They were here for me.

  “KIM, LISTEN TO ME!” I screamed over her panicked screams. Her eyes zoned in on me and she nodded her head, clearly scared out of her mind. So was I. They started banging their guns against my window.

  It hit me hard. “Kim, you need to listen to me. They’re going to take me.”

  There was another thud on my door and the masked men circled the car. The only reason the window was holding out now was because they were meant to be bulletproof.

  “NO, they can’t!” Kim’s eyes darted to the men that were banging with all their strength on my window.

  “Look after Tyson. Promise me you will look after Tyson.” The silent tears were falling down my cheeks.

  She started to frantically shake her head. “No Abby. Please, no.”

  “Kim, we only have seconds till they break this window and take me. Promise me you will look after my son.”

  She was sobbing but nodded her head. “Always, Abby.”

  Just as she said it, my window smashed into a million little pieces. I shielded my face from the glass, then I started whacking the hand as the masked man grabbed for the door handle.

  “Kim, just look after Tyson.” Our eyes were locked and we were both sobbing just as the door opened and I started punching and kicking. The man gripped my waist and lifted me out in seconds. I was clinging to the chair, trying to hang onto anything, but a swift kick in the stomach made me lose my grip.

  I watched Kim get farther from me as I was dragged away. Tyson was crying, and I was being dragged away from a scene you would see in a movie. My car was a crumpled mess in the middle of the road and the van that had run into us was abandoned. The cries of my son pulled on my heart. As long as they left him and just took me.

  Just don’t touch my son.

  Another car pulled up, and the man threw me in the back, whacking my head on the door. I didn’t know how many men were in the car. All I heard was Tyson’s cries before the door shut.

  I thanked God right then; they left my son alone.


  “No more sleep for you,” Brad whacked me on the shoulders as we all walked into the clubhouse.

  “Or sex,” Trigger added, laughing.

  “Shut ya mouth. That’s my daughter you are talking about,” Roach piped in.

  He still didn’t like the idea of thinking of his daughter having sex. No matter what they said, I couldn’t wipe the grin off my face.

  Tyson was one happy little boy and so far, being a father was settling on me. Abby is the perfect mother. I had a lot to live up to.

  “I have a crib to put together,” I muttered, heading for the stairs.

  Abby would be here soon, and Tyson was due for his nap. Abby needed sleep as well, seeing as the little bugger had kept her up most of the night.

  “More like you are going for a nap.” Brad laughed.

  I flipped him the bird.

  “Do you need help with that? They’re a fucking nightmare to put together,” Roach said, stopping me as he fished out his buzzing phone. “Bloody Kimberly. Why couldn’t she just wait till she was here?” Roach grumbled before he barked a hello into the phone.

  “Reaper changing nappies. Imagine that, guys.” Trigger laughed, and Brad joined along.

  I was still grinning no matter what they said. I had the perfect wife and now the perfect son. Anyway, I was positive Abby didn’t have me down for nappy duty.

  “KIM, CALM DOWN!” Roach screamed into the phone, causing all of us to shut up and pay attention. What was going on?

  “Where are you?” Roach was keeping his voice calm, but I knew that calm. That was the calm that came when you were dealing with a disaster. “We’re coming. Ok, we are coming.”

  “What the fuck is going on?” I was down the stairs in a flash. Why was I getting the feeling this disaster was heading my way?

  Roach hung up and looked from his phone to me with a stunned expression. For the first time ever, in the lifetime of knowing Roach, he was speechless.

  “Roach, what the fuck is going on?” Was Abby ok? Was it Tyson? I was looking between the guys, just wanting answers. What had happened? Where was Abby? Why wasn’t she here by now?

  Roach just stared at me, shock on his face. He cleared his voice.

  “She’s gone.” Roach teared up. “They took Abby.”


  Abby was fine. She would be fine. I had just seen her. Though I didn't believe what Roach said, that didn’t stop me from going double the speed limit to get to her. Speeding up the road, Trigger, Brad, and Roach were behind me.

  I came over the hill, and I could see them. Abby’s black car in the middle, a van on its side. I zoomed down the hill and came to a stop just before the police tape. How had the police gotten here before us?

  I looked across the street, and sure enough, there was a station there.

  I killed the bike and immediately searched the small crowd for my wife.

  I needed to see her.

  I had to see her right now.

  Then I spotted her back… only it wasn’t her; it was Kim. She was speaking to one of the officers.

  I ripped the tape in half and walked toward them.

  “Excuse me sir, this is a crime scene.”

  I looked down at the police officer trying to stop me.

  “Fuck off.” I pushed him out of the way. Not my fault he tripped over his foot and fell over.

  Roach was right behind me.

  Kim spotted us and her face was red, her eyes puffy.

  “Oh my god, Reaper.” She stepped sideways and my guts dropped. Tyson was crying in his car seat that Kim must have taken out of the car. “They just took her; I couldn’t do anything” Kim was pleading with me. I dropped to the ground and unbuckled Tyson.

  “Dad, I couldn’t do anything.” Kim was explaining to Roach now.

  I got Tyson out and held him to my chest.

  Trigger, Brad, and Roach were all watching me. Even Kim was watching me. What were they waiting for?

  “Ok, where’s Abby?” I fina
lly said, looking around again and not seeing her.

  Kim frowned, looking between Roach and me. “I’ll show you,” she said, walking around the car. I followed her.

  Everyone followed us, even the stupid police officer.

  Abby’s door was open; the window was smashed in.

  Kim swung the door open wide and looked at me. “Abby was sitting there; they smashed this in, and then they took her. Do you understand me, Reaper? THEY TOOK HER!”

  Cold. I was going cold. My heart was racing. She was gone. Someone had taken her. Someone had taken my wife. Someone had taken the mother of my son. Who the fuck dared touch her!

  “Did you see what they looked like, Kim?” Trigger was calmly at her side.

  “No, they had masks on. The police got them on camera.” Kim pointed to the station. “But that’s it. She just kept telling me to look after Tyson.”

  “Brad, call the Northern charter, Southern charter. Get men here. Trigger, get over to the station and view the video, get what they have on the plates.” Roach took over the situation.

  “There wasn’t any plates,” Kim said. “I noticed that as they pulled off in a white jeep.”

  “Take Tyson.” I handed him over to Kim. She opened her arms up for him.

  “And where are you going?” Roach’s hand fell on my shoulder. “Time to think smart, boy. Who would take her?”

  “Jacobs. He must have followed me home.”

  “No, actually, I don’t think he did,” Kim piped in, a look of amazement on her face. Like she finally just realized something. “A while back. Abby was approached by someone called Jake. He knew her. Abby thought it was weird. When she asked me about it, I didn’t really think much of it.”

  So I couldn’t find the bastard because he was here stalking my wife!

  This couldn’t be happening. How could everything go from so perfect to being completely fucked up? Abby was gone. My wife was missing.

  Tyson was crying. Kim was rocking him. He wanted his mom. He needed his mom.

  And fuck it, so did I.

  My hand ran over the broken door. This was the final thing she saw, and I wouldn’t let it be the last.

  “Reaper, where are you going?!”


  I walked around the car that was meant to protect my wife. I left the people that were clinging to strings to get her back and headed for my bike.


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