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My Fair Groom (The Sons of the Aristocracy)

Page 26

by Linda Rae Sande

  “She didn’t take any of Gabe’s clothing or nappies,” Margery said sadly. “I am so sorry, Miss Cumberbatch. I never thought she would do such a thing. And her maid says she doesn’t know the first thing about taking care of a baby.”

  Sarah stared at the tavern maid, her fright increasing at this bit of news. Perhaps the countess didn’t intend to keep the babe alive. Perhaps she took him so that she could … but Sarah couldn’t complete that thought. Surely the woman wouldn’t kill her son’s child, bastard or not!

  Thomas, having just come from the stable with the groom, Daniel, cleared his throat. “Lady Trenton asked that her coach be made ready so she could leave shortly after the mail coach departed,” he explained carefully. “I thought she meant to follow it, but then I saw her coach heading south after it set out.”

  “Without her maid,” Sarah said, her eyes wide with fright. “She’s taken Gabe. Your mother … your mother was to keep me occupied whilst the countess took the babe.”

  Clearly disturbed by this news, Thomas gave her a nod before he hurried off to the inn, disappearing through the back door.

  “Bobby, get a horse saddled right now,” Mr. Bristow called out toward the stables.

  “Make that two!” Sarah yelled. “I’m going after her,” she claimed when she saw the inn owner’s expression of surprise. “Oh, please let him be well,” she murmured as she hurried toward the stables.

  John Bristow headed toward the back door of the inn. “I’ll get my gun,” he said to no one in particular.

  Having loaded a couple of saddle bags with his gifts and a change of clothes, Gabriel Wellingham mounted Jupiter and headed out from the Trenton Manor stables. Riding meant he didn’t have to follow the roads leading in the general direction of Stretton. Instead, he cut through the hilly fields and allowed his horse a rest in Brewood before making the final leg on his journey to the Spread Eagle at an easy gallop.

  Given the inn was usually a rather quiet and sedate establishment, Gabriel was rather surprised to find it was nothing of the sort as he approached. Ignoring the activity in the inn’s side yard, he tied up Jupiter near the front door and made his way inside.

  He found a tavern maid crying, her head in her hands, at one of the tables in the public room. Somewhere above, he could hear a man shouting, presumedly at his mother – or perhaps his wife – he couldn’t be sure. And when John Bristow emerged from the taproom carrying a gun and a coat, Gabriel knew something was wrong.

  “Sir, may I be of assistance?” Gabriel wondered as he approached the startled inn owner.

  “My lord!” Mr. Bristow said in surprise. “Perhaps you know where she’s taken him,” he said, his manner suggesting he wasn’t about to be polite to the earl just then.

  Gabriel stared at the man for a moment, stunned at the man’s ire. “I’m quite sure I don’t know of whom you are referring,” he managed to say before he was suddenly staring down the barrel of John Bristow’s hunting gun.

  “Where did the countess take the babe?” Mr. Bristow asked, his eyes turning to steel.

  His hands going up in front of his body, Gabriel shook his head. “Countess?” he repeated. “As in …”

  “Your mother. Where did she take the babe? If she so much has moved a hair on his …”

  Gabriel’s eyes widened in horror.

  Good God!

  Had his mother come here on her trip? And had she done so because of his claim that Sarah’s baby was his son? “If she has done anything to harm Gabe, I shall be the one to see to her punishment,” Gabriel vowed in a low voice. “Where is Miss Cumberbatch?” he asked, using one of his hands to simply grab the long barrel of the gun and redirect it off to the side.

  Stunned that the earl would simply push his gun away, Mr. Bristow was about to aim it in his direction again. When he saw Gabriel’s expression, though, he lowered the barrel. “The inn yard. She intends to go after the countess’s coach,” he said by way of explanation.

  Gabriel gave the inn’s owner a nod and headed toward the hallway. He paused at the back door. A back stairway from the second floor intersected the hallway just before the back door. Gabe took a moment to look up the stairs. They lead almost to Sarah’s room, he realized before he made his way out the back door. And anyone could leave the inn from upstairs without being seen.

  With Bobby’s help, Sarah mounted one of the horses. The large Cleveland Bay was better suited to pulling a carriage, but the inn didn’t own any riding horses. “I’m sorry it’s not a sidesaddle, Miss Sarah,” Bobby said as he watched Sarah rearrange her skirts so they covered as much of her legs as possible. She was intent on riding astride as she figured she wouldn’t be able to stay in the saddle any other way.

  The groom hurried from the inn carrying a blanket and tossed it up to Sarah. “It’ll be turning cold, Miss Cumberbatch. You’ll catch a chill if you just go ridin’ off like this,” Daniel warned.

  “I’ll be fine once I get my son back,” Sarah countered impatiently, wondering where the inn’s owner had disappeared to. “Tell Mr. Bristow I’m off. He’ll have to catch up.”

  Before either of the men could object, Sarah had the bay out of the inn yard and heading south at a full gallop just as Gabriel appeared from the back door of the inn. “Where is Miss Cumberbatch?” he asked of the groom.

  Daniel, still rather surprised at Sarah’s sudden departure and her parting words, blinked at the sight of the earl. “My lord,” he said, giving Gabriel a bow. He was about to ask where the earl had come from but instead answered his question. “She’s gone off after the Countess of Trenton,” he said as he pointed toward the front of the inn. “Said she was going to get her son back.”

  “Her son?” Bobby questioned, not particularly impressed that there was an earl in their midst. “You mean her nephew, don’t you?”

  Daniel stared at the stableboy for a moment before turning his attention back to Gabriel. “I heard her right. She said ‘my son’,” he repeated with earnest.

  “And mine,” Gabriel said under his breath. “Did anyone go with her?” he asked, feeling more alarmed by the minute. “An escort? A chaperone?” What was his mother up to? And what would Sarah to do her once she caught up to his mother’s coach? He could almost – almost – pity his mother just then.

  “Mr. Bristow was planning to go,” Daniel replied as he pointed toward the back door of the inn, where the owner was just emerging.

  Deciding Mr. Bristow with a hunting gun might be too dangerous for the trip to find his mother, Gabriel sighed. “Stay here, Mr. Bristow,” Gabriel called out, setting off at a run toward the front of the inn. He didn’t pause until he was next to Jupiter, mounting the horse in one quick move.

  John Bristow stared after the earl and then noticed his groom and Bobby gawking at the departing earl. “What just happened?” he wondered as he joined his employees in watching the mounted earl ride off after Sarah.

  “I think he’s off to save his mother from Miss Cumberbatch,” Daniel explained with a nod.

  “I think he’s sweet on Miss Cumberbatch and wants to save the baby from the countess,” Bobby said as he motioned toward Gabriel’s disappearing silhouette.

  John Bristow cast a wary glance at his two employees. “I think you’re both daft,” he said with a shake of his head. “Back to work, the both of you.”

  Although the bay on which Sarah rode covered a good deal of road in short order – he was used to pulling a carriage while alongside another of his kind – the ride was bumpy, and Sarah found herself having to slow down the horse in order to stay mounted.

  Sarah was sure she had seen evidence of the Trenton coach when she crested a hill, but the coach always disappeared from view before she could be sure, and when she came to the top of the next hill, there was no sign of the equipage.

  Riding gave her time to think, though, and she reviewed the events of the past day to determine if the countess had given any indication of her intentions toward the baby. Why would the woman take
the child? Jealousy? Because she thought to raise it as her own? Sarah remembered Gabriel’s comment about his younger brother having died. Perhaps the countess thought Gabe would make a suitable replacement.

  Or did it have to do with the fact that the baby was Gabriel’s bastard?

  I decided to find my bastard siblings, she remembered Gabriel saying. I have a sister. The daughter of a maid.

  Had Gabriel arranged for his mother to take his son so that he could raise it himself? Surely he understood how much she loved the boy. She had asked for so little from him. I would ask that you see to his education. Was he concerned that she asked for too little? Did he think she couldn’t provide for the boy?

  Fighting back tears of frustration and fear, Sarah urged the horse to return to a full gallop and hung on for dear life as the Cleveland Bay complied.

  Although he didn’t find his pursuit of Sarah and his mother the least bit enjoyable, Gabriel Wellingham thought it was at least invigorating. Never had Jupiter run so fast, cresting the hills so that Gabriel was left airborne for several seconds before coming back down to into the saddle.

  It was during one of his brief flights when he spotted a horse up ahead on the next hill. He hoped Sarah was riding it. Jupiter seemed to understand the chase and surged ahead. Within minutes, he had Sarah in his sights. And his cock responded before he even realized why.

  The woman was riding astride! And riding quite well, he considered.

  Suddenly uncomfortable, Gabriel had to force his thoughts to the matter at hand rather than think of how erotic she looked with her legs barely covered, of how she might look mounted atop him in their marriage bed, of how her knees might pin him in place whilst she bobbed atop him, lifting and lowering herself, her breasts bouncing with her every movement. And just before he was about to allow his release, he had to flip her over so he could thrust himself into her until her own orgasm took hold and left her feeling spasms of pleasure. He felt delight in knowing he could do such a thing, and even more delight at the thought that she was about to become his wife, and then they might feel such pleasures any time of the day or night.

  When Gabriel finally had his thoughts returned to the matter at hand, he found he had lost a good deal of ground with respect to his intended, for Jupiter had sensed Gabriel was no longer focused on the chase and had slowed to a trot.

  “Yah!” he shouted at the top of his lungs, sending the horse into a full gallop. Within moments, Sarah was barely in front of him. “Sarah!” he called out, trying to make himself heard over the thunder of the hooves.

  Aware of hoofbeats behind her, Sarah dared a glance back, startled to see Gabriel. Her heart suddenly heavy, she nearly gave up the chase. However, her horse seemed to be enjoying the race and continued running even though she no longer urged him on. She was in tears by the time Gabriel was abreast of her.

  “We’ll get our son back,” he shouted above the thunderous sound the horses made in their pursuit.

  Sarah finally looked in his direction, apparently startled by his words. “So that you can take him from me?” she shouted back, tears disappearing from her face as the air whipped across her cheeks.

  “What?” Gabriel responded, shaking his head as if he hadn’t heard her. And then he realized what she said. “No, Sarah. I wouldn’t do that,” he yelled back.

  “Then, why?” Sarah replied, her word nearly lost on the wind. “Why did she take him?”

  Gabriel could only shake his head for a moment. Why, indeed? “I am about to find out,” he said, his mount pulled up so close to Sarah’s that she could feel his boot touch her stirrup. “But know this. I love you, Sarah. And I won’t take ‘no’ for an answer,” he shouted before Jupiter suddenly pulled away and raced ahead of her.

  Sarah watched the back of Gabriel as he and his horse disappeared over the next hill. I love you. Had he really just said that?

  And what might she say ‘no’ to?

  When she crested the hill, Sarah had to slow her mount, stunned to see the earl’s coach directly ahead and pulling off to the side of the road. Gabriel had managed to get past the coach and force the lead horse to slow down. Once the driver recognized Gabriel, he pulled back on the reins and brought the coach to a stop. Sarah urged her horse forward, anxious to get to her son.

  Gabriel dismounted even before he had Jupiter halted. “Mother!” he called out, stalking to the coach. He flung open the door and stood staring into the plush interior.

  Lady Trenton, apparently oblivious to her son’s concern, held Gabe in one arm while she cooed and used the fingers of her other hand to entertain the babe.

  “Dada,” Gabe announced with a chubby fist aimed at his father.

  “Yes, it is,” Charity Wellingham agreed with an adoring smile. “That is your father,” she agreed in a high-pitched voice. She turned her attention to her son. “I have to admit, I am rather surprised to see you,” she said with a teasing smile.

  Reaching into the coach, Gabriel took the bundle his mother held, eliciting a sound of disappointment from her. As he lifted Gabe to his shoulder, he asked, “What are you doing, Mother?”

  Lady Trenton gave him a shrug. “We were just out for an afternoon ride is all,” she said, sounding ever so innocent.

  Gabriel gave her a look of astonishment. “What are you about? Out with it!”

  At that moment, Sarah’s mount stopped next to Gabriel. “Is he well?” she asked, her voice frantic.

  Gabriel turned and regarded her with an appreciative grin. Although her blonde hair had long ago lost its pins and was down past her shoulders, and her cheeks were dirt-and tear-stained, he thought her rather lovely just then. “Seems so,” he said as he reluctantly gave the baby back to his mother. He reached up and placed his hands on either side of Sarah’s waist, pulling her down in a less than graceful dismount as she was forced to grip his shoulders in the process of being lowered to the road. Even after she had her feet beneath her, Gabriel didn’t let go his hold of Sarah but allowed her to reach for Gabe and bring the baby into her own arms.

  “Mama!” Gabe shouted happily. He continued to babble a bit while Gabriel returned his attention to his mother.

  “An explanation is in order, my lady,” he stated, using his most commanding voice. “And I shall have it right now.”

  Charity regarded her son with a wan smile and shrugged again. “I know you’ve had a man searching for your father’s bastards,” she finally said with a sigh. “Against my better judgement,” she added in a quiet whisper. “But when you told me about your dear Gabe and his mother, I thought to visit the inn and see for myself why you would cavort …”

  “Mother …” Gabriel warned, his expression making him appear as if he might do bodily harm to the woman.

  Lady Trenton sighed, her face taking on a slight blush. “Choose to spend time with … a mere commoner ..,” she amended, “When there are so many eligible young ladies in London.”

  Gabriel stared at his mother, his patience waning. “And?” he prompted, anxious to learn the reason for his mother’s mad dash from the Spread Eagle.

  Lady Trenton shrugged again. “I saw how you looked when you talked about Miss Cumberbatch. When you talked about little Gabe,” she said wistfully. “You’ve never spoken that way about anyone in your life. Not even your new-found sister,” she added with a shake of her head. “And then I met Miss Cumberbatch, and your son …”

  “Then, you agree he’s my son?” Gabriel interrupted in a quiet voice, surprised to hear his mother’s words.

  Lady Trenton’s smile broadened. “Oh, of course,” she replied with a wave of her hand. “One look at him, and anyone who knew you when you were that age knows that he’s got to be your son,” she said in a matter-of-fact tone. “He’s a doll. Well done, Miss Cumberbatch!” she said as she turned her attention to Sarah.

  Sarah stared at the countess, stunned by her words. “Thank you, my lady,” she replied uncertainly, wondering if Lady Trenton had all her faculties about her. “So
, why did you take him?”

  At Sarah’s quiet question, Charity cocked her head to one side and held out her arms. “Isn’t it apparent?” she asked rhetorically. “Look at what I accomplished in only, what? Thirty minutes’ time?”

  Gabriel’s quizzical expression gave way to one of relief and a roll of his eyes. “What does she mean?” Sarah wondered, finally giving in to Gabriel’s hold on her waist and allowing herself to lean against him for support.

  “Me,” he said in a whisper. “Us,” he spoke louder before he kissed Sarah’s forehead. He turned his attention back to the countess. “I made all the arrangements in Wolverhampton yesterday, Mother. You didn’t need to create a scene to convince me to marry Sarah. Although, now you’ll probably have to create one to get her to agree to marry me,” he said with a hint of annoyance. “What poor woman would accept my proposal when she knows she has to contend with you as her mother-in-law?” he added with only a small hint of humor.

  Sarah gasped at the earl’s words. Was he joking? He was speaking of arrangements … and marriage! Marriage to me! “This poor woman would,” an awestruck Sarah said in a whisper. “But, my lord, you should …”

  Gabriel held up a finger. “I’ll not hear anything more about how I should marry a daughter of the aristocracy,” he warned. “And you’re to call me ‘Gabriel’,” he added with a stern expression. He suddenly leaned around Sarah and whistled.

  Jupiter, still standing where Gabriel had left him, walked up to where his rider and Sarah stood. Gabriel gave up his hold around Sarah’s waist and moved to open one of the saddle bags. “I had every intention of asking for your hand under far different circumstances,” he explained as he took out the hinged box from the goldsmith’s shop. “I was thinking in a garden on a moonlit night during a ball,” he said quietly as he opened the box in front of her. “But seeing as how you’ve already agreed, I want you to have this now.”

  Sarah stared at the sapphire ring for a very long time before turning her attention back to Gabriel. “You’re sure?” she asked in a whisper, her lower lip quivering.


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