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The Last Groom on Earth

Page 1

by Kristin James

  Table of Contents

  Cover Page


  Dear Reader

  Title Page

  Books by Kristin James

  About the Author














  “You’re Not At All My Type,”

  Angela said as her thumb traced the line of his upper lip.

  “No,” Bryce agreed. “Nor are you mine.”

  His hand sank into her hair at the nape, holding her head immobilized, and he leaned toward her until his face was only inches from hers. “I’d have to be crazy to get involved with you. But I’m tired of being sensible,” he growled. “Tonight I don’t want to be careful. I want to take you to bed. To feel your body under mine.”

  Angela shivered. “What if I said yes?”

  Award-winning author Kristin James “touches readers’ hearts.”

  —Romantic Times

  Dear Reader,

  Welcome to the wonderful world of Silhouette Desire! This month, look for six scintillating love stories. I know you’re going to enjoy them all. First up is The Beauty, the Beast and the Baby, a fabulous MAN OF THE MONTH from Dixie Browning. It’s also the second book in her TALL, DARK AND HANDSOME miniseries.

  The exciting SONS AND LOVERS series also continues with Leanne Banks’s Ridge: The Avenger. This is Leanne’s first Silhouette Desire, but she certainly isn’t new to writing romance. This month, Desire has Husband: Optional, the next installment of Marie Ferrarella’s THE BABY OF THE MONTH CLUB. Don’t worry if you’ve missed earlier titles in this series, because this book “stands alone.” And it’s so charming and breezy you’re sure to just love it!

  The WEDDING BELLES series by Carole Buck is completed with Zoe and the Best Man. This series just keeps getting better and better, and Gabriel Flynn is one scrumptious hero. Next is Kristin James’ Desire, The Last Groom on Earth, a delicious opposites-attract story written with Kristin’s trademark sensuality.

  Rounding out the month is an amnesia story (one of my favorite story twists), Just a Memory Away, by award-winning author Helen R. Myers.

  And next month, we’re beginning CELEBRATION 1000, a very exciting, ultraspecial three-month promotion celebrating the publication of the 1000th Silhouette Desire. During April, May and June, look for books by some of your most beloved writers, including Mary Lynn Baxter, Annette Broadrick, Joan Johnston, Cait London, Ann Major and Diana Palmer, who is actually writing book #1000! These will be months to remember, filled with “keepers.”

  As always, I wish you the very best,

  Lucia Macro

  Senior Editor

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  The Last Groom

  On Earth

  Kristin James

  Books by Kristin James

  Silhouette Desire

  Once in a Blue Moon #962

  The Last Groom on Earth #986

  Silhouette Intimate Moments

  Dreams of Evening #1

  The Amber Sky #17

  Morning Star #45

  Secret Fires #69

  Worlds Apart #89

  Cutter’s Lady #125

  A Very Special Favor #136

  Salt of the Earth #385

  The Letter of the Law #393


  is a former attorney married to a family counselor, and they have a young daughter. Her family and her writing keep her busy, but when she does have free time, she loves to read. In addition to her contemporary romances, she has written a number of historicals.


  Bryce Richards had thought he was ready for anything when it came to Angela Hewitt, but he found that he was wrong. He was not prepared to walk into the offices of H & A Enterprises and find a witch standing on a stool in the middle of the room.

  He stopped, struck dumb, and simply gaped at the woman on the stool. Another woman knelt at her feet, mumbling something as she fingered the hem of the witch’s dress. Bryce wondered for one mad moment if he had stumbled into some sort of pagan ceremony. Then the kneeling woman let out a yelp of pain and reached up to remove the pins she held clenched be tween her teeth.

  “Would you stop wriggling?” she asked irritably. “I’ll never get this hem fixed at this rate.”

  Bryce realized with relief that the woman on the floor was measuring a hem on the “witch’s” dress. He looked more closely at what the “witch” wore. It was long and flowing and black, clinging tightly to her torso, then floating out loosely below her hips in layers of some diaphanous material. The edges of each layer were cut in a zigzag fashion so that it hung in points, and the ends of the loose sleeves were cut in the same way. It was this cut and the color of the dress that had made him think immediately of a witch’s costume. Now, looking at the plunging V-cut neckline of the dress, he realized that it must be some sort of odd evening gown. It was, he told himself, much too sexy for riding broomsticks and casting spells.

  His eyes lingered on the neckline. The woman’s breasts were full and creamy white, pushing up and out of the black material in a way that made his fingers itch to curve over the lush flesh. He dropped his gaze lower, moving over the material that clung to her breasts, waist and hips as if it were a second skin. His loins tightened in response. Who was this woman, and what on earth was she doing dressed like this and standing in the middle of a business office?

  Then he looked up, and he knew. It was Angela Hewitt herself. He could not see her face; her head was bent as she peered down at the woman working on her hem. But that shock of curling red hair could belong to only one person. He remembered it clearly, even if it had been almost fourteen years—and even if it now hung in burnished, inviting curls instead of braids or a wild tangle. He should have known, Bryce thought. Trust Angela Hewitt to be under investigation by the IRS and yet be unconcernedly trying on evening gowns in the middle of her office.

  Angela glanced up at him, then turned and called out, “Hey, somebody’s appointment is here!”

  Bryce glanced around the room for the first time. It was large, the wide main hall of the old house near downtown Raleigh in which H & A Enterprises was located. A receptionist’s desk, vacant at the moment, stood to one side of the elegant curved staircase. The rest of the hallway was empty, sweeping back in a dazzling expanse of gleaming gold oak flooring to a swinging door at the opposite end. On either side of the hallway, several doors stood open. A few heads popped out of the doors at Angela’s announcement, and the swinging door in the back opened, and a man peered out.

  Everyone looked at Bryce blankly. Then they turned to look at Angela.

  “Hey, Angie, looking good,” one of the young men commented, and another let out a wolf whistle.

  Angela grimaced at the man who had whistled. “I don’t know. Somehow, I don’t think Maladora is really me. I mean, whoever heard of an evil sorceress with freckles and red hair?”

  One of the women watching chuckled and said, “Then why don’t you go as Princess Alicia?”

  Bryce’s cool gray gaze swept over the scene. This hardly looked like a well-run business, with the employees hanging in their doorways, the owner creating a distraction in the middle of the office, and all of them sounding like the inhabitants of a madhouse. He suspected that their accounting procedures were just as lax. No wonder
the IRS was breathing down their necks.

  “Nah, I was her last year,” Angela answered offhandedly. “I was a medieval lady the year before. And I think a Southern belle is way too overdone.”

  She turned to Bryce and asked seriously, “What do you think? Do I look like Maladora to you?”

  “I don’t know,” Bryce responded crisply, “since I have no idea what or who Maladora is. Miss Hewitt, if I could speak with you…”

  Angela looked at him, slightly puzzled, then her eyes narrowed. “You!” She spat out the word in recognition. “You’re Bryce Richards!” From the tone of her voice, she might have been saying, “Jack the Ripper!”

  “Yes.” He nodded his head in greeting.

  “What are you doing here?” Angela frowned at him darkly.

  “Your parents asked me to—”

  “Arrgh.” Angela made an exasperated noise deep in her throat and, holding up her skirts, lithely hopped off the stool. “I might have known they’d do something like this,” she announced to no one in particular, then turned, with an eloquent swish of her skirts, and stalked toward the stairs.

  Bryce followed her. She whirled at the foot of the stairs and glared at him. “Go away. I don’t need you. Nor do I need my parents sending their flunky down here to pester me.”

  “I can see that you still have the same charming personality,” Bryce began, then stopped. He reminded himself that he intended to hold onto his temper. He was determined not to let Angela get to him, as she had done so many times years ago.

  “And I can see that you are still the same prig you always were,” she snapped back. She drew a breath to say more, but then she glanced up at the top of the stairs, where several more interested spectators had gathered, and she shut her mouth with a snap.

  Angela cast him a withering glance—just as if, Bryce thought with a growing sense of indignation, it had been he who was creating this scene. Then she turned and stomped up the stairs and into the room at the top, closing her door behind her with a loud crack.

  Angela was furious. She reached back, unzipped her dress and ripped it off, wadding it into a ball and hurling it at a chair in the corner of the room. She might have known, she thought. Trust her parents to decide that she was too incompetent to handle this problem and then send down their Boy Scout to tell her what to do.

  Damn Bryce Richards! She hadn’t even thought about him for years. Now he showed up, and all the old feelings of inadequacy, resentment and rejection came flooding in on her.

  Angela set her jaw as she stalked over to her desk and jerked on the jeans and T-shirt that she had been wearing before she tried on the costume. She remembered that first day when she had come into the den of her family home in Charlotte and found Bryce sitting with her mother, discussing some horribly boring math problem that Angela hadn’t even understood, and her mother had been beaming at him like a proud parent with a precocious child. Angela’s heart had immediately dropped down to her socks.

  All her life she had never fit in with her family. Her mother was a professor of accounting of some note, and her father was a banker. Both sides of the family were littered with hardheaded businessmen, engineers, actuaries and scientists. All of them were levelheaded, logical, systematic people whose every decision was based on a rational analysis of the options.

  Angela’s sister, Jenny, had fit in with them; Angela could remember her actually becoming excited when she figured out the key to a difficult math assignment. Grown now, she worked in the bank and had married a chemical engineer.

  Angela, on the other hand, had been flighty, daydreaming and impulsive. Her decisions were made on an instinctive, gut-level feeling, and she found math courses boring. Her favorite subject was literature, and she preferred to spend her days hidden in some nook or other, reading about knights and fair maidens, adventure and romance. She remembered once, when she had been sitting in front of the television, enthralled in an old black-and-white swashbuckler, her science homework open and forgotten on her lap, her mother had come into the room and found her. Marina Hewitt had said nothing, simply stared at her daughter in dismay and astonishment. Angela had felt like crying. It wasn’t simply that her mother disapproved of her neglecting her homework to watch an old movie. What was more upsetting to Angela was that Marina could not comprehend why anyone would even want to do such a thing.

  Angela had never felt quite a part of her family. By the age of twelve, when Bryce Richards came on the scene, she was convinced that everything about her was wrong. Though she had wanted and tried all her life to fit in with the other Hewitts, she had never been able to, and the attempt to do so had made her miserable. The years of intensive math courses ahead of her, which her parents had planned on, seemed like sheer punishment. She didn’t want to be methodical; she didn’t want to plan out her high school, her college and then her life. She wanted to be free and easy, to go where the winds of fortune took her. Yet at the same time, she felt guilty for rebelling against her parents, for not wanting to be another model daughter, and she could not squelch the old desire that her parents love her just as she was.

  Then Bryce, Mr. Perfect, had come along. He was one of her mother’s students in a night course she taught at the local university, and Marina had taken him on as her protégé. He had come over to visit frequently. Her parents invited him to dinner, sometimes took him with them on family outings, spent long hours talking to him. He shared her parents’ interests. He admired and respected them. Or, as the twelve-year-old Angela had seen it, he spent most of his time buttering them up. In Angela’s opinion, he was a gawky, thin boy of nineteen, a dopey numbers nerd—the epitome of everything she disliked. Worse than that, it was obvious to her that her parents adored him, which only confirmed what kind of feeling they must have for her, his opposite. Her parents were taking him in, a sort of surrogate son, and as a consequence she would be, she knew, squeezed even further out of the family.

  In short, in Bryce Richards she had seen her enemy. The battleground was her house, and her parents, the prize. She played childish tricks on him at every opportunity, and the scoldings and groundings she received from her parents for those tricks only made her dislike Bryce more. The harder she tried to defeat him, the more she was separated from her family. Finally, after a year, she had given up. She admitted to herself that he had won, and she had lost. She withdrew into her own interests, spending hours curled up in her room reading science fiction and fantasy or zapping enemies with her joystick in front of the game console and TV set. When Bryce was around, she made it a point to stay out of sight. By the time she was fifteen, Bryce had graduated from college and gone to another city to work. He and her parents had always stayed in touch, but Angela had never inquired about him. She had not seen him again until today.

  She groaned and buried her head in her hands, leaning her elbows against the desk. What a time for him to pop up again! It was the last straw to have to put up with him when she was already under the stress of a threatened IRS investigation—and with her latest project only half done and her deadline a few more weeks away. What made it even more awful was the fact that her parents had told Bryce about her problems, had asked him to come rushing down here and save her—indeed, she was sure that they must have begged him, in order to get him to help her.

  She had enjoyed a better relationship with her parents the past few years. They hadn’t been able to argue with the obvious success of her business; all the silly impulsive things she had done, which they had moaned over, had turned out to be highly profitable in the long run. And with the miles between Raleigh and Charlotte to separate them, she and her parents had achieved a certain friendliness, almost adult to adult.

  That they had turned around and spilled all her troubles to Bryce Richards was a betrayal of that newly achieved closeness. And they had asked him to come save her, too!—as if she were a baby, an incom petent. It was humiliating. Bryce was the last, the last person she wanted helping her. Not only did he probably share her
parents’ assessment of her as a scatterbrained nincompoop, but she also felt sure that he thoroughly disliked her, as well. After all, she had been mean to him as only a hurt twelve-year-old can be, and she doubted whether he had forgotten. He had a memory like an elephant’s—worse, like an accountant’s.

  There was a loud rap on the door, and a fraction of a second later, it opened, framing Bryce Richards in the doorway. He was frowning, his mouth tightly compressed, and his face looked carved out of stone. He was certainly no longer the gawky young man she remembered, Angela thought to herself. It was no wonder that it had taken her a few moments to recognize him. He was tall, of course, but his body was rock-solid now, and he moved with confidence and surety. She had not remembered him as being so handsome, and she wondered if it was maturity that had changed his face or if she had simply been too blinded by her dislike of him to notice the clean-cut lines of his face. His eyes had always been intense, but fifteen years ago, she had not realized how attractive their odd silvery gray color was.

  “What are you doing following me?” Angela snapped, irritated at the foolish way her thoughts were wandering. Even as she said it, she realized how childishly petty she sounded. She blushed, embarrassed and even more irritated that she could so easily fall back into long-ago patterns.

  “I drove all the way down here from Charlotte because Marina asked me to. I’m not going to turn around and drive back just because you’re too pigheaded-”

  “Well, you could have saved yourself the trouble of the trip,” Angela retorted, “if you had bothered to call me first. I would have told you that I don’t need your help.”


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