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Resonant: Book 3 in the Invasion Day series

Page 15

by LC Morgans

  “It worked, son. Look at me,” King Thrakor was saying. He seemed both surprised and pleased that Kyra could possibly have helped him so tremendously with such a simple offering. “This is a turning point for us, my boy. A significant step in the right direction.” There was a pause. “I heard her out like you asked, but now I want to hear your opinion. Tell me what you want, Kronus. Tell me what you believe is the right course of action.” She heard rustling, as if he were climbing up off the bed.

  “I’m just pleased you’re well again at long last. I want the same as Kyra—to create a home for her kind here in thanks for their sacrifices. One thing you’re right about, we don’t yet know how long the effects last, but even if they aren’t permanent, we’ve still taken a giant leap since Greegis was taken out of the equation,” Kronus replied, and Kyra could hear the smile in his voice.

  “The girl, can she handle the transfusions?” his father asked and she was reminded again just how differently King Thrakor felt about humans than his son.

  “Kyra’s stronger than any human I’ve ever met. She can handle it, trust me.”

  “We need to keep her close in case either of us relapse,” she then heard Thrakor say, and felt sick at his words. This was exactly what Kronus had told her he was afraid of and Kyra hoped he’d stick by his word to make sure she got back to Thrayke’s side safely.

  “I disagree, father. Her place is at the facility where her skills can be utilized effectively. Not only is she just the carrier, but also her people respect her and will follow her lead. If we need her, she’ll come. I guarantee it.”

  “And what if I gave you permission to marry her instead?”

  Silence. It was deafening and yet Kyra forced herself to remain still, rather than jump back awake and give them both a piece of her mind for daring decide her future for her. She tried to comprehend what it might be like to be married to Kronus. They would have their good days, sure. But, after all the hard times they’d had and the heartache he’d caused her, Kyra couldn’t imagine being truly happy by his side. She’d surely be looked down on by the Thrakorian elite and treated like a second-class-citizen regardless of her station, and Kyra guessed she’d never be allowed to see Thrayke again or else suffer Kronus’s jealousy.

  She cracked open one eyelid and watched as he paced up and down before his miraculously well father, as if he might seriously be contemplating the offer. “Thrayke will get over it and he’ll have his new position as Chief to keep him sweet, while you and Kyra could make preparations to colonize another new planet. He wouldn’t be invited along, of course…”

  Kronus stopped his pacing and stared down at her. The moment he ran his thumb down over his neck at the point where her old scar used to be, Kyra knew he could tell she was watching. That gesture was his way of asking whether or not she was okay. He wanted to know, once and for all, if she might ever choose him given the opportunity, and Kyra was glad he was evidently giving her the chance to make the decision for him. Like she used to back when she was mute, she tapped her finger against her knee twice, indicating no, and had to close her eyes again to block out the pained expression on his face. She guessed he thought she might have actually chosen him in the end, but Kyra knew without a doubt that she’d made her choice long before, and how she still wanted the same outcome—to be with Thrayke.

  “No,” Kronus’s voice pierced the tense silence. “I don’t want her. She’s caused me nothing but heartache I no longer have time for.”

  She knew he was hurting, lashing out, but it didn’t excuse the awful things he was saying. Kyra had to believe he was doing it in an attempt to convince his father he meant what he was saying, so against all her inner urges to demand he take his vile words back, she kept quiet again. “Let Thrayke marry her. Let them have their precious community. I’ll find another female of worth and make her my Queen when the time is right,” he added.

  “Very well,” was his father’s response. She then heard his footsteps as King Thrakor walked away, and waited until she felt Kronus place a hand on her shoulder before opening her eyes again and peering up into his. It shocked her to discover there were tears welled in them.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered, and then stood to embrace him. Kronus held her back, wrapping her tightly in his arms.

  “No, I’m the sorry one. I messed up and lost you, but that’s my burden to bear. I wanted to accept his offer in the hope you’d come around, however I couldn’t force you, not after everything you’ve been through. I have to accept your choices, and live with my own.” His voice was a deep, rumbling sound filled with heart-wrenching words that echoed in Kyra’s head, but she was glad to hear them. It meant they were both learning, after all this time, to trust the other like the true friends they wanted to be.

  “You stood by your word, though. You kept me safe and have made sure both Thrayke and I got what we wanted. It was truly selfless, Kronus, so thank you.” She placed a gentle kiss against his cheek. “I’ve always loved you and always will, but right now, all I want is to go home. I need to be with… with Thrayke.”

  Kronus nodded and then led the way out and back through the maze of hallways without another word. This time, Kyra was feeling better. She was going back to Thrayke and the sense of foreboding was thankfully fading from her gut. She kept her head held high, regardless of her being vastly outnumbered by the numerous Thrakorian men and women who clearly lived and worked within the various wings of the huge building. Many looked at them in surprise, stopping to do a double take, and not only at Prince Kronus, but his human companion too.

  Kyra hated how they watched her with surprise and for some, contempt. She knew she’d made the right choice to hide away at the facility with Thrayke and the others rather than try and make a life for herself among the capitalist snobs. She guessed the only humans the Thraks here knew were slaves bound to them and their homes but nowhere else, and wasn’t equipped to fight the billions of naysayers who’d undoubtedly refuse to accept her as one of them no matter how hard she might try.

  It was only when a face she recognized appeared in the crowd that she felt the unease dissipate slightly, and Kyra broke away from Kronus to go and greet him. Sentinel Gron was chatting to some other soldiers when she approached and each turned to the strange human in surprise, even him.

  “Can I help you?” he asked with a scowl. She knew he hadn’t recognized her, given the complete upgrade and all, so giggled.

  “You already did, sir. Time and again,” she answered, and then saluted him. “General Kyra Millan, forever in your debt,” she added, and then grinned from ear to ear when the realization set in on his suddenly gentler face. Gron looked her up and down, taking in the blonde hair and still thin frame. He looked at her cheek, clearly checking for her cross-shaped scar that had used to be there, and frowned.

  “You look so different,” he finally replied. Kyra shrugged. She didn’t feel like getting into it with him, especially not with their audience. “I’d heard things had taken a turn for the worse for you, however I have to admit, you look fantastic. How can it have been almost ten years since I last saw you, when you don’t look a day older? And what’s with the blonde hair?”

  “It’s a long story and one I honestly don’t fancy telling,” she replied with a sad smile. It was lovely seeing her old trainer again though, and Kyra had to admit it was wonderful seeing for herself how he too had made it to Thrakor safely.

  Greeting over with, she began to realize how they didn’t really have much she was able to talk about, so she decided against dragging up the past or making small talk. “Well, I just wanted to come over and say hello. It’s been a long time, sir.” She saluted again and turned back in time to intercept a grumpy-looking Kronus on his way toward them.

  “Kyra!” Gron caught them up, but then stared open-mouthed at the Thrakorian Prince when he realized who her chaperone was. “Your majesty, please forgive me. I wanted to make sure General Millan was okay, but I see now she’s in your more than capab
le hands, so must be.”

  “No need to kiss my ass, Sentinel. Do you know this Thrak?” Kronus asked, looking down at her, and Kyra nodded.

  “Gron here was my Commander in secondary training. He helped me go elite when I was unfairly held back and made sure business was taken care of in my absence,” she told him with a smile. Kronus nodded, having heard the story of Silas and his heavy-handed ways. Gron shuffled awkwardly on his feet, but she caught the grin on his face.

  “He’s done well since that day and learned his lessons quickly. He’s truly sorry you know,” he told her. Kyra was glad to hear it.

  “Good. Tell him and Brona I said hello, I heard they got married?” she asked in response, and Gron nodded. “I’m working alongside his sister Lasiandra now, so if they ever want to come and visit, they’re more than welcome. You too.”

  “You’re part of the team working on the cure?” he asked, leaning in closer so that they wouldn’t be overheard. It was Kronus who answered, letting Kyra know not to give too much away about their progress.

  “For now, it’s best the details of Kyra’s work remain private, Sentinel. I’m sure you understand?” he asked and Gron nodded.

  “Completely, sire. I’ll leave you to it, but I’m pleased to see you’re well, Kyra. Take care.”

  “I will, and you too.” Kyra could feel Gron’s eyes on her as she and Kronus walked away and she waved him farewell quickly before the elevator doors closed and they headed back up to their craft.

  While it had been nice seeing him again, the general feel of The Hub hadn’t been comfortable, and Kyra found she was looking forward to escaping the craziness of Kor city. It didn’t matter that the facility held numerous awful memories for her. Kyra couldn’t wait to walk back through those doors and was more than ready to head back to the lab and into Thrayke’s arms.

  Chapter Fourteen

  When they’d almost reached the facility, Kronus leaned over and took Kyra’s hand in his. She’d healed him of his sickness, whether permanently or temporarily they didn’t yet know, but his heart had remained broken and now it felt as if she’d stomped on the remains after refusing him yet again. Kronus knew he could simply have accepted his fathers offer of marriage and forced her to agree to the proposal, but he didn’t want her by force. He couldn’t let himself become that guy, otherwise he was no better than Rasmos or Greegis.

  After all her pining and years of crushing on him, it’d shocked Kronus that Kyra hadn’t caved when he’d been served up on a proverbial platter for her. He’d always thought she’d gone into Thrayke’s arms because it was easier than to continue loving the immovable force that had been Kronus and his steely resolve. However, when all of those walls had come crashing down, she still hadn’t wanted him and the defeat had left a sour taste in his mouth. He was sick and tired of not getting what he wanted, not winning, and never getting the girl. Kronus stared across at Kyra thoughtfully.

  “I have to say this once and for all and then I’ll stop. I know your heart is not mine and that it’s time for me to stop confusing both of us by hoping you might change your mind,” he told her, caressing her delicate, lightly tanned skin. “I always thought I’d win your heart in the end. I thought I couldn’t lose. That beneath all the craziness and the back and forth I’d always win. But then, I did lose and it hurt like nothing I’ve ever known. I can’t understand why you’re choosing him over me, but I can accept it. Or… I’ll learn to.” His heart was thundering in his chest, and against all odds he still hoped she might change her mind. That she might choose him.

  “I adored you from the moment we met on that rooftop, Kronus. You meant everything to me after all you did to protect me, but I realized I put you on a pedestal and it became one even the real you couldn’t match up to. I learned the hard way that life and the people in it got in the way every time I tried to follow my heart, but the facts never changed. We never changed…” Kyra took a deep breath as though steadying herself, and Kronus knew before she’d even opened her mouth that she was about to break his heart all over again. “We aren’t compatible, Kronus, and not because of our difference in race. Things just aren’t right between us in that way. The looks those other Thrakorian’s were giving me today said it all and I cannot live the rest of my life hiding in your shadow. I don’t want you to have to live like that. I don’t want…”

  “Me. You don’t want me. You want Thrayke,” he finished for her and Kyra nodded.

  “Every time I’ve needed someone he’s been there. I don’t mean when I’ve been hurt or upset either, I mean broken and ruined from the inside out. He didn’t fret. In fact, he pulled me back from the edge of despair more times than I care to remember. I want that for you too, but with a woman who feels the same about you in return. You deserve to be blissfully happy and fall deeply in love, and until that time comes, I’ll be here for you, for whatever you need—as a friend.”

  Despite her words hitting him like a kick to the gut, Kronus nodded in acceptance. He even forced himself to smile. He’d take her firm friendship over the awkward back and forth they currently had and knew he could end up losing her completely if he kept on obsessing about her the way he was. Time would heal his wounds, but having Kyra in his life would undoubtedly help him and give him a purpose. Something meaningful and worth fighting for. After everything she’d been through, Kyra deserved to be happy, and while it might be Thrayke’s job to make that happen now, it was also his, because he was her friend, even if he could be nothing else.

  They arrived at the facility and Kronus watched as Kyra climbed down out of the craft and went running to the doorway, where Thrayke stood waiting for her. She jumped into his embrace, flinging her arms around his neck while kissing him.

  Kronus refused to let the image get him down. In fact, the sight of them so clearly in love with one another helped to steel his resolve. Despite her affection for him, Kyra had never loved him the way she loved Thrayke, and now he finally knew for sure she never would.

  “That’s that. No more,” Kronus mumbled to himself, scratching at his chin. “No more.”

  He then climbed down and headed over to meet them with a forced smile on his solemn face. Thrayke saw right through it, Kronus could tell, but for Kyra’s sake he too forced their rivalry aside. Their friendship was strained, but thanks to his new sense of purpose, Kronus wasn’t going to let it remain that way. He put a hand on his oldest friend’s shoulder and grinned down at him.

  “Thank you,” Thrayke told him, and Kronus knew he was thanking him for returning Kyra safely like he’d promised. It was a relief when she then fussed with her things and left the two of them alone inside the huge doorway. Her instincts had always been spot on and Kronus was glad she’d decided to leave the pair of them alone so he might give his most trusted comrade the good news in private.

  “You’re welcome, Chief Thrayke,” Kronus replied, and the smile that then took over his face was entirely genuine, as was Thrayke’s. It didn’t matter that they’d spent the better part of the last year or so estranged. Thrakorian’s weren’t the type to have heart-to-hearts or pour their emotions out following hard times. In fact, the emotion and honesty Kronus had shared with Kyra while travelling back to the facility were a shock to his system, and he was about ready to shut himself off again. At least that way he could resort back to his old nature where he wouldn’t be hassled and he certainly wouldn’t be expected to open up about his feelings.

  He then proceeded to give Thrayke the details regarding his new title, and was thrilled when he finally accepted his offered role as Chief. They celebrated over cigars and a glass of some sort of wine his friend the connoisseur had produced from Greegis’s once private cellar. After all, everything that had once belonged to the scientist now belonged to Thrayke, and Kronus took pleasure in helping him enjoy the comforts and delights Greegis had brought with him from Earth.

  Over their drinks, Kronus then outlined the plan for their community of humans that his father had given them per
mission to proceed with, namely that every decision was Thrayke’s and that his was final. “Do not let this community become a democracy, otherwise he’ll appoint someone else to hold jurisdiction over these humans. Be strict, old friend. Govern them fairly but with a firm hand. I know you won’t do what I did and sit back without a care while rebels rise up right under your nose.” Thrayke didn’t answer, which Kronus was glad about. He wasn’t keen on hearing an ‘I told you so,’ but he also wasn’t interested in being pandered to regarding his failures during his ruling of Earth.

  The pair simply moved the conversation on, and Thrayke didn’t hide the fact that he was overjoyed at finally having been offered a promotion he felt worthy enough to accept.


  Kyra sat with Lasiandra in the lab for a while so they could go over the team’s recent findings, having opted to leave the two Thrakorian’s alone so they could catch up properly and clear some of the tense air between them. She still couldn’t believe the way Kronus had spoken about his feelings toward her during their brief visit to Thrakor’s capital and hated that she couldn’t talk it through with anyone. Kronus had always been so private, and rightly so given his station, so Kyra didn’t want to cause him upset or humiliation if word got out that he’d pretty much proposed marriage to a human, or that she’d refused him. He was so back and forth she still never knew what he wanted or how he truly felt, but had to trust that his final words to her on the craft back were true. He’d promised to stop now that she’d been brutally honest about her feelings for him and she genuinely hoped in time he might find someone else with whom he could share the part of himself he’d entrusted only to Kyra evidently his entire life. Whoever this dream girl was, she’d be lucky to have him, and yet Kyra didn’t envy her the task of loving Kronus, but hoped that she might still be in his life to be able to help the poor girl deal with his special type of dark and brooding when the time came.


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