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Royal Bastards MC: Blayze's Inferno Los Angeles Chapter

Page 2

by J. Lynn Lombard

  “What are we doing, Xander? Why are you here?” Monica’s voice is quiet in the large room.

  “I’m here because I want to be. Your brother wants full protection on you after some shit we found out earlier, but that doesn’t matter because I’m wherever you are. Always have been, Bug.” I want to kiss her. I want to close the distance between us and ravish her lips with my own. Then I want to command her body with mine. But it’s not the right time. Not after an episode. “C’mon, Bug. You’re staying with me tonight.”

  I stand up and help Monica to her feet. She pushes her body against mine and wraps her arms around my waist, resting her head against my chest. “Thank you, Xander.”

  An unspoken moment passes between us and I latch onto it with both hands. I return her embrace, loving the way she fits perfectly against me. Monica and I have known each other since we were teenagers. Her brother Capone and I have been inseparable since I came into the Royal Bastards at fifteen. She was the one I always wanted but never pursued. She was always out of my league; good grades in high school, popular, captain of the cheer squad. And I was one of the troublemakers. Always fighting, being suspended and finally they kicked me out for good my senior year. Most of the trouble I was in, was because of this woman in my arms. I’ve always protected her and always will.

  I cup the sides of her face with my large hands and lean close so our lips are inches apart. “I will always protect you and keep you safe.” Monica’s breath picks up and she darts her tongue out to lick her lips. My cock strains against the zipper of my jeans. “I might have failed once before, but I won’t fail you again.”

  “Kiss me, Xander. Make me forget and give me what you can.” Monica whispers against my lips.

  That’s all the permission I need. My mouth crashes down onto hers and she opens her lips, giving me access. I plunge my tongue into her mouth and savor Monica’s flavor on my lips. She battles mine, back and forth. It’s wet, it’s raw, it’s real. It’s who we are. My cock strains against the zipper of my jeans but I refrain from taking this further. I break the kiss and rest my forehead against hers, breathing hard. Monica grips my cut in her small hands trying to get her bearing back.

  A loud crack echoes through the gym and we jump apart. I pull my gun out from my cut and tuck Monica behind me, protecting her. Together, we walk quietly toward the noise. Once we leave the boxing area, it’s dark. I didn’t flip any lights on when I was trying to find her. Now, I wish I did. The crack echoes again the closer we get to the entrance.

  The front door swings open and closed with the wind. Someone was in here watching us. I’ll guaran-fucking-tee it. I know I closed that door when I came in here. With my heart pounding against my chest and Monica’s fingers clutching my back pocket, I open the door and look around. There’s no one out here anymore. Whoever it was is long gone. We cross the parking lot in hurried steps and enter the back door.

  I turn to Monica, “Get to my room and lock the door. Do not open it for anyone.”

  “Where are you going?” Her voice trembles with fear.

  “I need to see Capone. Then I’ll be right behind you.”

  She hurries off toward my room and when she’s out of sight, I make my way to Capone’s office. I knock on the oak door and wait for him to answer. Capone yanks open the door, tucking his white t-shirt in his jeans and motions for me to enter. A club whore scurries out of his office, covering her tits with her shirt. Capone buckles his belt and takes a seat in the leather chair behind his desk. Sweat and sex linger in the room and I raise an eyebrow. He shrugs and leans back in the chair, resting his hands behind his head.

  “What’s up, Blayze.”

  “Someone was in the gym with Monica and me. They took off before I could see who it was.” I respond taking a seat in front of his desk. It’s probably the most sanitized seat in the room. I’d hate to shine a black light on the leather sofa, his desk or chair. I don’t tell him about the kiss that distracted me from knowing who was around.

  Capone leans forward in his chair and steeples his hands on his desk. The satisfied look he had on his face when I came in here is long gone. “Who do you think it was?”

  “I don’t know. It couldn’t have been the ass fucker John. He hasn’t been here since Savage Saints came into town and I made Monica go with me.”

  “Do you think whoever it was is out to hurt her or scare the fuck out of her?”

  “I’m thinking they want to scare her.”

  “But why? What has she done?” Capone’s brow scrunches in confusion. Our suspects are limited to our brothers and the club whores. Those are the only ones allowed in our clubhouse.

  “Monica hasn’t done a fucking thing to anyone,” I snarl. “Fuck me. I have an idea who it could be.” All the color drains from my face and my body is vibrating with rage.

  “Who? I’ll punish them for scaring my sister.” Capone’s jaw ticks with fury.

  “Samantha. She came on to me tonight and was pissed I didn’t take her up on her advances.”

  “I’ll send Bear to find the bitch. If it was her, she won’t like fucking with my sister.” Capone slams his fist on his desk causing the things on it to rattle and stands up. He motions with his head for me to leave.

  Bear is the Royal Bastards Sargent at Arms. He’s a big burly man with tree branches for limbs and his neck is as big as my thigh. His real name is Mark Jacobs. He got the nickname Bear because even with his tough exterior, he’s a teddy bear with the women in the club. He’s one of the most respectful men around. He loves the attention the women give him and is a gentle giant thanks to his mama, a well-known stripper, who taught her boy at a young age how to treat a lady. Something happened to her when he was little and no one besides Capone knows what it is. When he is ready to share, he will.

  I stand up quickly from my seat and walk toward the door. Capone rests his hand on my shoulder, “Stay with Monica at all times. I’ll search around and see what I can figure out. Don’t let her out of your sight.”

  “I won’t, Prez. Thanks.”

  “Blayze,” Capone calls my name when I walk out the door. I turn in his direction. “You’re the only one I trust to keep my sister safe. Don’t let me down.”

  “I won’t. I promise on my patch, Monica will have my full attention.” In more ways than what Capone wants or thinks. She’s always had my protection and always will. He’d maim my balls if he knew what kind of protection I wanted to give his sister.

  “Good. I’ll see you in the morning.” Capone walks away, into the rowdy crowd in the common room before I can answer.

  Turning, I make my way down the dark corridor toward my bedroom. I will find out what in the hell is going on one way or another. I will discover who’s after Monica and why. I will find out who’s trying to bring my club down. I will not stop until I have the answers I need.

  Chapter 2


  I unlock Xander’s door with the key he gave me months ago when I came back from Detroit and slip inside. Glancing around his room, I’m floored with memories of what’s happened to me over the past few years. I’ve spent months recovering from what Steam and Chains did to me and Xander’s room was the only safety I could find.

  Nightmares of that awful night plague my sleep. Every time I close my eyes, if I’m not with Xander, I can still feel the blade of Chains’ knife rip into my stomach. I can still feel the sweat dripping from their bodies as they beat me to within inches of my life. I can still smell the blood spilling from my body as I fight with everything I have. Capone, my brother, and the rest of the Royal Bastards MC took care of Chains when they found me recovering in another tenant’s apartment. I didn’t ask how or where. It’s not my place. They couldn’t touch Steam unless they had permission so that asshole is still out there wreaking havoc on the other Savage Saints members and they don’t even know about it. When I’m in this room and with Xander, the nightmares stay away. I can’t do this without him. I can’t get past it all without him by my sid
e. Xander knows everything I’ve been through, everything I’ve lost and he still looks at me with lust in his deep green eyes, taking my breath away.

  We’ve been playing the dangerous game of cat-and-mouse for years. I’m always the mouse, scurrying away from the big bad cat. I’m tired of hiding. I want him like I’ve never wanted a man before. He’d captured my heart the moment his boots hit the halls of our high school. With his leather jacket and bad boy attitude, I was a goner. Xander’s been best friends with my brother Derek, or what the club calls him, Capone, and won’t take our relationship further because of him. He doesn’t want to disappoint Capone by hurting me. But he doesn’t realize, he is hurting me by not doing anything. So, instead of wallowing in self-pity, I’m ready to take what I want. I’m ready to bare my soul, scars and all to get the man I’ve always wanted.

  I shimmy out of the tight dress I wore and leave it on the floor along with my high heels. I make my way to the bathroom in just my bra and panties. Flipping on the light, I take a long look at myself in the mirror above the sink. I take the time to fix my hair and apply makeup to cover the dark bags under my eyes just to catch Xander’s attention. This isn’t who I am, so why am I trying to hide my true self with this shit? I turn on the hot water and scrub my face clean. I pop my contacts out and put on my black framed glasses resting on Xander’s countertop. I run the brush through my hair and pull it up in a ponytail.

  Feeling more like myself, I take another glance in the mirror. The woman staring back at me doesn’t hide from her scars. I don’t even flinch anymore when I see the damage done to my body. The crisscross scars lining my abdomen don’t make me weep anymore. If anything, they strengthen me. Stronger to fight for what I want. Stronger to prove that I can still live my life even if the one thing I wanted more than anything was taken away from me. Now, I need to take that strength and pour it into getting the man I want. The man who creates a need between my legs. The man who makes my desire burn.

  The doorknob jiggles, pulling me out of my head. I quickly slip on Xander’s black Royal Bastards t-shirt sitting on the counter and lean against the door frame separating the bathroom from the bedroom. Adjusting the glasses perched on my nose, I cross my arms over my chest and wait. The bedroom door opens and Xander walks inside, closing it quietly behind him. His head is down so he doesn’t notice me standing here right away. The air escapes my lungs as I stare at his muscular frame. His inked arm muscles bulge with strength as he sets his gun, wallet and chain attached to his belt on the dresser. His ass is perfect for squeezing while he drives hard into me. Damn, I’m all hot and bothered and all he did was walk into the room.

  Xander turns around and spots me. A smile graces his full lips I want to kiss so badly again, I can taste his mouthwatering flavor. His blonde hair is shaggy and brushing against his shoulders and his light goatee is making me squirm when I think about what it can do between my legs.

  “Everything OK with Capone?” I ask, my voice is husky with a need and want I haven’t had in a long time. Not since the attack.

  “Yeah, Bug. Everything will be fine.” Xander is hiding something. I can see it in his eyes.

  “What aren’t you telling me? Come on Xander, after everything I’ve been through, I have a right to know.” I push off the door frame and sit in the middle of the bed, crossing my legs.

  Xander watches me and licks his lips as his eyes trail up my bare legs to my full breasts, ready for attention. “Nothing, Bug.” He replies finally meeting my eyes. “We’ll have a visitor tomorrow at the studio.”

  “Who?” I ask raising an eyebrow. Since returning from Detroit, I’m the porn queen. I direct porn for the club and I’m great at my job. I don’t fuck the actors or actresses. I go to the studio, do the job and go home. Lately, it’s been grating on my nerves because my ex, John James, demands to be there, hoping I’ll give him another chance. Since he’s shown his true colors when the Savage Saints came looking for me, I’ll never give him the time of day nor will I let him back into my life. He’s a weasel dick asshole looking to get into my panties. These panties only come off for one man. I’ve never let J.J. in and never will.

  “F.O.C.U.S., from our NYC Chapter. He’s stopping in really quick to talk to me about some club business.” Xander shrugs off his Royal Bastards cut and carefully drapes it over the chair in the corner. He pulls his white Royal Bastards t-shirt over his head and drops it on the floor. My mouth waters from the move. Xander is standing in front of me in nothing but his low hanging jeans, showing his washboard abs that I’m itching to run my fingers over and lick every curve and crevice, the sexy V leading to a place I want more than anything right now.

  I uncross my legs, keeping eye contact with him and strut my way over to where he’s standing. Placing my hands on his stomach, his body shivers from my touch. I trail my nails up his abs over his shoulders and wrap my arms around Xander’s neck. He places his big hands around my waist, pulling me close. His nose trails up my neck followed by his tongue. Xander’s palms squeeze my ass, pulling me closer to him. We’re now chest to chest.

  “What are we doing, Bug?” He breathes into my hair.

  “Taking what we both want, Blayze.” I pant. His hard cock presses into my stomach making my panties wet with desire. “Do you want me?”

  “More than I should.” Xander’s lips crash down onto mine taking my breath away. He runs his tongue along the seam of my lips and I open them allowing him entrance. A moan vibrates from the back of my throat. He squeezes my ass as my nails dig into his hair. Want, lust and need are heavy in the air. I want him. I crave all of him. I need him to quench this lust burning through my body.

  “Are you wet for me, Bug?” Xander pants against my lips.

  “Only for you,” I answer honestly. I cup his hard cock through his jeans and press against it with the palm of my hand.

  Xander holds onto my shoulders and looks me directly in the eyes. “We need to make sure this is what we both want. If we take this step and you’re not ready, Capone will cut off my dick and shove it down my throat. I’m kind of attached to it.”

  I pull my hand away from his cock and move to the middle of the bed. I take a deep breath before yanking his t-shirt over my head, exposing my scars. “If my trust in showing you these doesn’t tell you I’m ready, then you aren’t ready. No one has seen these and how disfigured it’s made me. No one knows how deep these scars really run.” I turn to face Xander. His eyes are trailing up and down my body, hooded with desire. “If I didn’t want this next step with you, I wouldn’t be here.”

  Xander kicks off his boots, quickly unbuckles his jeans and drops them to the floor. He crawls his way over to me in the middle of the bed and cups my cheeks. His mouth captures mine in a ravishing kiss that takes my breath away. He scoops me up so my legs are straddling his waist and gently lays me down. Xander’s thick cock is pressing against my heated pussy, making me buck my hips into him looking for relief. He trails his tongue down the column of my neck and lavishes one aching breast while his fingers pinch and squeeze my other one. My hips buck up into him wanting more.

  “Please, Xander.” I pant into the room. He goes further down my body and gently kisses each scar marring my body.

  “So, beautiful,” Xander rumbles against my skin. He moves further down and yanks my black panties off in one move, exposing me fully to him. He sits back on his heels, looking at me. His green eyes are hooded with desire. He pulls off his boxers, exposing himself to me and my mouth waters at the sight of his hard cock springing alive. I want to run my tongue over his flesh and take him deep into my mouth. I lick my lips and a smirk appears on Xander’s face.

  “Like what you see, Bug?” I nod my head. No words will form in my head. He strokes himself a few times before releasing his cock and turns his attention to my body. He leans forward and kisses his way up my right leg before stopping at my pussy, begging for attention. Xander darts his tongue out and licks from my entrance to my clit, making me moan. “That’s it,
Monica, let go. I’ll catch you.”

  Xander licks and sucks my clit making my body burn with desire. I know I’m not going to last long and I want my first orgasm to be with his cock driving into me, not on his tongue. I yank on his hair, pulling his body up mine.

  “Give it to me, Blayze.” I moan. Irritation flashes in Xander’s eyes and I release a sexy laugh. I only call him Blayze when I want to get his fire burning. He’d rather me call him by his God given name, not his road name unless we’re around the rest of his brothers, then it’s rude not to call him by his road name. He’s finally picking up on what I’m doing and smirks. “I need you inside of me.”

  I hook my legs around his waist and push his body close to mine. “Are you sure, Monica?”

  “I’m positive, Xander. Fuck me and make me yours.” I’ve never meant the words more than I do at this moment. I want to be his Ol’ Lady. I want everything about him. The darkness he lives in, the secrets he carries. I want it all.

  Xander sits up and grabs his hard cock resting on my clit. He trails it up and down, coating it in my wetness, teasing and tormenting me. I’m ready for him to break through the barriers I’ve raised and crash down my walls. I’m ready to feel our connection on a deeper level. As he inches inside of me, relief floods through my body as he tears down the walls I’ve surrounded myself with. Once Xander’s fully inside of me, he covers me with his body and moves his hips, his cock filling me up and hitting all the right spots. Thrusting in and out, I lose my mind, clawing at his back, pulling him closer. I move my hips meeting him thrust for beautiful thrust. His mouth captures mine and his tongue plunges inside. I moan into his mouth and his hips buck faster, driving into me. My body responds to his, sending me higher and higher into the atmosphere. My orgasm is within reach when Xander breaks our soul-stealing kiss.

  “Come for me, Monica. Give me all of you.” He demands and I respond, flying high. My orgasm crashes through me.


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