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Royal Bastards MC: Blayze's Inferno Los Angeles Chapter

Page 4

by J. Lynn Lombard

  Blayze follows my stare and his jaw tenses. “That someone named Drew dropped her off for an interview with John. He was supposed to be back to pick her up, but I have a bad feeling about this.”

  “What do you mean?” I ask.

  “I mean, I think I need to call Capone. There’s only one Drew I know and he’s in our rival Club Blood Scorpions. If he’s behind this, then some bad shit’s about to go down. Something else is going on. Just look at her.” He motions to the girl huddled in the corner. “Why would someone so young come willingly into a strange place like this?”

  “Unless this Drew forced her.” I finish. “Or she has a bad home life. How about she’s on the streets and is looking for work?” I’m grasping at straws here trying to figure this out.

  “But let that weasel dick fuck her? Nah, I don’t buy it. My gut is telling me something else is going on. I’ll be back.” Blayze leans over my chair, caging me in with his strong arms. Our lips are a breath apart. “Remember me while I’m gone.” He kisses me hard and the butterflies in my stomach flutter around like crazy. Blayze breaks the kiss and I’m panting for air.

  “I can never forget you.” I breathlessly whisper against his lips.

  “Good. I’ll be back in a few. See if you can find anything out from her that I couldn’t.” He leans in and softly kisses my lips. I try to take more, but Blayze pulls away. I pout and he smirks. “Later, Bug.”

  I watch his fine ass walk out the door, dialing Capone. I release a deep sigh, ogling his lean body. That man is perfect. Movement from the corner catches my attention and I quickly snap out of my lust-filled haze. The girl picks her head up and tears are running down her face. She looks scared and confused. I slowly walk over to her and slide down the wall next to her. She flinches but I brush it away.

  “Hey, my name’s Monica. What’s yours?” I say watching her. She looks around the room like a scared little kitten. She says nothing but when her gaze lands on me, my heart breaks. She didn’t want to be here. I can see it in her hazel eyes. “I know you’re scared. But trust me, I won’t hurt you. I promise.”

  She wipes the tears from her face. Bruising around her wrist catches my attention. She tucks her hand back inside the blanket before I can stop her. “He’s going to kill me for getting caught.” Her voice is tiny and afraid.

  “Who’s going to kill you?” I gently ask.

  “I can’t say anymore,” she whispers, staring off into space.

  “Hun, you’re safe with me and Xander.” I put my hand up and gently rest it on her blanket covered shoulder. “I won’t let anyone hurt you anymore, but I need to know what happened.”

  “You can’t protect me.” She shakes her head back and forth. “Once he finds out what happened, he’ll kill me. I wasn’t supposed to get caught.”

  “Who?” I ask. I don’t raise my voice like I want to. This girl has been subjected to too much already in her young life.

  “Drew. He left me with that guy. Said it was an interview and if I passed, then I can bring in money for them. Told him to sample the goods and he’d be back for me. Now he’s going to kill me.” She sobs uncontrollably.

  I gather her into my arms and she comes willingly. I soothe her messy hair and comfort her the best I can. “It’s OK. I promise. I won’t let them hurt you anymore.” I say repeatedly, rocking her. “Let’s get you dressed. Where are your clothes?” She’s still crying but points to the pile of clothes next to the bed. “Come on, let’s get you a shower.”

  I help her up and gather her clothes. Taking one look at them, there’s no way I’m letting her put these filthy things back on. “I’ve got different clothes here. I’m not letting you put these back on. OK?” She nods her head, keeps the blanket wrapped tight around her and I help her into the bathroom. I turn on the shower and let the steam fill the room. “I’ll be back in a few. Remember, you’re safe here. I won’t let anyone get to you. I promise.”


  “What’s that?”

  “My name. It’s Daisy. Like the flower.” She gives me a small smile.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Daisy, like the flower. I’ll be back in a few minutes.” I exit the bathroom, close the door behind me and lean against it. I hear the lock clicking in place.

  Tears form in my eyes. Xander was right. Something else is going on and she’s the key to figuring out what it is.

  Chapter 5


  I head out into the living room, looking for my sexy biker when there’s a knock on the door. It’s actually more like a boom than a knock making me jump. Xander comes out of the kitchen, tucks his phone into his pocket and answers it. There’s a huge burly man wearing a Royal Bastards MC cut standing on the other side. Xander bro hugs him, slapping each other on the back and lets him inside.

  “Monica,” Xander demands. I step forward toward him. “This is F.O.C.U.S. from our New York City Chapter. F.O.C.U.S., this is my girl, Monica.”

  “Nice to meet you,” I respond, extending my hand. His big burly hand covers mine and gives it a firm shake.

  “Same here. Blayze, we have club business to discuss.” F.O.C.U.S. says. His deep voice sends a shiver down my spine. I imagine with that timbre and those muscles and tattoos, he can make anyone shiver, male or female.

  “You can use my office. It’s free from bugs. I do a sweep once a day. Feel free to check again though.” I gesture to the closed door behind the kitchen. I give Xander my key.

  “Thanks,” F.O.C.U.S. responds. He grabs the key out of Xander’s fingers and heads to the closed door.

  “Everything going OK with the girl?” Xander asks, leaning close. His voice is hushed.

  “Yes. I have her in the shower and I’m getting her a fresh change of clothes. I’m afraid you’re right though. Something is going on Blayze. We need to protect her.” I hold back the anger brewing behind the tears.

  “Capone will be here in about twenty minutes. Then we will go over what we know and where to go from there. Just keep an eye on her and keep her safe.” He gives me a small kiss and heads into my office with F.O.C.U.S.

  I walk into the bedroom that’s mine only. When I came back to L.A. to run the porn business, I requested that the studio had a separate bedroom for me. That way I can stay here when I need to and don’t have to worry about walking in on anyone. This is my sanctuary.

  I cross the hardwood floor and open the top drawer of my dresser. Inside is a wooden box that I keep important information in. I pull out the box and sit on the edge of the bed. With another key, I unlock it. I reach inside and take out the photo that’s seen better days. It’s a picture of me, Capone, Blayze and Blayze’s little sister Danyella taken six months ago. She’s a female version of Blayze, with long blonde hair and delicate features. Danyella was a looker and didn’t have a mean bone in her body. She kept us all grounded and sane. We were at the clubhouse, smiling like nothing was happening. But after everything I’ve been through, staring at the picture now, I can see the pain in Danyella’s eyes. A few days after this was taken, she disappeared. No word. No trace. She just vanished. It’s always haunted Blayze. He’s turned this city upside down looking for her but everyone he’s talked to knows nothing about her disappearance.

  I tuck the picture safely back into the box and put the box back into the dresser. I gather Daisy some clothes and leave my room. I lock the door behind me and head into the studio room. The shower is still on so I clean up the mess John made. I don’t want Daisy to see this mess and trigger something. I strip the sheets off the bed and put them in the washer. I grab a new set from the closet and put them on. I clean up the blood off the wall from when I broke John’s nose.

  When I’m finally finished and everything is back in place, I hear the bathroom door open. Daisy is standing there with a towel wrapped around her body and one wrapped around her hair.

  “I didn’t see the clothes?” She questions. Her voice is small and timid.

  “The door was locked and I didn’t wa
nt to scare you,” I answer. I point to the pile of clothes on my director’s chair next to the door. “They’re right there. I hope they fit.”

  “Thank you. I’m sure they’ll be better than what I had.” Daisy picks up the clothes and heads back into the bathroom. She stops before closing the door. “Thank you for helping me, Monica. I hope I don’t bring any trouble to you. These men are dangerous.” Tears form in her eyes.

  “That’s what we’re going to figure out. My brother will be here in a few minutes and he will want to talk to you.”

  “OK. I don’t know how much help I’ll be but I can try.” Daisy closes the door behind her.

  A loud bang on the front door startles me. I hurry into the foyer, peek through the peephole and see Capone, Bear, Tiny, and Red waiting on the other side. I unlock the door and allow them inside.

  “What’s going on?” Capone asks. “I got a call from Blayze telling me about weasel dick fucking some chick.”

  I roll my eyes with his remark. “Well, he gave you the watered-down version.” I gesture to the open living room. I sit in the leather chair. Capone sits on the couch and the rest of the brothers stand around us. “Her name is Daisy and I think she’s been kidnapped.”

  “How’d you come up with that?” Capone asks, resting his elbows on his knees.

  “Her dirty clothes, the bruising on her wrists and the way she jumps at everything. She said that some man named Drew left her here and told John he was sampling the goods. He told her that this was an interview. If she fits, then he’d be back to get her.”

  “And if she didn’t?”

  “I don’t know. What the hell is John doing with my studio?” I stand up and pace back and forth across the floor. “Is he using it for his own sick pleasures or is there something more?” I throw my hands up in the air in frustration.

  “Where is John?” Capone’s jaw is ticking. He hates it when a woman is hurt. That’s his kryptonite.

  “I kicked his ass and he ran out of here like a little bitch,” I smirk. “After I broke his nose.”

  “Bear, look into where John went and what he’s up to.” Capone orders.

  “On it, Prez.” Bear pulls out his phone and steps out into the hallway.

  “Where is the girl now?” Capone asks me.

  “She’s in the studio bedroom.” Capone stands up and heads toward the room. Tiny and Red start to follow him, but they’ll scare the fuck out of her. “You two need to stay here. She’s already scared and if you go in there, she’s going to freak out.”

  “Stay here and see if you can find a connection to this Drew and John. Then when Blayze comes out of his meeting with F.O.C.U.S., fill him in on what you find.” Capone orders.

  “You got it, Prez.” Red answers.

  “My laptop is in the kitchen if you need it guys. Thank you for your help.” I offer.

  “Anything for Blayze’s Bug.” Tiny answers with a laugh. He knows that shit bugs the piss out of me. But I guess I’ll have to start getting used to it now. I no longer have just an association by blood, but now I’m an unofficial Ol’ Lady.

  “Smart ass. You’re lucky I love you like a brother or I’d kick your ass too.” Tiny chuckles. The deep timbre of his laugh makes me smile. Kicking his ass would be like kicking a horse. The man is huge. His arms are bigger than my thighs and he stands well over six foot five. He got his road name Tiny because he’s always bringing in tiny stray animals and caring for them.

  “Monica? Are we doing this?” Capone snaps.

  I roll my eyes and lead him into the bedroom. He’s a pissy ass today. Daisy is sitting on the edge of the bed. She looks up when we enter, her hazel eyes are brimmed with tears. I hurry over to her and put my arm around her shoulders. She silently cries into my chest and I soothe her the best I can. Capone crosses the room and takes a seat in my director’s chair.

  “Daisy, this is Capone, my brother and the President of Royal Bastards MC. He’s going to help us in figuring out what’s going on.” My voice is soft and gentle.

  Daisy raises her head and looks at Capone. Her breath catches in her throat and her body trembles with fear. “No. This can’t be happening.” She’s on the verge of a breakdown.

  “What’s wrong?” I’m trying my best to keep her with me, but she’s spiraling.

  “No. No. No. You’re with Royal Bastards? Oh, man. They’re really going to kill me.” She shakes her head back and forth. “I’ve got to get out of here.”

  “Yes, we are. But I won’t let anyone kill you. You’re safe with us.” Capone’s voice is gentle even though I can see the tick in his jaw.

  “You don’t understand. The last girl that was involved with the Royal Bastards disappeared and I never saw her again.” Daisy sobs. “She was my best friend in there. We had each other’s backs, but she just vanished.”

  Capone and I stare at each other. My eyes are wide and my jaw drops. There has only been one girl who’s disappeared from the RBMC and never seen again.


  Chapter 6


  I’m out of my meeting with F.O.C.U.S. from the Royal Bastards New York City Chapter. That man is intense. Every time he leaves, I feel like I need a long nap to recharge. He left with the rest of his brothers, heading back to their Chapter. I’m walking toward the studio bedroom, searching for Monica when I hear a pissed off grumble behind me. Turning around, I spot Tiny sitting in the leather chair with Monica’s laptop resting on his big knees. He’s rubbing his stubbled jaw with one hand and his eyebrows are furrowed with concentration. Red is standing behind him with the same expression.

  “Tiny, Red? What’s up?” I ask, halting my steps toward the studio bedroom. I turn and head back to where they’re at.

  Tiny looks up from the laptop. His normal California tanned face is pale but his brown eyes are screaming violence. “Prez has us looking into the connection to John and the fucker named Drew. Bear is searching John’s most recent whereabouts after he left here.”

  “What’d you find?”

  “Prez told me about your hunch and it was right. I found video surveillance of Drew dropping that little girl off with John. The same fucker that’s a part of Bloody Scorpions, our biggest rival. They’re asshole deep into human trafficking and VP, you’re not going to like what I’ve found. There’s a list of girls on the black market for sale.” Tiny continues before I lose my shit and force it out of him. “I created an account to enter their auction.” He turns the laptop toward me and my breath catches in my throat. There are over thirty girls ranging from the age of thirteen to twenty on the screen.

  “What the fuck is this?” I ask aloud. It’s a rhetorical question. I’m shocked and pissed.

  “That’s not the worst part, Blayze.” Tiny clicks a tab and another image fills the screen. One I know immediately. Danyella, my baby sister who’s been missing for six months.

  My ears ring and rage boils my blood looking at my little sister’s image. She’s scared and confused. The once vibrant smile and sparkle in her familiar green eyes are gone. I’m going to tear apart the Bloody Scorpions and rip each member limb from limb. I will rip their dicks off and shove them up their asses for fucking with my family. Their blood will be on my hands and I’ll enjoy every minute of it.

  “Blayze?” I hear Monica, but her sweet gentle voice is so far away. “Blayze!” Monica shouts.

  I look in the direction her voice came from, but I’m so blinded by rage, I don’t actually see her. I’m looking past her. Clicking of boots on the hardwood flooring and small, warm hands rub my arms. Monica’s voice breaks through the ringing in my ears. I turn my head; tears are in my eyes. Monica opens her arms and I go into them. She runs her hands through my hair, soothing my tortured soul. Trying to bring me back to reality.

  “Shh. It’ll be OK, Blayze. We’ll figure out a way to get her back. I promise you.” Monica’s voice cracks. This is hard for all of us. Danyella and Monica were as close as sisters. I need to pull my shit together a
nd go at this with a level head. I straighten my spine and look around the room. Capone, Bear, Red, Tiny and the girl are watching me, waiting for me to go on a rampage. The girl looks scared as fuck. Does she have any information?

  “She doesn’t,” Monica answers my unspoken question. She sighs, “I know your train of thought, Blayze. Daisy doesn’t know where Danyella is. The only thing she knows is one day they were together and the next, she was gone. She hasn’t seen Danyella in almost a week.”

  “A week? She’s been missing for six fucking months!” I try to rein in the anger in my voice, but it’s useless.

  Monica doesn’t even bat an eye at my outburst. Daisy jumps. “I know. But let’s look at it this way. She went missing six months ago, but Daisy saw her a week ago. They’ve been inseparable for the last five months.” Monica rests her palms on my face, making me hear her. “She has been with Danyella for five months. We finally have a lead. And to top it off, we know ass fuck and some dick named Drew are working together. Once we find their connection, we can move forward.”

  “Blayze, we need to take this to the table. Church in an hour.” Capone speaks up for the first time since I found this information out. Capone and Danyella were close too. She has that way about her where everyone gravitates toward her.

  “Be right behind you, Prez.” I nod my head. “I just need a minute to wrap my head around this.”

  “I’ll stay with him, Capone. Can you take Daisy to the clubhouse? Put her in my room and keep her safe, please.” I put my arm around Monica’s shoulders. She doesn’t leave my side. I’m so thankful for that.

  “Consider it done. Bear, Daisy can ride with you.” Capone orders. Daisy’s trembling again from head to toe. Monica leaves the warmth of my arm and walks to her. They say something back and forth and finally Daisy nods her head and wipes the tears away. She straightens her spine and follows my brothers out of the studio. They keep her between them all, protecting her.


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