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Royal Bastards MC: Blayze's Inferno Los Angeles Chapter

Page 6

by J. Lynn Lombard

  “What’s the rest of the plan?” Bear asks. His burly arms cross over his chest and he leans back in his chair, creaking under his weight.

  “We go in, get Danyella out and fuck shit up.” Torch, our Enforcer responds. He got his nickname Torch because after he’s finished with an enemy, he lights their body on fire and he enjoys the torture that comes with it.

  “It has to be more than that. We need to make sure these fuckers are brought down for good. If we have to take out their whole club, that’s what we’ll do.” Capone growls from his seat. “These motherfuckers need to be stopped for good. Tiny, get on their site and be ready for a bidding war. Trigger, Torch and Red, once we get a location where Bloody Scorpions are holding the girls, your job will be to get to their clubhouse and set up around their perimeter. No one in, no one out. Blayze, Derange, Bear and I will be at the girls’ location to get them out. I’ll have a prospect waiting with the van to escort the girls back here. Then, once they’re safely out, we hit Bloody Scorpions MC with everything we have. No mercy.” Capone slams his gavel down on the table, ending our meeting.

  Tiny is the first to get up and leave Church. There’s a haunting look in his eyes and I know that expression well. This is hard on him. I’ll have to check on him before we leave. Trigger, Torch and Red walk out together next, talking about where they’ll set up and how they’ll keep Bloody Scorpions in the clubhouse. That leaves us with Bear and Derange.

  Derange leans forward and sets his hands on the table, running his fingers over the scarred wood. He looks up, “What’s this mean for us? Bloody Scorpions are huge. There’s no way we can take them on our own.”

  “I’ll call in reinforcements. Get some allies on our side. Be prepared for a blood bath, brother.” There’s a hint of revenge in his voice. He wants blood, just like the rest of us.

  Dagger stands up from his seat and exits Church without another word. “I’ll go check on him. Make sure he’s in the right frame of mind for this. Something has been going on with Jezebelle.” Bear stands up and follows Dagger out. That leaves Capone and me.

  Capone pulls his phone out of his jeans and sets it on the table. “Better make that phone call now. Get them ready.” He punches a button and puts it on speaker phone.

  It rings several times before a sultry voice answers. “This better be good.”

  “It is. I have some information that we need your help on.” Capone responds.

  “I’m listening.”

  “We have a location on some missing girls and a few of them are from Central Michigan. I know you have connections out there.” This is hard admitting we need help. I can see it in the way Capone swallows hard.

  “I do. But what does that have to do with me? You’ve made it clear you never wanted nor needed our help.” She’s not giving Capone an inch.

  “I was wrong, Krimson. We need your help. I need your crew to help us get Blayze’s sister back.” Capone pleads with her. Krimson is the leader of the street racers in Los Angeles. She took down the biggest motherfucker of them all a couple of years ago after she found out he killed her parents and kidnapped her little brother.

  “You’ve found Danyella? Why in the fuck didn’t you lead with that?” I hear her inhale a deep breath through the phone. “What’s the plan?”

  “Bloody Scorpions are having an auction tonight. Tiny is set up to bid on her and is searching for where they might be holding the girls. It looks like they have about five up for auction. A total of twenty or more girls waiting. That’s a lot of bodies to be moving at one time. Once we have the location, three of my men will be set up outside their clubhouse. Then me, Bear, Derange and Blayze will be at the girls’ location, ready to get them out. We will end them tonight. I need a safe passage through the city for our van to get back here.” Capone exhales and rubs his temples.

  “Anything else?” Krimson asks.

  “We need help taking these motherfuckers out. They’re a big MC and we don’t have the manpower. My other Chapters are too far away to make it here.” Krimson doesn’t answer. She’s waiting to hear the words flow through my Prez’s lips. He knows it too because he clenches his fists on the table. “Krimson, will your crew help us destroy these trafficking motherfuckers?”

  Silence from the other end of the phone is making my blood boil. I open my mouth to tell her never mind and to fuck off when Capone raises his hand silencing me.

  “Yes, you’ll have my help. I’ll arrange a safe passage through the city. Once you figure out the route back to your clubhouse, let me know and I’ll have the streets shut down. Rush, Hotflash, Redlight, Quickshift, Nolan and his men, along with myself will assist you in ending these motherfuckers. They messed with the wrong woman. Bringing that shit into my city is unacceptable. Be ready to shed some blood, boys.” Krimson hangs up before Capone or I can say anything.

  “That went better than I expected,” Capone leans back in his seat. He stares off into space before turning in my direction. “Is it me or does that woman cause a shiver down your spine?”

  “Oh, she scares the shit out of me. If there’s one woman besides mine that I don’t want to cross,” I point to the phone like she can see me, “It’s her.”

  Capone laughs and slaps the table. “Alright, brother. Let’s go check on the rest of the guys and see what they’ve come up with.”

  We exit Church and head for the communications room. Tiny is in there along with Red. They’re both at different computers, searching for shit. Tiny has photos up of different missing girls. He has them labeled and marked by state. Red is searching for traffic cameras in different parts of the city. They have shit under control and I turn to leave.

  “Hey, Prez. VP.” Red calls out, halting my steps. “I found something and you’re not going to like it.”

  I turn back around and step behind Red, looking at the screen he has up. Capone stands next to me. “What’d you find?”

  Red hits play and the screen comes to life. It’s grainy but I can make out a man walking with two girls. One can’t be older than four. She’s clutching onto the other woman like her life depends on the woman’s survival. I can’t make out who the woman is. Her head is down and her snarly hair is covering her face. The man yanks on the woman’s hair hard. She lets out a squeal of protest but remains upright. He has on a leather cut but I can’t make out the patches from this angle. The man shouts in the woman’s face, getting right in her personal space. The woman turns to face the camera and my heart stops beating.


  She stares directly at me and mouths something into the camera before he yanks on her hair again, pulling her and the little girl down an alley and out of sight.

  “Rewind that. Where are they?” I order Red. I stare at the screen again, trying to make out what she’s saying. “What the fuck is she telling me?” Red hits play again and I watch Danyella’s mouth move.

  “They’re at the corner of West 5th and South Hill Street, in downtown L.A. There’s construction going on in that area. Perfect place to move a bunch of women and citizens wouldn’t even know. With all the trucks going in and out, it’d be a breeze to add one more to the mix. I’ll bet my patch that’s where they are. I’ll keep looking to see if anyone else goes in and out of that area. Then, I’ll try to figure out what Danyella is trying to say.” Red answers.

  “Good work brother.” Capone slaps his back.

  “Yeah, good work.” I echo Capone. I need to get out of here. I need air. My shirt is strangling my neck. Sweat beading on my brow. I head for the door and get out of that room as fast as I can. Worry and dread fill my stomach thinking about everything Danyella has gone through the past six months. I walk down the hallway to Monica’s room as quickly as my boots will take me. If one person can ground me when I need it, it’s her.

  Chapter 8


  My bedroom door slams open with a hard thud. Daisy jumps from her seated position on my bed and scurries to the attached bathroom. Her blue eyes turn wide
and her body starts shaking in fear. Blayze is on the other side of the door. His chest is heaving and sweat beading on his brow. My room grows smaller with the tension radiating from his body. His green eyes are haunted, portraying the pain he’s in. He searches the room and that deadly gaze lands on me. I’ve seen him like this only once before and that was when Steam and Chains tried to kill me.

  I approach Blayze cautiously, “Xander, what’s wrong?” His body relaxes a little when I approach him and he wraps his muscular arms around my shoulders, drawing me into him. He holds on tight, not letting go. “Xander, talk to me, please.”

  “We found her. We found Danyella.” I should be relieved but I know better. Being in this life you learn how to take the good with the bad.

  “But…” I trail off waiting for him to finish.

  “But she’s being held by Bloody Scorpions in a construction area in downtown L.A. We can’t get to her.” His voice chokes on the last part. “I’ve failed her like I’ve failed you.” Blayze buries his face in my hair and breaths deep.

  “Xander, you didn’t fail me. What happened to me has nothing to do with you.” I comfort him, wrapping my arms around his waist. “You didn’t do that to me. Steam and Chains did.”

  “But if it wasn’t for me sending you there, you would’ve never been in their crosshairs.” Blayze counters.

  “If I stayed here, Chains would’ve killed me to prove a point to Capone. What happened to me isn’t your fault.” I cup his face, making him look at me. “You saved me. You sacrificed your patch to keep me alive and I’m still here. I’m not six feet under. I have air in my lungs and you by my side. That’s all I need and all I want.” Blayze buries his face in my hair again, pulling me closer to him.

  Daisy approaches us. I forgot she was in the room, “I know how to get in. If you take me there, I can help.” The meek little girl I found crumpled on the floor of my studio wants to help.

  Blayze lifts his face from my hair and pins Daisy with a glare. She shrinks back a little. “No. Absolutely not. You’re not going back there.” His arms tighten around my shoulders.

  “It was just an idea,” Daisy fidgets with the hem of her t-shirt. She casts her gaze to the carpet.

  “I won’t have you in any more danger. You’re safe here inside our clubhouse.” Blayze looks at me. “I have to leave. I want you to promise me that you’ll stay inside and won’t leave.”

  I don’t answer right away. “God fucking damn it, Monica. Stay here so I don’t have to worry about you while I’m trying to get my sister back.” Blayze’s voice is deadly.

  “Fine. But if you’re not back, I’m coming for you. If you die trying to rescue Danyella, I will bring you back to life just to kill you all over again.” I’m serious too.

  “I’ll be safe. I promise. But you know it’s a chance every time I step out that door.”

  “I know, Xander. I know.”

  Blayze leans down until our lips are a hairsbreadth apart. His green eyes are boring right into me. Into my soul. Our lips crash together. He runs his tongue along the seam and I open. His tongue plunges inside my mouth, stealing my breath and the rest of my heart along with it. Blayze pulls away and rests his forehead against mine.

  “I love you, Xander,” I breathe into him, clutching his leather cut with both hands.

  “I love you too, Monica. Until my last breath.”

  I inhale a sharp breath and tears form in my eyes. Blayze gently wipes them away with the pad of his thumbs. He gathers me into his arms again and kisses the side of my neck, sending heat to my core.

  “Blayze, time to roll, now.” Capone stands in the middle of my door, taking up the whole space. His body is vibrating with revenge. There’s a slight tick in his jaw. The only telltale sign he’s pissed. His black eyes land on me and he gives me a small nod. We might be half-siblings, but we’re in sync with each other. He knows I’ll worry about them all until they come back safe.

  “Bring our family home.” I plead with Capone.

  “Always.” He turns on his heels and leaves, taking the tension with him.

  “I’ll see you soon, Bug. And when I do, you better be ready for me.” Blayze kisses me one last time before he walks out of my room, taking my heart with him.

  I don’t know how long I stand in the doorway my heart hurting for my family right now. All I can do is wait, but that’s not one of my strong points. I have to do something. I turn to Daisy, “Come on, I need a drink.”

  We walk to the bar. It’s too quiet out here. No music pumping from the speakers. No club whores milling around, looking for a dick to fall on. All the club members but a few prospects and lower-ranking patch members are on the rescue mission.

  I stroll behind the bar and point to a stool on the other side. Daisy sits down and watches me work. I hand her a bottled water and fix myself a drink. She uncaps the water and drinks like she hasn’t had anything this refreshing in a long time. I sip my drink slowly, looking around the common room. No one is paying us any attention, which will work with what’s going on in my head. My eyes land on Daisy when she finishes her water.

  “What?” She asks.

  “You know how to get in the building?”

  “Yes…” Daisy trails off. She’s scared and I don’t blame her. What I’m going to ask her to do next will put us both in danger but fuck it. I’m not waiting any longer.

  “I have a plan but I need your help executing it.” She nods her head, waiting for me to continue. “We’re going on a field trip of sorts.”

  “But Blayze told you to stay here.”

  “Yeah, I know.” I wave my hand dismissively. “But Daisy, I can’t just stay here and let my family go head first into danger. There’s one thing you should know about me. I don’t follow directions or orders very well.”

  “I’m figuring that out. What can I do?” She crushes her water bottle and I throw it away.

  “I’m going to head into that room.” I point to the communications room. “You’re going to be my lookout. If someone comes, you give me a warning. There shouldn’t be a problem since most of the guys are gone. Then, when I find what I need, we’re out of here.”


  “That’s my girl. Stick with me kid, I’ll show you how to get shit done.” I rap my knuckles on the bar top. Looking around, I see my chance to get in and out. None of the guys are paying attention to us. I hurry towards the communications room and pick the lock. I look behind me and Daisy is swiveled on her stool so she’s watching the whole room. She nods her head at me and I slip inside.

  I look around the room. The computers are still on and a screen displays a countdown. Two hours and thirty minutes left until the auction. Above the countdown is a picture of Danyella. Only it doesn’t really look like her. Her vibrant green eyes are haunted. Her once shiny straight blonde hair is dirty and scraggly. She has fresh bruises on her face and neck.

  “What have they done to you, Danyella?” I touch the screen with my fingertips, tracing her face. A lone tear trails down my cheek and I wipe it away. The red lights ticking down remind me I’m on a time limit. There will be time later to grieve for what she’s lost. What we’ve all lost.

  I flick the mouse to the other computer and it fires up, revealing what I’m looking for. There’s an older building deep in the heart of downtown Los Angeles. There are photos of the specs of the building. I study them and commit them to memory. An address is written down on a sticky note. I commit that to memory also.

  Red is getting sloppy with his work. I will have to talk to Capone about that. He not only left the location of the girls on a sticky note, but he also left the address of Bloody Scorpions’ Clubhouse. What if it wasn’t me in here? What if someone broke into our clubhouse and discovered all the information, they needed in one glance? This is unacceptable.

  I turn to leave when I hear Daisy whistling. She’s humming a tune that I’ve heard before but can’t quite place where. I hurry to the door and crack it open. One prospect is f
acing towards the door, crowding Daisy’s space and she’s on the verge of a panic attack. She spots me and relief washes over her face. I see her turn her back to the prospect, getting him to move around her. When his back is to me, I slip out the door.

  “Come on, baby. You know playing hard to get is a huge turn on.” I hear the prospect trying to hit on Daisy. “I can show you a good time if you’re game.”

  “No, I’m good. Thanks anyway.” Daisy dismisses the prospect with a wave of her hand. He still isn’t giving up though and now I’m getting pissed.

  “Oh, don’t be like that, baby.” He crowds his body into her and she’s trying to push him away.

  “I said no.” Daisy is gasping for breath. Her chest is heaving up and down rapidly.

  “No means yes, right?” Doesn’t this fucker get the hint?

  I sneak up behind him and when he tries to touch Daisy, I grab his hand. I put pressure on the spot between his thumb and pointer finger, yanking his hand behind his back.

  “What the fuck!” The prospect squeals.

  “I think the lady told you no.” I press down harder. Prospect drops to his knees, gritting his teeth. “Now apologize to my friend.” He opens his mouth then shuts it again. I squeeze his hand harder. I can feel the bones crunching together under my fingertips. “Now,” I growl.

  “I’m sorry. There is that good enough.” He whines in pain.

  I release his hand and shove him forward with my foot. He falls face first and scrambles to get up. Prospect turns around like he’s going to do something and I raise an eyebrow with my hands on my hips. “You better think again, prospect. If you want to make it in this club, learn this lesson real quick. No does not mean yes. And if you want to hit a woman, be prepared to have the whole MC on your ass. We don’t tolerate that shit here.” I turn my attention to Daisy. “You good?”

  “Yeah, thanks, Monica.” Daisy wraps her arms around her waist, trying to get her shivering under control.


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