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A Menage to Celebrate

Page 4

by Marla Monroe

  “What are you thinking about so hard?” Mitch asked.

  “Huh?” he asked before turning to look at his friend.

  “You’re standing there holding a fucking wrench in mid-air staring off into space. What are you thinking about?” Mitch asked again.

  “Fuck. Adonna.”

  “Figured as much. Can’t think of much else myself,” Mitch said.

  “Need to ask her out for this Sunday. Wish she had off a different day,” he said.

  “She’s the boss. She should be able to take off a different day, but I’m not going to rock the boat and suggest that yet,” Mitch said.


  “We’ll call her tonight. Let’s suggest going to the steak house Sunday evening,” Mitch said.

  “Yeah. That’s a good idea. We can talk there, and there won’t be many people there on a Sunday evening.”

  David wanted to be able to talk openly with her and she’d be less uneasy with fewer people around. Maybe she would be a little more open considering the type of business she ran, but he wasn’t sure.

  “I wonder how close she is to being able to get out of that store and into the one she really wants to run?” Mitch asked.

  “Don’t know. Hope it’s soon. I don’t like that she works there at night all by herself. It’s out on the highway off on its own. Prime spot for a holdup and she’d have no one to help her. It would take the sheriff’s office a long time to get there if she manages to call for help,” David said.

  “Don’t remind me. I’ve thought of that a lot lately. She needs a man there at night and her work days if she has to work. Surely there’s a man out there that needs a job,” Mitch said.

  “We’ll have to keep our ears open and see if we can find someone for her.”

  “Good idea.”

  “If we find someone, do you think she’d take advantage of him?” David asked.

  “Don’t know. I’d hope so.”

  David hoped so, as well. He worried about her out there all alone. She might not have had trouble so far, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t in the future. The longer she was out there, the better her chances were.

  Thinking about her once again had his cock growing stiff in his jeans. He groaned and adjusted himself before finishing removing the lug nuts and tossing them in the rolling tray. He pulled off the back left tire then rolled it over to put it on the front right, moving that one to the back left.

  By the time he finished the rotation, his dick was a pounding hard-on and his thoughts were all about a certain brown haired, hazel eyed minx who smiled so that a dimple teased him. He wanted to kiss that dimple and move on to other things. Fuck, he needed to stop thinking about those other things or he’d never get control of his cock.

  By the time they’d closed the shop for the day, he was ready to get home. He needed a shower in the worst way. Not only to clean up, but to rub one off so he could walk straight. He nearly limped from the pain of how hard his cock was.

  As soon as he’d showered off and was as clean as he could get, David poured shower gel into his hand and applied it to his rigid dick and ran it up the length of it, over the head and back down again. He moaned as he began tugging on it with thoughts of sweet Adonna there, kissing his chest as she rubbed his body with soap. She kissed and licked her way down his chest until she was kneeling between his legs, using both hands to pump his cock.

  He would look down at her as she opened her mouth and licked just the cockhead, then along the slit. He groaned at the thought of her tongue slipping across the slit. Then she’d suck in the tip of him and run her tongue around the lip before sucking in more of him. He’d dig his fingers into her hair and scrunch it between his fingers as she cupped his balls with one hand while pumping his dick with the other hand, as she began sucking him down her throat.

  He cursed as his ass cheeks grew taut. She went down on him until he touched the back of her throat, then she relaxed her throat and took more of him, swallowing around him before coming back up. He nearly came out of his skin, it felt so damn good. He wanted her to do that again. It had felt fucking awesome.

  To his surprise, it was as if she’d read his mind. She did just that. She swallowed him down then relaxed her throat and took as much of him as she could, and swallowed around his aching flesh while squeezing his balls, then came back off him while moaning around him. He nearly shot his load right then. She was amazing.

  Then he was fighting to keep from coming. He wanted to make this last. It was so damn good. Maybe it was only a daydream, but it was one hell of a daydream. He imagined her licking her way around his dick and scratching lightly over his balls as she pumped the base of his cock. She sucked the rest of him into her hot, wet mouth. In no time at all he was ready to pop. He couldn’t hold off any longer. His ass cheeks were burning with the need to relax. He’d been clenching them since almost the beginning. Now they were quivering.

  David squeezed his balls as he pumped his dick and rose up on his toes as the first hot streams of cum shot out of his shaft to hit the shower wall until he was drained dry. He slapped one hand against the wall as he finished shooting his load and rested his forehead against the cool tile before nearly collapsing to the shower floor. Finally, he managed to regain his strength and clean up once again.

  Even though it was early, David was ready for bed. He was beat and relaxed, but he needed to eat. With a heaving sigh, he dried off and dressed to join Mitch in the kitchen to fix something to eat. He noticed that his friend was just as quiet and appeared just as exhausted as he felt. Maybe they’d both call it an early night.

  After they called Adonna, though.

  Chapter Five

  Adonna answered her phone on the third ring. She smiled, it was Mitch. “Hello.”

  “Hey, babe. How is business?” Mitch asked.

  “Hi, Mitch. Pretty good tonight, oddly enough. How are you guys doing?” she asked.

  “Good. Was a busy day at the shop. David says hi.”

  “Tell him I said hi back.”

  “Why is it surprising that it’s busy tonight?” Mitch asked.

  “It’s Wednesday night? Church night. Usually it’s almost dead on Wednesday nights.”

  “I see your point.”

  “Right. Must be an uprising going on. That or there’s a rebellion in one of the churches around town.”

  “Do they look like church going folks?” he asked.

  “Um, I guess some of them might, but really most of them look like my normal crowd.”

  “Just all chose tonight to come in then.”

  “Guess you’re right,” she said.

  “How about going to the steak house with us Sunday evening?” he asked.

  “Sunday? Um, sure. That sounds good.”

  “Great. We’ll pick you up at six if that’s a good time for you.”

  “Six is fine.”

  “Be safe, babe. I’ll let you go. See you Sunday.” Mitch disconnected and Adonna hit end before setting her phone on the counter beside the register just as a couple walked up with a basket full of things.

  “Um, can we ask you some questions?” the young woman asked.

  “Of course,” Adonna said. “What can I help you with?”

  “Have you ever tried the lubes? Like this cherry lube?” she asked.

  “Not that one in particular, but I’ve used lube in the past. It really helps with making things easier. What in particular were you wanting to use it on?” Adonna asked.

  “Oh, um…” the girl faltered, looking down at her feet.

  “An anal plug,” the man said, looking over at her. He pulled the plug out of the basket.

  Adonna nodded and read the lube’s ingredients. “This lube is fine with the plug. Some lubes aren’t for use with rubber objects, so you have to be careful to watch for that. You want water-based lubes for those,” Adonna told them.

  “I didn’t know that,” the guy said. He took the lube and read it again.

using anal plugs, the idea is to start small and increase the size over time. Also, use lots of lube. You might want to start out with a smaller plug than this. You can either buy a kit with more sizes in it or just exchange this one for a smaller one to start,” she said.

  “Didn’t know that. I wondered how this was going to fit without hurting,” he said.

  “There’s a DVD called Anal Virgins that goes through the entire process if you’re interested in learning more,” she told them.

  “Okay. Come on, Barbie. Let’s go back and see what other sizes there were. I didn’t really look at the sizes.” The young man tugged the young woman after him as he carried the basket with them.

  The next man in line plopped two magazines and some lube on the counter. He didn’t look the least bit nervous or embarrassed by his purchases. In fact, he looked a little smirky about it. Adonna just rang them up, shoved them in a bag, and took his money. She handed him his change, careful not to touch his hand and nodded as he left.

  She waited on the next man who was buying a couple of DVDs of women on women action. He just grinned like a lunatic the entire time Adonna checked him out. He didn’t even want her to put them in a bag. Just grabbed them up and raced out of the store once she’d given him his change.

  The rest of the evening was just as busy until nearly eleven. Then it petered out to the point that she only had about four more customers the rest of the night. She was happy to close and lock the doors at two a.m. She quickly tidied up the store and gathered up the deposit to take by the bank. She dropped it in the night drop box and hurried home. She was exhausted and couldn’t wait to get to bed. She showered off and climbed into bed with thoughts of Sunday evening dinner with the two guys forefront in her head. Why had she agreed to seeing them both again? She really needed to talk to them about what they were doing. She couldn’t keep seeing both of them like this. People would talk and she needed to remember that she wanted to have a business in town someday.

  But even if she was able to date only one of them, who would she choose? Drat it all. She couldn’t choose one over the other. She would have to refuse to see either of them. That made her sad. She really liked them. Maybe she could be friends with them instead, and they could go hiking occasionally.

  Yep. That would go over like a lead balloon. So not happening.

  Adonna fell asleep to even more questions, and didn’t sleep well at all.

  * * * *

  She added the figures one more time to be sure then smiled. The numbers remained the same. The store was doing much better than she had anticipated these last two months and she was getting closer to her dream than ever before. At this rate, if things continued to go as she hoped, she would be able to open her boutique in less than a year now. If only sales would stay this good.

  Then she would have to make a decision. She’d either have to sell the adult store or find someone to run it at night, taking over her hours. That was the reason she’d worked those hours in the first place. She hadn’t found anyone who would work them. Well, she’d come to that problem when it happened. She had to admit though, that having the store’s income would help her through the first six months of no profit from the new store while she was getting her feet wet with it.

  It usually took at least six months before seeing any sort of return on investment from a new store. She’d be paying rent, paying against a loan, and against inventory while trying to live off the meager savings she had until she started getting more sales. She’d have to work alone at first until sales picked up. It would take some time.

  She’d wrestled with a name for her shop for months but had finally settled on Delightful Delicates. She’d carry everything from tempting negligees to comfortable underwear. She’d also carry socks and thermals since they lived in the mountains where it snowed so much during the winter months. She hoped her store got to be a place where women bought all their intimate things. She might even bring in gloves and scarves to round it out. Last minute needs on the way out the door. She liked it.

  She shook her head as she let her mind wander as she tended to do when she got to thinking about her future. She couldn’t wait to get started on it. Adonna put away her books and rubbed her hands together. She needed to get ready to go to dinner with the guys. It was nearly time for them to pick her up and she hadn’t dressed yet.

  Adonna selected a green and yellow dress with short sleeves and a slight swing to the skirt. She liked vintage clothes and tended to wear fifties skirts and blouses. This one reminded her of the fifties with its slightly gathered skirt. She let her hair down and brushed it until it showed. Then she added earrings and a necklace. When she strapped on heels and transferred the contents of her purse to a smaller crossbody one. She deemed herself ready just in time when her doorbell rang. She checked to be sure it was them and smiled as she opened the door.

  “Hi guys. Right on time.”

  “You look great,” Mitch said.

  “Beautiful,” David added.

  “Thanks. You guys look nice, as well,” she said.

  “Lock up, babe. I hear a steak calling my name,” Mitch said.

  Adonna chuckled and locked the door before slipping the keys into her purse and taking both men’s arms to walk toward the truck. David helped her up, then slid in next to her before helping her with her seatbelt. Mitch climbed in behind the wheel and started the truck to back out of her drive.

  They talked about the week and the different vehicles they’d worked on, laughing about the one when they’d had to extract rocks out of a gas tank where a five-year-old had thought it was fun to “fill the tank with fuel” when he’d learned about fossil fuel and dinosaurs in kindergarten.

  “There were at least fifteen or twenty rocks the size of quarters in there. Had to shake them all out then clean the tank before we could put it back on. Asked the owner if he wanted the rocks back and he said, ‘hell no. Toss them in the deepest lake you can find’. Guess I wouldn’t have wanted them either,” Mitch said.

  “Poor kid. He was just trying to help out.” Adonna couldn’t help but laugh right along with the guys.

  “I’m sure he got a stern talking to about it though,” David said.

  “Other than the anal plug incident, I didn’t have anything out of the ordinary at the store. Just a lot busier than normal, which is a good thing,” she said.

  “Glad you set them straight about needing to graduate up with the sizes, that could have been a bit traumatizing for the young woman,” Mitch said.

  “That’s what I thought. I’m just glad the man was interested in doing things right and wasn’t offended that I’d suggested he think about something different. Sometimes you get guys in who think they know it all and don’t want to listen to what you have to say,” she said.

  “Yeah, we’ve all had a few of those,” David said.

  “I would imagine you get those in your line of business, too,” Adonna agreed.

  “All. The. Time,” he said.

  “One time we had this man bring in his truck telling us the wheels needed balancing. We checked them and they were fine. We checked the alignment and it was fine, but finally figured out that he had a rim that was warped. We told him one of his rims was warped and he accused us of lying to him and that he knew all he needed was the tires balanced. He’d been a mechanic before and to balance the tires that was all he was paying for.” David shook his head.

  “Those kinds of people make you want to pull all your hair out,” Adonna said. She looked over at Mitch. “Is that what happened to you?”


  “When he came back, we told him there was no charge because he didn’t need his wheels balanced and we didn’t balance them. He drove off with the warped rim and came back cursing us that we hadn’t done what he’d asked. Before it was over, he accused us of deliberately warping his rim, so he’d have to pay for something more expensive than balancing his tires. Lucky for us, the rim had rust on it to prove it had been that way for a
while,” David said.

  “Just can’t please some people. The funniest reason I’ve had someone return something was because a particular DVD didn’t give them a hard-on. I just looked at him. I was determined not to laugh, but it was so hard.” Adonna shook her head. Even now she was having trouble not laughing. “He walked in, plopped the DVD on the counter and planted his hands on either side of it and said he wanted his money back. I asked if it didn’t work and he said no. I opened it up and popped it in the player I have behind the counter and it seemed to work fine. He shook his head and said. It didn’t get me hard. It didn’t work. It’s supposed to get me hard.” Adonna started giggling.

  “He expected you to take it back because he couldn’t get it up to a DVD? What did you do?” David asked.

  “I said I’d exchange it for a male on male or I wouldn’t exchange it at all,” she said.

  Both men burst out laughing.

  “What did he say to that?” Mitch asked.

  “He snatched up the DVD and stormed out of the store. I guess he was going to try it again.”

  “That was priceless. I wish I could have seen his face when you offered to exchange it for a homosexual DVD. What made you think of that?” David asked.

  “I just figured if what I was seeing on the DVD wasn’t doing it for him, then maybe he was a closet gay and didn’t know it.” Adonna just shrugged.

  “Obviously he took offense to that,” Mitch said.

  “I guess so. Really, a pretty big chunk of my clientele is homosexual. I don’t have a problem out of them. They’re my nicest ones. You’d be surprised at just how many are truckers. I have more trouble out of the straight guys than I do anyone else,” she said.

  “What sort of trouble do you have?” They parked and Mitch held up his hand. “Wait. Let’s get seated and you can tell us then.”


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