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Rescue Me (Sunset Bay Book 1)

Page 3

by Christine Kingsley

  He buried his hands in her hair as he took her mouth again. Meredith felt dizzy, her world spinning in crazy circles as she opened her eyes to watch the stars. Her belly quivered and blood was roaring in her ears. A man had never caused her to feel like this.

  "Cole," she breathed. He pulled back to look at her. Something he saw made him hesitate. She blinked, trying to focus on his face, but it kept floating just outside the edge of her vision. Confused, she closed her eyes again and pulled him back toward her, grinding her hips against him. He ran his hand down her body again and the touch of his fingers on her thigh caused her to moan. Just as she thought he was going to take her right then and there, he pulled away from her and sat up. The sudden movement made her stomach lurch.

  His words pierced the fogginess of her brain. "I can't do this."


  Cole ran his hands across his face and through his hair, causing it to stand on end. This woman was making him lose his mind. God help him, she had him ready to strip her naked right there on the beach. But she was drunk. He hadn't thought so earlier, but it was apparent now.

  He looked down at her, the beginning of a smile vanishing when he saw the hurt and embarrassment written all over her face. She sat up abruptly, wrapped her arms around her middle and looked away.

  "Meredith, baby, no no no." He took her chin in his hand and tried to turn her back to him, but she wouldn't budge. He put his hands around her waist and in one swift movement had her up and over him, sitting on his lap, her back cradled against his chest and his arms wrapped around her. She was shaking.

  "Are you cold?" She shook her head wordlessly. "Let me rephrase that. I can do this." He laughed. "Most assuredly. More than that, I want to do this."

  She turned her head up at that, question reflecting in her glassy eyes.

  "What I mean is that when we do this for the first time, I want it to be somewhere a little more private." He gestured to the villas and buildings all along the strip of beach and to his surprise she giggled. The sound of it had blood rushing back through his body, making him even harder, and he could tell she knew it too when she wiggled her hips a little against him. He groaned. "You're making me rethink it, though," he bit out.

  Despite his playboy reputation, he wouldn't take advantage of her. He could tell she wasn't sober, and for reasons he couldn't quite understand, he didn't want her to have any regrets in the morning. Maybe it was her uninhibited zest for life, the fact that she was unlike any of the women he usually attracted. He wanted her to remember it all. Whatever it was driving his decision, he was going to wait. He just had to make sure there would be another opportunity to see her.

  "How long are you here?"

  She relaxed against him. "Two weeks."

  He smiled into her hair. Perfect. "Then there's no rush."

  She turned to look up at him, her lips swollen from his kisses pushing out in a pout he found adorable. "Maybe I don't want to wait. Maybe I want to be a little crazy."

  He shook his head gently. "Let's walk." He helped her to her feet and bent down to grab her shoes. They took a few steps and she stumbled, falling against him and letting out a small hiccup. Cole frowned.

  "Sorry, just a little light headed," she mumbled, her words beginning to slur.

  He was too, but he thought her reasons were more alcohol-induced than his. She was tipsier than he'd thought. "How much have you had to drink?"

  She shrugged, and tried to take a few more steps, then grabbed his arm as she started to pitch forward.

  "Whoa, baby, hang on to me." He leaned into her, worry creasing his brow. "Are you okay?"

  She nodded jerkily, but the movement must have been too much because she lifted her hand to her head and moaned. Not in a good way. "Everything is spinning."

  "Come here." He wrapped an arm tightly around her waist and she sagged into him, barely able to walk straight. This was no good. She was worse off than he'd thought. "Where is your room?"

  "Hmm?" She lifted bleary eyes to him, her lids drooping closed as her knees buckled.

  "Dammit." He swept her up in his arms and cradled her, and she snuggled her head against him. Ignoring the stab in his chest at the sweetness of the movement, he leaned down and kissed her forehead gently, trying to get the information he needed from her. "Meredith, sweetie? I don't know where to take you. Where is your room?"

  She didn't respond and her eyes were closed. A moment later he heard her breathing deeply and steadily.

  Cole couldn't believe it. She'd passed out on him, and he had no idea what to do with her. He couldn't exactly call the front desk and ask them to identify the woman in his arms. That would reinforce the image he was trying to get away from, so he did the only logical thing he could think of.

  He took her to his room.

  He swore again to himself. This was not how he'd planned on his night ending. He hadn't wanted a woman in his bed to begin with, but one that was unconscious was even worse.

  The walk up the beach with her in his arms wasn't difficult, and in no time he was deftly pulling his key out while cradling her. Once he was in the room with the door shut behind him, he debated what to do next.

  He was about to lie her down on his bed when he realized they were both still soaking wet and sandy. He couldn't let her sleep like that. For all he knew, she'd wake up with a cold or something. Hadn't his mother always said something along those lines?

  Not wanting to get the bed wet, he placed her on the sofa and stood back to look at her. Closing his eyes with a groan, he realized he was going to have to undress her. The idea of it made him feel like a creep, but what choice did he have?

  Taking a deep breath, Cole found a fluffy robe in the bathroom and brought it out. He stared at her for a long moment and hesitated. Maybe he could try again to wake her? He knelt down beside her and shook her gently. "Meredith? Can you wake up for me?"



  With as much care as he could he manage, he unhooked the dress strap from around her neck. Now what? He sat her up and she stirred briefly, his hopes rising that maybe she'd come to, but he grunted in frustration when her head fell against the back of the sofa.

  Averting his eyes as much as possible, he peeled the clinging red dress down her damp skin until it was at her waist. No bra. He'd figured as much. Keeping his gazed fixed on the picture on the wall behind her, he lifted her up and grabbed the robe, hoping he could easily get it around her and be done.

  No such luck.

  She fell forward against him, her warm breasts pressing against his chest, heating him up through his cold, wet shirt.


  Making quick work of it, he slipped the robe over her arms and cinched it tightly at the waist. Clenching his jaw, he reached under the robe and slipped the dress down over her hips, catching his fingers on the thong he'd felt earlier. On or off? Deciding wearing wet panties to bed had to be a bad idea, he yanked them down quickly and tossed them aside with the dress.

  This had to be some new form of torture. Maybe it was punishment for his years of bad behavior.

  Scooping her up again, he placed her gently on his unmade bed and pulled the covers up to her chin. Knowing he should get the hell out of there, he started to step away but felt a magnetic pull back toward her. She was breathtaking. In her sleep, she looked even sweeter than before. He brushed a strand of hair away from her face and allowed himself the briefest second of pleasure by brushing his knuckles across her cheek.

  Get a grip, dude.

  What the hell was wrong with him? He wasn't the affectionate type. And that mush he'd said out on the beach. What was that? She had gotten under his skin somewhere between the dance floor and his room, and he didn't think he liked it one bit. Turning away abruptly, he grabbed a blanket and extra pillow from the top of the closet. It was only then that he remembered his own soaked clothing from the foray into the ocean. He rummaged in his drawer until he found some cotton pants and stomped out of the room.

  Cole changed and headed toward the balcony, ready to go to sleep and end this night, but was distracted by the red fabric on the floor. He picked it up and hung it over a chair outside, hoping it would be dry by morning.

  He threw himself down on the plush outdoor couch that was as big as a mattress and tried to sleep, but all he could think about was the gorgeous sex goddess sleeping all alone in his bed.


  I'm gonna be sick! Meredith fought the roiling heat in her stomach and squeezed her eyes shut tighter, willing herself not to lose it. She rolled over carefully in the soft pillow-filled bed and immediately regretted it. Even the smallest movement had her head spinning like a top. She took several long breaths before attempting to open her eyes. Thank goodness the room was dark.

  Gradually she became aware of the need to go the restroom but was afraid to move again. What an idiot. How had she let herself drink so much? Those days should be way behind her, yet here she was, hungover like she'd partied all night. She didn't think she'd had that much, three or four drinks, but maybe it didn't take much anymore.

  Moving as slowly as possible, she raised her head from the pillows, inching her way into a sitting position before she had to stop again to steady her spinning head.

  It must have been quite a night. Too bad she didn't remember much of it. She stood up and immediately regretted it. Running toward the bathroom, she felt along the wall for the door handle, but it wasn't there. Nothing but textured wallpaper met her fingertips. Confused and disoriented, she stumbled across the room, her eyes slowly adjusting to the dark. She was certain her bathroom was on the left side of the room. So why was it now on the right?

  Finally, she found the door and pushed through, squinting against the blinding light as she flipped the switch. Her head began pounding and she groaned. Absolutely ridiculous. She made her way to the sink and splashed cold water on her face, sipping slowly from her hands in an effort to relieve her parched throat. She would not get sick. She refused. Placing her palms on the counter, she hung her head and took a few more steadying breaths. She just needed to focus and she'd be okay.

  After a moment, she became aware of the fluffy white robe hanging off her shoulder and frowned as she rubbed the plush fabric between her fingers. She didn't remember her room having a robe. She looked around the bathroom more carefully and blinked. She was positive her room didn't come with a man's shaving kit.

  Her hands flew to her gaping mouth. No, please no. She had not gone back to someone else's room. Maybe Brandon had found her and brought her to his room. But she knew that wasn't what happened. As her head began to clear, memories from the previous night came flooding back.


  She remembered dancing with him and how it had been one of the most sensual experiences of her life. They had left the club and walked along the beach. She also remembered deciding, in what could only be attributed to her altered state of mind, that she'd wanted to sleep with him. Have a one-night stand. Completely out of character. Her body flushed as she recalled their kiss in the sand. And then? She wracked her brain and came up with nothing. Had he brought her back to his room and had sex with her?

  She walked hesitantly back into the bedroom, trying remember what all had happened the night before. Her suspicions were confirmed when she caught sight of the jeans and shirt draped across the armchair. They most definitely belonged to Cole. She pulled her robe more tightly around herself, and only then realized that she wore nothing under it. Where were her clothes? She looked around desperately.

  This couldn't be happening. She had never done anything like this before. Even though it had been her suggestion she couldn't believe he'd gone through with it. He must have known she was drunk. Suddenly her cheeks were burning for an entirely different reason. He had some nerve! She'd heard about guys that had little consideration for a woman as long as she seemed willing and pliant, but she felt shocked and disappointed that Cole had turned out to be one of them. Not that she'd taken the time to actually get to know him.

  It infuriated her.

  Meredith jumped at the sound of a low male voice and the click of a door lock coming from the other side of the bedroom door. She must be in a hotel suite like her own with a living area beyond the bedroom. Running to the door, she pressed her ear against it and tried to hear the conversation going on in the next room, but she couldn't make it out. Cole's muffled voice mingled with another male voice that was even quieter.

  She debated waiting out their conversation so she could face him down and let him know exactly what she thought about him for taking advantage of her. But the idea of seeing him again had her pulse racing, and as irrational as it was, she was half afraid she'd fall right back into his arms. Which was now officially the last thing she wanted to do. Since she didn't think she could trust herself to see him again, she decided she'd be better off finding a way out while he was distracted. Then she could spend the rest of the trip avoiding him. Maybe he'd be leaving in the next couple days and she wouldn't have to worry about him any longer.

  She rushed around the room looking for her clothes, grabbing her head when the quick movements sent a stabbing pain through it. Dammit! She couldn't find them. She couldn't very well walk back to her room in a bathrobe, but she didn't seem to have a choice. For all she knew, she would have to trek across the entire resort to get there.

  Her gaze settled on the floor length curtains. Was she lucky enough to find a way out the back? She pulled back a sliver of the curtain and peeked outside. The window overlooked the beach and there was a large balcony that stretched beyond the room she was in. No one was visible from where she stood.

  Smiling in relief, she pulled the curtain back further and eased the glass door open as quietly as possible. With one last glance at the room, she slipped outside and slid the door shut behind her.

  The voices were louder out here, and Meredith realized there was another set of sliding doors leading from the balcony into the living area, and they were open.

  Now what? It looked like the only option was to vault over the railing and make a break for it. As she shook her head at the absurdity of the situation she caught a glimpse of red fabric draped over a chair on the other side of the patio. Just beyond the open doors where Cole and whomever he was talking to were sure to be standing. There was no way she could get across to get her dress.

  Cole's voice drifted out to her. "Don't worry, I've got it covered. I've been doing this for years."

  I'll bet. Meredith became angry all over again. She was just one of his many conquests. She scoffed, then immediately slapped a hand over her mouth, leaning against the wall with her eyes shut. So much for a stealthy escape.

  "Do you have someone in there?" the other person said, their voice still slightly muffled. At least that's what she thought they said. It was hard to hear over the sounds of waves crashing and birds singing. Any other time she'd love to enjoy the view of the early morning beach coming alive, but not today.

  The voices became quieter until she didn't hear anything else. Had they left? Taking a risk, Meredith peeked around the corner and saw the front door cracked a couple inches. They must have moved outside.

  Not believing her luck, relatively speaking, Meredith rushed to grab her dress, and glancing furtively around to make sure there were no early beach goers nearby, she yanked it up over her hips and fastened it around her neck, leaving the robe where it fell to the ground.

  She debated for half a second whether she should look for her shoes, but decided against it. She'd rather get the hell out of there. It was really too bad, they were one of her favorite pairs.

  Swinging a leg over the balcony rail in a very unladylike fashion, Meredith dropped the two feet down to the ground and made a beeline for her room.


  If Brandon didn't stop his incessant worrying, Cole thought he would snap.

  "I just want to be sure she has a good time. She works too hard and really needs to enjoy her vacation," Brand
on said, but Cole was only halfway listening. He'd heard Meredith out on the patio and he was in a hurry to get Brandon out of there so he could go check on her. She'd probably woken up feeling terrible if she'd had enough to drink to pass out on him.

  "Are you even listening to me? You do have someone in there, don't you?" Brandon narrowed his eyes suspiciously, trying to peek around Cole through the crack in the door. "You know I don't need you sleeping with the guests while you're here."

  Cole held his hands up in defense. "I swear I didn't sleep with anyone last night." Not that he hadn't wanted to. "Tell me what you want me to do." He figured he'd get Brandon off his back sooner if he showed more interest in this sister of his he wanted entertained for the day.

  "Just take her out on the boat, show her some of the islands. Teach her to snorkel if you can get her to. Or maybe show her some sailing basics. Most importantly, make sure she has a good time. You'll have a good time too."

  Cole seriously doubted it. He'd rather spend his day getting to know Meredith a little better. That surprised him. He never let himself spend time with a woman if it wasn't directly related to sex.

  "Why exactly do you want me to go out of my way to make sure she has a good time?" Cole figured this sister must be just as uptight as Brandon. He could just see her now, some mousy workaholic type that preferred to spend her time digging into her work instead of sinking her toes in the sand. Nothing at all like Meredith. His mind drifted back to when they were dancing and he couldn't keep the grin off his face.

  Brandon caught the look but mistook its source. "Not that kind of a good time. Dude, this is my sister we're talking about. She is absolutely positively off limits. Got it?" He crossed his arms and stared daggers at Cole.

  Cole shook his head, laughing. "I'm a reformed man, remember?" Besides, he really didn't think he'd be interested in her if she was as dull as Brandon was making her out to be. Who came to the beach and had to be forced to have fun?


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