Rescue Me (Sunset Bay Book 1)

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Rescue Me (Sunset Bay Book 1) Page 13

by Christine Kingsley

  But that wasn't real life. Real life wasn't fun and carefree, full of lazy days in the sun and sexy nights on the beach. At least not her life. She had worked too hard to get where she was, and she knew that she couldn't disappoint Brandon. He'd never understand. Giving up everything she'd worked so hard to achieve seemed almost as painful as it had been to give up her dreams the first time.

  Stopping herself from falling into an even bigger funk, she climbed from the bed and got her laptop. She logged into her email account and stared at the screen for what felt like an eternity.

  Time to grow up. You can't hang on to these fanciful dreams.

  Typing out a quick response, she read it over several times and clicked send.

  She'd accepted the position.

  It felt like a death sentence.


  Meredith climbed aboard the boat, her heart heavy. This was it. Their last lesson together. Their last time in a magical fantasy world far removed from reality. She wanted to make it count.

  Cole greeted her with a warm smile and took her in his arms, kissing her like he was starved.

  "Oh," she gasped when he finally released her. She looked around at the marina, relieved to find there was no one nearby that would notice their display. "Good morning to you too."

  He pulled back slightly but didn't let go, staring into her face with more intensity than she'd seen before. "I'm sorry about last night," he said, cupping her cheek with his hand and stroking her jaw with his thumb. "I got distracted and was dealing with some things."

  She shook her head. "Don't. Let's not talk about it. I want to enjoy this day."

  "Me too," he said, still staring at her so hard that she almost felt the need to avert her eyes. "Let's get out on the water."

  Feeling comfortable on the boat after two weeks of learning to sail, she helped him get the boat out of the slip. They fell into a companionable silence and natural rhythm as they maneuvered the boat together into open water. She took over the helm while he worked the sails, setting them on a clear path toward a little rock cove they'd discovered one day earlier in the week.

  He came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, and she leaned back into his chest, savoring the mix of the spicy scent of his body with the salty sting of the sea. "You're pretty amazing, you know that?" he murmured into her hair.

  "Mmm, tell me more."

  He laughed. "I've just never seen someone take to sailing so quickly. You're a natural."

  "You're not half bad yourself," she joked, trying to keep the mood light, but it was hard with her heart in her throat. She couldn't shake the knowledge that this could be the last time she'd be with him.

  They stayed like that in each other's arms as they sailed out to the tiny cove a couple miles out. It had a little grotto that offered just enough shade.

  "Have you eaten?" he asked her as he moved away to drop anchor.

  "No. I know I should have."

  "That's perfect. I brought some food."

  He pulled a small cooler out from under a bench seat and secured it to a life ring. Once he tested the ropes, he lowered it into the water. "Come on."

  She looked at him curiously. "What are we doing?"

  "Having a picnic." Then he kicked off his shoes and dove straight off the edge of the boat into the emerald waves.

  She stared at him dubiously. "In the water?"

  "No, in the grotto. Jump in, it's fine."

  With a deep breath, she removed her hat, tank, and shorts. Even from atop the boat she could see his eyes heat up at the sight of her in nothing but a string bikini. Before she had time to think better of it, she dove into the water, surfacing near him and sputtering. "It's freezing!"

  Cole laughed. "We are a bit further out here, so yeah. Come on, keep moving and you'll warm up."

  She felt like she'd jumped into a pool of ice cubes, but she forced herself to kick and swim the short distance to the rock jutting out of the sea. Cole swam next to her, pulling the rope attached to the life ring. When they reached the grotto, she hefted herself up onto a ledge and helped Cole lift the cooler. He sprang effortlessly from the water to stand beside her.

  "Let's go in here," he said, extending a hand and pulling her to her feet, then taking the cooler. She followed him through the mouth of the grotto and was surprised to find a small pool inside surrounded by a narrow ledge.

  They sat on it and Meredith reached for the cooler, but he grabbed her wrist and pulled it to his lips. "Dessert first," he suggested.

  "Is there any other way?" she responded, melting into his arms.

  He pulled her onto his lap and dropped a trail of feather-light kisses from her jaw to her shoulder, then continued further down until his mouth hovered a breath away from her breast. Slipping a finger inside her top, he caressed her nipple into a tight peak then bit it gently between his teeth.

  Crying out, Meredith rubbed her hips against him, needing to be closer. Needing to be as close as two people could possibly be. Cole took his time untying her swimsuit and tossed it aside.

  She wrapped her legs tightly around him, feeling him harden beneath the thin fabric of her bikini bottom. "I need you now," she breathed.

  He growled and pulled the strings, leaving her completely naked. Gripping her tightly, he shoved off the edge of the rock and they plunged into the water of the grotto's pool.

  She squealed, shocked at the movement, but he landed gently on his feet and lowered her to hers. It was shallow, only waist deep, and warmer than the water outside.

  Her hands fumbled with his shorts, needing to feel nothing between them but the warm, lapping water. She finally managed to get them off, and as he sprang free, she marveled again at how he was always ready for her. She loved that his appetite for her was just as insatiable as hers.

  Running her hands up his chest, she pulled his mouth down to hers and let all her roiling emotions of the past twenty-four hours spill forth in that kiss. She clung to him as if her life depended on it, and in a way it did. This was their last day and she wanted to experience every minute of it without holding back.

  As she let her passion break free, he ran his hands down her body and teased her with his fingers before plunging them into her. Her head fell to his shoulder and she came hard and fast, her need so desperate that she couldn't hang on. Her cries filled the cavern of the grotto as she pulsed around his fingers.

  She tilted her head back and found him staring at her with that same intensity he'd had on the boat.

  "Meredith," he said, his voice strained.

  She felt a flood of tears tightening her throat as he looked at her like she was the most perfect being in the world. She wouldn't cry and ruin it all now. She would make this their most memorable day.

  She pressed her face back against his chest briefly and let her fingers roam, exploring his body as she lavished his chest with hot kisses, alternating with tiny nips. She could feel his body tensing and tightening, flexing in her hand while she stroked him.

  He picked her up and sat her on the smooth rock ledge, wedging himself between her legs and grabbing a foil package from the cooler. She rocked against him, wanting him inside her right then, but once he covered himself he paused and lifted her chin so he could fix his eyes on her again.

  In what had to be the most sensual moment of her life, he kept his gaze unwaveringly on hers and entered her inch by torturously slow inch. She gasped as he filled her and held her against him. When he began to move within her slowly, she couldn't fight it any longer. A single tear snaked its way down her cheek.

  "Meredith," he whispered again, kissing the tear away and capturing her mouth with his.

  She squeezed her eyes shut against the flood that tiny gesture threatened to unleash. When they came together, she knew her heart was breaking into a million fractured pieces that could never be put back together again.

  Because she finally admitted, if only to herself, what she'd been fighting against so hard. She loved this man
with every fiber of her cracked heart.


  Cole gripped the bouquet of roses tightly in one hand, a bottle of champagne cradled in his arm. He couldn't believe what he was about to do.

  The afternoon at the grotto and on the boat had been the best of his life. Meredith was purely and simply everything he could ever want and he knew now that he couldn't just walk away. It was impossible.

  After they'd returned, they'd gone to the dance club to participate in the open ballroom session, and it had only intensified what he was already feeling. When it was over, he leaned down to tell her that he had to get something and he'd meet her in her room in an hour.

  He questioned his sanity over and over in that hour but was determined to follow through with his plans. He still had a lot to work out, but he wanted to tell her how he felt. He couldn't let her leave without knowing.

  So he'd picked up some flowers and champagne and was going to make their last night together one she'd never forget.

  He glanced around as he approached her room and noticed her door was cracked, so he pushed it open and walked in. Maybe she'd be waiting for him naked on the bed. A guy could hope.

  "Hey, baby," he called out. "Close your eyes. I've got a surprise for you."

  She didn't respond so he continued down the hall into the living area, stopping dead when he rounded the corner.

  "Surprise," Brandon said dryly.


  Cole stood there dumbfounded. He had nothing to say. How could he play this off? And did he even want to anymore?

  He sat the flowers and champagne down on a table and took a step toward Brandon, raising his hands with his palms out.

  "Somehow I don't think those are for me."

  "No," Cole began slowly, searching the room. He didn't see Meredith anywhere. He lowered his hands. "They're for Meredith."


  "Where is she?"

  "What the hell, Cole?" Brandon's eyes were on fire, his body tensed as if he were ready to spring. "You son of a bitch."

  "Let me explain."

  "Explain what? That you've been screwing my sister behind my back? After I warned you to stay away from her. Jesus, what the hell is your problem?" He balled his fists and took a step toward Cole.


  Cole's attention was diverted to where Meredith had just come from the bedroom, her phone hanging limply at her side and her face paling.

  He started toward her, but Brandon cut him off. "No way. You stay away from her."

  Meredith came forward and placed a hand on her brother's arm, but he shook it off. "Don't touch me. How long has this been going on?"

  "I didn't want to upset you," she began, trying to get his attention, but he ignored her, his eyes piercing Cole like he wanted to kill him. Hell, he probably did.

  "How long?" he repeated through clenched teeth.

  Cole sighed. "Since her first night here."

  "What?" Brandon took another step toward him and before Cole had a chance to react, he reared back and slammed his fist straight into Cole's jaw. He stumbled back but didn't return the punch. He probably deserved that one.

  "Brandon, stop," Meredith screamed, coming in between them. "Give me a chance to explain."

  "Explain what? That you ignored what I told you? Both of you. That you were sneaking around behind my back with the worst possible choice of a guy you could make?"

  That stung, despite that it would have been the truth not very long ago. Cole hadn't done a good job over the years of proving himself to be a great catch, but things were different now. Because of Meredith.

  "How can you say that? He's your friend." Meredith's eyes were shooting fiery daggers at her brother.

  "He's no friend of mine if he's going to seduce my sister, then leave her like she's no better than the rest of his cheap whores."

  Meredith fell back as if she'd been hit and Cole got right in his face. He may have deserved some of what Brandon said, but there was no way in hell he was going to talk to Meredith like that.

  "Are you kidding me?" he roared. "Meredith isn't like a single one of those women."

  "Damn right. So what the hell is wrong with you?"

  "It's not like that. Hear me out."

  "I don't want to hear anything you have to say." He came at Cole again, but this time Cole was ready. He intercepted Brandon's fist and pushed him back, hard.

  "I don't want to fight you, Brandon," he said, struggling to keep his cool. But it was getting harder by the second.

  "You don't have a choice," Brandon said, coming at him a third time.

  "Stop it!" Meredith yelled. "This is crazy. Brandon, if you're going to insist on dealing with this like an animal, you need to leave." She extended her arm and pointed toward the door.

  But Cole could see Brandon wasn't going anywhere. He wasn't coming at Cole for the moment, but he stood with his legs wide and his arms crossed over his chest. "I'm not leaving unless he goes too."

  "Not happening," Cole stated bluntly. He'd come to talk to Meredith, and dammit, he was going to. In front of Brandon if he had to.

  But Meredith wasn't going to side with him either. He saw that now as she looked at him warily. Brandon was her brother, and as much as he may have the wrong take on the situation, she was going to listen to him. She'd indicated as much with her record of life choices.

  "Will you please let me talk?" she pleaded with her brother, turning her back on Cole to face Brandon and place her hands on his shoulders. "Please?"

  He finally tore his gaze away from Cole to look at his her. Cole didn't know what he saw there, but the look that came over his face wasn't happy, whatever it was. He shook his head. "Don't tell me you've fallen for him? Don't be dense, Meredith. You don't even know this guy. And if you did you'd stay as far away as possible." He gestured with his hands toward Cole. "The guy is a complete ass when it comes to women. Did you know that he has a different woman in his bed every night? That he won't date the same woman twice? That his wife screwed him up so badly that the idea of a relationship sends him running for his life?"

  True, most of it, but completely unfair. And if Meredith weren't standing between them Cole would have hauled off and punched him for that. What kind of a friend said these things? "Watch it, Brandon," he warned in a low voice.

  Meredith turned toward him. "Wife?" Her face was a mix of confusion and hurt.

  Perfect. Not the way he wanted that brought up.

  "Ex-wife," he muttered.

  "See," Brandon said smugly. "You don't even know the guy. You're making a huge mistake if you think there is anything more in this for him than getting in your pants."

  "Seriously? What the hell is wrong with you? This is your sister."

  "Exactly why I'm laying it out as it is. Just telling the truth."

  Meredith wouldn't look at him now. Everything was falling apart before his eyes and he felt powerless to stop it.

  Finally she spoke again, but to Brandon. "I knew what I was doing. It was my idea." Brandon's head snapped up as he waited for her to continue. "I wanted to let loose and have fun while I was here. There was never anything more to it than that. Just sex." Brandon and Cole both flinched at the coldness with which she said it. "I live in New York. I have a brand new job to go back to tomorrow, in case you forgot. One you should be ecstatic about."

  Cole felt all the fight go out of him. Of course. They'd been living a dream for the past two weeks. He knew she had a life to return to. What was he thinking, wanting to tell her that he wanted to see where this could go? Did he really think they could turn it into a relationship? He was a damn idiot if he did.

  Just sex.

  That's all it had been for her. And after all his worrying about her getting too attached, he was the one who had fallen. Hard.

  "You know what?" he said, looking at both of them in turn. "You're right. Both of you. It was nice while it lasted, but I'm everything that Brandon said. So I'm going to make it easy on both of you and

  He turned and stalked out of the room.


  Meredith watched as Cole stormed from the room, taking her heart with him. She turned on her brother, and with a voice quaking in fury said, "Get. Out."

  "Meredith," he began, reaching for her.

  She jerked away quickly. "Get out," she repeated, as cold as ice.

  Something in her face must have shown him just how serious she was because he left without another word.

  As soon as the door shut behind him, her legs buckled and she sank to the floor. She'd thought her heart was breaking before, but that was nothing compared to the wrenching pain that filled her chest now. With a sob, she wrapped her arms around her middle and rocked back and forth. She couldn't even process all the things that had been said.

  She'd known going into it that Cole wasn't the type to get involved, but a small part of her that she'd tried ignore had held out hope. Now her hopes were crushed into as many pieces as her aching heart.

  He'd been married? It didn't make sense, but did any of it even matter now? He'd walked out. Ended it. Just like that.

  She'd known it would come to an end, but it still hurt far more than she'd expected. She'd thought she could handle it. Thought a fling was a good idea, that she was up for it.

  She was in no way equipped to handle this kind of heartbreak.

  Meredith didn't how much time passed before she dragged herself off the floor and started throwing clothes into her suitcase. She couldn't stay there another minute. It was too full of painful memories and she wanted to get away from them as fast as possible.

  She called a cab, not even bothering to tell Brandon she was leaving. She would catch the first available flight. The further away she was from Sunset Bay, the sooner she could get back to her life and attempt to put the pieces back together.


  "Where is she?" Cole demanded, bursting into Brandon's office early the next morning. He'd been unable to sleep all night, wondering how he could fix things. If he should even try to fix this.


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