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ROMANCE: BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: Tempted Pleasure (Bad boy Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult and College Contemporary Romance)

Page 13

by Jane Price

  “Miss. Bullens?” Kiley suddenly whipped her head up, forgetting her thoughts as she looked at the doctor. She walked up to him quickly.

  “Doctor! Is he okay? Tell me he’s okay!” Kiley demanded breathlessly. The doctor smiled warmly at her.

  “He is okay. He is stable now and should be released in a couple of weeks. His wounds were superficial. Lucky guy.” Kiley smiled in relief. “Thank goodness.” She looked at the doctor. “May I see him?”

  “Of course.” Kiley followed the doctor into the hospital room before running into Brad’s arms. He winced when she hugged him, but he wrapped his arms around her and held her tight.

  He was glad she was okay. He kissed her head before laying her head on his chest.

  “Are you okay?” He asked, looking at her with concerned eyes. She couldn’t believe that he was asking her such a question when he was the one lying in a hospital bed. She nodded, nonetheless. “Good.”

  “What about you…?” She asked softly, looking at him, her eyes starting to water. “I… I feel like such a fool… I’m sorry about everything… I should have never made you fight… “Kiley was crying now, her tears soaking into his chest. He gently ran his fingers through her hair trying to soothe her.

  “Hey… shh… it’s okay… we are okay now and that’s all that matters, okay?” She nodded and blushed looking up at him. She leaned forward and kissed his lips gently.

  “I love you,” she said for the first time. Brad was taken aback by her words and blushed. Kiley frowned, thinking he wouldn’t say it back. She looked away, embarrassed.

  “I love you too Kiley,” he said gently. Kiley’s head snapped up as she looked at him with big eyes.

  “R… really?” She asked a little surprised. He nodded and grinned before kissing her again.

  “Really.” He smiled at her. She giggled.

  “From now on I think we should stay away from underground and street fighting. Maybe you could join MMA or something? You know something with rules and regulations.” Brad thought about it for a moment.

  “I would like that… but on one condition.” Kiley tilted her head in question.

  “And what is that?”

  “I need you to be my number one fan.” She smirked.

  “I already am.”



  Sweet Release


  I sorted through the few remaining memos on my desk, searching for some work to help pass the time. Coming up empty, I sighed. Yet another to-do list completed before lunch. Yet another glaringly obvious sign that I was overqualified for this position.

  Not a huge surprise, though. I figured as much when I applied for the job six months ago but at the time it was more about getting back on my feet than finding something perfectly suited. I left perfect far behind in my old life. Perfect wasn’t all it cracked up to be.

  I was always expected to be the smart daughter, the loyal girlfriend, the dependable employee. But, little by little, things unraveled until I found myself here in this glorified secretary position, thanking the universe for my foresight to cushion my savings account while things were still good. Though at the time it was a nest egg for a house or a new car. I never expected my life to take such a sharp detour.

  And I never expected someone like Brenn Michaels to be into someone like me.

  But he was.

  I could tell by the way he watched me from his open door while I bustled around in the outer office. I could tell by the way he leaned in close over my shoulder while going over his daily schedule. I could definitely tell by the way his eyes would drift over my body. And if there was any question left in my mind, then that time in the boardroom sealed the deal.

  And a few months ago when I found out I was pregnant it wasn’t the deal breaker I was expecting it to be. I assumed once I started to show and my body started changing he would back off and we’d morph back into a mostly professional, albeit awkward, relationship again.

  Not the case.

  The bump could no longer be hidden under an extra layer but Brenn’s interest hadn’t waned. Not yet anyways. Just the opposite, he seemed drawn to my new curves. His mouth no longer nibbled at my tits, but feasted.

  And I tried my best to ignore the way his hands floated, lingered, over my stomach. I resisted the urge to flinch away from his attention, not yet accustomed myself with the unfamiliarity of my own body. If he noticed my hesitation he was good at hiding it.

  I’d spent a lot of time, too much time, wondering why someone like Brenn would be interested in me and my baggage. He’s smart enough to run this business, which from everything I knew was successful. He’s able to speak in full and complete sentences around a woman. And good god he’s handsome and definitely knows his way around a vagina, so no problems there.

  Why in the hell he was with a woman who, after learning her boyfriend was a cheater and her parents would rather see her married than happy, quit her well-paying job as a nurse, packed as much as she could into her tiny car and ran, was beyond me.

  And really, at this point in my life where I’d made so many bad decisions, Brenn hardly seemed like the worst thing. Even if I didn’t fully understand his interest in me I trusted him and that wasn’t something I could say about many people. I would take his cute, tailored suit clad ass for as long as he’d have me.

  And not because I loved him. Not at all. Because admitting that would be one of the worst decisions I could make. A one way ticket to disaster. Six months in and one baby on the way was probably the absolute wrong time to explore those thoughts.

  My stomach rumbled, a jack hammer pounding against me jumbling my thoughts, and I looked at the clock. Lunch time.

  Brenn’s door was closed. The little light on my phone indicating he was still talking to Mr. Merrell. I leaned back in my chair to peer through the glass transom that bordered his office door. His brow was etched in thought, hand rubbing the back of his neck.

  His serious face. Shaking his head and talking into the phone, brows pushed together, I could hear the tone of his voice in my head, the deep rumble as he bit out commands and I felt a hunger for something much better than anything the cafeteria had to offer.

  Yep. Definitely not smitten.

  My body ached like some kind of Pavlovian conditioning. Noon on the clock signaled a locked door and an hour of privacy with Brenn. I glanced again at that damn light on my phone and cursed these damn hormones for making me ache for him. Shameless.

  My stomach rumbled again and I sighed, resigning myself to the fact that the baby was going to win this round. I closed my eyes and practiced a few deep breaths to stymie the throb that pulsed between my legs before grabbing my purse and heading down to the cafeteria.

  Brenn’s company, which he co-owned and ran the day to day, held two floors in the building. The remaining floors were owned by other companies with a shared independently owned cafeteria in the middle. This job was miles from working at the hospitals and clinics I was used to, but cafeteria food remained the same.

  Stepping through the doors I scanned the message board for today’s menu and groaned at the all too familiar sensation. How could soup make me nauseous? Grabbing a dinner roll, an apple juice and a couple packets of individually packaged cheese portions I turned to find a table.

  From the far end of the room an arm shot up and I moved toward the friendly face.

  “I haven’t seen you in the cafeteria in weeks. I was beginning to wonder if I should call in a search party.” My friend Alison smiled at me from across the table.

  I met Alison my first day here. Though she worked a few floors above me for an investment firm she seemed to know the gossip throughout the whole building. An invaluable ally turned great friend when I needed one the most. Seeing her was my second favorite time of the day.

  “Sorry.” I said around a mouthful of bread. “Busy with work.”

  “I call bull shit, but I’ll let it slide. Only because it looks like you might eat
me if I disagree with you.” She said, eyeing my random collection of food and the mouthful I was working on.

  I swallowed and cracked my juice before answering her. “Ugh, I know. I can’t help it, though. It’s like my body has a mind of its own.”

  “Now if you would have told me you’d been busy getting ready for that impending mind-of-its-own I maybe would have believed you.”

  I cringed. Truth was I hadn’t done much to prepare myself yet. And it wasn’t like I could put it off. It was happening. It was easy to forget what was coming at first, but now, with my first pair of maternity pants sitting in my closet and a pint of cherry chocolate ice cream calling my name from the dessert fridge, there was little room for me to be procrastinating anymore.

  “I wish that were the case.” I said, unwrapping a piece of cheese.

  “Why don’t we head to that cute little boutique over on Monroe this weekend? Might get you in the spirit of things.”

  I shook my head. “I can’t this weekend. It’s the Stakeholders Gala on Saturday.”

  “What about Sunday, then?”

  “I’ll be running around all day today and into the night Saturday for the Gala, so I’m thinking that Sunday will be filled with my new favorite hobby. Sleeping.”

  “I don’t know much about babies and I can appreciate the minimalist approach, but I think at the very least you’ll have to find a place for it to sleep. And I’m guessing there are other things out there that are considered necessities.”

  “You’re probably right. I should read a book or something. I just can’t seem to find the time. Or energy.” I reached for another piece of cheese and frowned when I realized there were only wrappers left. I balled them up and tossed them onto Alison’s tray. I leaned back in my chair and shook my head. ”What’s wrong with me?”

  “Maybe it’s that nice piece of distraction that’s looking at you like you’re the last pork chop in the buffet.” Alison motioned behind me with her carrot stick.

  I followed her eyes to the door where Brenn was standing, looking amazing in his charcoal suit and every bit as hungry as I felt. The fact that he couldn’t wait for me to get back upstairs echoed my own urgency building. My body warmed under his gaze even from across the busy room and I stamped my foot against the hitch in my breath, against the flutter I felt when our eyes met.

  Shit. I definitely, absolutely wasn’t in love with Brenn Michaels.


  I watched her stand, leaving behind her food and her friend. I could read the desire in the half hooded look in her eyes, the way they never left mine.

  “Ms. Sinclair.” I said by way of a greeting.

  She simply nodded, but her smile gave her away. She loved playing the employee to my boss, the taboo of it, though it was a farce at this point. Something that got us both off in the beginning, now just a reminder of how far we’ve come.

  We’d moved so far from those little games and denials that it seemed like forever ago that we were just messing around behind my locked door. I think we were both surprised that things had progressed from that.

  Truth was, though, I was tired of playing games. I wanted something real, permanent. Something I never had before. I would give Macy anything, but she steadfastly held onto that wall, determined not to sacrifice her whole self to me. I could see that wall wavering, but my stubborn girl held tight anyways.

  We walked in silence, and I could sense her anticipation. We had made it to the elevators and the doors closed us into an unusually empty car. She was playing with the bracelet at her slender wrist, waiting for me to make a move.

  Because there may have been a time or two when I stopped the elevator, rucked up her skirt, tucked my fingers inside her and made her come. And that’s maybe just what she was hoping for. But not today. Today I wanted her as impatient for me as I was for her.

  After being together for months, spending the day working together and the nights tangled in each other, it never got old. Macy had a mouth that kept me on my toes and a body that I worshipped. She loved to play, loved exploring that hidden dark side that her asshole ex fiancé never cared to indulge. But I loved it. I loved her.

  The elevator chimed and doors opened to our floor.

  We made short work of getting through the deserted floor and back to our office. With the door locked behind us, I didn’t care to hold myself back any longer. I couldn’t even if I wanted to. My hands gripped her ribcage and I pulled her into me, letting her soft scent and soft curves soothe all my edges.

  “I waited all morning to run my hands over your skin.” I said against the shell of her ear before brushing a kiss over it.

  Macy’s lips explored my neck, my chin, before nipping at my earlobe. I groaned, her teeth driving me fucking wild when she did that. I pulled her away to see a smile that told me she knew exactly what that did to me. I fixed her with my best stare, but it only made her laugh.

  “You’re walking a dangerous line woman. I don’t think you realize how much restraint I have to exercise to keep from bending you over my desk and volleying your little ass with my hand.”

  “Or maybe I know just what I’m doing.” She said, the desire in her eyes a powerful aphrodisiac.

  My hands started a path up her body, no longer able to take their time. Maybe a couple months ago I would have run them down over her tight little ass, but I had to get my taste of those tits that had been taunting me all morning. Macy hadn’t gotten used to her body like this, but I fucking loved it.

  The few buttons on her prim little sweater were easily opened and discarded behind us. I pushed the straps of her dress down off her shoulders, letting it pool at her hips. Unclasping her bra with impatient fingers, no longer in the mood to play, I tossed it to the floor. I needed to see those beautiful tits.

  Cupping them with both hands, I pressed a kiss to the underside of one, then the other, before leaving them until they were wet from my ministrations. I loved the weight of them, the soft smell of her skin, the way her hands fisted my hair, holding me to her chest. I glanced up to catch her watching me, bottom lip captured between her teeth. She was beautiful perfection like this, turned on, a little unsure, sexy as hell.

  While my lips pulled at her nipples I ran my hands down her sides, pushing her dress down until it fell away from her body. Pressing one more kiss to her tits, I straightened and lifted her up to me. Instinctively her legs wrapped around my waist, her mouth hot and impatient against mine. I groaned when I felt her nails dig into my shoulders, her legs tightening around me as she ground her sweet pussy against me.

  I walked through my office door and lowered us to the couch. Macy’s warm body pressed hard against mine and the desire to feel her, skin on skin, was overwhelming. But for now I would have to settle for what little contact I could have. Her fingers were at the button of my pants and I relinquished my hold on her to help push them down my hips and free my cock.

  I ran my hands over her body one more time, ripe and soft, before settling them on her hips. My thumb grazed her sensitive flesh, the tight bundle of nerves that made her writhe against my hold and let go the most wicked sounds. I pulled aside the flimsy lace barrier, feeling her slickness on my fingers.

  With a growl, Macy reached between us and took my hard length in her hand. I smiled at her impatience, her need. She settled herself over my length and closed her tight heat around me. We both breathed out a moan, relief and pleasure washing through me. I held her to me, only for a moment, savoring the feel of her, before giving over the control to her.

  And then it was only the soft suckling sound of her wet skin grinding against mine, the sound of her breath coming in jags, the sight of her unravelling above me. Bracing herself on my shoulders, she fucked me with an urgency, a passion and emotion that no one else had ever given me.

  She overwhelmed me, her soft breasts brushing against my chest and the smell of her excitement surrounding me. I closed my eyes and turned my head into the warmth of her neck, holding onto her and onto t
he desire for things to stay like this between us always. And then she was leaning into me, pressing her perfect, soft sounds against my ear, telling me that it was good and that she was close.

  I could feel the ache build behind my navel and spin downward until I was wild. Hands braced around her I fucked her earnestly. When her soft whispers turned hungry, unintelligible, I pulled her down my length harder until I felt her unravel against me. I ground against her, the tension in me building until it snapped and I was coming with a sharp groan.

  When the last strands of ecstasy left out bodies Macy collapsed against me, head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around her body and let our breathing slow. The room was quiet, Macy motionless on me, and I relished the stillness of the moment. I wanted to give her so much more than this. She deserved more than a stolen moment at work and a drawer in my dresser.


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