ROMANCE: BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: Tempted Pleasure (Bad boy Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult and College Contemporary Romance)

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ROMANCE: BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: Tempted Pleasure (Bad boy Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult and College Contemporary Romance) Page 73

by Jane Price

  She licked the tip of his dick a few times until it was nice and wet and then proceeded to put it in her mouth. Nick’s head fell back onto the couch and he moaned louder and louder. With his dick in her mouth, Kelly looked up at him and allowed her hands to drift up his legs and her fingers began to tickle and scratch his thighs.

  Nick looked down at her as she bobbed up and down on his dick and he reached down and pulled her hair up so that he was holding it in a ponytail behind her head. He shifted a bit in his seat so that he had more room to move and, while holding her hair back with one hand and her throat in the other he began to fuck her mouth.

  Kelly stuck out her tongue so that there was more room and gagged slightly as he held her still. She felt his throbbing cock in the back of her throat and felt herself getting wet. She and Nick always had an adventurous sex life and this was something that they both got off on. So, Nick continued to thrust harder and harder, moaning with each movement.

  After a moment she pressed off on his legs and he released her. She pulled away and took a deep breath and looked up at him. He had a big smile plastered on his face as she stared at him and she yelped slightly when he jumped up from the couch. Nick lifted her off her feet and placed her on the couch where he had been sitting.

  As she laid on the couch, reclined deeply, she waited for him to act. However, he just stood and stared at her. She posed seductively and motioned for him to do something. So, Nick smoothly lowered himself to his knees and lifted her legs up over his shoulders. He began by kissing her inner thighs and Kelly could feel the goosebumps cascade over her body. Nick didn’t stay there long though after a few kisses he moved to her wet pussy.

  Nick had once been very shy when it came to this, but he had learned a few things and didn’t waste any time. With one hand he began to finger her and with the other he reached up and began to play with her tits. She moaned his name under her breath, trying not to scream out. She knew that the last thing they needed was to wake up his parents at this point. Nick began to work her clit with his tongue and he began to suck at her pussy. He kissed and licked up her juices as his finger worked itself in and out of her.

  Kelly squeezed his head with her legs and grabbed his hand that was playing with her tit. She slid her fingers in between his so that they were interlaced and he began to play with her nipples again with more fervor. She let her head roll back and with her other hand she reached down and took a fist full of his hair. With her fingers tangled up in his hair she pressed him more firmly into her pussy.

  He ate her pussy for a few more moments until he felt her body shudder and her fingers loosen. He kissed her thighs again and raised up so that they were face to face. Nick smiled as he watched Kelly’s chest rise and fall and laughed when she pretended to fall asleep.

  “Oh, no, we’re not done yet.” He said through a smile. Kelly smiled back at him and shifted so that she was laying down across the couch. Nick joined her and tossed the pillows off onto the floor so they had more room to work with. He lowered himself on top of her and they began to kiss again. After a minute of passionate making out, Kelly reached down and began to stroke his dick again. As soon as he was hard he shifted so that he had a better angle and Kelly guided his cock into her pussy.

  Her legs immediately began to shudder with enjoyment and her fingers dug down into his back as he shifted and thrusted his hips into hers. They both moaned and grunted together in unison as they throbbed and pulsated, nearly in sync. Nick began to kiss her neck and he sucked and nibbled on it as well, leaving a small hickey. She did the same, but bit him a bit harder. They both laughed between labored breaths and panting.

  Nick felt Kelly cum as she tightened her pussy around his dick and he could tell that he was going to cum soon. With each thrust he tried to time when he would pull out. He whispered in her ear that he was about to cum, and just then the light at the top of the stairs turned on.

  In the momentary surprise he came inside her as she pulled the blanket off the back of the couch to cover them. From the top of the stairs, Nick’s dad called down to them and asked them to turn down the television. Nick, still winded from the sex, shouted up that he would. A second later the light turned off and his father told him to sleep well. Nick turned and looked down at Kelly who had her eyes tightly shut and was plugging her nose and mouth to not make a sound.

  “Christ, that scared the cum outta me.” They both laughed lightly and he reached over for the remote and turned the volume down. Kelly shifted and Nick laid behind her so that were spooning and they fell asleep together watching late night television. In the morning they woke up early before Nick’s parents and they snuck out. He left a note for his parents telling them he had gone to get breakfast with friends and would be home in time for dinner.

  For the next few weeks Kelly and Nick spent all their time together knowing that Nick had to leave sooner than Kelly to start his intensive Law School program. He was going in and taking classes before he officially started so that he would be able to have a leg up and potentially get a few minors as well. So, after about two weeks Nick left to go to school. However, that was also around the time that Kelly started realizing that something was off.


  Law school proved to be quite the ordeal and after only a few weeks Nick and Kelly fell out of touch. He was unable to come home and visit for the next four years for longer than a few days because of the classes and the few times he was home, Kelly would be out of town or unavailable. So, years passed and the two high school sweethearts drifted apart. However, with each passing year they would get invitations to go back to their high school reunion.

  Nick didn’t go to the five year anniversary because he was busy in grad school, but when the fifteen year anniversary came around he couldn’t pass up the chance. He finally had something to brag about and wanted to meet up with all the old friends that he had fallen out of touch with. So, fifteen years after graduating and leaving his town, he returned. However, unlike when he left, he was now a senator.

  The school appeared to be just like he had left it except he couldn’t help but feel that everything had mysteriously gotten smaller. Upon entering the gym he ran into a few old friends that he had played different sports with or had classes with and they all caught up. They showed him pictures of their children and introduced him to their wives, and Nick would tell them about working in the Senate and about all the things in D.C. that he was involved in.

  The entire time though, he found himself always looking over his shoulder, hoping that he would see Kelly. It had been years since they had last had contact and he wanted nothing more than to see her again. As he campaigned and worked the state he was constantly told by his campaign manager that he would look better with a wife and, although he went on countless dates, no one ever compared to how Kelly made him feel. He knew that time had passed, but he believed that love like they had lasted.

  After being there for about an hour though he began to abandon hope. So, he made his way to the makeshift bar they had set up under the scoreboard and ordered himself a drink. As he stood and waited a familiar voice chimed in from behind him.

  “My god, is it you?” Nick spun around and saw Kelly. It was as if she hadn’t aged a day. Her hair was pulled up into a messy bun, just like when they were teenagers. While everyone else had worn their dress clothes, Kelly basically wore the same thing she wore back in high school. Jeans and a tank top. Nick could feel his face flush when he looked at her, and he bashfully looked away. She walked forward and grabbed the lapels of his jacket.

  “Still as fancy as ever. And a politician, right? I’ve seen your face everywhere.” She fiddled with the American flag pin that he wore on his lapel and she looked up at him and smiled. He reached up and grabbed her hands. Her face began to flush as well.

  “It’s been too long, Kelly.” She looked down and batted her eyebrows.

  “I couldn’t agree more,” she said looking back up at him and smiling.

  ******r />
  Nick collected his drink from the bartender and offered Kelly a drink. She ordered what he was having and he slipped the bartender a five dollar bill as a tip and they headed back out to the larger group of people. However, they very quickly realized that they weren’t at all interested in the other people that were there and they really just wanted to spend their time together.

  So, Nick led Kelly back through the halls and found their lockers that they had way back in high school. They both tried to unlock them with what numbers they could remember, but neither could get them open. They both laughed to themselves at how silly the whole high school looked now that they were older.

  “I mean, this place used to terrify me. It always seemed so big.” Nick said this as they walked through the halls, drink in hand. “The teachers seemed scary, the classes were daunting.” He took a sip from his cup before continuing. “And then college came along. Now that was tough.” Kelly laughed and stopped at a door.

  “Wasn’t this where we had Mr. Carpenter’s trigonometry class?” Nick walked back the few steps and stared in through the windowed door. He stepped back and laughed loudly.

  “I think it is. Holy shit, I hated that guy.” Nick laughed and began to walk away, but Kelly tried the door handle. It easily opened and she walked inside. She grabbed a piece of paper up off the desk and shouted for Nick to come back. “He still teaches here, Nick.” Nick turned and ran back into the classroom. Kelly was standing with a devious smile on her face.

  “Are you thinking what I’m thinking?” Kelly put the paper back down on the desk and sat on the edge of it. She set her drink down on the floor and spread her legs, motioning for Nick to come closer. Nick walked up to her slowly, his face getting red. “He used to always break us up in the hallways. Why not get back at him?”

  Nick took the last few steps and Kelly slowly reached out and grabbed the sides of his face. Pulling him in close they both began to kiss and it was as if Nick had a new breath of life breathed into his body. Their lips made contact and he felt like he was eighteen again. His hands massaged at her back as they kissed and worked their way to her breasts where he gently caressed them.

  She laid back onto the desk and Nick positioned himself up on the desk so that he was on top of her. They made out for a few minutes, but were stopped abruptly when they heard some footsteps coming down the hallway. They quickly separated and picked up their drinks, distancing themselves. They looked at each other and laughed at how ludicrous it was. A man they both had the same math class with walked past the door and saw them both.

  “No way, does Mr. Carpenter still teach in here?” He walked in and grabbed a piece of paper that had been crumpled under Kelly’s back and he inspected it. “Oh my god, he totally does.” He looked back and forth between Kelly and Nick and realized there was a tension in the room. “Oh wait, did I…” Nick stood up and laughed.

  “We were just reminiscing about this class,” Nick walked over to him and clapped him on the back with his hand. “Nothing weird going on, don’t worry.” The man laughed uncomfortably and turned to leave. Kelly waved at him as he walked away and as soon as he was out of earshot, she turned to Nick.

  “We need to get out of here.” She jokingly started to feel her face. “I can almost feel myself reverting to when I had acne.” Nick laughed and grabbed her hand, lifting her to her feet. They walked out of the room arm in arm.

  “Well, where would you have us go? We could grab some drinks down at the Alley, we’re legally able to now.” Kelly stopped and pulled Nick back so that he was looking at her and not walking away. She had a very serious look on her face and Nick immediately knew what she was going to say.

  “Your place or mine?”


  Nick led Kelly back out into the parking lot and held open the passenger seat to his car open for her. She slid into the car and cleared out the center console of the car as he walked around to the driver’s side. She was smiling waiting for him as he got in.

  “This car is certainly an upgrade from what you had before.” He laughed as he pressed the button that ignited the engine. She ooed and awed as the car started up.

  “Oh yes, the government has its perks, that’s for sure. Like enough money to afford a car that starts every time.” She laughed and he began to back out of the spot. She asked if he remembered where she lived when they were younger. “Do you still live there?”

  “Yeah, my parents wanted to move, but couldn’t find anyone that wanted to buy it, so I offered to buy it from them. They gave me a good deal.” Nick pulled out of the parking lot and started heading to her childhood home. Kelly however reached across the center console and unfastened his belt and pants. “Well, if you don’t need directions, I can get started.”

  Nick leaned his seat back a bit and held himself up so that she was able to pull his pants off slightly. With one hand she pulled his dick out from his boxers and started to kiss and lick the shaft. Nick kept one hand on the steering wheel, but with the other he held her hair out of her face so he could watch as she worked. Kelly used her free hand to fondle his balls and she delicately played with them as she stroked his shaft.

  She gently placed the tip into her mouth and began to bob up and down on his dick. Nick had to force his eyes open as he felt goosebumps tingle up his body. He even felt the feeling leave his face as she worked his balls, shaft, and blew him. Kelly went deep on his dick and gagged a little bit. As she did, Nick’s leg shudders and he gunned it down the empty street.

  She laughed slightly and continued to go deeper. She stuck her tongue out and gagged on his dick. Nick let her hair fall and reached over to her ass. He slapped her ass and grabbed it, squeezing it. She shifted in her seat so that he had a better angle and he slid his hand under the waistband of her pants.

  He tried to reach her pussy, but her pants were too tight so he pulled out his hand and unfastened her pants. She shifted again and he pulled them down just enough so that he had a point of entry. As she gagged and slurped on his cock he reached and began to tease her pussy. His fingers slid inside her easily as she was already wet.

  She moaned into his dick as his finger slide inside her. It was warm and tight and he wanted nothing more than to fuck her, but he was still a few minutes from her house. So instead he fingered her until his finger was soaked and he began to tease her asshole. She moaned even louder and began to stroke his dick faster.

  He gently forced the tip of his finger into her ass and she pulled away from his dick. He continued to stroke it and played with his balls, but she was getting short of breath. He slid a bit more of his finger inside her ass and she moaned loudly asking for more. Slowly, he began to slide it in and out. She swore under her breath and began to suck his dick again.

  She was more passionate about it this time and throated his cock deeper and deeper, gagging and bobbing. As he reached her house he felt like he was nearly about to cum and as he pulled into the driveway he took his hand off the steering wheel and forced her head down on his dick. He whispered that he was about to cum and Kelly began to stroke his cock more vigorously.

  With a loud moan he shuddered and shot his load into the back of her throat. He continued to finger her asshole as she gave his dick a few more long tugs to make sure that he had completely came. She lick up the remainder of what she couldn’t hold in and opened her car door. Nick got out of the car as well and followed her to the door where she turned around and looked at him.

  “Your turn.” Nick laughed quietly and ran into the house after her. She shushed him as they walked through the house and pointed out a few things for him to avoid. Namely, there were a lot of things in the house that Nick found confusing. He looked around and saw textbooks on the table as well as a book bag that didn’t look like one that Kelly would use. She hurried him through the main part of the house and into her bedroom.

  “Oh, man. I don’t know if I can have sex in your parents’ bedroom, Kelly.” She laughed and pulled him onto the bed. He fell on t
op of her and they kissed for a moment before she responded.

  “After what I did for you in the car, you better.” Nick laughed and began to kiss her neck as she took her pants off completely. As he worked his way down her body, kissing it as he did so, Kelly began to unbutton his shirt and took it off of him. She threw it into the corner of the room. He made his way down to her pussy and began to kiss her thighs.

  Kelly moaned as he made his way up and down her legs to her pussy where he began aggressively, as she had done with him. He immediately buried his face into her womanhood and began to tongue her clit. He kissed it a few times and with his free hand made sure that he had clear access to it. He then began to suck at her clit and looked up to see her head fall back in pleasure.

  After a moment of that he moved to her actual vagina and tongued his way inside her, licking her along the length of her lips. She reached down and tangled her fingers up in his perfect hair, willing him to go deeper and faster. Nick was happy to oblige. He reached up with one hand and began to finger her as he licked her.


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