ROMANCE: BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: Tempted Pleasure (Bad boy Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult and College Contemporary Romance)

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ROMANCE: BILLIONAIRE ROMANCE: Tempted Pleasure (Bad boy Alpha Male Pregnancy Romance) (New Adult and College Contemporary Romance) Page 74

by Jane Price

  This went on for a few minutes until she came and she pulled him up to her face. On the way up, he stopped off at her nipples and flicked them a few times with his tongue before making out with her passionately, removing his pants and getting up onto the bed. She laid back on the bed and told him to do what he wanted.

  Nick flipped her over so that she was laying on her stomach and he spread her ass cheeks apart. He spit down onto his dick and rubbed it in for a moment and gently slid inside of her. She clenched at the bed sheets as he began to speed his thrusts up. Each one shaking the bed slightly. She moaned loudly into the pillow. Nick reached forward with one hand and pulled her hair back.

  With his other hand he grabbed at her ass and slipped his finger into her ass again and she began to shudder with pleasure. He continued with both his dick and his finger going in and out in unison and he listened as she screamed into her pillow. It only took a moment, but he felt her body tense up and then relax as she came.

  He rolled off of her so that he was on his back and Kelly shifted on the bed so that she mounted him and sat on his dick. She bit her lower lip and began to slide up and down on his dick trying her best to stay quiet. Nick remembered her being much louder and couldn’t imagine why she was working so hard to keep her volume down.

  Whatever the reason he didn’t care though because after a moment of her riding his cock he could feel that he was about to cum. He reached up and grabbed her hips as they came down and at the last moment he pulled out. He shot his load out onto her and quickly stood up after finishing to help her clean up. She stopped him though and held him in bed.

  “I’ll handle it, you get comfy.” She stood up and made her way to the door. “I’ll be right back.” Nick felt himself fading fast as she closed the door behind her. He was beyond happy that he had her back.


  Nick woke up with his arms wrapped around Kelly and he took a moment to smell her hair as he came out of a strange dream he had. In his dream he had stumbled into her house where there was a teenager’s bike in the driveway and a gaming system plugged into the television. That couldn’t be right though because Kelly wasn’t married and didn’t have a kid. So, as he felt Kelly begin to wake up in his arms he began to tell her about his strange dream.

  “It was the strangest thing, babe. I dreamt about coming home last night and it was weird because it honestly felt like what my house looked like when I was a kid. With a bike out front and sports gear inside the door. It was pretty surreal.” Nick waited for Kelly to say something, but all he did was feel her body grow tense. “What?” Kelly rolled over in bed so that she was facing him and asked him a question.

  “What is your stance on kids? I know what they were when you were eighteen, but what are they now?” Nick looked at her and noticed how concerned her face looked. He waited a moment before answering so that he could study her face, but it seemed like she was holding her breath waiting for him to answer.

  “Well, my campaign manager said that having a kid would make me a more accessible candidate. And I’ve enjoyed being an uncle to my brother’s kids. Why?” Kelly let out a small sigh and closed her eyes, clearly preparing herself for what she was about to say. Nick was growing more concerned though, so he slid out of bed and stood up.

  “What if I told you were a father?” As soon as the words left her mouth Nick felt like he went deaf. There was a high pitch tone that went off in his head and he immediately felt dizzy. He staggered and stumbled forward into the bed. Kelly jumped up to help him, but he felt himself drifting and he passed out.

  He was only out for a minute, but he woke up to not only Kelly, but also a young boy. He was terrible with guessing the age of people, but he had to figure that he was about fourteen or fifteen. He quickly did the math in his head and felt the color draining from his face again. Kelly slapped him gently a few times to keep him awake and he stammered a few times.

  “Wh-wh-who is this?” He pointed at the young boy who looked at his mother and then back down at Nick. It was the boy who answered.

  “I could ask you the same thing, man.” Kelly looked between the two of them, but couldn’t figure out what to say or do. Nick took a moment and looked at the boy’s features. He had a very similar jawline and eye shape to his own, but he had the messy hair of Kelly. He tried to piece it all together, but didn’t even know where to start. That was when Kelly finally spoke.

  “Peter, give us a minute alright?” Nick looked up at Peter who nodded and left the room. He closed the door behind him as he left, and Nick heard his feet pad along down the hallway. “Listen, you were so busy with everything and I wanted you to have your future, I didn’t want to be the thing that held you back,” she continued. Nick was still confounded.

  “We have a son?” Kelly smiled and looked at him. Nick however just kept shaking his head. “And you didn’t tell me. It’s been fifteen years and you kept this secret from me?” Kelly’s smile turned to a look of panic.

  “I wanted to tell you, but I didn’t know how. We fell out of touch and the few times we did speak you always told me how busy you were. But I knew that you were happy. I wanted that for you.” Nick just shook his head more.

  “I thought you loved me, I can’t believe you would keep this from me for this long.” Kelly reached out and grabbed at him as he went to stand up. She tried to hold him but he pulled away and began to get dressed.

  “I do love you,” she pleaded. “That was why I raised him on my own. I loved you so much that I took matters into my own hands.” She followed him around the room as he put his clothes back on, trying to figure out a way to get him to stop. “Don’t you see that I was just trying to do the right thing?” Nick spun around and pointed at her.

  “Do the right thing? How did you ever imagine this to be the right thing? You had no right to hide him from me.” He spun back around and swung open the door to leave. However, as he swung open the door, Peter fell in. He was clearly listening to the whole conversation. Nick stopped and helped steady Peter who took a few steps back and apologized.

  Nick looked back at Kelly who mouthed for him to think about what he was doing and pleaded him to stay to have breakfast at least. However, Nick felt himself growing faint again and he pushed past Peter and made his way for the door. Peter shouted after him that he couldn’t do that to his mother and the door slammed.

  Kelly fell to the floor sobbing and Peter rushed over to help her. Nick on the other hand was in his car and driving away, back towards D.C.


  He had been driving for about an hour and looked down at his phone. He scrolled through a few missed calls and texts from Kelly, and noticed that he had a missed call from his assistant and a few texts which read: “911 CALL IMMEDIATELY.” Nick swore under his breath and put on his Bluetooth headset.

  “Johnny, what is it?” Nick turned down the radio as he spoke and from the other line he heard a lot of movement and swearing. “Johnny, talk to me.”

  “Who is Kelly, Nick?” The voice wasn’t the voice of his assistant, but rather it was Nick’s party leader. Nick sat up straight in his seat although he knew that he couldn’t see him.

  “She was an old high school crush, sir. Why do you ask?” He repeated what he said to the room and he heard the whole room either sigh or groan. “How do you know about her, sir?”

  “And who is Peter?” Nick swore again under his breath and thought about the best way to answer this. He decided that honesty was the best policy on this front.

  “Peter is my son. I just met him,” he looked at the car clock. “About an hour ago, sir.” The man once again repeated the news to the room, which was once again met by mixed feelings. “I don’t see why any of this is something that should concern you though, sir.” There was a short pause before the man responded.

  “Nick. A story went live this morning about how the youngest member of the Senate has been hiding a secret family in home city and that there’s the question of how many secret families does he h
ave. Is this an isolated case or are there more illegitimate kids running around, Nick?” Nick could barely contain a laugh.

  “Sir, I assure you this is the only child that I have. I was too busy in college and grad school to worry about any of that. I dated while on the campaign trail, but that was just for the PR people. They wanted me to have a pretty lady standing by me. Kelly though, she’s different.” The man audibly sighed over the phone.

  “So how much money is she asking for?” Nick stared down at his phone in surprise.

  “Sir, she’s not asking for any money. I was at my high school reunion and we caught up.” The man repeated the news to the room. “I reconnected with a lot of people last night.” The man absently acknowledged him.

  “Nick, we need to nip this in the bud. I need you to make sure that no one goes to her for comments. She needs to not say anything negative about you. This could get you in a lot of trouble during your next election.” Nick shook his head confused.

  “Sir, she would never-” The man cut him off.

  “Handle it, Nick.” The phone clicked and he was left staring down the road, defeated.


  Nick pulled over at the next rest stop and looked at his phone. He stared at Kelly’s contact page which still had a picture of the two of them from when they had been at prom all those many years ago. He looked at the expression on his face and couldn’t imagine being with anyone else at that moment. So, he got back on the highway, but going back towards his hometown.

  Another hour in the car and he arrived at the school where he waited for Kelly to arrive and pick Peter up from school. He sat and waited and waited until finally cars began to file in. He stared out the window until he saw Kelly pull in and park. He threw his car into park and jumped out, nearly getting hit as he crossed the street.

  He finally made his way to her car and he knocked on her window. She jumped in fright and Nick noticed that her eyes were red and bloodshot. He knew that she must have been crying and was ready to make her feel better. If she would let him.

  “Kelly, we need to talk.” She turned away from him and locked the car door as he went to go and try to open it. “Come on, let me in so we can talk.” Kelly flicked him off and answered.

  “If you’re here to make sure I don’t say anything to the papers, don’t worry, I’ll keep my mouth shut.” Nick laughed and continued to knock on the window. Maybe if he annoyed her enough she would open the car for him.

  “I’m not worried about any of that. I think I have a way to keep it under control.” Kelly looked up at him confused. “Open the window so I can tell you my plan. I don’t like having to yell through the window.” Kelly looked around and noticed that there was a small crowd forming, including students who had just been gotten out of school.

  “Dear god, Nick, you’re making a scene.” She covered her face when she realized someone was filming the whole thing on their smartphone. “Let’s do this somewhere else.” Just then Peter walked up to the scene.

  “What the hell is going on?” He reached the passenger door and tried to open it, but it was still locked. Nick responded before Kelly did, but they both said the same thing.

  “Watch your mouth, young man.” Kelly looked at Nick and he noticed a small smile creep across her face. She leaned across the car though and unlocked the car door for Peter. Nick looked at her and pleaded for her to open the window. She cracked under his puppy dog eyes and rolled down the window slightly. “Thank you.” He turned his attention to Peter who sat in the front seat confused.

  “Hey, Peter. My name is Nick and you don’t know me, but I love your mother very much. I’ve been a fool for fifteen long years and I plan to start making things right, starting with this.” Nick knelt down next to the car and the crowd audibly gasped. “Kelly, will you marry me?” Kelly’s hands shot up to her mouth where she took in a quick gasp. Nick looked at his hand and commented on the lack of the ring. “I didn’t want to miss you, so I didn’t have time to get a ring, but I know just where we can go. And if you say yes, we can go right now.” Kelly was still silent, and it was Peter who prompted her to say something. Kelly took a deep breath and opened the car door.

  “Yes, of course, Nick.” He stood up and they embraced. Their arms wrapped around each other and they kissed passionately. The crowd began to cheer and Peter groaned at the sight of his mother kissing someone. “I’ve been waiting fifteen years to hear that question.” Nick laughed and responded to her.

  “I’ve been waiting fifteen years to ask it.”


  Nick followed Kelly and Peter back to their house and while he was driving he called up his assistant who answered very cheerfully.

  “Nick, I’m so happy for you,” his assistant exclaimed. “We just heard the good news. The party leader is very pleased. It’s looking great for you in the press as well.” Nick shook his head in surprise.

  “Really? I figured I would be booted out for sure.” His assistant laughed and answered him.

  “Not at all, it’s looking like they want you to take on more leadership roles now. People love you and want to see what else you’re doing in politics now. This is great for us.” Nick talked to his assistant for a few more minutes and said goodbye to him as he pulled into the driveway behind Kelly. She and Peter got out of the car and walked over to him as he got out.

  He looked at both of them and at the house. He looked at the neighborhood and remembered all of the great memories he had here. Then, he looked back at Kelly and asked her a question. After he asked she nodded enthusiastically.

  “How about we start over in D.C?”


  Irresistible Chemistry

  “Hey Ariana, wait up.” Jake called from behind me, putting a little cantor into his step to catch up.

  I cursed the heels I had chosen to wear tonight as he began walking in step with me. Jake wrapped his arm around my waist in what I was supposed to believe was a chummy act. We crossed the street and for not the first time tonight I felt Jake’s hand slip down from its position at my lower back to my much lower back. And for not the first time I delivered Jake a jab to the ribs, causing his hand to glide back to the designated appropriate zone. Not like him touching me in any way was terribly appropriate, as his extremely pregnant sister and my idiot brother walked in front of us.

  I toyed with the idea of jabbing Chris in the ribs too for coercing me into coming along tonight. Chris and Bree’s baby was due any day now and Bree was going crazy waiting. So my brother had a brilliant plan to take Bree out to cheer her up, and somehow that involved me. I loved my sister in law, probably more than my own brother, but some things just weren’t worth suffering for. Being stuck with Jake all night was absolutely not worth it. I replayed the conversation I had with Chris yesterday, wondering where I had gone so terribly wrong.

  “Bree loves you! You always make her laugh.” He said. “It’ll be lots of fun.”

  “Doesn’t she have any other friends that can go?”

  “She wanted you to come. Please Ri, you gotta help me out here. She cries every time she sees a fabric softener commercial. I don’t think I can handle her reaction if you say no. Plus, her brother is coming.”

  “Well then I’m definitely not going. Crying and Jake? Deal breakers.”

  “Come on, Ri, he’s not that bad.” Chris said with a shrug of his shoulder.

  “He tried to make out with me at your wedding.” The memory of which still causes bile to rise.

  “He was drunk.”

  “What was his excuse every time after that?”

  “He’s harmless.” He said, but the responding roll of my eyes told him I didn’t believe him. “Listen Ri, Jake won’t come unless you come. Bree will be devastated if we have to call it off. We already called Nick and told him we were coming and to reserve me a table of 4. His new pub opened 3 months ago but I’ve been so busy with work and getting ready for the baby that I haven’t been able to get there. He moved back almost a ye
ar ago and we’ve only hung out a couple of times. I can’t bail on him again.”

  Right there. That was my downfall. Nick. He and my brother had been friends since they played hockey together as kids. All through school and into their twenties I had used my privilege of being the little sister to tag along with Chris and Nick. Up until they let the dream of making it big die, I harbored a crush on Nick. Even still, apparently, as I stood in line outside the pub defending myself from Jake’s grabby hands.

  Stepping forward to get a small reprieve I leaned over to Chris, “What kind of pub has a line up to get in?”

  “It’s not just a pub, it’s a live music venue too. And I think they even have a small recording studio in the back. You know Nick, he doesn’t do anything simple. The lineup is to pay cover to see the band playing tonight.”

  Bree turned back to look at me, a wide smile on her face. She was a huge music buff and I could see why Chris was really trying to make this work tonight. She looked happier than I’d seen her in weeks. I returned her a big smile, not wanting to let on that I would rather eat a pail of nails than be here with Jake. As the line inched closer to the doors, Jake’s hand once again found its way to my back. I cut him a sideways glance and he feigned an innocent look. I heaved a sigh.


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