English Voices
Page 51
The Strange Death of Liberal England (Dangerfield), ref1
‘The Strange Ride of Morrowbie Jukes’ (Kipling), ref1
Studies on Homer and the Homeric Age (Gladstone), ref1, ref2
suburbs and villages, ref1 (see also towns)
and suburbanized villages, ref1
and suburbs’ population, ref1
and villages’ disappearance, ref1
and villages’ dramatic change, ref1
Summerson, Sir John, ref1
Summoned by Bells (Betjeman), ref1, ref2
Supple, Tim, ref1
Swallows and Amazons (Ransome), ref1
Swinburne, A. C., ref1, ref2
Sykes, Sir Francis, ref1
Tacitus, ref1
Take a Girl Like You (Amis), ref1
Talking Heads (Bennett), ref1
The Taming of the Shrew (Shakespeare), ref1
Tawney, R. H., ref1
Taylor, A. J. P., ref1, ref2
Taylor, Charles, ref1
Taylor, Gary, ref1
Taylor-Martin, Patrick, ref1
Tebbit, Norman, ref1
Temple, Archbishop William, ref1
Temple, William Francis, ref1
Tennyson, Alfred, Lord, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Ternan, Ellen, ref1, ref2, ref3
Terraine, John, ref1
Thackeray, William Makepeace, ref1
Thatcher, Carol, ref1
Thatcher, Denis, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Thatcher, Margaret, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7, ref8, ref9
and Falklands, ref1
and Howe resignation speech, ref1
in The Iron Lady, ref1
Iron Lady sobriquet of, ref1
letters of, ref1
loathed and despised, ref1
and man-management, ref1
mental decline of, ref1
and miners, ref1
and monetary union, ref1
and poll tax, ref1
‘quite limited intellectually’, ref1
and religion, ref1
and South Africa, ref1
and trade unions, ref1
Thomas, Dylan, ref1
Thomas, Helen, ref1
Thomas, R. S., ref1
Thompson, E. P., ref1, ref2, ref3
Thompson, Flora, ref1
Thompson, F. M. L., ref1
Thomson, Sir Basil, ref1
Thomson, J. J., ref1
Thomson, James, ref1, ref2
Thorneycroft, Peter, ref1
Thorpe, D. R., ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7
Thorpe, Jeremy, ref1
Tillett, Ben, ref1
The Time Machine (Wells), ref1
Tolstoy, Leo, ref1, ref2
Tolstoy, Nikolai, ref1
Tomalin, Claire, ref1, ref2, ref3
‘A Tombless Epitaph’ (Coleridge), ref1
The Tongue Set Free (Canetti), ref1
Toulouse-Lautrec, Henri de, ref1
towns, ref1 (see also suburbs and villages)
and commuters, ref1
distrait air of, ref1
representative democracy in, ref1
and smog, filth and traffic jams, ref1
Toynbee, Arnold, ref1
Trend, Burke, ref1
Trevelyan, Sir Charles, ref1
Trevelyan, G. M., ref1, ref2, ref3
Trevor-Roper, Alexandra, ref1
Trevor-Roper, Hugh, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4 (see also individual works)
facial features of, ref1
and Hitler diaries, ref1
letters of, ref1, ref2
seen as masterpiece, ref1
‘Mercurius Oxonensis’ byline of, ref1
‘missing’ works of, ref1
on Lewis, ref1
and parents, ref1
telling historical essays of, ref1
Trevor-Roper, Pat, ref1
Troilus and Cressida (Shakespeare), ref1
Trollope, Anthony, ref1, ref2, ref3
Trotsky, Leon, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
Trudeau, Pierre, ref1
Tudjman, Franjo, ref1
The Turn of the Screw ( James), ref1
Twelfth Night (Shakespeare), ref1
Tynan, Kenneth, ref1
Ulysses ( Joyce), ref1, ref2
Underwood, Edith, ref1, ref2
Untold Stories (Bennett), ref1, ref2, ref3
Unwin, Raymond, ref1
Up from Methodism (Asbury), ref1
The Upsurge of China ( Johnson), ref1
Ure, Mary, ref1, ref2
Ustinov, Peter, ref1
Vansittart, Lord, ref1
Vassall, John, ref1
Venus and Adonis (Shakespeare), ref1
Victims of Yalta (Tolstoy), ref1
Victoria, Princess, ref1
Victoria, Queen, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
The Victorian Country House (Girouard), ref1
The View in Winter (Blythe), ref1
‘A Vignette’ ( James), ref1
villages and suburbs, ref1 (see also towns)
and suburbanized villages, ref1
and suburbs’ population, ref1
and villages’ disappearance, ref1
and villages’ dramatic change, ref1
Vincent, Nicholas, ref1
Vines, Ellsworth, ref1, ref2
Voltaire, ref1
‘Wailing Well’ ( James), ref1
Waldegrave, William, ref1
Walden, Ben, ref1
Waley, Arthur, ref1
Walker, Peter, ref1, ref2
Walpole, Hugh, ref1
War Diaries (Macmillan), ref1
Ward, Aileen, ref1
Ward, Colin, ref1, ref2
Ward, Mrs Humphry, ref1
Warre-Cornish, Francis, ref1
Watkins, Alan, ref1
Watson-Watt, Robert, ref1
Watts, G. F., ref1
Waugh, Auberon, ref1
Waugh, Evelyn, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
hallucinations suffered by, ref1
The Waves (Woolf ), ref1, ref2
We Didn’t Mean to Go to Sea (Ransome), ref1
Webb, Beatrice, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Webber, Melvyn, ref1
Wedgwood, C. V., ref1
Wedgwood, Tom, ref1
Wee Willie Winkie (Kipling), ref1
Weizmann, Chaim, ref1
Wells, H. G., ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6
Wesley, John, ref1, ref2, ref3 (see also Methodism)
West, Fred, ref1
Wheatley, Dennis, ref1
Where Angels Fear to Tread (Forster), ref1
Whitelaw, William, ref1, ref2
Whiteley, William, ref1
Whitman, Walt, ref1
The Whole Woman (Greer), ref1 passim
Wigs on the Green (Mitford), ref1
Wilberforce, Bishop Samuel, ref1
Wilberforce, William, ref1, ref2
Wilde, Oscar, ref1
Wildenstein, Georges, ref1
Wilhelm II, Kaiser, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6
Wilkinson, Ellen, ref1
Willett, Mrs, ref1
William III, ref1
William IV, ref1
William-Ellis, Clough, ref1
William of Orange, ref1
Williams, Heathcote, ref1
Williams, Shirley, ref1
Willoughby, Maj., ref1
Wilson, John Dover, ref1
Wilson, Harold, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
Wilson, James, ref1
Wilson, Stephen, ref1
Window affair, ref1
Windsor Castle, ref1
Windsor, Duke of (formerly Edward VIII), ref1, ref2
The Winter’s Tale (Shakespeare), ref1, ref2
Wodehouse, P. G., ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4
The Woodlanders (Hardy), ref1
Woolf, Leonard, ref1, ref2
Woolf, Virginia, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4 (see also individual works)
down suffered by, ref1
as diarist and essayist, ref1
family of, ref1
and Healey, ref1
on Forster, ref1
on literary style, ref1
Woolley, Janetta, ref1
Wordsworth, Dorothy, ref1
Wordsworth, John, ref1
Wordsworth, William, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
The World Crisis (Churchill), ref1, ref2
World War One, ref1 passim, ref2
declaration of, ref1
and Gallipoli, ref1
World War Two, ref1, ref2, ref3
Worlock, Derek, ref1
The Worm Forgives the Plough (Collis), ref1
Wormald, Patrick, ref1
Wren, Matthew, ref1
Yeats, W. B., ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5
At the Yeoman’s House (Blythe), ref1, ref2
Yevtushenko, Yevgeny, ref1
Young, G. M., ref1, ref2, ref3
Young, Loretta, ref1
Ziegler, Philip, ref1, ref2, ref3, ref4, ref5, ref6, ref7
1. Sir Kingsley Amis
2. Alan Bennett
3. Dame Muriel Spark
4. John le Carré
5. John Osborne
6. Professor Derek Jackson
7. Germaine Greer
8. Rudyard Kipling
9. Virginia Woolf
10. Fred Perry
11. Wilfred Owen
12. Cardinal Basil Hume
13. Dr Hewlett Johnson (The Red Dean)
14. Sir Nikolaus Pevsner
15. Sir John Betjeman
16. Charles Dickens
17. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
18. John Keats
19. Sir Robert Peel
20. Margot and Herbert Henry Asquith
21. Sir Oswald Mosley
22. Denis Healey
23. Harold Macmillan with President Kennedy
1. Sir Kingsley Amis
2. Alan Bennett
3. Dame Muriel Spark
4. John le Carré
5. John Osborne
6. Professor Derek Jackson
7. Germaine Greer
8. Rudyard Kipling
9. Virginia Woolf
10. Fred Perry
11. Wilfred Owen
12. Cardinal Basil Hume
13. Dr Hewlett Johnson (The Red Dean)
14. Sir Nikolaus Pevsner
15. Sir John Betjeman
16. Charles Dickens
17. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
18. John Keats
19. Sir Robert Peel
20. Margot and Herbert Henry Asquith
21. Sir Oswald Mosley
22. Denis Healey
23. Harold Macmillan with President Kennedy