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I Remember You

Page 5

by Mairsile Leabhair

  It was easier for Aidan to watch Vicky from behind her camera lens, because that was her job. And watch her she did, taking more pictures than the occasion warranted, just so she could see her nose crinkle, or catch her eyes, as they flashed with excitement. At the women’s board, there was a special speaker that told of her struggles as a single mother of two, who had been raped. Aidan notice Vicky rub her eyes with a tissue. What could she be thinking that would make her cry like that?

  Saturday, Aidan occupied her time with a morning jog, and then ran her errands in the afternoon. By evening, there was nothing left to do but play video games, which numbed her butt as much as her mind. Needing to break the silence that brought on a sense of loneliness, she turned on the television. There was nothing of interest, so she turned down the volume and let her mind drift. And it drifted straight to Vicky. She wondered what she was doing at that moment. Probably something exciting and fun. The thought of Vicky stirred her curiosity, so she got out her laptop, and did a search for her boss’s name.

  A click on the first article provided, brought up a photograph of Vicky. She was standing in front of the hospital, her arms crossed in confidence, and a sparkling smile on her face. She was on the cover of Women Exec magazine, for their Person of the Year issue. The words across the top read, Youngest CEO. Aidan stared at the picture for a long time, wondering what it would be like to be that young, and that influential. For reasons, that she couldn’t articulate, she felt proud of Vicky. She saved the picture to her desktop. This was someone she wanted to know better.

  Sunday afternoon, Aidan ambled down the city streets of Little Rock, sightseeing to ease the tedium. She walked along the river’s edge, watching the barges carry their load up the Arkansas river, while the stern wheeler carried it’s dinner passengers down it. She ended up in the river market district, where farmers bring their wares to sell, and Arkansas artists share their crafts. Watching all the activity from a sidewalk café, she nursed a beer, then decided to jump on the trolley, to nowhere in particular. Just as she got up, her phone rang.

  “Hi, am I interrupting you?” Vicky’s insecurities had her imagination working overtime. She needed to reach out to Aidan, to be sure she hadn’t run away, again?

  “No, not at all,” Aidan replied, sitting back down.

  “I just wanted to remind you to meet me at the airport, in the morning.”

  “No problem, I’ll be there.” She noticed how raspy Vicky’s voice sounded on the phone, and thought she must be tired. But damn, if she doesn’t sound sexy. Her stomach jumped, like a kid about to go on a ferris wheel.

  “Okay, um, see you in the morning then.”

  “Looking forward to it, ma’am.” Aidan realized she couldn’t wait to see Vicky again. That both excited her, and made her fearful. She ordered another beer, and sat watching a couple, walking hand in hand down the busy market street, stopping occasionally to kiss. She found herself wishing that was her… with Vicky, even though she knew, that just could not be. “Damn it.” Aidan, because of her amnesia, was at the mercy of her body, that remembered the desire of her unconscious lust, and responded immediately to those feelings. But her mind did not remember, and fought hard to dissuade those feelings, and in between two, was her heart.


  Monday morning couldn’t come soon enough for Vicky. She fussed with her hair, took ten minutes to decide what perfume to wear, and changed clothes three times. Am I crazy? What’s the matter with me? She smiled at herself in the mirror, “Oh yeah, I’m in love.” Finally, she settled on a low cut blouse with a jean jacket, which she had chosen because it was trimmed just right to accent her full breasts. She wiggled into her tight blue jeans, gasping for air as she zipped them up, then slipped on her boat shoes over her swollen feet. Hell of a time to be retaining water!

  At the airport, Vicky saw Aidan first. She had always loved the way Aidan dressed, and today was no exception. Wearing a crisp white shirt, a black leather vest with black Chino’s and her slouched boots, Aidan was the very definition of coolness. Her long legs gave her a sauntering walk that had the men craning to get a second look at her. But it was Vicky, who couldn’t take her eyes off of her. Oh Aidan, you don’t know it, and I can’t tell you, but you are my hero. My sexy, self‒confident, caring, over protective, hero. I miss you so much.

  It wasn’t until they were settled in their business class seats on the plane, that Aidan noticed Vicky’s low cut blouse and smelled her perfume. Her breasts smell so good. I mean her perfume smells like breasts. Damn! Aidan looked at her, hoping she couldn’t hear her thoughts. The arousal pangs that manifested in the pit of her stomach, was so strong, that Aidan involuntarily shifted in her seat to distract herself.

  “Afraid of flying?”

  “What? Oh, no, just can’t seem to get comfortable,” that was an understatement, Aidan thought. I hope she doesn’t realize she is setting me on fire!

  The flight to St. Louis only took an hour and ten minutes, but to the two women, talking non‒stop, it seemed more like just ten minutes. Aidan continued to be intrigued with how alike they both felt about so many things. She could tell Vicky was more the adventuresome type, because of her athletic build. She was a go getter, a doer. She didn’t wait for life to come to her. Aidan could appreciate that, since she felt much the same way. I wonder what other things we have in common. I think I’m going to enjoy finding out.

  During the short trip, the subject of climbing trees as a child came up, mostly because Vicky steered the conversation in that direction. It almost backfired on her, by putting Aidan in a more reflective mood.

  “I wish I could remember what I did as a kid. I’ll bet it was a fun time.”

  “Oh, it was Aidan…, um I mean, I’m sure it was, Aidan,” Damn my mouth! “You seem to be the outdoorsy type, who would love climbing trees and building forts.” With me, when we built a tree house! Remember?

  “Oh yeah, I’ll take being outdoors, over sitting at a computer, any day.”

  “I totally agree. That’s why I love to travel so much. I’ve got a bucket list of places I want to visit before I’m too old to enjoy it.”

  “You do? What’s on your list?” Aidan was fascinated that this business executive would ever want to step outside the board room, let alone have a wish list of places she wanted to visit.

  “Well, I haven’t actually had time to go anywhere, really. But, you name it, and I want to experience it.”

  Oh God, that’s unreal! “I’m the exact same way. At the top of my list is Ireland.”

  “Ireland? Any particular reason?”

  Aidan laughed to cover up a blush, “To be honest with you, I have no idea. It just seems like some place I’d like to see.”

  Oh Aidan, you’ve always wanted to go to Ireland. “Well, I hope you get to go someday.”

  Neither woman realized the plane had landed, until passengers began pulling luggage from the overhead bins. Things got busy after that, as they collected their bags, hailed a cab and checked into the hotel. By then, it was time to dress for the meeting with the corporate board.

  “Do I look professional enough?” Vicky greeted Aidan in the hotel hallway, on their way to the meeting. She was wearing her trademark, royal blue blazer, over a white blouse, buttoned to the collar, and a black skirt. Her long, blonde hair was pulled back and held in place by a heart shaped barrette. Her flawless make‒up gave her soft skin a silky, smooth appearance, and her subdued lipstick compliment her rouge perfectly. At least, that’s the way Aidan saw it.

  “Absolutely,” she caught her breath, And thank you for giving me an excuse to look. “Uh, were you worried?”

  “Well, yes actually. I have to defend… I mean, sell the board on allocating funds for a clinic, I want to build, on the West end of town. It would allow the un-insured and the poor to have access to medical and dental care.”

  “That sounds nice,” Aidan stated, “What’s the problem?”

  “The problem is the economy. I’m as
king for money, when most are laying off employees. What’s worse is that I want to give our services away for free. I really believe it’s important for the community. If you could have seen the children in that area, it would break your heart. It’s going to be a tough sell, but my leverage is the Affordable Care Act. Anyway, I have to be my most charming self, tonight. Wish me luck!”

  “No need for that, ma’am,” Aidan’s green eyes glistened, “You’ll have them eating out of your hand, in no time.”

  “Can I get that in writing?”

  “Do you one better, I’ll buy the first round of drinks at the party, afterward.”

  “Um, nice try, Aid, but it’s an open bar.”

  Laughing, Aidan replied, “Yeah, I was counting on that.”

  “Oh, you’re devious, I’ll have to keep my eye on you.” Stop flirting and concentrate, damn it. Don’t blow this because you can’t keep your eyes off of her.

  “Seriously, good luck, I’ll be rooting for you.” Aidan smiled at her, which made Vicky’s already fluttering butterflies, positively tornadic.

  The meeting with the corporate board of directors went smoothly, and quickly. Just as Aidan had predicted, the beautiful, petite, dynamic, CEO from Little Rock, Arkansas, had them eating out of her hand, in no time. Aidan snapped pictures of Vicky smiling, contemplating, gesturing, posturing and finally, celebrating.

  After the meeting had adjourned and everyone had left, Vicky relinquished her business persona and exclaimed, “They agreed to it!” She grabbed Aidan into a tight hug, and then just as quickly, she pulled back. Blushing, Vicky straightened her suit to distract herself.

  Aidan smiled down at her. The feel of her embrace, the closeness and warmth of her touch, however brief it may have been, felt so comfortable to Aidan, and she found herself wishing for more.

  Later that night, at the cocktail party, Aidan stayed back in the shadows and snapped a few pictures of Vicky dancing with one business man after another. Using her camera to zoom in on her subject, Aidan observed every nuance of her boss. The black, sequin cocktail dress, with a low cut neckline, showed her milky soft cleavage in a modest, yet very enticing way. The dress fit snug to her diminutive waistline and flared at the knees. A strand of white pearls around her neck, draped just low enough to rest at the top of those beautiful breasts. Her gleaming blonde hair, held back by a bow, flowed down to her creamy, nicely toned shoulders. Her shoes were soft leather with a fashionably tied bow at the ankle. The transformation from a business suit to a sequin dress, left Aidan’s mouth dry, and her heart pounding in her ears. Before her stood the most stunning woman she had ever seen, and she was having trouble controlling the tingling sensation tantalizing her from below.

  Corporate would, on occasion, host a cocktail party after a board meeting. It provided the executives a chance to socialize outside of the office. They felt this would foster connectivity, which would also stimulate productivity. But tonight, Vicky wasn’t interested in connecting with anyone but Aidan. Usually, she would dressed conservatively and fulfill her obligation to mix and mingle. When asked to dance, and she was asked a lot, she would always accept. Typically, she was bored to tears, and her feet would hurt, though she never let her discomfort show. She was professional, even on the dance floor. But on this night, at this particular party, she had deliberately dressed for enticement. For Aidan’s enticement.

  Unfortunately, instead of alluring her intended, she was attracting the gropers and drunks. Her annoyance at the man she was dancing with was evident, even to Aidan, standing across the room. He kept slipping his hand from her back down to her behind, pinching a hand full, as if it were his entitlement. Vicky lifted his hand back up, and put even more space between them. She even showed him her wedding ring. Nothing discourage the man. He pulled her back in, close to his sweaty chest, and foul breath.

  “May I cut in?”

  Vicky looked up to see Aidan, standing beside the man. A rush of gratitude filled her heart, as she watched Aidan poke his shoulder again, this time much harder and more deliberate.

  Thinking that she wanted to dance with him also, the man puffed out his drunken chest, held out his arms and slurred, “Sure, beautiful, I’m man enough for the both of youse girls.”

  Aidan gave him a look of disgust, and growled, “I’m not asking you, asshole.” She turned her back on him, slipped into his position beside Vicky, and skillfully danced her away. His face turned a bright red, as he cursed loudly at Aidan. Not that anyone heard him, thanks to the pounding of the music.

  “Is this all right?” she asked, as they danced across the floor.

  “It’s perfect,” Vicky replied. Even as children, she knew Aidan felt strongly about protecting her, and now, though Aidan wasn’t aware of her past, she was repeating it. “Absolutely perfect.”

  At first, Aidan was worried by her closeness. This was her boss, after all. What if she gets her in trouble for this. What if…, Aidan’s concerns were distracted by Vicky laying her head on her shoulder. The heat from her small body stoked the fire already smoldering between Aidan’s thighs, and the sweet throb of arousal became stronger and more demanding. I shouldn’t be doing this. I’m going to stop now…, in a minute…, or two.

  They slow danced arm in arm, oblivious to anyone else in the room. And for one brief, magical moment, Vicky thought she was in heaven. All too soon though, the spell was broken. The music ended, and they parted.

  Later, as she lay awake in her hotel room, Aidan stared at the ceiling, wondering what Vicky was doing. After their dance, Aidan had quickly retreated back to her hotel room, confused, dazed, and completely in love. Shit, I danced with my boss tonight, she chastised herself, I think I broke every rule in the book. I’ve got to get control of my damn hormones. If I don’t, Vicky could get in trouble. Finally, Aidan reached a decision that she reluctantly knew was the right thing to do, though it felt like the hardest thing she would ever do. She rolled over on her side and punched her pillow. Okay, Cassidy, you’ve got to rein it in, for her sake. This girl is off limits, from now on.

  But try as she might, she couldn’t stop reliving the feel of Vicky in her arms, gliding across the dance floor. And when Vicky nestled her head on her shoulder, fitting perfectly inside her embrace, everything felt so right, so…, as it should be. Turning on her back again, the throbbing in her clitoris was reignited, and demanding to be satisfied. She closed her eyes, seeing Vicky’s essence as she satisfied her needs, and when that climatic moment exploded out of her, it was Vicky’s name she cried for.

  Across the hall, in her room, Vicky was also reliving her dance with Aidan. She had dreamed of this night, ever since Aidan ran away. Even though it reaffirmed her love, it was bittersweet at best. Still, it was enough that she also needed some satisfaction, so she reached out for Aidan, as she reached her climax. And for her, the universe bent to her will, bringing the two of them together on a higher, orgasmic plane, holding one another, as the explosion of love pushed the scream of passion from their throats.

  The trip back was uneventful, except that Aidan was more reserved, and Vicky was vexed, because of it. The rest of the week was more of the same. Vicky didn’t have any events planned that really warranted having her picture taken. So she sulked in her office, trying to understand how they went from intimately dancing arm in arm, to barely making eye contact. Had she said or done something wrong that upset her? Oh God. Maybe she got her memories back, and now she hates me?

  Towards the middle of the week, as Aidan sat alone, eating her lunch in the cafeteria, she saw Vicky come in with a woman on her arm. The woman had shoulder length, sandy brown hair, strong facial features, and a slim, masculine build, wearing clothes that exuded success. With a pang of jealousy, Aidan forgot about her lunch, and watched the two women move about the cafeteria. Vicky hugged the woman several times, and they laughed a lot, as if they share some private joke that no one else was allowed to know. They were clearly friends, very close friends. Very close. And where Aidan t
hought that Vicky was drop dead gorgeous, she considered this woman to be handsome, in a gorgeous sort-of-way, and she hated her for it. Okay, maybe hate is too strong a word, maybe strongly dislike. Irritatingly displeased. Strongly annoyed!

  “Joyce, how long can you stay?” Vicky asked as they went through the line, selecting their food, then finding an unoccupied, freshly cleaned table, and sat down. Vicky liked to eat in the cafeteria with the rest of the employees, whenever possible, even though she had a large physician lounge, where most of the leadership team like to eat.

  Though she didn’t hide, Aidan didn’t go out of her way to be seen, either. From her vantage point, she could see Vicky’s back, but she couldn’t hear what they were saying, and that annoyed her. Then she felt guilty for wanting to eavesdrop, on a conversation she had absolutely no right to hear.

  “Just long enough for lunch, I’m afraid. Ellen and I are flying back to New York, this afternoon, because of an emergency surgery I need to perform, this evening.”

  “Darn,” Vicky cocked her lip, “I’ve got some big news to tell you.”

  “Tell me now,” Joyce glanced around, “no one is nearby.”

  Vicky giggled and leaned in, “Okay, do you remember me telling you about my first love?”

  “Yes, when you were a little girl, right?”

  “Well, guess what? She’s working for me now!”

  “No shit? Wow, Vicky. That’s fantastic news. Are you two together again?”

  Vicky’s giggle quickly stopped, and a frown appeared, “No, she doesn’t even remember who I am. She has amnesia and doesn’t remember a damn thing about us.”


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