Book Read Free


Page 45

by Robin Roseau

“And yet, you dress the same as you did when you were a barmaid.”

  “I suppose I do. Do you know if I’ll be home tonight?”

  “Why do you ask questions like this?”

  “Fine, fine.” I missed Lisbon.

  * * * *

  I met with Olivia and Jessla.

  And Slip.

  Gigi was also present, strictly as an observer. When I saw the mix, I had no idea what was going on.

  Jessla handed Slip a single piece of paper. She reviewed it, signed it, and passed it across the table to me. “This is a petition for a Real Challenge,” she said. “You and me.”

  I reviewed it then looked across the table at her. She was wringing her hands nervously, and it was hard to get her to meet my gaze. “Why, Slip?”

  “I want to be yours. I asked them if I could simply surrender to you. They told me that would be cheating you, and they won’t declare you a citizen if I don’t try my hardest to win. So I have to try.”

  “How hard have you been trying in the past?” I asked.

  “I don’t know. Probably not that hard.”

  I read the papers, buying time. Then I looked at her again. “I like you, Slip, but I’m not in love.”

  “I like the way you treat me,” she replied. “I like working at the inn, but only when I’m your slave. Otherwise I just want to paint signs, but I don’t get very much business. I have to do other things, and I hate it. No one is depending on me. My younger brothers were kicked out, and Mother doesn’t really need me. We don’t get along that well. And you heard what Queen Lisdee said.”

  I laughed. “Unless it was, ‘Pleasure me’, no, I didn’t.”

  “You were right there!”

  “And blissed out of my brain,” I replied. “What did she say?”

  “She announced a new law. Once every six months, all subjects are required to enter a new event.”

  I turned to Olivia. “This sounds like something I should have known.”

  “I would have told you.”

  “Tell me now.”

  “We will hold the event monthly, but you only need to register twice a year.”


  “And anyone born in Ressaline may pick her opponent, as may any citizens.”

  “Real Challenges?”

  “No. Practice but with one-week durations.”

  “That’s not all,” Slip said. “Once she frees you, she only has to wait two days before asking for a Real Challenge. You don’t have to accept, but it takes me longer to recover, Claary. If I don’t say ‘yes’ to the first one who asks, I’d be surprised. I don’t want to belong to someone I don’t know. If you turn me down, I’m going to ask Gigi next.”

  “How soon does this new law go into effect?”

  “It’s in effect,” Olivia said. “You all have four and a half months. And it’s not every six months. It’s twice per calendar year. One this year, twice per year after that. If you make it halfway through the year without completing your first, we schedule you however we want.”

  “She asked me how I felt about her policies. I told her of one I didn’t like. You may now add this one, Lady Olivia. She’s telling us she’s not going to give us time to learn.”

  “She’s telling you to make arrangements like this one or end up belonging to someone you don’t know,” Olivia replied. “You wouldn’t have a problem. You could go on for years, if you want. So could Gigi. Slip could not.”

  “So she’s forcing the issue.”

  “Yes, she’s forcing the issue.”

  “She hasn’t told you all of it,” Gigi said. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you didn’t know. You were right there. Even citizens who were age 30 or older the day they walked through the gates must register and participate, twice a year.”

  “I argued her up from 20,” Olivia said. “Getting her to 25 wasn’t hard. 30 was.”

  “What did you give her in exchange.”

  “Bee and Dee.”

  I went white. “No.”

  “She gave them back, but she didn’t have to. You do remember they helped you recover.”

  “I don’t even remember them.”

  “I know.”

  I nodded. “What are my choices right now?”

  “You may say ‘yes’,” Olivia said. “We can negotiate when, but Jessla and I will determine the event, and we will work to make it as fair as we can.”

  “I thought challengers were free to determine their own events. If someone effectively wants to become enslaved, that’s her choice.”

  “True, but this is a challenge to mark you as a citizen, and the queen is not interested in anyone having it easy. Frankly, she would rather make you beat someone from Ressaline, but she knows if she does that, we’ll end up with nearly 100 percent of you enslaved, and that’s not what she wants. You understand that even if you and Gigi compete, one of you would win but still wouldn’t be up to beating nearly anyone from Ressaline.”

  I nodded. “I understand. So this means you will specifically look for something that plays away from my strengths.”

  “We won’t allow any event that you win by physically subduing your opponent,” she replied. “But we’re not trying to make you lose, either. We’ll probably just use some of our simplest challenges for most of you.”

  “I see. What else?”

  “You may say ‘no’. Slip will immediately make the same offer to Gigi.”


  “Or you may request time to think about it.”

  “I may, for instance, ask for time to speak to Gigi and to my mentor.”

  “You may.”

  “Then I wish time to speak to Gigi and my mentor.”

  “Do you mind if I remain?” Jessla asked.

  I turned to Gigi. “Did you want to talk tonight?”

  “We can talk right here,” she said.

  “Slip,” Olivia said. “Please step outside and down to the guard post.”

  “Yes, Lady Olivia.” She didn’t try to plead with me any further than she already had.

  Once Slip was gone, I turned to Gigi. “You said not that long ago you would be frustrated if I didn’t talk to you before doing something like this.”

  “I believe one of us needs to say ‘yes’,” she replied. “And she’s a better fit for you than for me.”

  “Anything else?”

  “No, except I don’t know how much she’s been holding back.”

  I turned to Olivia. “I don’t think she’s capable of playing to win.”

  “Of course she is,” Olivia said. “But that doesn’t mean she won’t give in easily.”


  “And if I can honestly say I believe she tried her best, then I may declare you a citizen.”

  “And if not?”

  “Then you remain a subject, but she is yours for up to six months.”

  “And easy pickings after that.”

  “Yes, probably. I wouldn’t let her be used for someone to declare citizenship, but she’d end up being enslaved somehow.”

  “This would be an easy question if there was a physical capture element to the contest.”

  “Yes, but there won’t be, not with Slip. But if you go up against any Ressalines, you may negotiate any rules you want, except in our structured events.”

  “They’re letting anyone who wants declare that event as their citizenship event,” Gigi said. “If you beat the Ressaline, she’s yours for six months. She can’t earn citizenship for beating one of us, though, but if you lose, you’re hers.”

  “I missed a lot of news,” I said. “I think I need someone to catch me up. Another time.” I turned to Olivia. “What say you, Mentor?”

  “I believe you should do it. I also believe you should approach Sarala and possibly one or two others from your club. And while we’re on the subject, I believe Gigi should approach Mehgra.”

  “I’ve been thinking about it,” Gigi said. “Claary?”

  “Yeah. Do it.”

p; “And you should see to Slip and Sarala. Sareet has been holding back, and I think she’s going to ask someone soon, but I think we should beat her to it.”

  “Slip has experienced the device I made,” I said. “She fell fast and hard. Am I allowed to use it?”

  Olivia grinned. “Why do you think Queen Lisdee taught the two of you?”

  “Is this being fair?”

  “It’s what Slip wants,” Gigi said. “She knows she’ll be happier belonging to you than she is right now.”

  “Call her back in and I’ll sign the papers.”

  * * * *

  We scheduled it for Saturday. In the meantime, I quietly talked to Sarala and then, after talking to Gigi and Olivia, Echeesh. Gigi talked to Mehgra. And then we asked Olivia if we could run her event and my event simultaneously.

  Saturday arrived. Gigi spent the previous night with me. We were both nervous. We knew we could both lose. I thought it would be worse if one lost and the other won. “Slip might let me take you from her,” Gigi said. “And she might even let me have her.”

  “If that happens, then do it,” I said.

  “I don't know what Mehgra would do.”

  “Don’t lose.”

  She smiled grimly. “I’ll do my best.”

  * * * *

  We arrived early and were separated. I changed into the white shift. I had four of the devices in a pouch at my hip. They barely fit. I didn’t know the event, but one was two ended, in case.

  Two guards came for me. I didn’t recognize them, but one wished me luck. “I’d hate for The Baby Blanket to close.”

  “Me, too.”

  The four of us entered from four quadrants. We came together in the middle, me opposite Slip, biting her lip. She looked quite lovely. I glanced over at Gigi. She looked determined. Mehgra looked even more determined.

  Olivia spoke to the audience for a minute. She described Gigi’s event first. One of them would be tied, on her back. She would have some movement, but limited. The other would climb on top of her. From that moment forward, the one on top must not willingly leave, or the guards would free the one who was tied down, and she would be able to pursue her opponent however she pleased.

  Bucking off her opponent didn’t count.

  “Mehgra,” Olivia said. “As the challenged, you may choose whether you will start on top or on bottom. The one on the bottom will choose the two-ended device to use.”


  “We’ll use my device,” Gigi said immediately.

  “Agreed,” Olivia said. “But your opponent will be the one to place it.”

  “I understand,” Gigi said.

  It would be an interesting event. I was sorry to miss it.

  My event was to be entirely different. Olivia explained it and asked for questions. She spoke for a minute longer, reminding the audience this was a Real Challenge and reminding the contestants to do their best.

  Then the guards stepped forward to prepare us.

  * * * *

  They locked me into the structure first, taking away our shifts first. They let Slip slide the device into me. The guards made the necessary adjustments.

  Slip was locked in second, and the guard used one of my devices. Slip gave a little moan as it slid inside of her.

  Olivia waited until we were secured and the range of motion of the structure was verified. Mehgra was poised near Gigi. Olivia declared, “Go.”

  Mehgra entered Gigi with her own device and then climbed atop her. What happened after, well, maybe I’ll have enough brain to describe it later.

  The structure I was in was rather complicated. If I flexed with my legs, it pushed me away from the device, sliding it out of me, but only to the tip. If I pushed further, it traveled with me. Doing so pressed Slip into her device, but not deeply enough to hurt.

  If she pushed, it was the reverse. Or we could each pull.

  In other words, we would be making mechanical love to each other.

  And we were arranged so we could touch and stroke the other. We could talk to each other. We could do many of the things we might normally do except escape.

  Olivia called begin, and I began pushing slowly while caressing Slips’ cheek. “I’ll take good care of you.”

  “I’m going to win, Claary,” she said. And she pushed back, and I began sliding onto her device.

  I was stronger than her. I knew I was. But she was pushing me backwards, taking control from me, and she shouldn’t have been able to do so. “How?”

  “You’ve been tricked,” she said. Then she pulled, and I slid off, helpless to stop her. Then the device chased after me, trembling at my opening as it did so. She pushed, slowly. I tried fighting her, but it did me little good.

  “I’m stronger than you are. How are you doing this?”

  “No one said the machine couldn’t give me a mechanical advantage,” Slip said. And she pulled. I went with it. She stroked my hair. “I will own the Baby Blanket Inn.” Push “I’m going to have you.” Pull. “Mehgra is going to beat Gigi.” Push. “Olivia will declare Gigi as not trying hard. Mehgra won’t be a citizen.” Pull. Then her voice changed, no longer a Charthan accent. “You didn’t really think we were going to let any of you be citizens, did you?” Push. Pull. Push. I gasped. “We’ll manipulate Mehgra.” Pull. “I’ll get her at the monthly event.” Push. “I’ll wrap her around my finger, and two days later.” Pull. “I’ll challenge her. She won’t say no.” Push. Pull. “You helped lead the way.” Push. Gasp. “You helped us fool all of you.” Pull. Panting.

  “I don’t understand.” Gasp.

  “I’m Ressaline,” she said. Push. “I’ve lived here for several years in advance of our invasion.” Pull. “I made friends. I’m cute and sweet.” Push. “We manipulated you.” Pull. “Your mother.” She laughed and pushed. “Giselt is my aunt.” Push. “Your sister? Have you seen her since you got back?” Pull. “No?” Push. “The queen took her and Lassa.”

  “No,” I whispered. Slip pulled. “That’s a lie.”

  “They’re in Ressaline now.” Push. “Lisdee has such tastes.” Pull. “Charthans are hated.” Push. “Lisdee will probably give Lassa to someone who likes whips.”

  “No!” I screamed.

  “Lisdee thinks whips are crude. She has much better toys. Does Li-li like pain?”

  “No!” I screamed. “No!” And I put everything into it I had. Slip pushed, and I pushed back.

  She laughed. “You’re halfway there. You hate me, and you’re halfway there.” And then the structure quivered as we fought for control.

  “You’re lying!” I said. I pushed, and Slip slid onto my device. I pushed hard, forcing it as deep as the structure would allow. She gave out a little gasp. She tried to push back, but I held her there, letting it pulse deep inside of her. Then I backed off, taking her device, but I pushed down hard, and she gasped.

  “Lisdee was kind. Olivia is a good woman. Jessla is deeply ethical.” I pulsed the machine again, and Slip gasped.

  We fought for control, but I was angry now.

  “Some of you could hide something like this,” I told her. “But not so many people.” I worked the machine, and then I reached for her and began stroking her. And I saw the red begin climbing her body.

  She faltered. I pushed and she gasped. I wriggled, which teased me, but I could take it. Could she? I didn’t know.

  I didn’t want her red. I didn’t want pleasure from her. But I was going to take her. More resin flowed up, overcoming the red, and she turned blue, now to her knees.

  She struggled. She pushed. But I told her it felt good to submit. I told her she would enjoy belonging to me. I told her lies.

  Her resin caught up to mine. We were both gasping now, but she overtook me. She began whimpering with her moans and gasps.

  “Please stop,” she whispered.

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Please don’t do this to me.”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Don’t do
it in hate,” she said. “Not in hate. Not in hate.”

  I tuned her out for a while. The blue climbed over her waist. It reached her chest. She began begging. “Please, Claary,” she whispered. “Please. Do this in love. Please.”

  I paused, hesitating.

  “Please,” she said. “Please do this in love. This isn’t you. Please do this in love. If you do it this way, you’ll be bitter forever.”

  I looked at her.

  “Don’t lower yourself.”

  And I realized that was what I was doing. I smiled and caressed her check, and then I began moving, slowly, teasing her. And new colors began flowing. Purple. Red. They flowed up, swirling with the blue.

  “Yes,” she whispered. “Thank you, Claary. Thank you.”

  I covered her in blue, in purple, in red. It was stunningly beautiful. And then she cried out, shaking the whole machine as she surrendered to the magic.

  And I felt it myself as well. I felt a tie to her that I hadn’t felt before, any of the other times. She opened her eyes and looked into mine. “I love you,” she whispered. “Thank you, Claary. Please call me Slip. I’d like that.”

  “I will,” I whispered.

  I felt the resin drip from me. And then the guards were there. They pulled me from the device first, and I stood numbly as they dressed me in soft underthings, and then leather, black with red and blue piping.

  Red, for pleasure. Blue, for the inn.

  I stepped over to the other side of the structure. I pulled Slip from the machine. She clung to me. I kissed her. She was barely aware, and so I held her gently.

  Olivia was talking. I didn’t really hear. I held my slave, brushing at her hair.

  But then Lassa and Li-li were there, crowding around me. Li-li kissed me then kissed Slip then asked if we could all play. Lassa crouched down and said, “Congratulations. I’m to tell you something. Nearly everything Slip said was an utter fabrication. I don’t even know what that means.”

  I reached a hand over and kissed her. Li-li saw and squealed happily.

  “Gigi and Mehgra?”

  “Gigi kicked her ass,” Lassa said. “Mehgra’s entirely out of it. Gigi’s seeing to her.” She turned her head. “She blew you a kiss, but now they’re getting help from the field. She looks good in leather.”

  Then Olivia was there with some of the guards. They helped me with Slip. I stood and grabbed Olivia, whispering into her ear, “You have some explaining to do.”


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