Book Read Free


Page 56

by Robin Roseau

  You have sound judgement, but make sure you get a signature witnessed by another citizen, and I recommend someone other than Gigi. Feel free to offer a shorter period, but it may take a second First Enslavement to satisfy the legal requirement.

  I’ll back you if you don’t promise too much in my name.


  “Stay here,” I said quietly. “I’m going to have another errand for you shortly.”

  I returned to the sofa and knelt down in front of Myreedie. I smiled and took her hands. “Myreedie, I know this is intimidating. I have an idea. Try it.”

  “Try it?”

  “Twenty-four hours,” I said. “After dinner tomorrow, I’ll ask if you want to end this. If so, I’ll free you, and the following morning, we can get you settled to head back to Flarvor.”

  Kylia looked at me sharply, but Myreedie didn’t notice, and Kylia didn’t actually say anything. “Is that long enough?” Myreedie asked.

  “It’s not long enough for the legal requirements, but I have authority to use my judgment. Try it. If you don’t like it, you don’t have to stay.”

  “What if I’m not sure?”

  “Then we’ll make it for three days,” I said. “So you’ll get a better idea. And if you’re still not sure, we can make it a week. Do you see?”

  She nodded. “Try it?”

  “Try it,” I said. Then I handed the Practice Challenge agreement to Kylia. “Will you be signing this?”

  She’d signed them before and knew what it was.

  “You’ll free me when you free Myreedie?”

  I nodded. “But if you have another limit, you’ll fill that in, too.”

  “Then yes.”

  I smiled. “Do you know what Kylia just agreed to?”

  “She’s going to be your slave, too?”

  “She is,” I said. “And I’ll tell you one more thing. If you decide you hate it, if you absolutely hate it, I’ll free you, and then both Kylia and I will be yours for a day. You won’t be able to really enslave me, but I’ll behave as long as you treat me similarly to how I treated you.”


  “Yes, but only if you really, really hate it.”

  She held out her hand. “Agreed,” she said.

  I shook her hand then turned to Sari. “I need you two for another errand. Find Gigi and tell her what’s going on, but we need someone to witness our agreement. Run to The Baby Blanket and find a citizen.”

  “Yes, Claary,” they said, heading for the door.

  I smiled and turned back to Myreedie. “Now, we have to do this legally. That’s why I sent them on the previous errand. I received permission to make an agreement. The duchess herself gave us permission, but we have to do paperwork.” I turned the First Enslavement agreement to her. “We’re both going to sign this in front of a witness. It is going to have a maximum duration, and you won’t like that part, but it’s required by law.”

  “Why won’t I like that?” she asked. “We agreed to a duration.”

  “Ah, but the paperwork is going to say two months. We can write in our extra agreement on the final page, but even if you tell me you want to keep going, I can’t keep you even one day longer than two months, not during your First Time. Instead, I have to free you and let you think about it for a while. If it goes that long, then you may stay right here, if you want, or we can find somewhere else for you to live while you decide what you want to do. Do you see?”

  “Sure,” she said. “It has to be legal.”

  “Good. Read this, and then when our witness arrives, we’ll make it legal.”

  * * * *

  Myreedie was nervous, but Sari and La-la returned almost immediately, Major Marda with them. Olivia had planned ahead, and the woman was waiting for them. She and Gigi both arrived in the parlor.

  I provided introductions and then reviewed our agreement, but I found a chance to tell them a little bit more. Marda simply asked, “Do you know what you’re doing?”

  “I think so,” I said.

  We moved to a table. I made adjustments to the agreement with Myreedie. Then I showed Kylia where to put in her maximum time. She signed it and returned it to me. I looked through it, and she had written, “As long as Myreedie needs me.”

  I stared at that then looked up at her. Kylia looked at me, then at her friend, then nodded. I showed it to Marda and asked, “Is this allowed?”

  She barely glanced at it. “If that’s what she wants, but you need to put in a different duration, in case she wins.”

  “Right,” I said. I filled in my information and signed it. Marda signed everything as witness and then offered to file the paperwork. “Did you need additional help?”

  “No. Myreedie, would you feel better if Major Marda remains as a witness, or would you prefer more privacy.”

  “Privacy,” she said.

  “All right. Thank you, Marda.”

  “You’re quite welcome, Claary.”

  “Let me walk you out.” I stood and took her arm, leading her out into the hallway. “Marda, is it legal to use resin for the First Enslavement?”

  “We don’t usually do that.”

  “I want to treat them both the same,” I said. “Is it legal?”

  “Yes, but Claary, it’s a bad idea. You remember your first time. Using the resin magnifies everything. She’ll barely remember her two months. It will be very similar to your time with the queen. Is that what you want?”

  “No,” I said. “I didn’t know.”

  “It’s legal, but I don’t think it’s what you want.”

  “No, it’s not. Thank you, Marda.” We hugged, and I sent her on her way and returned to my guests.

  “Claary,” Myreedie said. “Do you have to tie me? I’m not sure I want to be tied.”

  “You know what? We’re going to do something different. We’re going to relax. Gigi, will you join us in the spa?”

  “I’d love to.”

  “Sari, can you collect some help? We’re going to bathe and soak, and then we’ll need bathrobes after.”

  * * * *

  The pleasure slaves bathed us, and then four of us moved to the tub. I whispered to the others to stay close, and promised them some fun later. Then we slipped into the warm pool. I let the water relax Myreedie for a few minutes then shifted position, moving to her side. She’d had her eyes open, but she turned to look at me. I smiled. “Isn’t this nice?”

  She nodded her head but then asked, “Are you doing it now?”

  “No. I’m doing something else.” Then I lifted my hand and caressed her face. “You’re very lovely, Myreedie.”

  “You’re beautiful,” she replied.

  “I want you to close your eyes,” I said. “I want you to relax and let us do what we want. I’m going to touch you. Relax, and close your eyes.”

  She did, and I began touching, moving around a little as I did so. They were innocent touches, although I pressed my body against hers a few times, just letting her grow accustomed to attention. Then I gestured. Sari, La-la, and Slip moved closer. Slip began to nuzzle Kylia, who smiled. Sari and La-la took places outside the tub, flanking Myreedie from behind.

  “Sari and La-la are going to touch you, too,” I said. “Don’t be startled.” Then I nodded, and they began stroking her hair.

  We touched. We stroked. I moved closer, and then I leaned in and kissed her cheek. Myreedie’s eyes opened, and she looked at me. “You’re seducing me.”

  “I am,” I said. “I think you understood that is what was going to happen.”

  She nodded. “It feels nice.”

  “Good. Close your eyes and keep them closed now.”

  We touched and soothed, and I saw her growing increasingly relaxed. I kissed her from time to time, sweet kisses only. Finally I whispered into her ear, “I want to go upstairs. Will you go with me?”

  She nodded.

  “I’m going to help you from the tub. Sari and La-la will dry us and give us robes. I want you to keep yo
ur eyes closed, and let us take care of you, Myreedie.”


  I took her hands and led her from the tub. By the time we were clear of the water, Sari and La-la had towels for us. Slip helped Kylia and Gigi. We dried and had our hair brushed, then put on robes. I took both of Myreedie’s hands and walked backwards, leading her to the bedroom.

  Once there, I hugged her from behind, nuzzling her neck lightly, then asked, “How are you doing?”


  I smiled, letting her feel me against her neck, and then I reached for her belt and released it. She clasped the robe about her, but I moved around her and opened my own robe. Then I took her hands and set them on my bare hips.

  Her eyes opened. She looked at me standing in front of her, and I used that time to drop my robe from my shoulders, letting it pool around my feet. I smiled and then slowly lifted my hands to her own robe, pushing it back. She let it fall, but looked down at our feet. I pushed my robe out of the way then began walking backwards, leading her to the bed. I climbed up then kept moving backwards, pulling her with me. I pulled her up to the pillows and then down until we were lying on our sides. I smiled and gave her a little kiss.

  “This isn’t what Kylia said you would do.”

  “Don’t worry about that,” I said. “Close your eyes again.” I brushed at them, and then I pushed her onto her back.

  * * * *

  I seduced her, taking my time. Whenever she opened her eyes, I brushed at them until she closed again. Gigi and Kylia watched. Sari and La-la helped, when finally I invited them.

  I seduced her, ramping it up slowly, and then La-la guided me. I took my device first, and then La-la helped me find Myreedie.

  She gasped as it slid into her, but I held her down and loomed over her, smiling. “Sari, La-la, hold her arms now. You may also help her enjoy what’s happening.”

  We made love to her, slowly and gently. And I decided it was the first time someone had treated her that way, the first time someone gave her pleasure as part of lovemaking.

  She began making small cries of pleasure. Then she opened her eyes and asked, “Can they kiss me?”

  “Yes,” I said. “They may.”

  “And play with my…” she glanced down.

  “They’ll do anything you want except let you go,” I said. “Sari, La-la, you may do the things she asks.”

  Myreedie closed her eyes. “Please kiss me,” she said. “Please,” she whispered.

  I moved deeper, pressing deep into her, and then riding up, doing what I knew felt so good. She gasped, and the magic began growing.

  Soon she was panting and whimpering. Gasping. She moaned. And then she whispered, “Please. Oh please.”

  The orgasm arrived not long after that. She cried out loudly, arching her back. The magic entered her, wrapping around her, and then she cried out again, shuddering heavily, shuddering and shuddering as she became mine.

  I stilled. So did Sari and La-la. I caressed my new slave and smiled, still above her.

  Then I turned my head. Gigi was smiling. Kylia was on the edge of tears. I smiled and held out my hand. It took her a moment, but she crossed the room to me. “Do you love her, Kylia?”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  I turned to look at Gigi. “I’m going to claim Kylia. Will you help see to My-di’s clothes?”

  “Of course.”

  * * * *

  My-di slept until morning, the bed quite full. When I woke, she was staring straight ahead. I brushed at her cheek and smiled. “Good morning, My-di.”

  She blinked at me then slowly smiled. She lifted her own hand and pressed my fingers against her cheek.

  “Do you remember what happened last night after you came here?” I asked. She nodded and smiled again. “Good. I’m going to tell you a few things, and then I’ll explain the rules. First, you may not be able to talk for a few days, or perhaps longer. But you’re responsive now, and you’ll find ways to communicate. Don't worry about talking. This is natural, and most of us respond the same way.

  “Next, until I release you or decide otherwise, you are my pleasure slave. You will learn what that means. Do you understand?” She nodded.

  “Good. Now the rules. They aren’t difficult. You will obey me. You will also obey Gigi as well as anyone else to whom I give temporary authority, unless it contradicts an order from me. As much as you like, you may touch yourself, me, or the other members of this household, but for comfort only. You may not touch yourself or anyone else for pleasure unless I specifically give permission. This is comfort.” I caressed her cheek. “And this is pleasure.” I moved closer and slid my hand down her body and between her legs. She grew immediately responsive, closing her eyes and arching her back. Then I withdrew my hand. “Do you understand the difference?” Again, she nodded.

  I relayed the other rules; there weren’t many, and they weren’t difficult.

  When I was done, I caressed her cheek. “Do you feel good?” She nodded. “Do you want to play?” She smiled and nodded more. “Good.” I pushed her onto her back and then kissed her deeply. She moaned into the kiss and wrapped arms around me. Finally I lifted from her and brushed her lips. Then I said, “Do you see who is lying beside you?” I gestured.

  She turned her head. Ky was watching us. Sari and La-la were clustered on the bed, too. My-di saw her friend then reached with a hand and caressed her cheek. Then she looked back to me. I smiled. “My-di, I want to ask you some questions. Do you recognize who this is?” She nodded. “She’s your friend, isn’t she?” Another nod. “When she’s like this, she is called Ky. My-di, you remember her other name, don’t you?” Nod. “Do you love Kylia?” She paused before nodding. “Now I have a very, very important question. Is Myreedie in love with Kylia?”

  She didn’t have to think about it. She nodded slowly.

  “This next question is important, My-di. Does Myreedie think about kissing Kylia?” She nodded. “Ky, does Kylia think about kissing Myreedie?”

  “Yes,” Ky whispered.

  I caressed My-di then reached past her to caress Ky as well. “The two of you may play and touch for pleasure, doing anything you each want with each other until you have each had your turn. Then you will see to making yourselves presentable and come find me. I’ll be downstairs. Enjoy each other.”

  They were kissing before I could even roll from the bed. “Sari, La-la, attend me, please.”

  * * * *

  I gave My-di a nurturing home and ordered the entire household to treat her well. I didn’t actually need to make that order, but I wanted them to be especially nurturing with her.

  That evening, I asked My-di if she understood what was happening to her. She nodded and knelt to me, laying her head in my lap and sighing happily. I stroked her hair and asked if she remembered our agreement. Without lifting her head, she nodded. “I promised to ask if you wanted me to let you go.” With that, she wrapped her arms around me and held tightly. But I leaned over then used two fingers to lift her chin. “I promised I would ask, My-di. I already know the answer, but I promised I would ask. Are you going to be able to answer?” She nodded. “Do you want me to let you go?” She shook her head vehemently. “Do you want to stay?” She nodded, gave a little cry, and then wrapped around me, even more tightly than the first time.

  I looked up at Gigi. “That seems rather definitive.”

  She smiled. “But not at all surprising,” she said.

  * * * *

  As I said, I made a nurturing home. By the fourth day, they were helping at The Baby Blanket, rotating through the jobs. And at home, Gigi and I introduced My-di to an increasingly hedonistic life. She took to giggling, and I could see the woman that Kylia loved.

  Olivia invited us to dinner. I brought My-di and Ky. Olivia challenged me to an overnight practice challenge. I had to let Bee and Dee do anything they wanted to me, but she did the same with Ky and My-di.

  I don’t know how it happened, but for the first time ever, I
won a challenge with her. I’m not sure who was more surprised. It was a close thing, and I was fully encased in the resin when Olivia gave out her wracking cries of joy. Bee and Dee both froze, then the three of us slowly turned to look at Olivia.

  Then Dee turned to look at me. “Claary?”

  “It’s okay, Dee,” I said. “We’re going to stay here. Go help Oh recover, and then the five of you will carry me to the bedroom. Once we’re there, you are in charge. You may do anything you want to me and each other.”

  She grinned happily.

  She’d learned some new tricks since the last time I’d stayed over.

  * * * *

  Two weeks passed. I asked Olivia to come over after dinner and to bring Bee and Dee. We collected together, three citizens with eight pleasure slaves clustered about us. “Olivia, when they came to me, Kylia asked me to claim Myreedie for two weeks, not two months.” She inclined her head. “Will you support me, Duchess?”

  “Yes, Claary.”

  I nodded, and then I freed Kylia first. She clung to me afterwards, wrapped in a robe. My-di watched all this, and I could see the uncertainty. But I’d told Slip, Sari, and La-la what I was going to do, and they were clustered about her, offering touches of comfort.

  I gently kissed Kylia then looked into her eyes. “Are you with me?”

  “Yes, Claary,” she whispered. “How long?”

  “Two weeks,” I said. “You asked for two weeks.”

  “It’s supposed to be permanent, Claary. It’s supposed to be forever.”

  “That’s not legal,” I said. “Not the way we began.”


  I silenced her with two fingers across her lips and then kissed her besides. “We need to see to Myreedie.”


  “No, Kylia. You asked me to claim her for two weeks, not two months and not forever.”

  “You don’t want us?”

  “You know that’s not true,” I said.

  “We want to be together, Claary. We can’t be together in Flarvor, and we both know I couldn’t be a citizen here.”

  “There are other ways,” Olivia said. “Kylia, your family does something important for both countries. Does your mother even know you’re here?”


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