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Texting Box Set: The Complete Series

Page 12

by Teagan Hunter

  I heave a sigh and drag my body off the couch, busying myself with grabbing spare blankets and pillows from our tiny linen closet.

  I feel so stupid making a bed on the couch for Zach. Why can’t I be brave enough to invite him into my bed? Why can’t I go for what I want?

  Because you jumped the gun before and look how that turned out.

  Oh yeah, that’s why.

  “That for me?” Zach asks after securing Marshmallow inside his cage.

  “Yep. I even gave you my favorite pillow.”


  “True.” I push my long brown hair back behind my ear and glance up at him before flitting my eyes away. “So…”


  “Right. I’ll leave so you two can bone or whatever it is you’re about to do. Night, kids.” Zoe gives us a finger wave before retreating down the hallway.

  Neither one of us move until we hear the click of Zoe’s door.

  Then it’s an awkward shuffle of feet, a stiff hug, and mumbled good nights.

  What. The. Hell.

  I make my way to my bedroom, confused as hell.

  As I’m about to twist the knob, I’m spun around, hands encasing my face and lips crushing to mine.

  Tongues tangle together. Breathing is secondary in this moment. All that matters is the feel of his lips on me, his hands tangling themselves in my hair, the way his body crushes against mine.

  “Invite me into your room, Delia.”

  I nod and push the door open.

  He saunters inside, grabbing my hand and pulling me with him so fast I can barely get the door closed. Before I know it, he has me on the bed, hovering over me with a grin matched only by Casanova himself.

  “I’m not here for sex, Delia, just so we’re clear, but I would like to sleep next to you tonight, if that’s okay. We can snuggle.” His dimple appears. “Naked.”

  I giggle and push at his chest until he rolls off and onto the bed. “You keep telling yourself that. I’m wearing pajamas.”

  I push myself off the bed and make my way to my dresser. I grab my sexiest set of pajamas—ultra-short shorts and a sweater that hangs invitingly off my shoulder—ready to take them down the hall and into the bathroom to change.

  Then an idea hits me.

  I might not be brave enough to sleep with Zach yet, but I sure as hell am brave enough to tease him.

  Huh. Guess I am stripping for him after all.

  Standing right there in front of my dresser, keeping my eyes focused on the blank wall, I slowly lift my shirt over my head.

  At first Zach doesn’t say anything, not a peep.

  I unhook my bra.

  “Oh hell.” His voice is hoarse, and it sounds hot as hell.

  Slowly, I pull the straps down my arms, dropping the garment to the floor at my feet. I hear a shuffle and know he’s on his feet now.

  I slide my oversized nightshirt over my head, running my hands down my sides, settling them on my hips—just for a moment—before pushing my lounge pants to the floor. I’m standing there in nothing but a shirt hanging off one shoulder and my underwear that expose a whole lot of ass.


  Another shuffle of feet.

  I can feel the heat radiating off him; I know he’s close, his stare making me sweat.

  I take my time pulling my shorts off my dresser, waiting to see what Zach will do…if he does anything at all.

  “Delia, please.”

  I finally push my feet through the tiny shorts and pull them up over my calves, my thighs, until finally my white cheeky panties are covered.

  Zach has me enveloped in no time, his front to my back, and I can feel every inch of him. His erection throbs as it sits almost perfectly between my cheeks. His hands ghost up my sides and I know there’s no way he missed the goose bumps that cover my skin.

  He slides my thick curtain of hair to the side, exposing my neck so he can place his soft lips on my skin. Giving gentle kisses, he makes his way from my shoulder and up the side of my neck until his mouth is grazing my ear.

  “Do you have any idea what you’re doing to me right now, Delia? Any idea how much I want to strip you of those clothes you just put on? Because I really fucking want to.”

  He spins me, his face only an inch or so from mine.

  My chest is heaving, and he’s so close that every time I take a breath, my breasts rub against him. My nipples are straining against the thin fabric, begging for attention.

  “I can’t do any of that. We haven’t even officially defined what the hell it is we’re doing. I want to be the asshole right now. I want to fuck you until you’re limp with exhaustion, want to make you say my name over and over again, but I’m not the asshole. I’ve never been the asshole. We’re not ready for that step.”

  He steps into me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me up on my tiptoes.

  “But two can play the teasing game.”

  Releasing me, he backs up and strips off his shirt then shucks his jeans.

  I burst into laughter.

  “If you think you’re going to Slytherin to my bed with those on, you’re wrong. I only allow full-fledged Hufflepuffs in there.”

  Zach glances down at his underwear and hangs his head. “Why did I have to wear this pair today? Why?”

  “What? I think they’re hot.”

  “You think my Harry Potter underwear are hot?” I nod. “You are my dream girl.”

  I grin and shake my head as I make my way to my bed. I do my best to straighten the covers before pulling back my side and climbing in.

  “I think you were right earlier.”

  “About?” he asks, standing on the other side.

  “This bed isn’t big enough for two. I think we’ll have to snuggle.”

  He smirks as he slides in, getting as close to me as possible. I don’t hesitate to match his movements—though I probably should. I should be weirded out that Zach’s in my bed. I shouldn’t gravitate toward him like I do.

  But I can’t help it. Zach makes me feel…comfortable. Safe. Warm. Wanted.

  We’re lying face to face in the middle of the bed, the blanket draped over our waists, grinning at each other like fools.

  “What?” I whisper.

  “I made it in.”

  “What?” I ask again, confused.

  “Your special Hufflepuff-only chamber of secrets.”

  “Did you really just…” Laughter consumes me and I’m rolling to my back and covering my face in embarrassment…for him. “You are such a nerd, Zach.”

  He peels my hands away from my face and I find that he’s resting his head on his hand, staring at me from above. “But you love that I’m a nerd.”

  His eyes are sparkling, and I can’t help but be drawn in by his playfulness.

  “That’s debatable.”



  He sighs. “You’re tiring.”

  “You tell me that often.”

  “Because it’s true.” He leans in closer. “But I secretly enjoy sparring with you.”


  “Not so secretly.”

  I grin. “I know. Now, shh. I need my beauty sleep.”

  He kisses my forehead and turns back over on his back.

  We lie there in silence. He’s still awake; I can feel it.

  “Hey, Zach?”


  “Thank you for not trying to bang me.”

  His laughter shakes the bed. “You’re welcome.”

  “I’m just saying, that’s a real non-asshole thing for you do. I appreciate it. Thanks for being so chill about me teasing you too. You’re a cool dude.”

  “A cool dude, huh? That’s what you call your best friend, or a guy you’ve stuck in the friend zone, not someone you keep kissing. Are you trying to friend-zone me, Delia?”

  I roll over to face him and he peers down at me, one eyebrow raised.

  I reach up and smooth it down. “
You look like you’re trying to smell what the Rock is cookin’ when you do that.”


  “Shh. I’m not trying to friend-zone you. That’s kind of why I want to wait. I rushed into my last relationship and we lost our spark quickly, settling into a routine and never feeling like we could walk away. I don’t want that with you. I want…”


  I nod. “More.”

  “I want more with you too, Delia.”

  “Good,” I say. “So no boning until at least our third date.”

  “Are we counting this as a date?”

  I lean in and place a kiss at the corner of his lips before rolling over until my back is to him. “We’ll see how horny I am after our next date.”

  His laughter echoes through the room before he switches off the bedside lamp and wraps an arm around my waist, snuggling me just as he planned.



  Zoe’s piercing voice rattles the apartment, and I’m jumping to my feet and flying through my bedroom door and into the kitchen.

  I skid into the room, stopping next to Zoe, who’s glaring at an alarmed Zach.

  “What the…”

  Zach’s face is flaming red as my eyes fall to what is covering his junk.

  “Penis potholders!” I giggle uncontrollably.

  “What? That’s his…” Zoe moves closer and bends over, examining Zach’s private area. “Oh. Well I’ll be damned. That isn’t a real dick.”

  Zach glowers down at her. “How did you think it was a real dick?”

  She stands and shrugs. “I don’t have my contacts in. Now move it. You’re blocking the coffee. And go put pants on. No one likes a damn Slytherin.”

  Zach’s mouth floats open, his face full of shock as he stumbles out of her way and over to me.

  “I should have put pants on, I’m sorry—but hey, at least I put a shirt on.”

  I grin up at him. “And you found your penis potholders.”

  He jerks his head Zoe’s way. “Should you be letting her pour hot coffee without her eyeballs working properly?”

  “She knows her way around a coffee pot almost as well as she does a dick.”

  “Hey! I heard that!”

  “Oh, so it’s just your vision that’s fucked up? My bad.”

  “Delia, why is your boyfriend only wearing a shirt, panties, and socks? He looks like a tool.”

  I wait…wait for Zach to correct Zoe on the boyfriend label. He doesn’t. Neither do I.

  “I think it’s kind of cute…in a nerdy sort of way.” I wink at Zach. “You’re my favorite nerd, by the way.”

  Zach shakes his head and makes his way to my bedroom. He emerges seconds later wearing his jeans and heads straight for Marshmallow’s cage.

  “Delia, where’s Marshy?”

  “He’s not in his cage?”

  “He is not.” He places his hands on his hips, and fuck me if he isn’t hotter when he stands like that. “Hey, Zoe?”

  She makes a noncommittal noise and takes a drink of her coffee, keeping her eyes anywhere but on Zach.

  “If I walk into your room, will I find a fluffy baby goat?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Did you steal his goat, Zoe?”

  She sets her mug down and crosses her arms over her chest. “Define steal.”


  “What!” She waves her arms around. “He’s so cute and soft and you had someone to snuggle with last night and I didn’t. It was only fair!”

  I groan. “Go get the goat, Zoe.”

  “Fine,” she grumbles and pushes past me. “But we’re getting our own goat so I can have a snuggle buddy.”

  I peek at Zach, who’s trying hard to hold his laughter in. “So, Zoe got my goat.”

  “And you think I’m exhausting.”

  He crosses the room and wraps one arm around my waist, the other going to his mouth. I’m too lost in his eyes to pay attention to what he’s doing, but I do feel the wetness when his finger collides with my face.

  “I think you’re cute and exhausting, even when you have dried drool on your face.”

  I drop my head to his chest. “Why couldn’t you ignore that?”

  “And miss the chance to embarrass you? Never.”

  “You’re so good to me, Zach.”

  “Was that sarcasm I detected, Delia?”

  I pinch my fingers together. “Only a little.”

  He places a gentle kiss on my cheek. “Morning, by the way.”

  “Morning. What are you doing up so early anyway? It’s not even nine yet.”

  “Some of us have to work, you bum.”

  “Aren’t you allowed to take days off? You owned the company.”

  “See what you did there? Past tense. I’m a regular ol’ employee now.”

  “Here.” Zoe shoves Marshmallow between us, the hair around his mouth dripping with milk. “You can have him back. I fed him for you.”

  “Uh…thank you, I guess.” Zach takes Marshmallow and sets him in his cage, then begins throwing all the toys spread around the living room inside.

  Sadness washes over me.

  I don’t want Zach to leave. Last time we did this, I didn’t see him for over a week. I don’t want that. I want him here, close to me.

  “What are you doing Thursday?” he asks, reading my mind. “Do you have work or class?”

  “Nope. I’m free.”

  “Want to try for that third date?”

  I smirk. “Third? Already?”

  “We’ll see how you feel at the end of the night.” He winks.

  “It’s a date then.”

  “Good. I really hate to do this but…”

  “You need to be going. I understand. Here, I’ll walk you down.”

  I slide a hoodie on and open the door as he puts his shoes on and lifts Marshmallow’s cage.

  “Marshy, say goodbye to your new girlfriend.”

  “I’ll miss you, handsome!” Zoe calls from the kitchen counter, sending a flirty smile Zach’s way. “You too, stud.”

  I roll my eyes and wave a chuckling Zach out the door.

  Once we’re at his car, I give Marshmallow goodbye pets, promising to see him soon. He nuzzles into my hand and I want to weep at the sweetness.

  “I’ll give you a call on Thursday to set up a time, but I have the coolest place we can go.”

  “You think you’re so savvy with these dates, don’t you?”

  He shrugs. “I like to pretend I know what I’m doing when it comes to charming my way into your heart.”

  “My heart? You have lofty goals, Zach.”

  “Shut up and come here.”

  He grabs my shirt and drags me closer, cupping my face with his hands and bringing his lips down on mine.

  We share a brief kiss, knowing we’re more than capable of getting carried away.

  “Text me?” he asks, his thumbs caressing my cheeks.

  “It would be weird if I didn’t.”

  I pull away, giving him a wave as I head back into my building.

  Out of nowhere, I hear a wolf whistle, shrill enough to echo off the surrounding apartment buildings.

  “I hate to see you leave, but I love to watch you go, baby,” Zach calls.

  My cheeks are on fire as I quicken my pace, a huge smile on my face.

  Zach: So, I didn’t want to mention this earlier but…

  Me: You cannot fucking send texts like that!!

  Zach: Oh, sorry. I dozed off. I didn’t sleep much last night. Can’t imagine what could have possibly kept me up. Hmm…

  Me: Zach?

  Zach: Yeah?

  Me: Are you making fun of my snoring again?

  Zach: Me? Nooooo. *bats eyelashes innocently*

  Me: You know, I was thinking of considering last night our second date, but…

  Zach: I take it all back! Your snoring is the most beautiful part of you.

  Me: Better than my ass?

  Zach: And your sass.

  Me: You’re dumb.

  Zach: I love it when you talk dirty to me.

  Me: Omg. Why did I ever let you into my bed?

  Zach: It was the Harry Potter underwear.

  Me: How could I forget.

  Me: Aren’t you supposed to be working?

  Zach: Nah. I called it a day about an hour ago. I’m having dinner with my brother.

  Me: Is your brother hot? Nicer than you? I bet he doesn’t wear Harry Potter panties.

  Zach: Excuse me, I am a stud AND I’m nice. He’s a total ladies’ man, blond, boy-next-door type shit. And he’s a complete asshole.

  Me: Is he really?

  Zach: No, but I’m not about to talk him up when I can talk about me.

  Me: Your confidence knows no bounds. I thought nerds were supposed to be all shy and insecure.

  Zach: I told you, I’m a different breed, baby. ;-)

  Me: Are you done?

  Zach: Nope.


  Zach: A picture of me to keep you occupied.

  Me: You have approximately sixty chins in this photo. How will a blob face keep me occupied?

  Me: OMG. Do you think I’m putting THAT in my spank bank?!

  Me: Because I am. Off to diddle myself. Toodles!

  Zach: See, this is when you take a sexy picture and send it to me for MY spank bank.

  Zach: Be a team player, Delia.


  Zach: Why do you think I have a foot fetish?

  Me: You don’t? I assumed all men did. I always have creepers asking for pics on IG and FB.

  Zach: I most definitely do not have any sexual attraction toward your feet.

  Me: So you’re saying my feet are ugly. Gotcha.


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