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Texting Box Set: The Complete Series

Page 55

by Teagan Hunter

  “It’s weird,” she murmurs, still staring. “You say I’m beautiful, but then I look at you and I think there’s no way that’s possible. The gods sculpted you themselves, Robbie.”

  “Nah, baby. I was sculpted by hard work, dedication, and my hard-ass trainer at Platinum Gym, not the gods.” I wink. “But I’ll take the compliment.”

  She tosses her head back and laughs, her long red hair spilling across the bed, the light from the morning rays of sun shining across her pale skin in the most alluring way.

  Time stands still.

  She looks stunning, free, and confident, and it’s my favorite moment I’ve had with her thus far.

  I charge toward the bed, capturing her face between my hands and slam my lips down on hers for a hard, fast kiss.

  Our mouths fuse together with such finesse you’d think we’d been doing this for decades, not hours.

  Something feels different about this kiss. It feels so…final.

  Though I’m sure that’s just my mind playing tricks on me.

  When I finally pull away and let her loose, she’s gasping for breath, and I love the sounds of the sharp inhales echoing around the room.

  “I’ll be five minutes, tops,” I say, backing away from the bed.

  “I’ll be here,” she promises.


  Because I know one night with her won’t be enough.

  “Lemme get this straight: you took her virginity, made sweet, sweet love to her all night long, and she bailed while you were in the shower?”

  “Yep. Cleaned house. Beat feet. Scrammed. Vanished right the fuck into thin air.”

  “Wow.” Zach shakes his head. “I never pegged you as a bad lay.”

  I scowl. “You’ve thought about my bedroom skills?”

  “With those biceps, can you blame me?” He sends me a teasing wink. “No, man. I’ve just always thought you were this Casanova-type guy. You’ve always been the brawn to my brains, the Fonzie to my Richie, the Jason to my Tommy.”

  “Did you just compare us to Power Rangers?”

  “Yes,” he says, completely serious. “But that’s not the point. Point is, I’m surprised she left. I thought you two really hit it off.”

  “We did, but…we kind of had this deal.”

  “Deal? What kind of deal?”

  “A ‘bang plan’.”

  “Shut the fuck up. No you didn’t.”

  “It was your idea!”

  “What?” he shouts incredulously. “How?”

  “You said we needed to bang to ‘get it out of our system’. So, we did.”

  “I didn’t mean like a wham-bam sort of thing. I was thinking of a relationship, you taking the first steps to forming a real, healthy relationship with someone new.”

  “I… Well, shit. I did not take your advice that way. We made plans to hit it and quit it to scratch the itch, then move on with our lives.”

  Zach raises one of his bushy brows. “Am I that type of guy? No? Didn’t think so. Why would I ever hand out that kind of advice?”

  “Because I’m one of those guys,” I argue.

  “No, you’re not. You think you are, but you’re not. You’re not built for it, not truly. Sure, you’re a bit of a make-out slut, but there’s a reason you kept going back to Holly, and it wasn’t because of your son. It was because you’re not the type to go out and sleep with someone random, not after what happened with getting Holly knocked up and all that. You’re too careful, so you always go the safe route.” He taps on the side of his head. “Think about it, man.”

  I hate to admit that he’s right about anything, but he’s right. I did keep going back to Holly because she was safe. Sure, our son had something to do with it, but his part was a lot smaller than I let myself acknowledge.

  Holly was safe. I knew what I was getting myself into each and every time with her.

  Monty, on the other hand…I have no fucking clue. She’s been a surprise at every turn.

  Including this morning when she left me there, wet and naked and fresh out of the shower after a night full of sex.

  Who does that?

  Was she embarrassed? Ashamed? Hurt?

  “Yeah, you’re right,” I tell him. “I don’t want your dumb ass to be, but you are.”

  “Gee, thanks.”

  “You know I love you, Zach.”

  “You love me so damn much that you went out and bought a bunny so I’d stop making unannounced visits to your place, right?”

  “First, who in their right mind is actually afraid of bunnies? Bunnies! The most innocent creatures ever.”

  “Hey, Marshy resents that remark!”

  I roll my eyes. “Second, you leave Thumbelina Bruce Wayne out of this. She’s done nothing wrong.”

  “Except plot my demise. I can see it in her beady little eyes. She’s out to get me.”

  “You’re deranged.”

  “I tell him that all the time.” Delia lets out a yawn as she slides into the kitchen. “Good morning, boys. I heard you exchanging ‘I love yous’, by the way.” She shakes her phone at Zach. “I recorded it for future blackmail.”

  I blink at my best friend. “You’re dating the devil, you know that, right?”

  He wraps his arms around her waist, resting his head on her shoulder. “I know. Aren’t her horns so cute?”

  “I swear, fate couldn’t have brought together two better suited weirdos.”

  “That wasn’t fate, Robbie, that was you. Don’t forget, this is all your fault,” Delia says.

  “I hate myself.”

  “But you love us.” She shakes her phone again. “I have proof.”

  I groan, smacking my palm over my face. “Where’s my kid?”

  “Outside with the other kids.”

  “Wow. You just went there, huh?”

  “You expected it.” He plants a kiss on Delia’s cheek and heads toward the coffee pot. “Coffee, babe?”

  “Does a bear shit in the woods?”

  “Excellent point. One coffee coming right up.” He pours her a cup like the good boyfriend he is and shakes the pot my way. “More?”

  I push my mug away. “No. I’ve already had three cups. Any more and I won’t be able to sleep tonight.”

  Zach snorts. “Like you’ll be able to anyway—not after last night and this morning.”

  “Oooh.” Delia rubs her hands together and rests her elbows on the counter, leaning toward me. “What happened? I want all the juicy details.”

  “Yeah, Robbie, tell her how bad you are in the sack.”

  “I am not bad in the sack.”

  Delia frowns. “That’s a bummer. I always thought you’d be amazing.”

  “That’s what I said!” Zach agrees before furrowing his brows. “Wait a damn minute—you think of him in the sack?”

  “With biceps like those, can you blame a girl?”

  “Holy shit,” I mutter, laughing. “I’m getting my child and leaving. I can’t handle any more of you two today.”

  “What?” Delia inquires innocently. “What’d I say?”

  Zach grins, proud of his girl. “Exactly what I did.”

  She falls into a fit of laughter. “I love us.”

  “Me too, and you know what else I love?”

  “Pizza? Me too. I’ll make us some.”

  She pulls open the fridge and slides out a box of pizza then retrieves a skillet from the cabinet right next to her. She flips the stove on and turns back toward me.

  “Wanna see some cool shit I learned on the Facebook?”

  “The Facebook, huh?” I tease. “Sure. Show me your magic pizza skills, D.”

  “After you heat up the pan you…”

  She starts going through all the steps and Zach pays attention like he hasn’t heard all this before, though I’m certain he has.

  Me…I tune her out after the first step.

  I adore Delia, love her like my own sister, but right now all I can think about is Monty.

  Monty who abandone
d me.

  Monty who fled.

  Monty who bailed on me the morning after I took her virginity.

  Who the fuck does that?

  My first instinct this morning was to call her, chase her ass down, and demand she give me answers. I needed answers—deserved them.

  Then the anger set in. I was pissed, absolutely fuming. How could she just leave? After the night we had?

  She gave no sign this morning that she was going to flee. It surprised me, because it’s unlike her. Hell, she even left me her number after Lola’s. I one hundred percent expected her to be lying on the bed when I stepped out of the shower, but there was nothing but an empty apartment and this unfamiliar, aching hole forming in my chest. I can feel it now, thinking about her. I cannot leave things as we did; it’s just not who I am. If she thinks we’re done, she’s wrong.

  “…and that’s it—the perfect reheated pizza,” Delia says, sliding the plate my way.

  I missed all of what she said, but I’m not about to tell her that.

  I grab the slice and take a bite. “Damn, girl. This shit is good.”

  “Right? Better give me credit when you steal my genius shit.”

  “You mean Facebook’s genius shit.”

  She lifts a shoulder. “Same-same dif.”

  I nearly choke on my pizza laughing. “Can’t believe you’ve got her saying that now.”

  “Blame our new assistant, Will. It was all his fault.”

  “Fucking Will,” I mutter.

  “Kid’s a hoot. Not one single filter.”

  “Filters are overrated,” Delia says through a mouthful of bread and cheese.

  I point at her, nodding in agreement. Finishing off the last of my pizza, I push away from the counter, standing.

  “Okay, I’m outta here,” I announce. “I’ll grab my kid and scram. Need to get a few hours with him before he ditches me for the week.”

  I cross the kitchen and swoop Delia into my arms.

  “Delia, it’s been a pleasure.”

  She greets the hug with affection, wrapping her arms around my waist. Then she stiffens and, in a deadpan voice, says, “You’re rubbing your greasy pizza fingers all over my shirt, aren’t you?”

  “Me? Nooooo.”

  “Robbie!” she hollers.

  I pull away, smacking a big kiss to her cheek and dodge the tiny fists flying my way.

  She whirls on her boyfriend. “You owe me a new shirt!”

  “Me, why?”

  “Because that’s your friend!”

  “I’m going to go ahead and not complain about you not calling me your friend right now because I don’t want to go buy you a new shirt.” Delia’s eyes flare at the comment, and I try my best to hold in my laugh as she realizes she’s caught in her own trap. “Gotta go, bye!”

  I wave to them, grab Xavie’s overnight bag from the back of my chair, and duck out the back door.

  Xavie’s sitting outside the hut Zach built for his goats, sliding treats inside one by one.

  “Yo, spawn of mine, you ready?”

  “Can I take Marshy with me?”

  “I have two words for you: hell and no.”

  He sighs, gives the goat one more treat, and sluggishly makes his way over to me. “Lame.”

  “I know you are, but what am I?”

  “Real funny, Dad.”

  I laugh at the sulky little shit who I love so dearly and steer him toward the car. As much fun as I had last night, I missed the kid, and I only have a few hours left with him today; I plan to make the best of them.

  I realize now that, to do that, I’m going to do the one thing I’ve been fighting to do all damn morning.

  As Xavie climbs into the car and buckles himself in, I slide my phone from my pocket.

  Me: I have two things to say to you, Monts. You ready?

  Me: #1, it didn’t work. Whatever we did last night, it didn’t fucking work. I’m still thinking about you, and I’m gonna need more—a whole hell of a lot more.

  Me: #2, you can run, but we’re not done. THIS isn’t done. We clear?

  Monty: We’re clear.



  Python: I’ve given you a day. I can’t wait any more. I was going to call but I had a feeling this might be easier for you.

  Me: You’re probably right.

  Me: Not because I’m a chicken though. I’m having a girls’ night with my sister and we’re watching a movie. Our only rule is no phone calls.

  Python: But you can text?

  Me: No. I’m just being a rebel.

  Python: I’ll allow it.


  Python: Denny, hi. Great to meet you again.

  Python: Loving the new nickname. Magic Daddy Dick. I can get behind that.

  Me: And my sister wants to get ON that. NOW SHUT UP.

  Python: Right. My bad.

  Python: Psst…Monty. Is it safe? Is she gone?


  Python: I won’t lie, I’m imagining all these dirty words coming from Monty’s mouth and it’s making me laugh really fucking hard. Thank you for that.

  Me: Okay, first, I would NEVER speak like that, so don’t even THINK about it. Second, sorry. She’s the worst.

  Python: I don’t know…that totally turned my shitty day into something much better.

  Me: Well…you’re welcome…I think.

  Me: Though I think the reason you had a bad day might have to do with me, so maybe you’re not so welcome.

  Python: Correct.

  Python: Why’d you bail, Monty?

  Me: Wow. We’re going to just jump right into this, huh?

  Python: If you want me to maintain my sanity, then yes. We need to.

  Me: Fine.

  Me: I got scared.

  Python: I need more.

  Me: I knew it wouldn’t be enough either.

  Python: And why is that a bad thing?

  Me: It’s not, at least logically I know it’s not, but it’s scary, Robbie. You’re…so much more than I am. You scare me.

  Python: I don’t feel like it’s in a bad way though.

  Me: It’s really not, and that’s also something that scares me.

  Python: I don’t scare you, Monty—I push you out of your comfort zone.

  Python: Something you crave and equally hate.

  Me: I know.

  Me: I just…I don’t know what we’re doing here.

  Python: Banging.

  Me: Robbie…

  Python: What? That’s what we’re doing. We’re sleeping together, having fun, enjoying just being.

  Python: Can’t we just be, Monty? We don’t have to make this anything serious. We can just enjoy each other.

  Python: And bang—lots and lots of banging.

  Me: I did rather like that part.

  Python: Trust me, baby, I know. I’ve got the scratches to prove it.

  Me: I did not scratch you!

  Python: No, but you should. It’s hot.

  Me: You’re so annoying.

  Python: Admit it, it’s one of your favorite qualities of mine.

  Me: Totally not.

  Python: Monty?

  Me: Yes?

  Python: We’re cool, right? We’re good to just keep this light and fun and let it happen how it happens?

  Me: I’m scared.

  Python: Then walk away.

  Me: I can’t.

  Python: Then there’s your answer.

  Me: There it is.



  Me: Can I confess something?

  Python: You tried to steal my rabbit, didn’t you?

  Me: …

  Me: Yes.


  Python: Because she’s adorable as shit.

  Me: There is nothing adorable about human excrement.

  Python: Keep going, Monty. I love it when you talk dir
ty to me.

  Me: Gross. Stop it.

  Me: So what’s next for us? It’s been two days since…you know.

  Python: I’m sorry, are you asking to jump on my Magic Daddy Dick again? My, my, I didn’t realize you’d be such a little horndog.


  Me: But if you’re offering…

  Me: IGNORE, IGNORE, IGNORE. Stupid voice to text. OMC

  Python: OMC?

  Python: Oh. Cats. Duh.

  Python: Just for the record, I am ALWAYS offering.

  Me: I’ll keep that in mind.

  Me: Remember how I was all, “I’ll keep that in mind”, trying to play it cool about, you know, us.

  Python: You mean yesterday? Yes. Continue.

  Me: Well…

  Me: I’ll be there in twenty.

  Me: WAIT. Can I…can I bring food? I get hungry afterward.

  Python: Monty, I am hungry right now, but not for food. Make it quick.

  Me: I’m coming, I’m coming.

  Python: You will be.


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