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Southern Riders (Scars Book 1)

Page 12

by Robin Edwards

  Even riding now, thinking about the way she looked, the hurt on her face, I’m sick to my stomach. Even if it takes the rest of my life, I’m going to find a way to make it up to her, to show her how much I really do care.

  My pocket begins vibrating and I sigh deeply, knowing it’s Caleb and his desperate tactics. I’ve barely made it a mile away from the bar.

  “What?” I growl into the phone, not even bothering to check the caller ID, he’s the only person that call me anyway.

  “Oh.. Umm.. I…” Jessie’s sweet voice is startled and I feel like an asshole.

  “Oh, baby, I’m sorry. I didn’t know it was you,” I pull over, wanting to give her all of my attention.

  “Oh, okay,” she’s still frazzled by my rude answer.

  “Jessie, I thought you were Caleb. Forgive me, baby, please,” I don’t care how soft I sound, I just want her to know how awful I feel about everything. I’m not just asking for forgiveness about tonight. I want her to forgive me for everything. I need her to.

  “I forgive you.” She says flatly, and there’s a heavy silence in the air.

  “Can I come over?” I ask without thinking. It’s just what I want, and I don’t want to fight it. I need her, and more importantly I need her to need me.

  “Yes.” She answers without hesitation and a wave of relief rushes through me.

  “I’ll be there in five,” I tell her before ending the call and revving the bike to like before pulling out onto the main road.

  Flying through the city, I’m eager to see her, hoping she’s not too mad at me. I know it can never be exactly how it was before, because I screwed up badly. But I do want her to still care for me, and I know my feelings for her have only intensified.

  Pulling into her driveway, I see her bedroom light cut off and then the living room light illuminates her front window seconds later. Walking up the driveway, I see the red front door swing open, her small figure in the silhouette.

  “Hi,” she smiles as I approach, and I know she’s still the Jessie that I’ve grown so fond of. The woman I’ve missed every single day and dreamed of every night.

  “Hi, baby,” I smirk before hugging her, wrapping my arms as tightly as I can until she giggles in my ear sweetly.

  God, I missed everything about her. From her smell to the feel of her beneath my fingertips. I just missed her so much.

  “Wanna watch a movie?” She asks softly and I nod before following her to the sofa in her living room.

  “What do you have?” I question, looking around the room for a collection, but I don’t see any.

  “Oh, I was just gonna pick one from the television. Is that okay?” She looks so innocent, I can’t help but grab her and thankfully she come willingly, her legs spreading as I lift her so she’s straddling me.

  My lips are on hers before she can even gasp and I feel her inhale deeply as my tongue slides into her mouth. She tastes even sweeter than I remembered, and she melds to my touch, her small body leaning into me as I feel her firm ass, my cock growing harder by the second.

  Cradling the nape of her neck, I tilt her head so she’s just where I want her, and she let’s me. That shit drives me fucking crazy. Here she is, a powerful woman by day, ordering people around, always in control, but when she’s with me she submits her power, choosing to let me be in charge.

  Her hips are grinding on my hardened length as my hands roam up to her perky breasts I’ve missed so much. She doesn’t stop me when I pull her shirt down, and then the cup to her bra, massaging her bare nipple as she moans in my mouth, her pussy pressing harder against me.

  She moans loudly when I drop my mouth to her nipple, teasing her until she’s like glass o my tongue. Moving over, I do the same to her other nipple and she tugs on my hair. I love when she does that shit, it’s like she can’t take anymore, but she wants me to know she likes it. Everything about her turns me on.

  Just then, my phone vibrates again, and now I’m sure it’s no one but Caleb, so I ignore it completely, choosing to focus on pleasing Jessie instead. There’s no way I’m fucking her tonight. I don’t want her to think it’s all I wanted, but I want to pleasure her until she begs me to stop. I’ll eat her for hours if I have to, it’s a start to showing her how badly I want her to forgive me.

  My phone vibrates again, and I ignore it, kissing up Jessie’s neck, my hand in her soft brown hair, gripping at a fistful. Her mouth is right by my ear and her soft moans could make me come in my pants right now. She’s so fucking sexy it makes me want to explode.

  When my phone rings again, she leans back, effectively moving herself out of the reach of my tongue and I’m instantly pissed at whoever is calling me.

  “Answer it,” she raises her eyebrow, her voice so sweet.

  “I’ll do whatever you want me to,” I tell her and I mean it. She blushes like always and I dig in my pocket to retrieve my phone.

  As I suspected, it was Caleb each time, and as I’m clearing the notifications the phone buzzes again, my brother bother me once more.

  “What?!” I snap, and Jessie smirks, obviously seeing who my rudeness earlier was meant for.

  “I’ve called you three times!” Caleb yells into the phone and Jessie moves to stand. Pressing the mute button, I place the phone on the sofa and give her all of my attention.

  “What’s wrong, baby?” I ask and I can tell she’s shocked, but I want her to know she’s my number one priority.

  “I’m just going to give you some privacy,” she explains, pulling her bra up. I place her other breast back into her bra and then lift her shirt before helping her up and watching her walk away.

  As she disappears into the next room, I almost forget my brother is on mute, until I hear him screaming into the phone.

  “Daryl?!” He yells.

  “Stop yelling!” I finally answer.

  “I’ve been trying to get your attention for minutes. Where I are you?” He asks.

  “What do you want, Caleb?” I respond, ignoring his question.

  “I told you I needed you tonight,” he returns to the needy tone.

  “And I told you I wasn’t interested,” I look over towards the kitchen, but I can’t see Jessie.

  “Daryl, seriously. Baby bro, just this once. I swear this is it. I really need you,” he pleads and I roll my eyes, a sigh of exasperation escaping me.

  “Please, Daryl,” he adds and I want to throw my phone across the room.

  “When?” I bite out.

  “Now.” He answers swiftly.

  “Now?” I ask shocked.

  “You know I wouldn’t do this if I didn’t have to. I know you’re pissed at me, but I need you Daryl. This is what brothers are for,” he says as if he’s reminding me of some ethics.

  “Alright,” I rub my forehead, my eyes closed in defeat.

  “Thanks, Daryl. Meet me at Jane Town,” he says quickly before hanging up the phone.

  Walking into the kitchen, I feel like a monkey is hanging on my shoulders knowing that I have to leave Jessie. Not only because she’ll definitely be upset, but also because I want to be here.

  Tomorrow I’m going to tell Caleb I choose her. She’s who I want the most and he’s going to have to accept that if he wants any type of relationship with me. When I’m with her, I’m the happiest I’ve ever been and I’m not sacrificing that for anyone.

  “Bye Daryl,” she says with her back to me as I enter the kitchen.

  “What do you mean?” I ask confused. Surely, she couldn’t hear my conversation.

  She’s standing at the sink, rinsing strawberries, and I walk up behind her, wrapping my arms around her small waist. She instantly starts giggling, her pretty face turning towards the side, and I kiss her exposed neck.

  “What do you mean, ‘Bye Daryl’,” I repeat her snarky comment.

  “I know you have to leave,” she says through giggles, and I kiss her cheek briskly.
/>   “But do you know I don’t want to leave?” I question and she looks at me from the corner of her eye and even though it’s a quick glare I can tell she doubts me.

  “There’s nowhere in the world I’d rather be than here with you,” I whisper in her ear, and her face brightens up like a lightbulb.

  “Who is this romantic man, and what have you done with my Daryl?” She teases but its something about what she says that turns me on.

  “Your Daryl,” I reiterate, and she blushes as I kiss her cheek.

  “I’ll call you tonight, okay?” I tell her between kisses.

  “Whatever,” she tries her best to act annoyed, but I know she’s smitten.

  “If I don’t, it’ll be first thing tomorrow, okay?” I add, trying to give myself a little leeway in case I fuck up again.

  “Okay,” she answers seriously, smiling up at me.

  Spinning her to face me, I kiss her soft lips gently, and then again with a little more pressure, and again and again, a little harder each time until our lips are smashed together.

  “You’re never gonna leave if you keep this up,” she whispers on my lips.

  “I told you I never want to,” I remind her. I can’t even believe the shit I’m saying to her, but I mean all of it. If expressing how I feel is what’s going to let her know just how much she means to me, then that’s what I’m going to do.

  “Bye!” She shoves me playfully and I kiss her one last time before letting myself out, mentally cursing my brother for pulling me away from such a perfect woman.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Despite his promise, I haven’t heard from Daryl all night, and I slept with the ringer on hoping to hear his voice, but was instead awaken by a call from Captain McCall. Without any information, I was asked to get into work immediately and I jumped at the order. Pulling into work, I glance at my phone once more before walking into the office, but nothing.

  I’ve been talking myself off the ledge all night, trying not to be upset and knowing that I can’t. Not after how he behaved last night, all he told me and how he treated me. He’s like a new person the way he expresses himself instead of forcing me to assume his feelings.

  Sauntering into the office, I’m so lost to my feelings, I don’t even notice the tactical squad in all black huddled in the corner until captain’s booming voice jolts me.

  “Carter! Meeting! Now!” He yells and I drop everything and head into his office. Earl, Jed, and Cole are all already sitting, dressed in all black.

  “What’s going on?” I glance to each one of them.

  “Sorry, we didn’t want to tell you over the phone because we knew you’d be here shortly,” Captain begins and I feel relief flood through me knowing I wasn’t forgotten about.

  “We got a tip from inside the Marauders. They’re moving guns and possibly heroine and it all went down last night,” Captain explains and my heart drops thinking of Daryl and his unexplained absence the previous night.

  “Okay,” I nod, trying to stay coherent.

  “So the raid is tonight, well technically this morning. We’re moving in at 2 AM, and I want you to be my point woman,” his eye sparkles with pride and I instantly focus, knowing my career comes first.

  “Of course, sir!” I smile and look over to the guys who all look excited and anxious at the same time.

  “Let’s do this!” Cole yells and we all slap hands as I jet to the locker room to switch into my black tactical gear.

  I check my phone one last time before we all hop into black suburban SUVs provided by the neighboring police unit who will be serving as our backup.

  My heart is racing as I countdown from ten over and over in an attempt to keep my cool as we arrive at Jane Town, which the Marauders have taken over. The parking lot is full of bikes, so we know they’re inside.

  Using hand signals, Captain instructs us all and I’m the first through the door as we swamp the place in our black gear with weapons drawn.

  “POLICE! EVERYBODY DOWN!” I yell, and half the room raises their hands while the other half take off running.

  Scanning the room quickly, I don’t spot Daryl, but I do see Caleb, and knowing he’s the reason Daryl left me in the first place, I I holster my gun and go after him with a vengeance. The bar is dimly lit, but I never lose sight of him, jumping over tables and dodging chairs until we’re face to face.

  “Caleb Hayes, you’re under arrest,” I yell, but I can tell from the look In his eyes he’s not going without a fight.

  “Fuck you!” He yells as I reach for his wrist, his right fist barely missing my face as he swings with all his might.

  Backing up, I move in, kicking his chin as hard as I can and he winces, before striking me in the stomach with his fist. Reaching for my wand, I crack him in his ribs and he howls in pain, but he’s too much bigger than me to beat him in a physical battle. Tackling me to the ground, I feel the wind knock out of me as my back hits the cold floor, Caleb on top of me, wrapping his hands around my neck.

  Trying to reach for anything to each side of me, I grasp my fingers, but can’t feel anything, as my vision blurs. Caleb’s tight grip on my neck is strangling the life out of me, making me too weak to fight him off at this point. Mt words sound like whispers as I fight to even get a word out.

  Just when I feel myself fading out of consciousness, his grip loosens, his body falling to the side with a big thud. My hands fly to my throat, which feels to be on fire after such intense pressure. My chest is heaving as I struggle to catch my breath, my vision clearing up after the tears fade.

  “Baby… Baby, are you okay?” Johnnie asks, his voice laced with concern and sincerity, and my heart swells with love.

  “Daryl, you hit your brother,” I turn to look at Caleb, but he’s knocked unconscious. I thought for sure another officer had saved me. I didn’t even think Daryl was here, and I had no expectation of him saving me, especially from his brother’s grip.

  “I don’t care about him, Jessie. All I care about is you. I love you, Jessie, and I never want to be without you,” his voice is rushed and shaky, like he’s been practicing this speech, but he’s still terrified to say the words.

  “You love me?” I manage, trying to sit up.

  “You know I love you, Jessie. And you love me too,” he smirks.

  I feel the blood rushing to my face. I knew I loved Daryl long ago, but I’ve not even admitted it to myself yet. He’s the man of my dreams and the best part of my new chapter. Of course, I love him.

  His words were so much to take in last night, and all I could think about all morning, but his actions are even more impressive. He can say how he feels, but showing me is even more important.

  “Yes. I love you too,” I admit, a grin spreading across my face.

  “I know. Now let me look at you,” his face grows serious as his hands rush over my neck, and then graze over my face. When he touches my belly, I wince and he grimaces, glaring over at his brother.

  “I’ll be okay,” I assure him.

  “Yeah, because I’m going to take care of you,” he answers seriously and I can’t help but giggle.

  “Really? Even here injured, you’re giggling?” He snickers and we both laugh together.

  “Come on, I want the paramedics to look over you,” he lifts me to my feet like I weigh a pound, leading me out of the bar which is now in complete chaos.

  Sitting in the back of the ambulance, the nurse looks over my body and assures me everything is okay. I’ve got a couple bruised ribs, but no broken bones, which is a good sign.

  “You did great,” Captain McCall says.

  “I don’t know about that,” I scrunch my face in confusion.

  “All the major players got away. Caleb was on his way out the door and you stopped him. I’d say you did a damn good job,” he pats my shoulder and I wince in pain.

  “Sorry, Hollywood,” Captain McCall smirks
at me before turning to Daryl, “Thanks for everything,” he says before shaking his hand and heading off towards the club.

  I watch the interaction with a bit of skepticism. That wasn’t just a thank you for saving my life, that was a partnership look. Was Daryl the one that tipped him off? I can’t be sure, but something about their interaction was definitely suspicious. I make a point to dig into that later.

  “Does she need to take some time off work?” Daryl asks the nurse once Captain is far away.

  “Well, I would suggest she take it easy,” the nurse looks at me although he’s answering Daryl.

  “What’s that? You said she needs to lay up under her boyfriend until he decides she’s healthy enough to return to work?” He jokingly asks and the nurse chuckles before excusing himself.

  “My boyfriend?” I repeat his title.

  “You’re gonna get enough of fighting this Jessie. Yes, I’m your boyfriend, you’re my girlfriend, and we love each other. Are you all caught up now?” he teases before kissing the tip of my nose.

  “Oh yeah?” I smirk up at his handsome face.

  “Yep.” He answers matter-of-factly.

  “And the next time I’m taking too long to call, you can just shoot me a text. No need to go kicking doors down,” he motions towards the front door and I break out in giggles.

  We’re lost in our own moment and don’t even notice the front door of the club fly open and Jed and Cole, each bring out two Marauders members with their hands cuffed behind their backs.

  Daryl wraps his arm around my shoulders. I hadn’t even noticed I was shivering. Just then Earl walks out, his hand wrapped around Caleb’s bicep, as both of his hands are cuffed behind his back. I watch in horror, Caleb is bleeding profusely from his head bandage, but I guess he was cleared for transport, since Earl leads him to a police car.

  “I’m sorry you had to do that,” I look up at Daryl.


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